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All Rights Reserved. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - -http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -==============================================================================*/ - -/** Delay for running async tasks, in milliseconds. */ -const ASYNC_DELAY = 15; - -/** - * Runs an expensive task asynchronously with some delay - * so that it doesn't block the UI thread immediately. - */ -export function runAsyncTask(message: string, task: () => T): Promise { - updateMessage(message); - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - d3.timer(() => { - try { - let result = task(); - // Clearing the old message. - updateMessage(); - resolve(result); - } catch (ex) { - updateMessage('Error: ' + ex.message); - reject(ex); - } - return true; - }, ASYNC_DELAY); - }); -} - -/** - * Updates the user message at the top of the page. If the provided msg is - * null, the message box is hidden from the user. - */ -export function updateMessage(msg?: string): void { - if (msg == null) { - d3.select('#notify-msg').style('display', 'none'); - } else { - d3.select('#notify-msg').style('display', 'block').text(msg); - } -} diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/bh_tsne.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/bh_tsne.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 95c207ec6cb455..00000000000000 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/bh_tsne.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,472 +0,0 @@ -/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - -http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -==============================================================================*/ - -/** - * This is a fork of the Karpathy's TSNE.js (original license below). - * This fork implements Barnes-Hut approximation and runs in O(NlogN) - * time, as opposed to the Karpathy's O(N^2) version. - * - * @author smilkov@google.com (Daniel Smilkov) - */ - -/** - * The MIT License (MIT) - * Copyright (c) 2015 Andrej Karpathy - * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy - * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal - * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights - * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell - * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is - * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - * - * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in - * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR - * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, - * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE - * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER - * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, - * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN - * THE SOFTWARE. - */ - -import {SPNode, SPTree} from './sptree'; - -type AugmSPNode = SPNode&{numCells: number, yCell: number[], rCell: number}; - -/** - * Barnes-hut approximation level. Higher means more approximation and faster - * results. Recommended value mentioned in the paper is 0.8. - */ -const THETA = 0.8; - -// Variables used for memorizing the second random number since running -// gaussRandom() generates two random numbers at the cost of 1 atomic -// computation. This optimization results in 2X speed-up of the generator. -let return_v = false; -let v_val = 0.0; - -/** Returns a vector filled with zeros */ -function zerosArray(length: number): number[] { - let result = new Array(length); - for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { - result[i] = 0; - } - return result; -} - - -/** Returns the square euclidean distance between two vectors. */ -export function dist2(a: number[], b: number[]): number { - if (a.length != b.length) { - throw new Error('Vectors a and b must be of same length'); - } - - let result = 0; - for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { - let diff = a[i] - b[i]; - result += diff * diff; - } - return result; -} - -/** Returns the square euclidean distance between two 2D points. */ -export function dist2_2D(a: number[], b: number[]): number { - let dX = a[0] - b[0]; - let dY = a[1] - b[1]; - return dX * dX + dY * dY; -} - -/** Returns the square euclidean distance between two 3D points. */ -export function dist2_3D(a: number[], b: number[]): number { - let dX = a[0] - b[0]; - let dY = a[1] - b[1]; - let dZ = a[2] - b[2]; - return dX * dX + dY * dY + dZ * dZ; -} - -function gaussRandom(rng: () => number): number { - if (return_v) { - return_v = false; - return v_val; - } - let u = 2 * rng() - 1; - let v = 2 * rng() - 1; - let r = u * u + v * v; - if (r == 0 || r > 1) { - return gaussRandom(rng); - } - let c = Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(r) / r); - v_val = v * c; // cache this for next function call for efficiency - return_v = true; - return u * c; -}; - -// return random normal number -function randn(rng: () => number, mu: number, std: number) { - return mu + gaussRandom(rng) * std; -}; - -// utilitity that creates contiguous vector of zeros of size n -function zeros(n: number): Float64Array { - return new Float64Array(n); -}; - -// utility that returns a matrix filled with random numbers -// generated by the provided generator. -function randnMatrix(n: number, d: number, rng: () => number) { - let nd = n * d; - let x = zeros(nd); - for (let i = 0; i < nd; ++i) { - x[i] = randn(rng, 0.0, 1E-4); - } - return x; -}; - -// utility that returns a matrix filled with the provided value. -function arrayofs(n: number, d: number, val: number) { - let x: number[][] = []; - for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { - let row = new Array(d); - for (let j = 0; j < d; ++j) { - row[j] = val; - } - x.push(row); - } - return x; -}; - -// compute (p_{i|j} + p_{j|i})/(2n) -function nearest2P( - nearest: {index: number, dist: number}[][], perplexity: number, - tol: number) { - let N = nearest.length; - let Htarget = Math.log(perplexity); // target entropy of distribution - let P = zeros(N * N); // temporary probability matrix - let K = nearest[0].length; - let pRow: number[] = new Array(K); // pij[]. - - for (let i = 0; i < N; ++i) { - let neighbors = nearest[i]; - let betaMin = -Infinity; - let betaMax = Infinity; - let beta = 1; // initial value of precision - let maxTries = 50; - - // perform binary search to find a suitable precision beta - // so that the entropy of the distribution is appropriate - let numTries = 0; - while (true) { - // compute entropy and kernel row with beta precision - let psum = 0.0; - for (let k = 0; k < neighbors.length; ++k) { - let neighbor = neighbors[k]; - let pij = (i == neighbor.index) ? 0 : Math.exp(-neighbor.dist * beta); - pRow[k] = pij; - psum += pij; - } - // normalize p and compute entropy - let Hhere = 0.0; - for (let k = 0; k < pRow.length; ++k) { - pRow[k] /= psum; - let pij = pRow[k]; - if (pij > 1E-7) { - Hhere -= pij * Math.log(pij); - }; - } - - // adjust beta based on result - if (Hhere > Htarget) { - // entropy was too high (distribution too diffuse) - // so we need to increase the precision for more peaky distribution - betaMin = beta; // move up the bounds - if (betaMax === Infinity) { - beta = beta * 2; - } else { - beta = (beta + betaMax) / 2; - } - - } else { - // converse case. make distrubtion less peaky - betaMax = beta; - if (betaMin === -Infinity) { - beta = beta / 2; - } else { - beta = (beta + betaMin) / 2; - } - } - numTries++; - // stopping conditions: too many tries or got a good precision - if (numTries >= maxTries || Math.abs(Hhere - Htarget) < tol) { - break; - } - } - - // copy over the final prow to P at row i - for (let k = 0; k < pRow.length; ++k) { - let pij = pRow[k]; - let j = neighbors[k].index; - P[i * N + j] = pij; - } - } // end loop over examples i - - // symmetrize P and normalize it to sum to 1 over all ij - let N2 = N * 2; - for (let i = 0; i < N; ++i) { - for (let j = i + 1; j < N; ++j) { - let i_j = i * N + j; - let j_i = j * N + i; - let value = (P[i_j] + P[j_i]) / N2; - P[i_j] = value; - P[j_i] = value; - } - } - return P; -}; - -// helper function -function sign(x: number) { - return x > 0 ? 1 : x < 0 ? -1 : 0; -} - -export interface TSNEOptions { - /** How many dimensions. */ - dim: number; - /** Roughly how many neighbors each point influences. */ - perplexity?: number; - /** Learning rate. */ - epsilon?: number; - /** A random number generator. */ - rng?: () => number; -} - -export class TSNE { - private perplexity: number; - private epsilon: number; - /** Random generator */ - private rng: () => number; - private iter = 0; - private Y: Float64Array; - private N: number; - private P: Float64Array; - private gains: number[][]; - private ystep: number[][]; - private nearest: {index: number, dist: number}[][]; - private dim: number; - private dist2: (a: number[], b: number[]) => number; - - constructor(opt: TSNEOptions) { - opt = opt || {dim: 2}; - this.perplexity = opt.perplexity || 30; - this.epsilon = opt.epsilon || 10; - this.rng = opt.rng || Math.random; - this.dim = opt.dim; - if (opt.dim == 2) { - this.dist2 = dist2_2D; - } else if (opt.dim == 3) { - this.dist2 = dist2_3D; - } else { - this.dist2 = dist2; - } - } - - // this function takes a fattened distance matrix and creates - // matrix P from them. - // D is assumed to be provided as an array of size N^2. - initDataDist(nearest: {index: number, dist: number}[][]) { - let N = nearest.length; - this.nearest = nearest; - this.P = nearest2P(nearest, this.perplexity, 1E-4); - this.N = N; - this.initSolution(); // refresh this - } - - // (re)initializes the solution to random - initSolution() { - // generate random solution to t-SNE - this.Y = randnMatrix(this.N, this.dim, this.rng); // the solution - this.gains = arrayofs(this.N, this.dim, 1.0); // step gains - // to accelerate progress in unchanging directions - this.ystep = arrayofs(this.N, this.dim, 0.0); // momentum accumulator - this.iter = 0; - } - - // return pointer to current solution - getSolution() { return this.Y; } - - // perform a single step of optimization to improve the embedding - step() { - this.iter += 1; - let N = this.N; - - let grad = this.costGrad(this.Y); // evaluate gradient - - // perform gradient step - let ymean = zerosArray(this.dim); - for (let i = 0; i < N; ++i) { - for (let d = 0; d < this.dim; ++d) { - let gid = grad[i][d]; - let sid = this.ystep[i][d]; - let gainid = this.gains[i][d]; - - // compute gain update - let newgain = sign(gid) === sign(sid) ? gainid * 0.8 : gainid + 0.2; - if (newgain < 0.01) { - newgain = 0.01; // clamp - } - this.gains[i][d] = newgain; // store for next turn - - // compute momentum step direction - let momval = this.iter < 250 ? 