Nyralei / whisperX
Forked from m-bain/whisperXWhisperX: Automatic Speech Recognition with Word-level Timestamps (& Diarization)
Incredibly fast Whisper-large-v3
maxduke / go-chatgpt-api
Forked from linweiyuan/go-chatgpt-api一个尝试绕过 Cloudflare 来使用 ChatGPT 接口的程序
Yanyutin753 / RefreshToV1Api
Forked from Ink-Osier/PandoraToV1Api开源不易,请给我一颗免费的星星⭐ main 0.7.9 版本 支持把refresh_token当key使用,转成v1形式的api,内置自动刷新access_token,动态适配使用GPTS,GPTO和o1模型等,适配one-api等第三方服务,本项目站在巨人的肩膀上的项目,感谢Ink-Osier大佬的PandoraToV1Api项目
acheong08 / funcaptcha
Forked from flyingpot/funcaptchaInteracting with Arkose Lab's captcha
xqdoo00o / OpenAIAuth
Forked from acheong08/OpenAIAuthReverse engineered Auth0 for OpenAI
xqdoo00o / ChatGPT-to-API
Forked from acheong08/ChatGPT-to-APIScalable unofficial ChatGPT API for production.
edenhaus / bumper
Forked from bmartin5692/bumperA standalone and self-hosted implementation of the central server used by Ecovacs vacuum robots.
lehoangnb / bumper2
Forked from edenhaus/bumperA standalone and self-hosted implementation of the central server used by Ecovacs vacuum robots.