Every hour at 15min past the hour, scrapers.py
scrapes the online jail dockets for 12 separate county jails and programmatically enters the raw data into an Airtable base. scrapers.py
imports functions from the standardization.py
module that are designed to standardize the LEA and race across jails.
When an intake sheet is detected for the first time, not only is the data entered into the Airtable base, but also web_to_pdf.py
creates a pdf of the intake sheet, and pdf_to_dc.py
uploads that pdf to documentcloud.org. Every four hours, polish_data.py
performs several functions to automate a lot of data cleaning. Once per day, snapshot.py
runs to record the number of people booked (admissions) and the total number of people incarcerated (population) per jail for the day.
also keeps track of how long people are listed on the jail dockets to calculate approximate lengths of incarceration. A more precise figure for length of incarceration is available for five of the 12 jails, for which exact datetimes of release (DOR
) are provided. Occasionally, the initial booking data is updated, and although scrapers.py
will update the Airtable base accordingly, a new pdf is not generated for every version of the intake sheet. For example, if someone is booked for a DUI, and the next morning, the charges are updated to include a reckless driving charge, the Airtable base will reflect the updated charges, but the pdf will be a timestamped snapshot of the initial intake sheet.
jail | abbreviation | started scraping | discontinued scraping |
Madison County Detention Center | mcdc |
Sep. 6, 2018 | n/a |
Pearl River County Detention Facility | prcdf |
Sep. 6, 2018 | n/a |
Lee County Detention Center | lcdc |
Dec. 1, 2018 | n/a |
Jones County Detention Center | jcdc |
Dec. 14, 2018 | Nov. 1, 2019 - Mar. 18, 2020* |
Hinds County Detention Center | hcdc |
Dec. 28, 2018 | n/a |
Kemper County Detention Center | kcdc |
Apr. 6, 2019 | n/a |
Tunica County Detention Center | tcdc |
Apr. 6, 2019 | n/a |
Adams County Detention Center | acdc |
May 25, 2019 | n/a |
Clay County Detention Center | ccdc |
May 24, 2019 | Oct. 26, 2020 |
Jasper County Jail | jcj |
Jun. 3, 2019 | n/a |
Jackson County Adult Detention Center | jcadc |
Dec. 2, 2019 | n/a |
Calhoun County Jail | ccj |
May 13, 2020 | June 18, 2020 |
* On Nov. 1, 2019, the Jones County Sheriff's Office website went down. It's unclear when it went back up, but I resumed scraping the site on Mar. 19, 2020.
As of Nov. 27, the Airtable base included data for 6,555 mcdc
admissions, 1,661 prcdf
admissions, 5,119 lcdc
admissions, 2,260 jcdc
admissions, 3,616 hcdc
admissions, 1,128 kcdc
admissions, 672 tcdc
admissions, 563 ccdc
admissions, 772 acdc
admissions, and 345 jcj
At this time, only a fraction of the data is provided at bfeldman89.com. Once I get all the data cleaned and the incarcerated arrestees anonymized to a degree I'm comfortable with, I'll post a lot more of the data (e.g., charge(s), bond, arresting agency). If you are a journalist, activist, or civil rights attorney interested in the data, let me know via email or DM. It's easy for me to share links to the airtable, but if you are interested in downloading the data, please provide your github username in the email, and I will invite you to a private repository with the csv files. If you don't already have a github account, you can create a free account at https://github.com/join.
This repo include summary data in the form of 3 csv
files. The summary data is also available via public Airtable links. The numbers are calculated and recorded by the snapshot.py
file name | description | frequency | github link | airtable link |
avg_daily_admits |
total number of people booked into each jail Sunday-Saturday divided by 7 | weekly | 🔗 | 🔗 |
daily_admits |
total number of people booked into each jail | daily | 🔗 | 🔗 |
daily_pop |
total number of people who were incarcerated at each jail at any point during a 24-hour window | daily | 🔗 | 🔗 |
Not all counties make the jail docket publicly available via the county website. Of the dockets that are online, a lot of them are designed in a way that hinders scraping. That said, there are absolutely more jail dockets in Mississippi that can be scraped, and I'm happy to help if someone takes the lead. Speaking of which, shout out to @eenblam for creating JTT to scrape jail data from online dockets that are created using the JailTracker software suite! 8 counties in MS use JailTracker.
