An utility tool to generate an angular REST client from the protobuf spec service definitions used by grpc-gateway.
Ensure that you have your $GOPATH
set as the protoc toolchain seems to be unable to resolve imports that are resolved through modules.
You must provide the imports that are specified inside the input proto file to the protoc binary using the -I
You might also have to set your $GOBIN
Install the protoc-gen-angular
binary by running:
go build && go install
Otherwise you can install it using go mod as such:
go get
Options are passed to the protoc
flag in the following way: --angular_out=service_name=foo,filename=bar.ts:.
: The filename for the generated output.service_name
: The name of the generated TypeScript service class.
protoc -I. -I$GOPATH/src/ -I$GOPATH/src/ -I../vendor --angular_out=filename=console.service.ts,service_name=ConsoleService:. <input file.proto>
The output file is: console.service.ts
The code generator has only been checked against a limited set of grpc-gateway service definitions and might have trouble handling nested enumerables inside message definitions YMMV.