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Serverless Application Model (SAM)


  • Explore the official docs! See the SAM User Guide, and CLI Reference.

  • Avoid using other sites like for answers -- part of the skill set you're building is finding answers straight from the source, AWS.

  • Explore your curiosity. Try to understand why things work the way they do. Read more of the documentation than just what you need to find the answers.

Lesson 16.1: Introduction to SAM

Principle 16.1

AWS SAM is an extension of AWS CloudFormation that simplifies serverless application development by supplying local development tools and taking care of a significant amount of boilerplate for serverless resource declarations in CloudFormation templates.

Practice 16.1

Let's explore what SAM has to offer by using the CLI to initialize a simple hello world application. In order to begin, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Install Docker to assist in developing and building the serverless application locally.

  2. Install the AWS SAM CLI.

  3. Choose a runtime to base the serverless application on. Make sure it is installed locally. This module will use python3.7.

Lab 16.1.1: Creating a Serverless Application

To begin working with SAM, the first thing we need to do is create a new application.

  • Use the SAM CLI to initialize a new application.
sam init --runtime python3.7

This will create a directory, sam-app, that has everything needed to begin working with SAM. Note that a runtime can be specified on an individual function basis.

Take a look at the template.yaml that was created. Notice the directive at the top:

Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31

This is what indicates to CloudFormation that SAM resources are being used. Any SAM resource found in this template will be translated into standard CloudFormation resources when the stack is deployed.

Question: SAM Required Files

Though using sam init is a quick way to get started with a new project, it is not required. What file(s) is/are required at a minimum to define a new SAM application?

Lab 16.1.2: Exploring Events

Notice that SAM has also created an events directory with a sample event.json file. The particular event generated here is an apigateway aws-proxy event.

Serverless applications are by nature highly dependent on events. It is very important to become familiarized with using events locally. The SAM CLI has built in functionality that makes working with events very easy.

  • Run sam local generate-event to see a list of the different services events can be generated for.

  • After reviewing the list of services, try running sam local generate-event apigateway to see a list of events that can be generated to mimic the Amazon API Gateway service.

  • Looks at the different options available for an event by using the --help flag.

    sam local generate-event apigateway aws-proxy --help
  • Use the sam local generate-event command to generate a new aws-proxy API Gateway event with a custom body.

  • Save this new event to a file by redirecting the output to an events/custom.json file.

  • Explore the different event types and options that can be generated for other services.

Lab 16.1.3: Running the Application Locally

In order to interact with the application we can invoke lambda functions directly or we can spin up an API reachable at localhost.

  • Invoke the lambda function directly.

    sam local invoke "HelloWorldFunction" -e events/event.json
  • Start the api and curl the /hello endpoint integrated with the lambda function.

    sam local start-api

It is also possible to configure environment variables for local development. This is incredibly useful when working with lambda functions that need environment variables present to perform their function. With SAM it is possible to specify all environment variables in a JSON file structured so each lambda function has its specific variables defined.

  • Update the lambda function to accept an environment variable called NAME.

  • Create a file called env.json

  • Add the following JSON to the env.json file. Notice namespace of variables by the lambda functions Logical ID.

          "HelloWorldFunction": {
            "NAME": "<name>"
  • Update the function to print out the NAME environment variable.

  • Invoke the lambda function independently with --env-vars env.json.

  • Start the api with --env-vars env.json and access the endpoint.

Ensure that accessing the function directly via invoke as well as accessing it behind an API via start-api both log the expected environment variable.

Question: API Resource

There was no API resource defined in the SAM template, how is it possible to start one and call it?

Lab 16.1.4: Deploying the Application to AWS

After the application has been created, it is simple to deploy it. SAM uses the same mechanism as the AWS CLI for CloudFormation to package and deploy templates, in fact, they are completely interchangeable.

Before the template can be deployed an Amazon S3 bucket must be created to store packaged artifacts.

  • Create an S3 bucket using the AWS CLI.

    aws s3 mb s3://<bucket> --region <region>

Once the bucket is created, the application can be built and packaged.

