This Java project shows how to create Akaze image recognition tests together with Appium mobile automation framework for use in Bitbar Testing mobile device cloud. This project is particularly suited for automated tests on mobile apps that don't have platform specific native elements.
The project uses the Bitbar Sample App, will install it on the device, then check that the Bitbar logo is displayed on the screen using image recognition. The reference Bitbar logo image is located at: queryimages/bitbar_logo.png
The project uses:
mobile-opencv-image-recognition-library - Library that handles OpenCV related logic
Bitbar Testing - Web service for automated testing on real mobile devices. You'll need to have an active account for launching the tests in cloud.
OpenCV - Open Source Computer Vision
A-KAZE Features - Image recognition programs using OpenCV.
Maven - Compiles and launches the test code.
We use the akaze-match program from A-KAZE Features to find the matching keypoints from two images and save them to a json file. OpenCV java bindings are used for processing the json file with keypoints and finding the homography of the wanted image in a scene (screenshot).
The class found within the mobile-opencv-image-recognition-library will run akaze_match
, then use the keypoints from json to try to identify a given image inside a scene and return the corners of the image found. In our case, we look for specific images from ./queryimages/ folder and try to find them on a screenshot taken from device.
Once the image is located, we can:
- tap it
- drag it
- swipe the screen with it
- etc
All image recognition related methods are implemented in the class. The class has different functions for first finding the coordinates of the image and then injecting gestures on the device screen. Appium mobile automation framework is used for the automated gestures.
A-KAZE Features
The A-KAZE C++ implementation can optionally be found and built from: Bitbar Akaze fork. This project already contains the ./lib/<platform>/akaze/ folder with pre-built binaries for Linux, OS X and Windows. Only the akaze_match binary is currently in use.
All other dependencies are fetched by Maven automatically.
The project uses Bitbar Sample apps, which are available in this repository at apps/builds. By default, the tested application is assumed to be found at the root of the project with name application.apk
or application.ipa
depending on the tested platform. The BitbarIOSSample.ipa application file will also need to be first re-signed for your own test devices, if you'd like to use try it out locally.
You'll also need to have an Appium server launched. For iOS, the UDID of the device should be pre-set in the server settings.
Run the tests with maven using:
mvn -Dtest=<TestClass> test
For example, to run only the test mainPageTest
from test class you would use:
mvn -Dtest=AndroidSample#mainPageTest test
To first clean all the previous test result files, add keyword clean
to the command:
mvn -Dtest=AndroidSample#mainPageTest clean test
You can also use an IDE to launch the tests. Make sure the project is correctly imported as a Maven project and that the pom.xml
file has been discovered for Maven's dependency management.
The reports, screenshots and everything else will be found under: ./target/reports/
Run tests as Server Side Appium in Bitbar Testing
You will need a Bitbar Testing cloud project of type Appium Android server side
or Appium iOS server side
according to the target platform.
Once you have your cloud project created, use the following scripts to create the test zip from your project:
Now that you have your test zip and the application file (this sample uses the Bitbar Sample Apps available at apps/builds, you're ready to create a testrun in your project at the test cloud. Upload the app and test zip in the appropriate pages, choose the device group and finally make sure you have set high enough timeout for your tests in the Advanced options (default is 10 minutes).
If you change the name of your Android or iOS test class, you will need to update it to the and TEST and TEST_CASE variables as appropriate:
# Name of the desired test class and optionally specific test case, eg: AndroidSample#mainPageTest
# OPTIONAL: add the name of TestCases to be used with the `mvn test` command
# Leave blank to test the whole class!