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# Project Portal Management

  • A portal which facilitates you with ease, flexibility & robustness for managing your projects.
  • A mini-project for the usage & demonstration of spring-boot in an effective way.
  • Spring M.V.C is the design pattern most primarily used in this project to start with.
  • Also segregation concerns are induced by creating packages for layers like Controller, Service, Data Access Objects(DAO), Entities, Exceptions, Utilities & View Objects(VO)
  • Java OOPS concepts as well as the Exception Handling with high level of segregation, modularity & separation of concerns are being implemented.
  • Moreover, Spring-Data-JPA usage is also demonstrated in this mini-project.
  • Also, '' is used for maintaining the common constant message at a place & reusing them in the entire application.
  • Logging of messages at various levels(WARN/INFO/ERROR) etc. are also being used using the 'logback.xml'

# System Requirements

  1. Java 8: You can download it from here: Java-8 Download Link
  • After successful installation, execute "java -version" on your command prompt which should display the current version of java.
  1. Integrated Development Environment for Java development:
  • Download the latest Spring tool suite version according to your Operating system available from here: STS Download Link
  1. Git: If you don't have git installed, Here's the link: Download Link for Git
  • After successful installation, execute "git –version" on your command prompt to check the current installed version.
  1. MySQL Installer: Download link for MySQL Installer
  • Once you download it, you get to choose the tools/software's you require to download from the dashboard MySQL installer provides you.
  • You should then select appropriate settings & get your MySQL Server as well as the MySQL Workbench via the installer.

# Tools & technology stack required for this projects is mentioned below :-

  1. An External database was used namely: MySQL v5.6(any latest MySQL version will do)
  2. JDK 1.8 and JRE 1.8 above required at minimal.
  3. Spring tool suite(STS)/Eclipse IDE will be helpful for the project setup & development.
  4. POSTMAN API client is used to invoke the REST API end-points that are created in this project.
  5. MySQL workbench v6.3 & above will help you to view the database schema, tables, data & perform any other operations.
  6. Spring boot framework is used primarily for all API development which brings Spring Data/JPA in picture as well.
  7. Embedded Apache tomcat server is used which is special feature provided by Spring boot itself.
  8. Using Embedded Server avoids the need of adding a server explicitly, wherein we all had to externally download it & add it earlier.

# Few Helpful Tips

  1. In file: '' the value for the property: spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto = "create" for the first time
  2. The above mentioned tip is just for the creation of tables in your database. Later you can change the value from "create" -> "update"
  3. If the above mentioned property is not updated, it will result in creating new tables in database each time you start your server.
  4. Also, view pom.xml for more detailed documentation & explanation regarding all used dependencies.
  5. Use Postman API client for invoking the various end-points created in this project.

# Usage Modify the configuration settings to suit your preferences as per your needs & requirements.

# Contributing

  • Pull requests are welcome.
  • For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
  • Also, Please ensure to update tests appropriately.