0.5 : 0.8; - let newsid = momval * sid - this.epsilon * newgain * grad[i][d]; - this.ystep[i][d] = newsid; // remember the step we took - - // step! - let i_d = i * this.dim + d; - this.Y[i_d] += newsid; - ymean[d] += this.Y[i_d]; // accumulate mean so that we - // can center later - } - } - - // reproject Y to be zero mean - for (let i = 0; i < N; ++i) { - for (let d = 0; d < this.dim; ++d) { - this.Y[i * this.dim + d] -= ymean[d] / N; - } - } - } - - // return cost and gradient, given an arrangement - costGrad(Y: Float64Array): number[][] { - let N = this.N; - let P = this.P; - - // Trick that helps with local optima. - let alpha = this.iter < 100 ? 4 : 1; - - // Make data for the SP tree. - let points: number[][] = new Array(N); // (x, y)[] - for (let i = 0; i < N; ++i) { - let iTimesD = i * this.dim; - let row = new Array(this.dim); - for (let d = 0; d < this.dim; ++d) { - row[d] = Y[iTimesD + d]; - } - points[i] = row; - } - - // Make a tree. - let tree = new SPTree(points, 1); - let root = tree.root as AugmSPNode; - // Annotate the tree. - - let annotateTree = - (node: AugmSPNode): {numCells: number, yCell: number[]} => { - let numCells = node.points ? node.points.length : 0; - if (node.children == null) { - // Update the current node and tell the parent. - node.numCells = numCells; - // TODO(smilkov): yCell should be average across all points. - node.yCell = node.points[0]; - return {numCells, yCell: node.yCell}; - } - // TODO(smilkov): yCell should be average across all points. - let yCell = - node.points ? node.points[0].slice() : zerosArray(this.dim); - for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; ++i) { - let child = node.children[i]; - if (child == null) { - continue; - } - let result = annotateTree(child as AugmSPNode); - numCells += result.numCells; - for (let d = 0; d < this.dim; ++d) { - yCell[d] += result.yCell[d]; - } - } - // Update the node and tell the parent. - node.numCells = numCells; - node.yCell = yCell.map(v => v / numCells); - return {numCells, yCell}; - }; - - // Augment the tree with more info. - annotateTree(root); - tree.visit((node: AugmSPNode, low: number[], high: number[]) => { - node.rCell = high[0] - low[0]; - return false; - }); - // compute current Q distribution, unnormalized first - let grad: number[][] = []; - let Z = 0; - let forces: [number[], number[]][] = new Array(N); - for (let i = 0; i < N; ++i) { - let pointI = points[i]; - // Compute the positive forces for the i-th node. - let Fpos = zerosArray(this.dim); - let neighbors = this.nearest[i]; - for (let k = 0; k < neighbors.length; ++k) { - let j = neighbors[k].index; - let pij = P[i * N + j]; - let pointJ = points[j]; - let squaredDistItoJ = this.dist2(pointI, pointJ); - let premult = pij / (1 + squaredDistItoJ); - for (let d = 0; d < this.dim; ++d) { - Fpos[d] += premult * (pointI[d] - pointJ[d]); - } - } - // Compute the negative forces for the i-th node. - let FnegZ = zerosArray(this.dim); - tree.visit((node: AugmSPNode) => { - let squaredDistToCell = this.dist2(pointI, node.yCell); - // Squared distance from point i to cell. - if (node.children == null || - (node.rCell / Math.sqrt(squaredDistToCell) < THETA)) { - let qijZ = 1 / (1 + squaredDistToCell); - let dZ = node.numCells * qijZ; - Z += dZ; - dZ *= qijZ; - for (let d = 0; d < this.dim; ++d) { - FnegZ[d] += dZ * (pointI[d] - node.yCell[d]); - } - return true; - } - if (node.points != null) { - // TODO(smilkov): Iterate over all points. - let squaredDistToPoint = this.dist2(pointI, node.points[0]); - let qijZ = 1 / (1 + squaredDistToPoint); - Z += qijZ; - qijZ *= qijZ; - for (let d = 0; d < this.dim; ++d) { - FnegZ[d] += qijZ * (pointI[d] - node.points[0][d]); - } - } - return false; - }, true); - forces[i] = [Fpos, FnegZ]; - } - // Normalize the negative forces and compute the gradient. - for (let i = 0; i < N; ++i) { - let [FPos, FNegZ] = forces[i]; - let gsum = new Array(this.dim); - for (let d = 0; d < this.dim; ++d) { - gsum[d] = 4 * (alpha * FPos[d] - FNegZ[d] / Z); - } - grad.push(gsum); - } - return grad; - } -} diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/data.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/data.ts deleted file mode 100644 index dc23defb4a8af4..00000000000000 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/data.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,324 +0,0 @@ -/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - -http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -==============================================================================*/ - -import {runAsyncTask} from './async'; -import {TSNE} from './bh_tsne'; -import * as knn from './knn'; -import * as scatter from './scatter'; -import {shuffle} from './util'; -import * as vector from './vector'; - - -/** - * A DataSource is our ground truth data. The original parsed data should never - * be modified, only copied out. - */ -export class DataSource { - originalDataSet: DataSet; - spriteImage: HTMLImageElement; - metadata: DatasetMetadata; - - /** A shallow-copy constructor. */ - makeShallowCopy(): DataSource { - let copy = new DataSource(); - copy.originalDataSet = this.originalDataSet; - copy.spriteImage = this.spriteImage; - copy.metadata = this.metadata; - return copy; - } - - /** Returns a new dataset. */ - getDataSet(subset?: number[]): DataSet { - let pointsSubset = subset ? - subset.map(i => this.originalDataSet.points[i]) : - this.originalDataSet.points; - return new DataSet(pointsSubset); - } -} - -export interface DataPoint extends scatter.DataPoint { - /** The point in the original space. */ - vector: number[]; - - /* - * Metadata for each point. Each metadata is a set of key/value pairs - * where the value can be a string or a number. - */ - metadata: {[key: string]: number | string}; - - /** This is where the calculated projections space are cached */ - projections: {[key: string]: number}; -} - -/** Checks to see if the browser supports webgl. */ -function hasWebGLSupport(): boolean { - try { - let c = document.createElement('canvas'); - let gl = c.getContext('webgl') || c.getContext('experimental-webgl'); - return gl != null && typeof weblas !== 'undefined'; - } catch (e) { - return false; - } -} - -const WEBGL_SUPPORT = hasWebGLSupport(); -const MAX_TSNE_ITERS = 500; -/** - * Sampling is used when computing expensive operations such as PCA, or T-SNE. - */ -const SAMPLE_SIZE = 10000; -/** Number of dimensions to sample when doing approximate PCA. */ -const PCA_SAMPLE_DIM = 100; -/** Number of pca components to compute. */ -const NUM_PCA_COMPONENTS = 10; -/** Reserved metadata attribute used for trace information. */ -const TRACE_METADATA_ATTR = '__next__'; - -/** - * Dataset contains a DataPoints array that should be treated as immutable. This - * acts as a working subset of the original data, with cached properties - * from computationally expensive operations. Because creating a subset - * requires normalizing and shifting the vector space, we make a copy of the - * data so we can still always create new subsets based on the original data. - */ -export class DataSet implements scatter.DataSet { - points: DataPoint[]; - traces: scatter.DataTrace[]; - - sampledDataIndices: number[] = []; - - /** - * This keeps a list of all current projections so you can easily test to see - * if it's been calculated already. - */ - projections = d3.set(); - nearest: knn.NearestEntry[][]; - nearestK: number; - tSNEShouldStop = true; - dim = [0, 0]; - private tsne: TSNE; - - /** - * Creates a new Dataset by copying out data from an array of datapoints. - * We make a copy because we have to modify the vectors by normalizing them. - */ - constructor(points: DataPoint[]) { - // Keep a list of indices seen so we don't compute traces for a given - // point twice. - let indicesSeen: boolean[] = []; - - this.points = []; - points.forEach(dp => { - this.points.push({ - metadata: dp.metadata, - dataSourceIndex: dp.dataSourceIndex, - vector: dp.vector.slice(), - projectedPoint: { - x: 0, - y: 0, - z: 0, - }, - projections: {} - }); - indicesSeen.push(false); - }); - - this.sampledDataIndices = - shuffle(d3.range(this.points.length)).slice(0, SAMPLE_SIZE); - this.traces = this.computeTraces(points, indicesSeen); - - this.normalize(); - this.dim = [this.points.length, this.points[0].vector.length]; - } - - private computeTraces(points: DataPoint[], indicesSeen: boolean[]) { - // Compute traces. - let indexToTrace: {[index: number]: scatter.DataTrace} = {}; - let traces: scatter.DataTrace[] = []; - for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { - if (indicesSeen[i]) { - continue; - } - indicesSeen[i] = true; - - // Ignore points without a trace attribute. - let next = points[i].metadata[TRACE_METADATA_ATTR]; - if (next == null || next === '') { - continue; - } - if (next in indexToTrace) { - let existingTrace = indexToTrace[+next]; - // Pushing at the beginning of the array. - existingTrace.pointIndices.unshift(i); - indexToTrace[i] = existingTrace; - continue; - } - // The current point is pointing to a new/unseen trace. - let newTrace: scatter.DataTrace = {pointIndices: []}; - indexToTrace[i] = newTrace; - traces.push(newTrace); - let currentIndex = i; - while (points[currentIndex]) { - newTrace.pointIndices.push(currentIndex); - let next = points[currentIndex].metadata[TRACE_METADATA_ATTR]; - if (next != null && next !