An implementation of the KatharoSeq protocol, originally defined in Minich et al 2018 mSystems.
Installation assumes a working QIIME 2 environment with a minimum version of 2021.8. Details on installing QIIME 2 can be found here.
git clone
cd q2-katharoseq
pip install -e .
Computation of a minimum read count threshold can be performed with the
plugin action. Computation assumes that the user has
classified their 16S features against SILVA, and that the
has been collapsed to the genus level. Please see the
for detail on how to perform taxonomy
classification, and the q2-taxa
plugin for information on collapsing to a taxonomic level.
qiime katharoseq read_count_threshold \
--i-table a_genus_level_table.qza \
--p-threshold 80 \
--p-control classic \
--p-positive-control-value name_of_controls_in_metadata \
--m-positive-control-column-file your_metadata.tsv \
--m-positive-control-column-column sample_type_variable_in_metadata \
--m-cell-count-column-file your_metadata.tsv \
--m-cell-count-column-column cell_count_variable_in_metadata \
--o-visualization result.qzv