The remainder of this README documents and defines the fields in the Airtable base.
field | field type | description |
formula1 | unique ID |
uid_for_humans |
formula2 | unique id composed of first initial, last name and date of incarceration (e.g., "S. SMITH 2019-11-16") |
jail |
single select | mcdc , prcdf , lcdc , jcdc , hcdc , kcdc , tcdc , acdc , ccdc , or jcj |
bk |
single line text | Most jails' intake sheets have an explicit booking number field, but the bk for lcdc is extracted from the unique intake url parameter, iid . For example, the bk for an intake sheet available at https://tcsi-roster.azurewebsites.net/InmateInfo.aspx?i=26&code=Lee&type=roster&iid=283176 would be 283176 . |
intake_number |
single line text | There is a longer booking number for each intake at mcdc & prcdf , which allows for independent bookings of the same individual to be documented clearly. lcdc intake sheets have a "Booking #" that indicates how many times the individual has been booked into the jail before, and an intake_number is constructed by combining bk with that number. |
intake_case_number |
single line text | This only exists for intakes on the mcdc & prcdf dockets. It can be helpful for requesting incident reports via the MS Pub. Records Act. |
dc_id |
single line text | the unique documentcloud id. The dc_id is used to formulate the PDF and dc_canonical_url fields. |
link |
url | the most recently provided url to the intake sheet on the county docket's website. The link for most intakes are constant, but be cautious with using the links for mcdc and prcdf . The link should usually point to the accurate intake sheet bc the scraper not only updates incarceration status each hour, but also updates thelink and img_src fields if they've changed. |
html |
long text | the html of the most recent version of intake sheet |
recent_text |
long text | the plain text of the most recent version of intake sheet |
formula3 | the url for a pdf of the initial version of the intake sheet |
dc_canonical_url |
formula4 | the url for the canonical documentcloud url for the initial version of the intake sheet |
dc_title |
single line text | the title of the pdf uploaded to documentcloud |
dc_pages |
number | the number of pages of the documentcloud pdf |
dc_access |
single select | public, private, pending, or error |
dc_full_text |
long text | the full text from the pdf of the initial version of the intake sheet |
initial_scrape |
datetime | the datetime of the initial scrape |
datetime | the date of arrest (only provided for jcadc ) |
datetime | date of intake |
datetime | date of offense (only provided for mcdc & prcdf ) |
datetime | date of release (only provided for jcdc , kcdc , tcdc , ccdc , and jcj ) |
datetime | scheduled date of release (only provided for lcdc ) |
last_verified |
datetime | the datetime of the most recent instance that the scraper detected the intake sheet on the online docket. This field is used to calculate status , and -- for intakes that lack an explicit DOR -- it is also used to calculate days_incarcerated and hours_incarcerated . |
status_verbose |
formula5 | ✔️✔️✔️✔️ (was identified on the docket w/in the last 12 hours), ✔️✔️✔️ (24 hours), ✔️✔️ (7 days), ✔️ (30 days), or ❌ (31+ days) |
days_incarcerated |
formula6 | the calculated number of days the individual has been incarcerated. If the intake sheet provides a date of release (DOR ), this is the difference between the DOR and date of intake (DOI ). Otherwise, it is the difference between the datetime the intake was last identified on the county docket and the DOI . |
hours_incarcerated |
formula7 | the calculated number of hours the individual has been incarcerated. If the intake sheet provides a date of release (DOR ), this is the time difference between the DOR and date of intake (DOI ). Otherwise, it is the difference between the datetime the intake was last identified on the county docket and the DOI . |
datetime | occasionally provided by lcdc , seemingly indicating the detention is not pretrial |
first_name |
