1.3.0 (2023-10-05)
1.2.0 (2023-04-17)
1.1.1 (2023-03-19)
1.1.0 (2023-02-01)
- alacritty plugin (#68) (48a4269)
- use transparent bg when Normal hl group not having bg (#81) (00b0e0f)
option is ignored in.toggle()
API (#77) (#78) (a88f1be)- tmux: can get tmux's option value correctly now (#71) (#72) (5d8308e)
- added ZenMode command (f6048c4)
- allow the ZenMode command to be followed by a "|" and another command (#43) (f1cc53d)
- allow window.width and window.height to be a function (809d0de)
- diagnostic: integration with vim.diagnostics (#46) (a337386)
- hide other tmux panes when entering zen (#5) (f2cc70e)
- improved tmux integration (#48) (6f5702d)
- initial version (be5b6b6)
- restore cursor position when leaving zen-mode (78226fb)
- toggle ruler and showcmd when activating zen mode #3 (48b9b12)
- twilight integration (21ca264)
- adjust window size depending on cmdheight #2 (0d12d20)
- disable tmux status only for the active session #8 (67df395)
- echo Todo => ZenMode (81fcb69)
- on closing, always return to window that was current when zen mode started #6 (f90fd8d)
- only restore cursor when parent buffer is the same as the zen buffer (a3c5dc2)
- properly set bg of backdrop and new buffers in window (eebd03c)
- take gitsigns config from inner module (#31) (f751c48)
- transparent background (#32) (9ae43df)
- updated colors when reloading colorscheme (935a583)
- use setlocal to set winhl groups for the zen window. Fixes #16 (01adefb)