== '') { - indicesSeen[+next] = true; - currentIndex = +next; - } else { - currentIndex = -1; - } - } - } - return traces; - } - - - /** - * Computes the centroid, shifts all points to that centroid, - * then makes them all unit norm. - */ - private normalize() { - // Compute the centroid of all data points. - let centroid = - vector.centroid(this.points, () => true, a => a.vector).centroid; - if (centroid == null) { - throw Error('centroid should not be null'); - } - // Shift all points by the centroid and make them unit norm. - for (let id = 0; id < this.points.length; ++id) { - let dataPoint = this.points[id]; - dataPoint.vector = vector.sub(dataPoint.vector, centroid); - vector.unit(dataPoint.vector); - } - } - - /** Projects the dataset onto a given vector and caches the result. */ - projectLinear(dir: vector.Vector, label: string) { - this.projections.add(label); - this.points.forEach(dataPoint => { - dataPoint.projections[label] = vector.dot(dataPoint.vector, dir); - }); - } - - /** Projects the dataset along the top 10 principal components. */ - projectPCA(): Promise { - if (this.projections.has('pca-0')) { - return Promise.resolve(); - } - return runAsyncTask('Computing PCA...', () => { - // Approximate pca vectors by sampling the dimensions. - let numDim = Math.min(this.points[0].vector.length, PCA_SAMPLE_DIM); - let reducedDimData = - vector.projectRandom(this.points.map(d => d.vector), numDim); - let sigma = numeric.div( - numeric.dot(numeric.transpose(reducedDimData), reducedDimData), - reducedDimData.length); - let U: any; - U = numeric.svd(sigma).U; - let pcaVectors = reducedDimData.map(vector => { - let newV: number[] = []; - for (let d = 0; d < NUM_PCA_COMPONENTS; d++) { - let dot = 0; - for (let i = 0; i < vector.length; i++) { - dot += vector[i] * U[i][d]; - } - newV.push(dot); - } - return newV; - }); - for (let j = 0; j < NUM_PCA_COMPONENTS; j++) { - let label = 'pca-' + j; - this.projections.add(label); - this.points.forEach( - (d, i) => { d.projections[label] = pcaVectors[i][j]; }); - } - }); - } - - /** Runs tsne on the data. */ - projectTSNE( - perplexity: number, learningRate: number, tsneDim: number, - stepCallback: (iter: number) => void) { - let k = Math.floor(3 * perplexity); - let opt = {epsilon: learningRate, perplexity: perplexity, dim: tsneDim}; - this.tsne = new TSNE(opt); - this.tSNEShouldStop = false; - let iter = 0; - - let step = () => { - if (this.tSNEShouldStop || iter > MAX_TSNE_ITERS) { - stepCallback(null); - return; - } - this.tsne.step(); - let result = this.tsne.getSolution(); - this.sampledDataIndices.forEach((index, i) => { - let dataPoint = this.points[index]; - - dataPoint.projections['tsne-0'] = result[i * tsneDim + 0]; - dataPoint.projections['tsne-1'] = result[i * tsneDim + 1]; - if (tsneDim === 3) { - dataPoint.projections['tsne-2'] = result[i * tsneDim + 2]; - } - }); - iter++; - stepCallback(iter); - requestAnimationFrame(step); - }; - - // Nearest neighbors calculations. - let knnComputation: Promise; - - if (this.nearest != null && k === this.nearestK) { - // We found the nearest neighbors before and will reuse them. - knnComputation = Promise.resolve(this.nearest); - } else { - let sampledData = this.sampledDataIndices.map(i => this.points[i]); - this.nearestK = k; - knnComputation = WEBGL_SUPPORT ? - knn.findKNNGPUCosine(sampledData, k, (d => d.vector)) : - knn.findKNN( - sampledData, k, (d => d.vector), - (a, b, limit) => vector.cosDistNorm(a, b)); - } - knnComputation.then(nearest => { - this.nearest = nearest; - runAsyncTask('Initializing T-SNE...', () => { - this.tsne.initDataDist(this.nearest); - }).then(step); - - - }); - } - - stopTSNE() { this.tSNEShouldStop = true; } -} - -export interface DatasetMetadata { - /** - * Metadata for an associated image sprite. The sprite should be a matrix - * of smaller images, filled in a row-by-row order. - * - * E.g. the image for the first data point should be in the upper-left - * corner, and to the right of it should be the image of the second data - * point. - */ - image?: { - /** The file path pointing to the sprite image. */ - sprite_fpath: string; - /** The dimensions of the image for a single data point. */ - single_image_dim: [number, number]; - }; -} diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/data_test.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/data_test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 07286f8bcc70bf..00000000000000 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/data_test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - -http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -==============================================================================*/ - -import {DataPoint, DataSet} from './data'; - - -/** - * Helper method that makes a list of points given an array of - * trace indexes. - * - * @param traces The i-th entry holds the 'next' attribute for the i-th point. - */ -function makePointsWithTraces(traces: number[]) { - let nextAttr = '__next__'; - let points: DataPoint[] = []; - traces.forEach((t, i) => { - let metadata: {[key: string]: any} = {}; - metadata[nextAttr] = t >= 0 ? t : null; - points.push({ - vector: [], - metadata: metadata, - projections: {}, - projectedPoint: null, - dataSourceIndex: i - }); - }); - return points; -} - -const assert = chai.assert; - -it('Simple forward pointing traces', () => { - // The input is: 0->2, 1->None, 2->3, 3->None. This should return - // one trace 0->2->3. - let points = makePointsWithTraces([2, -1, 3, -1]); - let dataset = new DataSet(points); - assert.equal(dataset.traces.length, 1); - assert.deepEqual(dataset.traces[0].pointIndices, [0, 2, 3]); -}); - -it('No traces', () => { - let points = makePointsWithTraces([-1, -1, -1, -1]); - let dataset = new DataSet(points); - assert.equal(dataset.traces.length, 0); -}); - -it('A trace that goes backwards and forward in the array', () => { - // The input is: 0->2, 1->0, 2->nothing, 3->1. This should return - // one trace 3->1->0->2. - let points = makePointsWithTraces([2, 0, -1, 1]); - let dataset = new DataSet(points); - assert.equal(dataset.traces.length, 1); - assert.deepEqual(dataset.traces[0].pointIndices, [3, 1, 0, 2]); -}); diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/demo/index.html b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/demo/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index 17ca273a3f7c29..00000000000000 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/demo/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - Embedding projector - visualization of high-dimensional data - - - -
Embedding Projector
- - - diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/external.d.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/external.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 673896557b4eec..00000000000000 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/external.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -// TODO(smilkov): Split into weblas.d.ts and numeric.d.ts and write -// typings for numeric. -interface Tensor { - new(size: [number, number], data: Float32Array); - transfer(): Float32Array; - delete(): void; -} - -interface Weblas { - sgemm(M: number, N: number, K: number, alpha: number, - A: Float32Array, B: Float32Array, beta: number, C: Float32Array): - Float32Array; - pipeline: { - Tensor: Tensor; - sgemm(alpha: number, A: Tensor, B: Tensor, beta: number, - C: Tensor): Tensor; - }; - util: { - transpose(M: number, N: number, data: Float32Array): Tensor; - }; - -} - -declare let numeric: any; -declare let weblas: Weblas; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/heap.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/heap.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 35f178e000746c..00000000000000 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/heap.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,146 +0,0 @@ -/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - -http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -==============================================================================*/ - -/** Min key heap. */ -export type HeapItem = { - key: number, - value: T -}; - -/** - * Min-heap data structure. Provides O(1) for peek, returning the smallest key. - */ -// TODO(jart): Rename to Heap and use Comparator. -export class MinHeap { - private arr: HeapItem[] = []; - - /** Push an element with the provided key. */ - push(key: number, value: T): void { - this.arr.push({key, value}); - this.bubbleUp(this.arr.length - 1); - } - - /** Pop the element with the smallest key. */ - pop(): HeapItem { - if (this.arr.length === 0) { - throw new Error('pop() called on empty binary heap'); - } - let item = this.arr[0]; - let last = this.arr.length - 1; - this.arr[0] = this.arr[last]; - this.arr.pop(); - if (last > 0) { - this.bubbleDown(0); - } - return item; - }; - - /** Returns, but doesn't remove the element with the smallest key */ - peek(): HeapItem { return this.arr[0]; } - - /** - * Pops the element with the smallest key and at the same time - * adds the newly provided element. This is faster than calling - * pop() and push() separately. - */ - popPush(key: number, value: T): HeapItem { - if (this.arr.length === 0) { - throw new Error('pop() called on empty binary heap'); - } - let item = this.arr[0]; - this.arr[0] = {key, value}; - if (this.arr.length > 0) { - this.bubbleDown(0); - } - return item; - } - - /** Returns the number of elements in the heap. */ - size(): number { return this.arr.length; } - - /** Returns all the items in the heap. */ - items(): HeapItem[] { return this.arr; } - - private swap(a: number, b: number) { - let temp = this.arr[a]; - this.arr[a] = this.arr[b]; - this.arr[b] = temp; - } - - private bubbleDown(pos: number) { - let left = (pos << 1) + 1; - let right = left + 1; - let largest = pos; - if (left < this.arr.length && this.arr[left].key < this.arr[largest].key) { - largest = left; - } - if (right < this.arr.length && - this.arr[right].key < this.arr[largest].key) { - largest = right; - } - if (largest != pos) { - this.swap(largest, pos); - this.bubbleDown(largest); - } - } - - private bubbleUp(pos: number) { - if (pos <= 0) { - return; - } - let parent = ((pos - 1) >> 1); - if (this.arr[pos].key < this.arr[parent].key) { - this.swap(pos, parent); - this.bubbleUp(parent); - } - } -} - -/** List that keeps the K elements with the smallest keys. */ -export class KMin { - private k: number; - private maxHeap = new MinHeap(); - - /** Constructs a new k-min data structure with the provided k. */ - constructor(k: number) { this.k = k; } - - /** Adds an element to the list. */ - add(key: number, value: T) { - if (this.maxHeap.size() < this.k) { - this.maxHeap.push(-key, value); - return; - } - let largest = this.maxHeap.peek(); - // If the new element is smaller, replace the largest with the new element. - if (key < -largest.key) { - this.maxHeap.popPush(-key, value); - } - } - - /** Returns the k items with the smallest keys. */ - getMinKItems(): T[] { - let items = this.maxHeap.items(); - items.sort((a, b) => b.key - a.key); - return items.map(a => a.value); - } - - /** Returns the size of the list. */ - getSize(): number { return this.maxHeap.size(); } - - /** Returns the largest key in the list. */ - getLargestKey(): number { - return this.maxHeap.size() == 0 ? null : -this.maxHeap.peek().key; - } -} diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/knn.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/knn.