Simple WebSocket server implemented in PHP.
- PHP >= 7.4
- ext-json
- ext-sockets
Clone or download the repository to your server. The package is also installable via composer running the following command:
composer require bloatless/php-websocket
After downloading the sourcecode to your machine, you need some code to actually put your websocket server together. Here is a basic exmaple:
// require necessary files here
// create new server instance
$server = new \Bloatless\WebSocket\Server('', 8000, '/tmp/phpwss.sock');
// server settings
// add your applications
$server->registerApplication('status', \Bloatless\WebSocket\Application\StatusApplication::getInstance());
$server->registerApplication('chat', \Bloatless\WebSocket\Examples\Application\Chat::getInstance());
// start the server
Assuming this code is in a file called server.php
you can than start your server with the following command:
php server.php
The websocket server will than listen for new connection on the provided host and port. By default, this will be
This repositoy also includes a working example in examples/server.php
The websocket server itself handles connections but is pretty useless without any addional logic. This logic is added
by applications. In the example above two applications are added to the server: status
and chat
The most important methods in your application will be:
interface ApplicationInterface
public function onConnect(Connection $connection): void;
public function onDisconnect(Connection $connection): void;
public function onData(string $data, Connection $client): void;
public function onIPCData(array $data): void;
and onDisconnect
can be used to keep track of all the clients connected to your application. onData
be called whenever the websocket server receives new data from one of the clients connect to the application.
will be called if data is provided by another process on your machine. (See Push-Client (IPC))
A working example of an application can be found in examples/Application/Chat.php
A common requirement to long-running processes such as a websocket server is to execute tasks periodically. This can be done using timers. Timers can execute methods within your server or application periodically. Here is an example:
$server = new \Bloatless\WebSocket\Server('', 8000, '/tmp/phpwss.sock');
$chat = \Bloatless\WebSocket\Examples\Application\Chat::getInstance();
$server->addTimer(5000, function () use ($chat) {
$server->registerApplication('chat', $chat);
This example would call the method someMethod
within your chat application every 5 seconds.
It is often required to push data into the websocket-server process from another application. Let's assume you run a website containg a chat and an area containing news or a blog. Now every time a new article is published in your blog you want to notify all users currently in your chat. To achieve this you somehow need to push data from your blog logic into the websocket server. This is where the Push-Client comes into play.
When starting the websocket server, it opens a unix-domain-socket and listens for new messages. The Push-Client can than be used to send these messages. Here is an example:
$pushClient = new \Bloatless\WebSocket\PushClient('//tmp/phpwss.sock');
$pushClient->sendToApplication('chat', [
'action' => 'echo',
'data' => 'New blog post was published!',
This code pushes data into your running websocket-server process. In this case the echo
Method within the
chat-application is called and sends the provided message to all connected clients.
You can find the full working example in: examples/push.php
Important Hint: Push messages can be not larger than 64kb!
Everything above this point was related to the server-side of things. But how to connect to the server from your browser?
Here is a simple example:
// connect to chat application on server
let serverUrl = 'ws://';
let socket = new WebSocket(serverUrl);
// log new messages to console
socket.onmessage = (msg) => {
let response = JSON.parse(;
This javascript connects to the chat application on your server and prints all incoming messages into the console.
A better example of the chat client can be found in: examples/public/chat.html
This project was mainly build for educational purposes. The code is relatively simple and easy to understand. This server was not tested in production, so I strongly recommand to not use it on a live project. It should be totally fine for small educational projects or internal tools, but most probably will not handle huge amounts of traffic or connections very well.
Also, some "features" are missing by design:
- SSL is not supported. If required, you can use a reverse proxy like nginx.
- Binary messages are not supported.
- A lot of other stuff I did not even realize ;)
In case you need a more "robust" websocket server written in PHP, please have a look at the excellent alternatives listed below.