  • Run the SAM CLI build and package commands.

    sam build && sam package --output-template packaged.yaml --s3-bucket <bucket>

Look at the output template that was created, packaged.yaml. Notice that the CodeUri that pointed to the local function code in template.yaml now points to an object stored in the S3 bucket that was referenced. This is the packaged HelloWorld function.

Everything is now ready to be deployed. Name the stack so that it can be easily referenced in AWS and will not conflict with any other stacks.

  • Run the SAM CLI deploy command.

    sam deploy --template-file packaged.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
    --stack-name <stack>

Retrospective 16.1

Question: Capabilities Flag

What happens when the stack is deployed without the --capabilities flag? The template has not referenced any IAM Roles to be created, why does the flag need to be supplied?

  • Inspect the stack outputs using the AWS CLI.

    aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <stack> \
    --query "Stacks[].Outputs"

The endpoint URL for the API should be returned. Try curling it. Ensure the received response is the one expected. If it was, go ahead and tear the stack back down, otherwise investigate what went wrong.

Question: Resources Created

What resources were created for this stack that were not explicitly defined in the template?

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name <stack>

Lesson 16.2: Integrating Components

Before we start adding more components, review the different resource types SAM can enhance CloudFormation with.

Principle 16.2

SAM resources can coexist in the same template as standard CloudFormation resources. Everything that works with CloudFormation works with SAM. SAM can be used to locally simulate events that would occur on AWS.

Practice 16.2

Lab 16.2.1: Integrating API Gateway

To explore some of the ways API Gateway and Lambda interact through SAM, create another project called 'sam-api'.

sam init --name sam-api --runtime python3.7

Often times it is necessary to pass parameters in the query portion of an API call. Accessing these variables in the lambda function is straight forward.

  • Update the function by replacing the body value with event['queryStringParameters'] for the return value.
  • Start the API and curl localhost:3000/hello?id=1.

The function should have returned a JSON representation of all the query parameters. Additionally, it is possible to access the path parameters of a request if the path is configured to accept them.

  • Update the Events declaration on the Lambda function by changing the Path from /hello to /hello/{id}.
  • Update the function by replacing the body value with event['pathParameters'] for the return value.
  • Start the API and curl localhost:3000/hello/1.

The function should have returned a JSON representation of the path parameters.

  • Generate an event file that can be used to invoke the function with a path parameter for id.

Lab 16.2.2: Integrating SQS

In previous exercises, new projects have been created with the SAM CLI init command. This time, rather than use the CLI, simply create a new directory, sam-sqs, and add a template.yaml.

  • Create a new directory, sam-sqs, to house the new application.
  • Add a template.yaml file and add the appropriate declarations to specify this as a SAM application.
  • Run sam validate to ensure the template is valid. If it is not, refer to the template generated in the last lab to determine why.

Add a lambda function and an SQS queue to handle processing the queue's messages.

  • Add an AWS::Serverless::Function resource named ProcessSqsFunction with a python3.7 runtime to the application and use the following code:

    def lambda_handler(event, context):
        for record in event['Records']:
  • Add an AWS::SQS::Queue resource to the template.

  • Reference the Queue in a new event entry definition.

  • Generate a new SQS event.

    sam local generate-event sqs receive-message

The SAM invoke command can use accept an event with the -e flag or by reading from stdin.

  • Ensure the function behaves as expected by invoking it with the generated SQS event using a pipe (|) and by passing the -e argument.
  • Deploy the application with the sam build, sam package, and sam deploy commands.
  • Use the AWS CLI to send a message to the queue. Review the functions logs in CloudWatch - are the results as expected?
Question: Starting an API

What happens if we try to start an api locally without having one implicitly defined?

Lab 16.2.3: Continuing the Pattern

At this point it should be apparent how to create event-driven architectures locally using SAM and generated events to mimic real world behavior.

For this lab, build an application that logs filenames written to S3 using SNS. Refer to Using AWS Lambda with Other Services for examples if difficulty arises.

  • Create a Lambda function that is triggered anytime a new object is added to a specific S3 bucket.
  • Create an SNS topic and configure the lambda function to accept its ARN using lambda environment variables.
  • Have the lambda function publish a new message to an SNS topic containing the name of the file. boto3 will be required for this. Use the ARN configured in the environment.
  • Create another lambda function that is subscribed to the SNS topic that will log the filename of the object originally placed in S3.