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 4d64595a3fd8fc..00000000000000 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/knn.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,223 +0,0 @@ -/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - -http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -==============================================================================*/ - -import {runAsyncTask} from './async'; -import {KMin} from './heap'; -import * as vector from './vector'; - -export type NearestEntry = { - index: number, - dist: number -}; - -/** - * Optimal size for the height of the matrix when doing computation on the GPU - * using WebGL. This was found experimentally. - * - * This also guarantees that for computing pair-wise distance for up to 10K - * vectors, no more than 40MB will be allocated in the GPU. Without the - * allocation limit, we can freeze the graphics of the whole OS. - */ -const OPTIMAL_GPU_BLOCK_SIZE = 512; - -/** - * Returns the K nearest neighbors for each vector where the distance - * computation is done on the GPU (WebGL) using cosine distance. - * - * @param dataPoints List of data points, where each data point holds an - * n-dimensional vector. - * @param k Number of nearest neighbors to find. - * @param accessor A method that returns the vector, given the data point. - */ -export function findKNNGPUCosine( - dataPoints: T[], k: number, - accessor: (dataPoint: T) => number[]): Promise { - let N = dataPoints.length; - let dim = accessor(dataPoints[0]).length; - - // The goal is to compute a large matrix multiplication A*A.T where A is of - // size NxD and A.T is its transpose. This results in a NxN matrix which - // could be too big to store on the GPU memory. To avoid memory overflow, we - // compute multiple A*partial_A.T where partial_A is of size BxD (B is much - // smaller than N). This results in storing only NxB size matrices on the GPU - // at a given time. - - // A*A.T will give us NxN matrix holding the cosine distance between every - // pair of points, which we sort using KMin data structure to obtain the - // K nearest neighbors for each point. - let typedArray = vector.toTypedArray(dataPoints, accessor); - let bigMatrix = new weblas.pipeline.Tensor([N, dim], typedArray); - let nearest: NearestEntry[][] = new Array(N); - let numPieces = Math.ceil(N / OPTIMAL_GPU_BLOCK_SIZE); - let M = Math.floor(N / numPieces); - let modulo = N % numPieces; - let offset = 0; - let progress = 0; - let progressDiff = 1 / (2 * numPieces); - let piece = 0; - - function step(resolve: (result: NearestEntry[][]) => void) { - let progressMsg = - 'Finding nearest neighbors: ' + (progress * 100).toFixed() + '%'; - runAsyncTask(progressMsg, () => { - let B = piece < modulo ? M + 1 : M; - let typedB = new Float32Array(B * dim); - for (let i = 0; i < B; ++i) { - let vector = accessor(dataPoints[offset + i]); - for (let d = 0; d < dim; ++d) { - typedB[i * dim + d] = vector[d]; - } - } - let partialMatrix = new weblas.pipeline.Tensor([B, dim], typedB); - // Result is N x B matrix. - let result = - weblas.pipeline.sgemm(1, bigMatrix, partialMatrix, null, null); - let partial = result.transfer(); - partialMatrix.delete(); - result.delete(); - progress += progressDiff; - for (let i = 0; i < B; i++) { - let kMin = new KMin(k); - let iReal = offset + i; - for (let j = 0; j < N; j++) { - if (j === iReal) { - continue; - } - let cosDist = 1 - partial[j * B + i]; // [j, i]; - kMin.add(cosDist, {index: j, dist: cosDist}); - } - nearest[iReal] = kMin.getMinKItems(); - } - progress += progressDiff; - offset += B; - piece++; - }).then(() => { - if (piece < numPieces) { - step(resolve); - } else { - bigMatrix.delete(); - resolve(nearest); - } - }); - } - return new Promise(resolve => step(resolve)); -} - -/** - * Returns the K nearest neighbors for each vector where the distance - * computation is done on the CPU using a user-specified distance method. - * - * @param dataPoints List of data points, where each data point holds an - * n-dimensional vector. - * @param k Number of nearest neighbors to find. - * @param accessor A method that returns the vector, given the data point. - * @param dist Method that takes two vectors and a limit, and computes the - * distance between two vectors, with the ability to stop early if the - * distance is above the limit. - */ -export function findKNN( - dataPoints: T[], k: number, accessor: (dataPoint: T) => number[], - dist: (a: number[], b: number[], limit: number) => - number): Promise { - return runAsyncTask('Finding nearest neighbors...', () => { - let N = dataPoints.length; - let nearest: NearestEntry[][] = new Array(N); - // Find the distances from node i. - let kMin: KMin[] = new Array(N); - for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) { - kMin[i] = new KMin(k); - } - for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) { - let a = accessor(dataPoints[i]); - let kMinA = kMin[i]; - for (let j = i + 1; j < N; j++) { - let kMinB = kMin[j]; - let limitI = kMinA.getSize() === k ? - kMinA.getLargestKey() || Number.MAX_VALUE : - Number.MAX_VALUE; - let limitJ = kMinB.getSize() === k ? - kMinB.getLargestKey() || Number.MAX_VALUE : - Number.MAX_VALUE; - let limit = Math.max(limitI, limitJ); - let dist2ItoJ = dist(a, accessor(dataPoints[j]), limit); - if (dist2ItoJ >= 0) { - kMinA.add(dist2ItoJ, {index: j, dist: dist2ItoJ}); - kMinB.add(dist2ItoJ, {index: i, dist: dist2ItoJ}); - } - } - } - for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) { - nearest[i] = kMin[i].getMinKItems(); - } - return nearest; - }); -} - -/** Calculates the minimum distance between a search point and a rectangle. */ -function minDist( - point: [number, number], x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number) { - let x = point[0]; - let y = point[1]; - let dx1 = x - x1; - let dx2 = x - x2; - let dy1 = y - y1; - let dy2 = y - y2; - - if (dx1 * dx2 <= 0) { // x is between x1 and x2 - if (dy1 * dy2 <= 0) { // (x,y) is inside the rectangle - return 0; // return 0 as point is in rect - } - return Math.min(Math.abs(dy1), Math.abs(dy2)); - } - if (dy1 * dy2 <= 0) { // y is between y1 and y2 - // We know it is already inside the rectangle - return Math.min(Math.abs(dx1), Math.abs(dx2)); - } - let corner: [number, number]; - if (x > x2) { - // Upper-right vs lower-right. - corner = y > y2 ? [x2, y2] : [x2, y1]; - } else { - // Upper-left vs lower-left. - corner = y > y2 ? [x1, y2] : [x1, y1]; - } - return Math.sqrt(vector.dist22D([x, y], corner)); -} - -/** - * Returns the nearest neighbors of a particular point. - * - * @param dataPoints List of data points. - * @param pointIndex The index of the point we need the nearest neighbors of. - * @param k Number of nearest neighbors to search for. - * @param accessor Method that maps a data point => vector (array of numbers). - * @param distance Method that takes two vectors and returns their distance. - */ -export function findKNNofPoint( - dataPoints: T[], pointIndex: number, k: number, - accessor: (dataPoint: T) => number[], - distance: (a: number[], b: number[]) => number) { - let kMin = new KMin(k); - let a = accessor(dataPoints[pointIndex]); - for (let i = 0; i < dataPoints.length; ++i) { - if (i == pointIndex) { - continue; - } - let b = accessor(dataPoints[i]); - let dist = distance(a, b); - kMin.add(dist, {index: i, dist: dist}); - } - return kMin.getMinKItems(); -} diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/label.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/label.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 9689ef58697e2a..00000000000000 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/label.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,151 +0,0 @@ -/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - -http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -==============================================================================*/ - -export interface BoundingBox { - loX: number; - loY: number; - hiX: number; - hiY: number; -} - -/** - * Accelerates label placement by dividing the view into a uniform grid. - * Labels only need to be tested for collision with other labels that overlap - * the same grid cells. This is a fork of {@code amoeba.CollisionGrid}. - */ -export class CollisionGrid { - private numHorizCells: number; - private numVertCells: number; - private grid: BoundingBox[][]; - private bound: BoundingBox; - private cellWidth: number; - private cellHeight: number; - - /** - * Constructs a new Collision grid. - * - * @param bound The bound of the grid. Labels out of bounds will be rejected. - * @param cellWidth Width of a cell in the grid. - * @param cellHeight Height of a cell in the grid. - */ - constructor(bound: BoundingBox, cellWidth: number, cellHeight: number) { - /** The bound of the grid. Labels out of bounds will be rejected. */ - this.bound = bound; - - /** Width of a cell in the grid. */ - this.cellWidth = cellWidth; - - /** Height of a cell in the grid. */ - this.cellHeight = cellHeight; - - /** Number of grid cells along the x axis. */ - this.numHorizCells = Math.ceil(this.boundWidth(bound) / cellWidth); - - /** Number of grid cells along the y axis. */ - this.numVertCells = Math.ceil(this.boundHeight(bound) / cellHeight); - - /** - * The 2d grid (stored as a 1d array.) Each cell consists of an array of - * BoundingBoxes for objects that are in the cell. - */ - this.grid = new Array(this.numHorizCells * this.numVertCells); - } - - private boundWidth(bound: BoundingBox) { return bound.hiX - bound.loX; } - - private boundHeight(bound: BoundingBox) { return bound.hiY - bound.loY; } - - private boundsIntersect(a: BoundingBox, b: BoundingBox) { - return !