- UPDATED sign-in and sign-up forms to provide feedback to users as they fill in the forms
- inputs are color coded as valid or invalid once touched
- error messages for invalid inputs
- form is disabled until all inputs are valid
- UPDATED genetics plate response to obscure genotype information and scenario details
- UPDATED responses on error in app controllers
- ADDED check for null phage from DB when trying to create a plate
- FIXED testing error with deleting fridge
- ADDED unit testing and documentation for most of the application
- FIXED issue with potential incorrect error dropping bact tube to plate directly
- UPDATED plexer submission
- when submit button is pushed, a spinner appears in the top left of the results table and the submit button is disabled
- spinner is hidden and button is active once the results come back from the server
- this will hopefully minimize students sending the same plexer request several times bc they weren't sure if it went through--this causes server overload
- ADDED track new phage strains parent info
- Save parent id of phage from plate to fridge
- Get parent info about phage when getting fridge
- Display phage parent strain number in dialog
- UPDATED the way phage mutations are stored to save memory
- Updated all genetics components
- Updated model
- Updated front end interface and pipe
- UPDATED on rest bacteria, only WT-like genotypes sent to client so smaller data transfer
- REMOVED rate limiting (causing server errors)
- FIXED over capacity for plexer
- ADDED "Page not found" component for invalid URL
- ADDED shuffle plaque lists to force mutants and recombinants to the front
- When small/large plaques 100-400
- Handle and shuffle each separately
- FIXED recombination error which was under-generating recombinants
- ADDED ability to delete non-admin users
- ADDED ability to delete course
- REMOVED revoke access option on user fridges
- ADDED rate limiting
- genetics routes
- user auth/update routes
- UPDATED backend genetics testing
- ADDED Ability to reset password
- sends email to user if user exists
- password reset token expires after an hour
- ADDED SSL support
- FIXED bugs
- grant scenario access
- Sign out blocking issue
- ADDED User profile and update password pages
- ADDED user controller tests
- FIXED issues with genetics logic
- overflow on REST bact
- num phage generated with uneven input phage numbers
- updated corresponding tests
- switched console output to debug