single line text | first name extracted from the full name via nameparser |
middle_name |
single line text | middle name extracted from the full name via nameparser |
suffix |
single line text | suffix extracted from the full name via nameparser |
datetime | date of birth (only provided by mcdc , prcdf , lcdc , and hcdc ) |
intake_age |
number | every jail except hcdc provides the incarcerated person's age. This field represents the incarcerated person's current age (rather than age at the time of booking) |
age_at_time_of_arrest |
formula8 | the age at the time of arrest (only available for intakes that include DOB ) |
formula9 | the age provided by the most recent version of the intake sheet (the current age of the incarcerated individual) |
sex |
single select | M (male) or F (female) |
race |
single select | W (white), AI (indigenous), AS (Asian), B (Black), H (Hispanic), O (other), and U (unknown) |
intake_hair |
single line text | |
intake_eye |
single line text | |
intake_compl |
single line text | |
intake_height |
single line text | |
intake_weight |
single line text | |
glasses |
single select | only provided by lcdc |
intake_address_line_1 |
single line text | only provided by hcdc |
intake_address_line_2 |
single line text | only provided by hcdc |
intake_pin |
single line text | only provided by hcdc |
intake_cell |
single line text | only provided by hcdc |
intake_section |
single line text | only provided by hcdc |
intake_location |
single line text | only provided by hcdc |
intake_pod |
single line text | only provided by hcdc |
charge_1 |
single line text | The first charge listed isn't necessarily meaningful, but mcdc & prcdf include the code section for the top charge, which is then parsed into charge_1_statute and charge_1_title |
charge_1_title |
single line text | the title of the top charge |
charge_1_statute |
single select | the code section for the top charge for mcdc & prcdf intakes |
charges |
long text | all charges listed on the most recent version of intake sheet |
charge(s) |
multiple select | unfortunately, these are not yet standardized. In the full dataset, there are over 2,000 unique charges, but that includes stylistic differences of substantively identical charges. Also, this field does not include multiple counts of the same charge. For instance, someone charged with three counts of 'Conspiracy' would only have 'Conspiracy' listed once in this field. |
charge_classifications |
long text | the classification (e.g., misdemeanor or felony) for each charge listed. This datapoint is only provided by some jails, and until the charges have been standardized, it is only provided if provided by the jail docket itself. |
total_charges |
count | the count of items in the charge(s) field |
single line text | a standardized version of the arresting agency (e.g., the raw data 'HIGHWAY PATROL', 'MISSISSIPPI HIGHWAY PATROL', 'MHP MS HIGHWAY PATROL(138)', and 'MISS. HWY PATROL' have been standardized as 'MHP'). This has narrowed the number of unique LEAs down to 154. |
courts |
single line text | the court exercising jurisdiction (only provided by mcdc & prcdf ). By standardizing data for this field (accounting for stylistic differences between mcdc & prcdf ), the number of unique courts is narrowed to 12. |
intake_bond_written |
currency | only provided by mcdc & prcdf |
intake_bond_cash |
currency | only provided by mcdc , prcdf , lcdc , jcdc , tcdc , acdc , and ccdc |
bond_ammounts |
long text | itemized bond amounts, only provided by mcdc , prcdf , and lcdc |
intake_fine_ammount |
currency | only provided by lcdc |
fine_ammounts |
long text | itemized fine amounts, only provided by lcdc |
img_src |
url | mugshot url (In May 2019, lcdc stopped posting mugshots bc of the negative consequences for defendants) |
pixelated_url |
formula10 | url to be uploaded for PIXELATED_IMG |
attachment | a translucent, pixelated version of the "mugshot" |
issue(s) |
multiple select | a field for flagging an issue presented by the record. |
blurb |
formula11 | summary for humans |