(a.loX > b.hiX || a.loY > b.hiY || a.hiX < b.loX || a.hiY < b.loY); - } - - /** - * Checks if a given bounding box has any conflicts in the grid and inserts it - * if none are found. - * - * @param bound The bound to insert. - * @param justTest If true, just test if it conflicts, without inserting. - * @return True if the bound was successfully inserted; false if it - * could not be inserted due to a conflict. - */ - insert(bound: BoundingBox, justTest = false): boolean { - // Reject if the label is out of bounds. - if (bound.loX < this.bound.loX || bound.hiX > this.bound.hiX || - bound.loY < this.bound.loY || bound.hiY > this.bound.hiY) { - return false; - } - - let minCellX = this.getCellX(bound.loX); - let maxCellX = this.getCellX(bound.hiX); - let minCellY = this.getCellY(bound.loY); - let maxCellY = this.getCellY(bound.hiY); - - // Check all overlapped cells to verify that we can insert. - let baseIdx = minCellY * this.numHorizCells + minCellX; - let idx = baseIdx; - for (let j = minCellY; j <= maxCellY; j++) { - for (let i = minCellX; i <= maxCellX; i++) { - let cell = this.grid[idx++]; - if (cell) { - for (let k = 0; k < cell.length; k++) { - if (this.boundsIntersect(bound, cell[k])) { - return false; - } - } - } - } - idx += this.numHorizCells - (maxCellX - minCellX + 1); - } - - if (justTest) { - return true; - } - - // Insert into the overlapped cells. - idx = baseIdx; - for (let j = minCellY; j <= maxCellY; j++) { - for (let i = minCellX; i <= maxCellX; i++) { - if (!this.grid[idx]) { - this.grid[idx] = [bound]; - } else { - this.grid[idx].push(bound); - } - idx++; - } - idx += this.numHorizCells - (maxCellX - minCellX + 1); - } - return true; - } - - /** - * Returns the x index of the grid cell where the given x coordinate falls. - * - * @param x the coordinate, in world space. - * @return the x index of the cell. - */ - private getCellX(x: number) { - return Math.floor((x - this.bound.loX) / this.cellWidth); - }; - - /** - * Returns the y index of the grid cell where the given y coordinate falls. - * - * @param y the coordinate, in world space. - * @return the y index of the cell. - */ - private getCellY(y: number) { - return Math.floor((y - this.bound.loY) / this.cellHeight); - }; -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/scatter.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/scatter.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 392d8085c686eb..00000000000000 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/scatter.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,135 +0,0 @@ -/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - -http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -==============================================================================*/ - -export interface Point3D { - /** Original x coordinate. */ - x: number; - /** Original y coordinate. */ - y: number; - /** Original z coordinate. */ - z: number; -} -; - -/** The spacial data of points and lines that will be shown in the projector. */ -export interface DataSet { - points: DataPoint[]; - traces: DataTrace[]; -} - -/** - * Points in 3D space that will be used in the projector. If the projector is - * in 2D mode, the Z coordinate of the point will be 0. - */ -export interface DataPoint { - projectedPoint: Point3D; - /** index of the trace, used for highlighting on click */ - traceIndex?: number; - /** index in the original data source */ - dataSourceIndex: number; -} - -/** A single collection of points which make up a trace through space. */ -export interface DataTrace { - /** Indices into the DataPoints array in the Data object. */ - pointIndices: number[]; -} - -export type OnHoverListener = (index: number) => void; -export type OnSelectionListener = (indexes: number[]) => void; - -/** Supported modes of interaction. */ -export enum Mode { - SELECT, - SEARCH, - HOVER -} - -export interface Scatter { - /** Sets the data for the scatter plot. */ - setDataSet(dataSet: DataSet, spriteImage?: HTMLImageElement): void; - /** Called with each data point in order to get its color. */ - setColorAccessor(colorAccessor: ((index: number) => string)): void; - /** Called with each data point in order to get its label. */ - setLabelAccessor(labelAccessor: ((index: number) => string)): void; - /** Called with each data point in order to get its x coordinate. */ - setXAccessor(xAccessor: ((index: number) => number)): void; - /** Called with each data point in order to get its y coordinate. */ - setYAccessor(yAccessor: ((index: number) => number)): void; - /** Called with each data point in order to get its z coordinate. */ - setZAccessor(zAccessor: ((index: number) => number)): void; - /** Sets the interaction mode (search, select or hover). */ - setMode(mode: Mode): void; - /** Returns the interaction mode. */ - getMode(): Mode; - /** Resets the zoom level to 1.*/ - resetZoom(): void; - /** - * Increases/decreases the zoom level. - * - * @param multiplier New zoom level = old zoom level * multiplier. - */ - zoomStep(multiplier: number): void; - /** - * Highlights the provided points. - * - * @param pointIndexes List of point indexes to highlight. If null, - * un-highlights all the points. - * @param stroke The stroke color used to highlight the point. - * @param favorLabels Whether to favor plotting the labels of the - * highlighted point. Default is false for all points. - */ - highlightPoints( - pointIndexes: number[], highlightStroke?: (index: number) => string, - favorLabels?: (index: number) => boolean): void; - /** Whether to show labels or not. */ - showLabels(show: boolean): void; - /** Toggle between day and night modes. */ - setDayNightMode(isNight: boolean): void; - /** Show/hide tick labels. */ - showTickLabels(show: boolean): void; - /** Whether to show axes or not. */ - showAxes(show: boolean): void; - /** Sets the axis labels. */ - setAxisLabels(xLabel: string, yLabel: string): void; - /** - * Recreates the scene (demolishes all datastructures, etc.) - */ - recreateScene(): void; - /** - * Redraws the data. Should be called anytime the accessor method - * for x and y coordinates changes, which means a new projection - * exists and the scatter plot should repaint the points. - */ - update(): void; - /** - * Should be called to notify the scatter plot that the container - * was resized and it should resize and redraw itself. - */ - resize(): void; - /** Registers a listener that will be called when selects some points. */ - onSelection(listener: OnSelectionListener): void; - /** - * Registers a listener that will be called when the user hovers over - * a point. - */ - onHover(listener: OnHoverListener): void; - /** - * Should emulate the same behavior as if the user clicked on the point. - * This is used to trigger a click from an external event, such as - * a search query. - */ - clickOnPoint(pointIndex: number): void; -} diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/scatterWebGL.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/scatterWebGL.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 79cee64c5b9de5..00000000000000 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/scatterWebGL.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1510 +0,0 @@ -/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - -http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -==============================================================================*/ - -import {BoundingBox, CollisionGrid} from './label'; -import {DataSet, Mode, OnHoverListener, OnSelectionListener, Point3D, Scatter} from './scatter'; -import {shuffle} from './util'; - -const FONT_SIZE = 10; - -// Colors (in various necessary formats). -const BACKGROUND_COLOR_DAY = 0xffffff; -const BACKGROUND_COLOR_NIGHT = 0x000000; -const AXIS_COLOR = 0xb3b3b3; -const LABEL_COLOR_DAY = 0x000000; -const LABEL_COLOR_NIGHT = 0xffffff; -const LABEL_STROKE_DAY = 0xffffff; -const LABEL_STROKE_NIGHT = 0x000000; -const POINT_COLOR = 0x7575D9; -const POINT_COLOR_GRAYED = 0x888888; -const BLENDING_DAY = THREE.MultiplyBlending; -const BLENDING_NIGHT = THREE.AdditiveBlending; -const TRACE_START_HUE = 60; -const TRACE_END_HUE = 360; -const TRACE_SATURATION = 1; -const TRACE_LIGHTNESS = .3; -const TRACE_DEFAULT_OPACITY = .2; -const TRACE_DEFAULT_LINEWIDTH = 2; -const TRACE_SELECTED_OPACITY = .9; -const TRACE_SELECTED_LINEWIDTH = 3; -const TRACE_DESELECTED_OPACITY = .05; - -// Various distance bounds. -const MAX_ZOOM = 10; -const MIN_ZOOM = .05; -const NUM_POINTS_FOG_THRESHOLD = 5000; -const MIN_POINT_SIZE = 5.0; -const IMAGE_SIZE = 30; - -// Constants relating to the camera parameters. -/** Camera frustum vertical field of view. */ -const FOV = 70; -const NEAR = 0.01; -const FAR = 100; - -// Constants relating to the indices of buffer arrays. -/** Item size of a single point in a bufferArray representing colors */ -const RGB_NUM_BYTES = 3; -/** Item size of a single point in a bufferArray representing indices */ -const INDEX_NUM_BYTES = 1; -/** Item size of a single point in a bufferArray representing locations */ -const XYZ_NUM_BYTES = 3; - -// Key presses. -const SHIFT_KEY = 16; -const CTRL_KEY = 17; - -// Original positions of camera and camera target, in 2d and 3d -const POS_3D = { - x: 1.5, - y: 1.5, - z: 1.5 -}; - -// Target for the camera in 3D is the center of the 1, 1, 1 square, as all our -// data is scaled to this. -const TAR_3D = { - x: 0, - y: 0, - z: 0 -}; - -const POS_2D = { - x: 0, - y: 0, - z: 2 -}; - -// In 3D, the target is the center of the xy plane. -const TAR_2D = { - x: 0, - y: 0, - z: 0 -}; - -// The maximum number of labels to draw to keep the frame rate up. -const SAMPLE_SIZE = 10000; - -// Shaders for images. -const VERTEX_SHADER = ` - // Index of the specific vertex (passed in as bufferAttribute), and the - // variable that will be used to pass it to the fragment shader. - attribute float vertexIndex; - varying vec2 xyIndex; - - // Similar to above, but for colors. - attribute vec3 color; - varying vec3 vColor; - - // If the point is highlighted, this will be 1.0 (else 0.0). - attribute float isHighlight; - - // Uniform passed in as a property from THREE.ShaderMaterial. - uniform bool sizeAttenuation; - uniform float pointSize; - uniform float imageWidth; - uniform float imageHeight; - - void main() { - // Pass index and color values to fragment shader. - vColor = color; - xyIndex = vec2(mod(vertexIndex, imageWidth), - floor(vertexIndex / imageWidth)); - - // Transform current vertex by modelViewMatrix (model world position and - // camera world position matrix). - vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0); - - // Project vertex in camera-space to screen coordinates using the camera's - // projection matrix. - gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition; - - // Create size attenuation (if we're in 3D mode) by making the size of - // each point inversly proportional to its distance to the camera. - float attenuatedSize = - pointSize / mvPosition.z; - gl_PointSize = sizeAttenuation ? attenuatedSize : pointSize; - - // If the point is a highlight, make it slightly bigger than the other - // points, and also don't let it get smaller than some threshold. - if (isHighlight == 1.0) { - gl_PointSize = max(gl_PointSize * 1.2, ${MIN_POINT_SIZE.toFixed(1)}); - }; - }`; - -const FRAGMENT_SHADER = ` - // Values passed in from the vertex shader. - varying vec2 xyIndex; - varying vec3 vColor; - - // Adding in the THREEjs shader chunks for