Retrospective 16.2


Lesson 16.3: Working with DynamoDB

Principle 16.3

While it is relatively simple to manipulate lambda functions with events and the SAM CLI locally, interacting with a service like DynamoDB poses some difficulty. Fortunately, Amazon has created a Docker image that enables developers to work with it locally.

Practice 16.3

Lab 16.3.1: Working with DynamoDB Locally

Getting DynamoDB running locally is just a matter of running the image in a container, providing Docker is installed.

  • Start DynamoDB using Docker with the following command:

    docker run -p 8000:8000 amazon/dynamodb-local
  • Ensure DynamoDB is reachable.

    aws dynamodb list-tables --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000

The response from DynamoDB should list the (currently nonexistent) tables.

Lab 16.3.2: Adding a DynamoDB Table Resource

  • Create a new application, and add an AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable resource to the template with a primary key of 'id'.
  • Add an AWS::Serverless::Function resource called WriteFunction to create entries in the DynamoDB table.
  • Update the WriteFunction resource to accept an environment variable, TABLE_NAME and reference the DynamoDB table. Note that because SAM local does not actually create a DynamoDB table, any !Ref will fall back to the Logical ID of the resource.
  • Add an event to the WriteFunction so that it will be triggered from an API GET the /write path.

To ensure the function is working, have it write out the TABLE_NAME environment variable to the console.

Curl the API write endpoint using sam local start-api and check the log prints the expected table name - it should be the Logical ID, not the name set in properties.

Build, package, and deploy the application, then test it in the cloud. Ensure everything works as it did locally by calling the endpoint and checking the CloudWatch logs for the table name.

Question: Invoke the Function Directly

What happens if we try to invoke the function directly without the api? Can you determine a way to invoke the function directly?

Next, create the table in the local DynamoDB instance. Provided is some JSON with a table definition. Replace the TableLogicalID value with the name used in the SAM template definition and run the following:

aws dynamodb create-table --cli-input-json file://create-table.json \
--endpoint-url http://localhost:8000

Now that the table is created, update the WriteFunction to create records. In order to support our local DynamoDB some additional logic needs to be added to the function:

table_name = os.getenv('TABLE_NAME')
if os.getenv('AWS_SAM_LOCAL'):
  table = boto3.resource('dynamodb', endpoint_url="<endpoint>").Table(table_name)
  region = os.getenv('AWS_REGION')
  table = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name=region).Table(table_name)

Notice the endpoint used while running this function locally, it will need to reflect the machine the function is running on. (Additionally, a docker network could be created and used to start the DynamoDB container and sam local start-api --docker-network <network>. This would allow the function to reference dynamodb:8000 in any development environment, though this will be left as an exercise to the interested reader.)

  • Mac: http://docker.for.mac.localhost:8000/

  • Windows:

  • Linux:

  • Finally, add code to insert an item into the table:

    table.put_item(Item={'id': str(uuid.uuid4())})

Run the API locally and curl the /write endpoint. If everything worked as it should, the following command should indicate new records were indeed added to the local table:

aws dynamodb scan --table-name <table_name> --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000

Lab 16.3.3: Working with DynamoDB Streams

After verifying the application works - implement the resources needed to trigger a new lambda function when stream events occur on the table.

  • Create another AWS::Serverless::Function resource called ProcessStreamEventsFunction.

  • Use the following code for the body of the ProcessStreamEventsFunction:

      def lambda_handler(event, context):
          for record in event['Records']:
  • Add a StreamSpecification to the table resource.

  • Add a DynamoDB event type to the function that references the stream we added to the DynamoDB table.

  • Running sam validate at this point should indicate that the SAM resource AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable is no longer robust enough for the functionality required by the application. Update the resource type to accommodate the StreamSpecification property.

DynamoDB will not trigger stream events locally. To test it, the SAM CLI will be needed to trigger a stream event manually.

  • Ensure the ProcessStreamEventsFunction is working correctly by building it and invoking it locally with the generate-event command.