total_admissions_filter |
formula12 | specifies whether the date of intake predates the date the scraper began scraping the respective jail. In other words, it allows for filtering out the intakes from dates for which we do not have complete admission data. |
IF(jail='ccdc', bk,
IF(jail='jcadc', SUBSTITUTE(LOWER(bk), 'c0', 'c_0'),
jail & '_' &
IF(AND(LEN(bk) = 12, LEN(intake_number) = 18), SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(intake_number, ' - ', '_'), 'BK', ''),
IF(AND(LEN(bk) = 12, intake_number = ''), SUBSTITUTE(bk, 'BK', '') & '_xxx',
IF(LEN(bk) = 10, bk,
IF(LEN(bk) = 7, '000' & bk,
IF(LEN(bk) = 6, '0000' & bk,
IF(LEN(bk) = 5, '00000' & bk,
IF(LEN(bk) = 4, '000000' & bk,
IF(LEN(bk) = 3, '0000000' & bk,
IF(LEN(bk) = 2, '00000000' & bk, '')))))))))))
UPPER(LEFT({first_name}, 1)) & '. ' & UPPER({last_name}) & ' ' & DATETIME_FORMAT(DOI, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
IF(NOT(dc_id=''), "https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/" & SUBSTITUTE(dc_id, '-', '/', 1) & ".pdf")
IF(dc_id = "", "", "https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/" & dc_id & ".html")
IF(DATETIME_DIFF(NOW(), {last_verified}, 'hours') < 12,
'1. verified less than 12 hours ago',
IF(DATETIME_DIFF(NOW(), {last_verified}, 'hours') <= 24,
'2. last verified 12-24 hours ago',
IF(DATETIME_DIFF(NOW(), {last_verified}, 'days') <= 7,
'3. last verified 1-7 days ago',
IF(DATETIME_DIFF(NOW(), {last_verified}, 'days') <= 30,
'4. last verified 8-30 days ago',
'5. last verified more than 30 days ago'))))
IF(hours_incarcerated = '-23.0',
IF(hours_incarcerated != '',
hours_incarcerated / 24)
IF(NOT(DOR = ''),
DATETIME_DIFF(SET_TIMEZONE(last_verified, 'America/Chicago'),
IF(DOB != '',
IF(jail = 'hcdc',
"https://res.cloudinary.com/bfeldman89/image/upload/e_pixelate_faces:" &
IF(jail = "mcdc", "20/o_45/",
IF(jail = "prcdf", "15/o_60/",
IF(jail = "lcdc", "13/o_80/",
IF(jail = "ccdc", "5/",
IF(jail = "acdc", "10/",
IF(jail = "jcj", "10/o_75/",
IF(jail = "jcadc", "11/o_45/",
"16/o_90/"))))))) & UID & ".jpg"
"On ",
", a ",
"yo ",
SWITCH(race, "W", "white ", "B", "Black ", "AS", "Asian ","H", "Latinx ","AI", "Native American"),
SWITCH(sex, 'M', 'man', 'F', 'woman'),
" was jailed at ",
". ",
status != '✔️✔️✔️✔️',
"The docket indicated ",
SWITCH(sex, 'M', 'he', 'F', 'she'),
" was incarcerated for ",
ROUND({days_incarcerated}, 1),
" days."
"As of ",
DATETIME_FORMAT(SET_TIMEZONE(last_verified, 'America/Chicago'), 'MMM. D, YYYY'),
", ",
SWITCH(sex, 'M', 'he', 'F', 'she'),
" is still in jail.")
), " 1 days", " 1 day"),
'May. ', 'May '),
"a 18", "an 18")
IF(AND(jail='hcdc', DATETIME_DIFF(DOI, DATETIME_PARSE('2018-12-28'), 'days') >= 0), 'booked during jail scraper project',
IF(AND(jail='kcdc', DATETIME_DIFF(DOI, DATETIME_PARSE('2019-04-06'), 'days') >= 0), 'booked during jail scraper project',
IF(AND(jail='tcdc', DATETIME_DIFF(DOI, DATETIME_PARSE('2019-04-06'), 'days') >= 0), 'booked during jail scraper project',
IF(AND(jail='jcdc', DATETIME_DIFF(DOI, DATETIME_PARSE('2018-12-14'), 'days') >= 0), 'booked during jail scraper project',
IF(AND(jail='mcdc', DATETIME_DIFF(DOI, DATETIME_PARSE('2018-09-06'), 'days') >= 0), 'booked during jail scraper project',
IF(AND(jail='prcdf', DATETIME_DIFF(DOI, DATETIME_PARSE('2018-09-06'), 'days') >= 0), 'booked during jail scraper project',
IF(AND(jail='lcdc', DATETIME_DIFF(DOI, DATETIME_PARSE('2018-12-01'), 'days') >= 0), 'booked during jail scraper project',
IF(AND(jail='acdc', DATETIME_DIFF(DOI, DATETIME_PARSE('2019-05-25'), 'days') >= 0), 'booked during jail scraper project',
IF(AND(jail='ccdc', DATETIME_DIFF(DOI, DATETIME_PARSE('2019-05-24'), 'days') >= 0), 'booked during jail scraper project',
IF(AND(jail='jcj', DATETIME_DIFF(DOI, DATETIME_PARSE('2019-06-02'), 'days') >= 0), 'booked during jail scraper project',
'booked prior to project'))))))))))
The content of this project itself is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license, and the underlying source code used to format and display that content is licensed under the MIT license.