fog. - ${THREE.ShaderChunk['common']} - ${THREE.ShaderChunk['fog_pars_fragment']} - - // Uniforms passed in as properties from THREE.ShaderMaterial. - uniform sampler2D texture; - uniform float imageWidth; - uniform float imageHeight; - uniform bool isImage; - - void main() { - // A mystery variable that is required to make the THREE shaderchunk for fog - // work correctly. - vec3 outgoingLight = vec3(0.0); - - if (isImage) { - // Coordinates of the vertex within the entire sprite image. - vec2 coords = (gl_PointCoord + xyIndex) / vec2(imageWidth, imageHeight); - // Determine the color of the spritesheet at the calculate spot. - vec4 fromTexture = texture2D(texture, coords); - - // Finally, set the fragment color. - gl_FragColor = vec4(vColor, 1.0) * fromTexture; - } else { - // Discard pixels outside the radius so points are rendered as circles. - vec2 uv = gl_PointCoord.xy - 0.5; - if (length(uv) > 0.5) discard; - - // If the point is not an image, just color it. - gl_FragColor = vec4(vColor, 1.0); - } - ${THREE.ShaderChunk['fog_fragment']} - }`; - -export class ScatterWebGL implements Scatter { - // MISC UNINITIALIZED VARIABLES. - - // Colors and options that are changed between Day and Night modes. - private backgroundColor: number; - private labelColor: number; - private labelStroke: number; - private blending: THREE.Blending; - private isNight: boolean; - - // THREE.js necessities. - private scene: THREE.Scene; - private perspCamera: THREE.PerspectiveCamera; - private renderer: THREE.WebGLRenderer; - private cameraControls: any; - private light: THREE.PointLight; - private fog: THREE.Fog; - - // Data structures (and THREE.js objects) associated with points. - private geometry: THREE.BufferGeometry; - /** Texture for rendering offscreen in order to enable interactive hover. */ - private pickingTexture: THREE.WebGLRenderTarget; - /** Array of unique colors for each point used in detecting hover. */ - private uniqueColArr: Float32Array; - private materialOptions: THREE.ShaderMaterialParameters; - private points: THREE.Points; - private traces: THREE.Line[]; - private dataSet: DataSet; - private shuffledData: number[]; - /** Holds the indexes of the points to be labeled. */ - private labeledPoints: number[] = []; - private highlightedPoints: number[] = []; - private nearestPoint: number; - private pointSize2D: number; - private pointSize3D: number; - /** The buffer attribute that holds the positions of the points. */ - private positionBufferArray: THREE.BufferAttribute; - - // Accessors for rendering and labeling the points. - private xAccessor: (index: number) => number; - private yAccessor: (index: number) => number; - private zAccessor: (index: number) => number; - private labelAccessor: (index: number) => string; - private colorAccessor: (index: number) => string; - private highlightStroke: (i: number) => string; - private favorLabels: (i: number) => boolean; - - // Scaling functions for each axis. - private xScale: d3.scale.Linear; - private yScale: d3.scale.Linear; - private zScale: d3.scale.Linear; - - // Listeners - private onHoverListeners: OnHoverListener[] = []; - private onSelectionListeners: OnSelectionListener[] = []; - private lazySusanAnimation: number; - - // Other variables associated with layout and interaction. - private height: number; - private width: number; - private mode: Mode; - /** Whether the user has turned labels on or off. */ - private labelsAreOn = true; - /** Whether the label canvas has been already cleared. */ - private labelCanvasIsCleared = true; - - private animating: boolean; - private axis3D: THREE.AxisHelper; - private axis2D: THREE.LineSegments; - private dpr: number; // The device pixelratio - private selecting = false; // whether or not we are selecting points. - private mouseIsDown = false; - // Whether the current click sequence contains a drag, so we can determine - // whether to update the selection. - private isDragSequence = false; - private selectionSphere: THREE.Mesh; - private image: HTMLImageElement; - private animationID: number; - /** Color of any point not selected (or NN of selected) */ - private defaultPointColor = POINT_COLOR; - - // HTML elements. - private gc: CanvasRenderingContext2D; - private containerNode: HTMLElement; - private canvas: HTMLCanvasElement; - - /** Get things started up! */ - constructor( - container: d3.Selection, labelAccessor: (index: number) => string) { - this.labelAccessor = labelAccessor; - this.xScale = d3.scale.linear(); - this.yScale = d3.scale.linear(); - this.zScale = d3.scale.linear(); - - // Set up non-THREEjs layout. - this.containerNode = container.node() as HTMLElement; - this.getLayoutValues(); - - // For now, labels are drawn on this transparent canvas with no touch events - // rather than being rendered in webGL. - this.canvas = container.append('canvas').node() as HTMLCanvasElement; - this.gc = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); - d3.select(this.canvas).style({position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: 0}); - this.canvas.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; - - // Set up THREE.js. - this.createSceneAndRenderer(); - this.setDayNightMode(false); - this.createLight(); - this.makeCamera(); - this.resize(false); - // Render now so no black background appears during startup. - this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.perspCamera); - // Add interaction listeners. - this.addInteractionListeners(); - } - - // SET UP - private addInteractionListeners() { - this.containerNode.addEventListener( - 'mousemove', this.onMouseMove.bind(this)); - this.containerNode.addEventListener( - 'mousedown', this.onMouseDown.bind(this)); - this.containerNode.addEventListener('mouseup', this.onMouseUp.bind(this)); - this.containerNode.addEventListener('click', this.onClick.bind(this)); - window.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown.bind(this), false); - window.addEventListener('keyup', this.onKeyUp.bind(this), false); - } - - /** Updates the positions buffer array to reflect the actual data. */ - private updatePositionsArray() { - for (let i = 0; i < this.dataSet.points.length; i++) { - // Set position based on projected point. - let pp = this.dataSet.points[i].projectedPoint; - this.positionBufferArray.setXYZ(i, pp.x, pp.y, pp.z); - } - if (this.geometry) { - this.positionBufferArray.needsUpdate = true; - } - } - - /** - * Returns an x, y, z value for each item of our data based on the accessor - * methods. - */ - private getPointsCoordinates() { - // Determine max and min of each axis of our data. - let xExtent = d3.extent(this.dataSet.points, (p, i) => this.xAccessor(i)); - let yExtent = d3.extent(this.dataSet.points, (p, i) => this.yAccessor(i)); - this.xScale.domain(xExtent).range([-1, 1]); - this.yScale.domain(yExtent).range([-1, 1]); - if (this.zAccessor) { - let zExtent = d3.extent(this.dataSet.points, (p, i) => this.zAccessor(i)); - this.zScale.domain(zExtent).range([-1, 1]); - } - - // Determine 3d coordinates of each data point. - this.dataSet.points.forEach((d, i) => { - d.projectedPoint.x = this.xScale(this.xAccessor(i)); - d.projectedPoint.y = this.yScale(this.yAccessor(i)); - d.projectedPoint.z = - (this.zAccessor ? this.zScale(this.zAccessor(i)) : 0); - }); - } - - private createLight() { - this.light = new THREE.PointLight(0xFFECBF, 1, 0); - this.scene.add(this.light); - } - - /** General setup of scene and renderer. */ - private createSceneAndRenderer() { - this.scene = new THREE.Scene(); - this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer(); - // Accouting for retina displays. - this.renderer.setPixelRatio(window.devicePixelRatio || 1); - this.renderer.setSize(this.width, this.height); - this.containerNode.appendChild(this.renderer.domElement); - this.pickingTexture = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget(this.width, this.height); - this.pickingTexture.texture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; - } - - /** Set up camera and camera's controller. */ - private makeCamera() { - this.perspCamera = - new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(FOV, this.width / this.height, NEAR, FAR); - this.cameraControls = - new (THREE as any) - .OrbitControls(this.perspCamera, this.renderer.domElement); - this.cameraControls.mouseButtons.ORBIT = THREE.MOUSE.LEFT; - this.cameraControls.mouseButtons.PAN = THREE.MOUSE.RIGHT; - // Start is called when the user stars interacting with - // orbit controls. - this.cameraControls.addEventListener('start', () => { - this.cameraControls.autoRotate = false; - cancelAnimationFrame(this.lazySusanAnimation); - }); - // Change is called everytime the user interacts with the - // orbit controls. - this.cameraControls.addEventListener('change', () => { - this.removeAllLabels(); - this.render(); - }); - // End is called when the user stops interacting with the - // orbit controls (e.g. on mouse up, after dragging). - this.cameraControls.addEventListener('end', () => { this.makeLabels(); }); - } - - /** Sets up camera to work in 3D (called after makeCamera()). */ - private makeCamera3D() { - // Set up the camera position at a skewed angle from the xy plane, looking - // toward the origin - this.cameraControls.position0.set(POS_3D.x, POS_3D.y, POS_3D.z); - this.cameraControls.target0.set(TAR_3D.x, TAR_3D.y, TAR_3D.z); - this.cameraControls.enableRotate = true; - let position = new THREE.Vector3(POS_3D.x, POS_3D.y, POS_3D.z); - let target = new THREE.Vector3(TAR_3D.x, TAR_3D.y, TAR_3D.z); - this.animate(position, target, () => { - // Start lazy susan after the animation is done. - this.startLazySusanAnimation(); - }); - } - - /** Sets up camera to work in 2D (called after makeCamera()). */ - private makeCamera2D(animate?: boolean) { - // Set the camera position in the middle of the screen, looking directly - // toward the middle of the xy plane - this.cameraControls.position0.set(POS_2D.x, POS_2D.y, POS_2D.z); - this.cameraControls.target0.set(TAR_2D.x, TAR_2D.y, TAR_2D.z); - let position = new THREE.Vector3(POS_2D.x, POS_2D.y, POS_2D.z); - let target = new THREE.Vector3(TAR_2D.x, TAR_2D.y, TAR_2D.z); - this.animate(position, target); - this.cameraControls.enableRotate = false; - } - - /** - * Set up buffer attributes to be used for the points/images. - */ - private createBufferAttributes() { - // Set up buffer attribute arrays. - let numPoints = this.dataSet.points.length; - let colArr = new Float32Array(numPoints * RGB_NUM_BYTES); - this.uniqueColArr = new Float32Array(numPoints * RGB_NUM_BYTES); - let colors = new