While this function works locally with DynamoDB, a policy will need to be specified to allow the lambda function to work with DynamoDB on AWS.

Once the policy is in place, package and deploy the application. After it has deployed, try calling the /write endpoint.

Did the function execute properly and insert data into the DynamoDB table? If not debug the issue.

Retrospective 16.3


Lesson 16.4: Deployment Strategies

Principle 16.4

As best practice, it is necessary to deploy applications in a way that minimizes risk. AWS SAM assists with this by building in different deployment patterns for shifting traffic between old and new versions of the application.

Practice 16.4

It is advisable to get familiar with the overall concept of SAM and Lambda deployment before proceeding into this section. The following resources will provide a solid outline of what is to be accomplished in this lesson:

Lab 16.4.1: Working with the AutoPublishAlias

Adding an AutoPublishAlias property to an AWS::Serverless::Function accomplishes a few things.

  1. CloudFormation detects when the functions code has changed from the previous version by comparing the functions Amazon S3 URI.
  2. If a change is detected, it will create a new version of the function and publish it, making it immutable.
  3. After the new function is published, it will create an alias, or point the existing alias, to the newly published version of the function.
  • To get more familiar with these concepts, create a new SAM application.

    sam init --runtime nodejs8.10
  • Add a the AutoPublishAlias property to the generated function and give it a value of live.

  • Build, package, and deploy the application.

After the application has been deployed, inspect the stack to view the alias that was created.

  • Copy the function ARN from the following command:

    aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <stack> --query "Stacks[].Outputs"
  • Use the aws lambda list-aliases command with the function ARN to get back a list of aliases.

Take note of the function version returned from the AWS CLI. After the alias creation has been verified, alter the code in the function, then build, package, and deploy it again.

  • List the aliases for the function again.
  • Build, package, and deploy the application again.

Notice how the alias automatically points to the newest version of the function.

Lab 16.4.2: Working with CodeDeploy

Now that the function alias is automatically updating on deployment, SAM can utilize different deployment strategies to shift traffic from one version of the function to another using AWS CodeDeploy. Update the function declaration to utilize a deployment type.

  • Add a DeploymentPreference property to the function with a Type specified as Linear10PercentEvery10Minutes.
  • Alter the functions code.
  • Build, package, and deploy the application.
  • Navigate to the CloudFormation web console and view the resources for the stack.
  • Find the 'ServerlessDeploymentApplication' resource and navigate to it.
  • Navigate to the Deployments tab, then click the listed deployment.

The current status of the lambda deployment is listed here. Notice how traffic is shifting between the two versions of the function.

Lab 16.4.3: Working with CodeDeploy Deployment Hooks

CodeDeploy operates using hooks that are called during the deployment lifecycle. It is possible to specify hooks for the lambda deployment as part of the DeploymentPreference specification. By utilizing these hooks, a newly deployed function can be verified to be working before allowing traffic and after allowing traffic. If the deployment receives a 'Failed' status in any of the hooks, the deployment is rolled back to the previous version.

  • Add the supplied lifecycleHook.js file to the project.

  • Add the resources defined in the supplied codeDeployResources.yml file to the project.

  • Replace the instances of <Function> with the logical id of the function the hooks are being added to.

  • Add a Hooks property to the DeploymentPreference specification and reference the two hook functions that were just added.

            PreTraffic: !Ref beforeAllowTraffic
            PostTraffic: !Ref afterAllowTraffic
  • Run sam validate and fix any issues preventing the template from validating.

  • Package and deploy the application.

  • Navigate to the deployment created.

CodeDeploy is now using the lambda functions defined in the application as hooks to validate the deployment. While currently the same code is being used for the before and after traffic hooks, it is possible (and likely) to have different code validating each hook. This is a powerful tool that is very useful in deploying a serverless application and ensuring the integration works as expected.

Question: Hook Failures

What happens if the lifecycleHook.js file returns a Failed status instead of succeeded?

Question: Missing CodeDeploy Resource

You never specified a CodeDeploy resource to handle the deployment for the function, how did CloudFormation know to create one?

Retrospective 16.4

Question: Canary and Linear Deployment Differences

What is the difference between canary deployments and linear deployments?

Further Reading