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🌐 Jekyll is a blog-aware static site generator in Ruby
A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.
A curated list of engineering blogs
Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing development environments.
Fluentd: Unified Logging Layer (project under CNCF)
A deployment automation tool built on Ruby, Rake, and SSH.
A Ruby static code analyzer and formatter, based on the community Ruby style guide.
Language Savant. If your repository's language is being reported incorrectly, send us a pull request!
Classy web-development dressed in a DSL (official / canonical repo)
Acceptance test framework for web applications
Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later.
Octopress is an obsessively designed framework for Jekyll blogging. It’s easy to configure and easy to deploy. Sweet huh?
Server automation framework and application
A Ruby gem to load environment variables from `.env`.
Guard is a command line tool to easily handle events on file system modifications.
A fully configurable and extendable Git hook manager
Continuous integration server built on top of Jenkins and Hubot
Web framework that allows performing periodic syncs of data sources and performing analysis on the identified results
💧 A Vagrant provider plugin that manages DigitalOcean droplets.
A parser for InnoDB file formats, in Ruby
Create, list, delete, and modify /etc/hosts entries with ease...
Rove is a service that allows you to pregenerate typical Vagrant builds
A Jekyll plugin to simplify the creation of mermaid diagrams and flowcharts in your posts and pages.