THREE.BufferAttribute(this.uniqueColArr, RGB_NUM_BYTES); - // Assign each point a unique color in order to identify when the user - // hovers over a point. - for (let i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { - let color = new THREE.Color(i); - colors.setXYZ(i, color.r, color.g, color.b); - } - colors.array = colArr; - let hiArr = new Float32Array(numPoints); - - /** Indices cooresponding to highlighted points. */ - let highlights = new THREE.BufferAttribute(hiArr, INDEX_NUM_BYTES); - - // Note that we need two index arrays. - - /** - * The actual indices of the points which we use for sizeAttenuation in - * the shader. - */ - let indicesShader = - new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(numPoints), 1); - - for (let i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { - // Create the array of indices. - indicesShader.setX(i, this.dataSet.points[i].dataSourceIndex); - } - - // Finally, add all attributes to the geometry. - this.geometry.addAttribute('position', this.positionBufferArray); - this.positionBufferArray.needsUpdate = true; - this.geometry.addAttribute('color', colors); - this.geometry.addAttribute('vertexIndex', indicesShader); - this.geometry.addAttribute('isHighlight', highlights); - - // For now, nothing is highlighted. - this.colorSprites(null); - } - - /** - * Generate a texture for the points/images and sets some initial params - */ - private createTexture(image: HTMLImageElement| - HTMLCanvasElement): THREE.Texture { - let tex = new THREE.Texture(image); - tex.needsUpdate = true; - // Used if the texture isn't a power of 2. - tex.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; - tex.generateMipmaps = false; - tex.flipY = false; - return tex; - } - - /** - * Create points, set their locations and actually instantiate the - * geometry. - */ - private addSprites() { - // Create geometry. - this.geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); - this.createBufferAttributes(); - let canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); - let image = this.image || canvas; - // TODO(smilkov): Pass sprite dim to the renderer. - let spriteDim = 28.0; - let tex = this.createTexture(image); - let pointSize = (this.zAccessor ? this.pointSize3D : this.pointSize2D); - if (this.image) { - pointSize = IMAGE_SIZE; - } - let uniforms = { - texture: {type: 't', value: tex}, - imageWidth: {type: 'f', value: image.width / spriteDim}, - imageHeight: {type: 'f', value: image.height / spriteDim}, - fogColor: {type: 'c', value: this.fog.color}, - fogNear: {type: 'f', value: this.fog.near}, - fogFar: {type: 'f', value: this.fog.far}, - sizeAttenuation: {type: 'bool', value: !!this.zAccessor}, - isImage: {type: 'bool', value: !!this.image}, - pointSize: {type: 'f', value: pointSize} - }; - this.materialOptions = { - uniforms: uniforms, - vertexShader: VERTEX_SHADER, - fragmentShader: FRAGMENT_SHADER, - transparent: (this.image ? false : true), - // When rendering points with blending, we want depthTest/Write - // turned off. - depthTest: (this.image ? true : false), - depthWrite: (this.image ? true : false), - fog: true, - blending: (this.image ? THREE.NormalBlending : this.blending), - }; - // Give it some material. - let material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial(this.materialOptions); - - // And finally initialize it and add it to the scene. - this.points = new THREE.Points(this.geometry, material); - this.scene.add(this.points); - } - - /** - * Create line traces between connected points and instantiate the geometry. - */ - private addTraces() { - if (!this.dataSet || !this.dataSet.traces) { - return; - } - - this.traces = []; - - for (let i = 0; i < this.dataSet.traces.length; i++) { - let dataTrace = this.dataSet.traces[i]; - - let geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); - let vertices: number[] = []; - let colors: number[] = []; - - for (let j = 0; j < dataTrace.pointIndices.length - 1; j++) { - this.dataSet.points[dataTrace.pointIndices[j]].traceIndex = i; - this.dataSet.points[dataTrace.pointIndices[j + 1]].traceIndex = i; - - let point1 = this.dataSet.points[dataTrace.pointIndices[j]]; - let point2 = this.dataSet.points[dataTrace.pointIndices[j + 1]]; - - vertices.push( - point1.projectedPoint.x, point1.projectedPoint.y, - point1.projectedPoint.z); - vertices.push( - point2.projectedPoint.x, point2.projectedPoint.y, - point2.projectedPoint.z); - - let color1 = - this.getPointInTraceColor(j, dataTrace.pointIndices.length); - let color2 = - this.getPointInTraceColor(j + 1, dataTrace.pointIndices.length); - - colors.push( - color1.r / 255, color1.g / 255, color1.b / 255, color2.r / 255, - color2.g / 255, color2.b / 255); - } - - geometry.addAttribute( - 'position', - new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(vertices), XYZ_NUM_BYTES)); - geometry.addAttribute( - 'color', - new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(colors), RGB_NUM_BYTES)); - - // We use the same material for every line. - let material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ - linewidth: TRACE_DEFAULT_LINEWIDTH, - opacity: TRACE_DEFAULT_OPACITY, - transparent: true, - vertexColors: THREE.VertexColors - }); - - let trace = new THREE.LineSegments(geometry, material); - this.traces.push(trace); - this.scene.add(trace); - } - } - - /** - * Returns the color of a point along a trace. - */ - private getPointInTraceColor(index: number, totalPoints: number) { - let hue = TRACE_START_HUE + - (TRACE_END_HUE - TRACE_START_HUE) * index / totalPoints; - - return d3.hsl(hue, TRACE_SATURATION, TRACE_LIGHTNESS).rgb(); - } - - /** Clean up any old axes that we may have made previously. */ - private removeOldAxes() { - if (this.axis3D) { - this.scene.remove(this.axis3D); - } - if (this.axis2D) { - this.scene.remove(this.axis2D); - } - } - - /** Add axis. */ - private addAxis3D() { - this.axis3D = new THREE.AxisHelper(); - this.scene.add(this.axis3D); - } - - /** Manually make axis if we're in 2d. */ - private addAxis2D() { - let vertices = new Float32Array([ - 0, - 0, - 0, - this.xScale(1), - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - 0, - this.yScale(1), - 0, - ]); - - let axisColor = new THREE.Color(AXIS_COLOR); - let axisColors = new Float32Array([ - axisColor.r, - axisColor.b, - axisColor.g, - axisColor.r, - axisColor.b, - axisColor.g, - axisColor.r, - axisColor.b, - axisColor.g, - axisColor.r, - axisColor.b, - axisColor.g, - ]); - - // Create line geometry based on above position and color. - let lineGeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); - lineGeometry.addAttribute( - 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(vertices, XYZ_NUM_BYTES)); - lineGeometry.addAttribute( - 'color', new THREE.BufferAttribute(axisColors, RGB_NUM_BYTES)); - - // And use it to create the actual object and add this new axis to the - // scene! - let axesMaterial = - new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({vertexColors: THREE.VertexColors}); - this.axis2D = new THREE.LineSegments(lineGeometry, axesMaterial); - this.scene.add(this.axis2D); - } - - // DYNAMIC (post-load) CHANGES - - /** When we stop dragging/zooming, return to normal behavior. */ - private onClick(e?: MouseEvent) { - if (e && this.selecting || !this.points) { - this.resetTraces(); - return; - } - let selection = this.nearestPoint || null; - this.defaultPointColor = (selection ? POINT_COLOR_GRAYED : POINT_COLOR); - // Only call event handlers if the click originated from the scatter plot. - if (e && !this.isDragSequence) { - this.onSelectionListeners.forEach(l => l(selection ? [selection] : [])); - } - this.isDragSequence = false; - this.labeledPoints = - this.highlightedPoints.filter((id, i) => this.favorLabels(i)); - - this.resetTraces(); - if (selection && this.dataSet.points[selection].traceIndex) { - for (let i = 0; i < this.traces.length; i++) { - this.traces[i].material.opacity = TRACE_DESELECTED_OPACITY; - this.traces[i].material.needsUpdate = true; - } - this.traces[this.dataSet.points[selection].traceIndex].material.opacity = - TRACE_SELECTED_OPACITY; - (this.traces[this.dataSet.points[selection].traceIndex].material as - THREE.LineBasicMaterial) - .linewidth = TRACE_SELECTED_LINEWIDTH; - this.traces[this.dataSet.points[selection].traceIndex] - .material.needsUpdate = true; - } - this.render(); - this.makeLabels(); - } - - private resetTraces() { - if (!this.traces) { - return; - } - for (let i = 0; i < this.traces.length; i++) { - this.traces[i].material.opacity = TRACE_DEFAULT_OPACITY; - (this.traces[i].material as THREE.LineBasicMaterial).linewidth = - TRACE_DEFAULT_LINEWIDTH; - this.traces[i].material.needsUpdate = true; - } - } - - /** When dragging, do not redraw labels. */ - private onMouseDown(e: MouseEvent) { - this.animating = false; - this.isDragSequence = false; - this.mouseIsDown = true; - // If we are in selection mode, and we have in fact clicked a valid point, - // create a sphere so we can select things - if (this.selecting) { - this.cameraControls.enabled = false; - this.setNearestPointToMouse(e); - if (this.nearestPoint) { - this.createSelectionSphere(); - } - } else if ( - !e.ctrlKey && - this.cameraControls.mouseButtons.ORBIT == THREE.MOUSE.RIGHT) { - // The user happened to press the ctrl key when the tab was active, - // unpressed the ctrl when the tab was inactive, and now he/she - // is back to the projector tab. - this.cameraControls.mouseButtons.ORBIT = THREE.MOUSE.LEFT; - this.cameraControls.mouseButtons.PAN = THREE.MOUSE.RIGHT; - } else if ( - e.ctrlKey && - this.cameraControls.mouseButtons.ORBIT == THREE.MOUSE.LEFT) { - // Similarly to the situation above. - this.cameraControls.mouseButtons.ORBIT = THREE.MOUSE.RIGHT; - this.cameraControls.mouseButtons.PAN = THREE.MOUSE.LEFT; - } - } - - - /** When we stop dragging/zooming, return to normal behavior. */ - private onMouseUp(e: any) { - if (this.selecting) { - this.cameraControls.enabled = true; - this.scene.remove(this.selectionSphere); - this.selectionSphere = null; - this.render(); - } - this.mouseIsDown = false; - } - - /** - * When the mouse moves, find the nearest point (if any) and send it to the - * hoverlisteners (usually called from embedding.ts) - */ - private onMouseMove(e: MouseEvent) { - if (this.cameraControls.autoRotate) { - // Cancel the lazy susan. - this.cameraControls.autoRotate = false; - cancelAnimationFrame(this.lazySusanAnimation); - this.makeLabels(); - } - - // A quick check to make sure data has come in. - if (!this.points) { - return; - } - this.isDragSequence = this.mouseIsDown; - // Depending if we're