Notejam application implemented using Symfony framework.
Symfony version: 2.7
The application is maintained by @aminemat.
Clone the repo:
$ git clone [email protected]:komarserjio/notejam.git YOUR_PROJECT_DIR/
Install composer
$ cd YOUR_PROJECT_DIR/symfony/notejam
$ curl -s | php
Install dependencies
$ cd YOUR_PROJECT_DIR/symfony/notejam
$ php composer.phar install
Create database schema
$ cd YOUR_PROJECT_DIR/symfony/notejam
$ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Start built-in symfony web server:
$ cd YOUR_PROJECT_DIR/symfony/notejam/
$ php app/console server:run
Go to http://localhost:8000/ in your browser.
Run tests:
$ cd YOUR_PROJECT_DIR/symfony/notejam/
$ ./bin/phpunit -c app/
Do you have php/symfony experience? Help the app to follow php and symfony best practices.
Please send your pull requests in the master
Always prepend your commits with framework name:
Symfony: Implemented sign in functionality
Read contribution guide for details.