selecting or just navigating, handle accordingly. - if (this.selecting && this.mouseIsDown) { - if (this.selectionSphere) { - this.adjustSelectionSphere(e); - } - this.render(); - } else if (!this.mouseIsDown) { - let lastNearestPoint = this.nearestPoint; - this.setNearestPointToMouse(e); - if (lastNearestPoint != this.nearestPoint) { - this.onHoverListeners.forEach(l => l(this.nearestPoint)); - } - } - } - - /** For using ctrl + left click as right click, and for circle select */ - private onKeyDown(e: any) { - // If ctrl is pressed, use left click to orbit - if (e.keyCode === CTRL_KEY) { - this.cameraControls.mouseButtons.ORBIT = THREE.MOUSE.RIGHT; - this.cameraControls.mouseButtons.PAN = THREE.MOUSE.LEFT; - } - - // If shift is pressed, start selecting - if (e.keyCode === SHIFT_KEY) { - this.selecting = true; - this.containerNode.style.cursor = 'crosshair'; - } - } - - /** For using ctrl + left click as right click, and for circle select */ - private onKeyUp(e: any) { - if (e.keyCode === CTRL_KEY) { - this.cameraControls.mouseButtons.ORBIT = THREE.MOUSE.LEFT; - this.cameraControls.mouseButtons.PAN = THREE.MOUSE.RIGHT; - } - - // If shift is released, stop selecting - if (e.keyCode === SHIFT_KEY) { - this.selecting = (this.getMode() === Mode.SELECT); - if (!this.selecting) { - this.containerNode.style.cursor = 'default'; - } - this.scene.remove(this.selectionSphere); - this.selectionSphere = null; - this.render(); - } - } - - private setNearestPointToMouse(e: MouseEvent) { - // Create buffer for reading a single pixel. - let pixelBuffer = new Uint8Array(4); - // No need to account for dpr (device pixel ratio) since the pickingTexture - // has the same coordinates as the mouse (flipped on y). - let x = e.offsetX; - let y = e.offsetY; - - // Read the pixel under the mouse from the texture. - this.renderer.readRenderTargetPixels( - this.pickingTexture, x, this.pickingTexture.height - y, 1, 1, - pixelBuffer); - - // Interpret the pixel as an ID. - let id = (pixelBuffer[0] << 16) | (pixelBuffer[1] << 8) | pixelBuffer[2]; - this.nearestPoint = - id != 0xffffff && id < this.dataSet.points.length ? id : null; - } - - /** Returns the squared distance to the mouse for the i-th point. */ - private getDist2ToMouse(i: number, e: MouseEvent) { - let point = this.getProjectedPointFromIndex(i); - let screenCoords = this.vector3DToScreenCoords(point); - return this.dist2D( - [e.offsetX * this.dpr, e.offsetY * this.dpr], - [screenCoords.x, screenCoords.y]); - } - - private adjustSelectionSphere(e: MouseEvent) { - let dist2 = this.getDist2ToMouse(this.nearestPoint, e) / 100; - this.selectionSphere.scale.set(dist2, dist2, dist2); - this.selectPoints(dist2); - } - - private getProjectedPointFromIndex(i: number): THREE.Vector3 { - return new THREE.Vector3( - this.dataSet.points[i].projectedPoint.x, - this.dataSet.points[i].projectedPoint.y, - this.dataSet.points[i].projectedPoint.z); - } - - private calibratePointSize() { - let numPts = this.dataSet.points.length; - let scaleConstant = 200; - let logBase = 8; - // Scale point size inverse-logarithmically to the number of points. - this.pointSize3D = scaleConstant / Math.log(numPts) / Math.log(logBase); - this.pointSize2D = this.pointSize3D / 1.5; - } - - private setFogDistances() { - let dists = this.getNearFarPoints(); - this.fog.near = dists.shortestDist; - // If there are fewer points we want less fog. We do this - // by making the "far" value (that is, the distance from the camera to the - // far edge of the fog) proportional to the number of points. - let multiplier = 2 - - Math.min(this.dataSet.points.length, NUM_POINTS_FOG_THRESHOLD) / - NUM_POINTS_FOG_THRESHOLD; - this.fog.far = dists.furthestDist * multiplier; - } - - private getNearFarPoints() { - let shortestDist: number = Infinity; - let furthestDist: number = 0; - for (let i = 0; i < this.dataSet.points.length; i++) { - let point = this.getProjectedPointFromIndex(i); - if (!this.isPointWithinCameraView(point)) { - continue; - }; - let distToCam = this.dist3D(point, this.perspCamera.position); - furthestDist = Math.max(furthestDist, distToCam); - shortestDist = Math.min(shortestDist, distToCam); - } - return {shortestDist, furthestDist}; - } - - /** - * Renders the scene and updates the label for the point, which is rendered - * as a div on top of WebGL. - */ - private render() { - if (!this.dataSet) { - return; - } - let lightPos = new THREE.Vector3().copy(this.perspCamera.position); - lightPos.x += 1; - lightPos.y += 1; - this.light.position.set(lightPos.x, lightPos.y, lightPos.z); - - // We want to determine which point the user is hovering over. So, rather - // than linearly iterating through each point to see if it is under the - // mouse, we render another set of the points offscreen, where each point is - // at full opacity and has its id encoded in its color. Then, we see the - // color of the pixel under the mouse, decode the color, and get the id of - // of the point. - let shaderMaterial = this.points.material as THREE.ShaderMaterial; - let colors = this.geometry.getAttribute('color') as THREE.BufferAttribute; - // Make shallow copy of the shader options and modify the necessary values. - let offscreenOptions = - Object.create(this.materialOptions) as THREE.ShaderMaterialParameters; - // Since THREE.js errors if we remove the fog, the workaround is to set the - // near value to very far, so no points have fog. - this.fog.near = 1000; - this.fog.far = 10000; - // Render offscreen as non transparent points (even when we have images). - offscreenOptions.uniforms.isImage.value = false; - offscreenOptions.transparent = false; - offscreenOptions.depthTest = true; - offscreenOptions.depthWrite = true; - shaderMaterial.setValues(offscreenOptions); - // Give each point a unique color. - let origColArr = colors.array; - colors.array = this.uniqueColArr; - colors.needsUpdate = true; - this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.perspCamera, this.pickingTexture); - - // Now render onscreen. - - // Change to original color array. - colors.array = origColArr; - colors.needsUpdate = true; - // Bring back the fog. - if (this.zAccessor && this.geometry) { - this.setFogDistances(); - } - offscreenOptions.uniforms.isImage.value = !!this.image; - // Bring back the standard shader material options. - shaderMaterial.setValues(this.materialOptions); - // Render onscreen. - this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.perspCamera); - } - - /** - * Make sure that the point is in view of the camera (as opposed to behind - * this is a problem because we are projecting to the camera) - */ - private isPointWithinCameraView(point: THREE.Vector3): boolean { - let camToTarget = new THREE.Vector3() - .copy(this.perspCamera.position) - .sub(this.cameraControls.target); - let camToPoint = - new THREE.Vector3().copy(this.perspCamera.position).sub(point); - // If the angle between the camera-target and camera-point vectors is more - // than 90, the point is behind the camera - if (camToPoint.angleTo(camToTarget) > Math.PI / 2) { - return false; - }; - return true; - } - - private vector3DToScreenCoords(v: THREE.Vector3) { - let vector = new THREE.Vector3().copy(v).project(this.perspCamera); - let coords = { - // project() returns the point in perspCamera's coordinates, with the - // origin in the center and a positive upward y. To get it into screen - // coordinates, normalize by adding 1 and dividing by 2. - x: ((vector.x + 1) / 2 * this.width) * this.dpr, - y: -((vector.y - 1) / 2 * this.height) * this.dpr - }; - return coords; - } - - /** Checks if a given label will be within the screen's bounds. */ - private isLabelInBounds(labelWidth: number, coords: {x: number, y: number}) { - let padding = 7; - if ((coords.x < 0) || (coords.y < 0) || - (coords.x > this.width * this.dpr - labelWidth - padding) || - (coords.y > this.height * this.dpr)) { - return false; - }; - return true; - } - - /** Add a specific label to the canvas. */ - private formatLabel( - text: string, point: {x: number, y: number}, opacity: number) { - let ls = new THREE.Color(this.labelStroke); - let lc = new THREE.Color(this.labelColor); - this.gc.strokeStyle = 'rgba(' + ls.r * 255 + ',' + ls.g * 255 + ',' + - ls.b * 255 + ',' + opacity + ')'; - this.gc.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + lc.r * 255 + ',' + lc.g * 255 + ',' + - lc.b * 255 + ',' + opacity + ')'; - this.gc.strokeText(text, point.x + 4, point.y); - this.gc.fillText(text, point.x + 4, point.y); - } - - /** - * Reset the positions of all labels, and check for overlapps using the - * collision grid. - */ - private makeLabels() { - // Don't make labels if they are turned off. - if (!this.labelsAreOn || this.points == null) { - return; - } - // First, remove all old labels. - this.removeAllLabels(); - - this.labelCanvasIsCleared = false; - // If we are passed no points to label (that is, not mousing over any - // points) then want to label ALL the points that we can. - if (!this.labeledPoints.length) { - this.labeledPoints = this.shuffledData; - } - - // We never render more than ~500 labels, so when we get much past that - // point, just break. - let numRenderedLabels: number = 0; - let labelHeight = parseInt(this.gc.font, 10); - - // Bounding box for collision grid. - let boundingBox: BoundingBox = { - loX: 0, - hiX: this.width * this.dpr, - loY: 0, - hiY: this.height * this.dpr - }; - - // Make collision grid with cells proportional to window dimensions. - let grid = - new CollisionGrid(boundingBox, this.width / 25, this.height / 50); - - let dists = this.getNearFarPoints(); - let opacityRange = dists.furthestDist - dists.shortestDist; - - // Setting styles for the labeled font. - this.gc.lineWidth = 6; - this.gc.textBaseline = 'middle'; - this.gc.font = (FONT_SIZE * this.dpr).toString() + 'px roboto'; - - for (let i = 0; - (i < this.labeledPoints.length) && !(numRenderedLabels > SAMPLE_SIZE); - i++) { - let index = this.labeledPoints[i]; - let point = this.getProjectedPointFromIndex(index); - if (!this.isPointWithinCameraView(point)) { - continue; - }; - let screenCoords = this.vector3DToScreenCoords(point); - // Have extra space between neighboring labels. Don't pack too tightly. - let labelMargin = 2; - // Shift the label to the right of the point circle. - let xShift = 3; - let textBoundingBox = { - loX: screenCoords.x + xShift - labelMargin, - // Computing the width of the font is expensive, - // so we assume width of 1 at first. Then, if the label doesn't - // conflict with other labels, we measure the actual width. - hiX: screenCoords.x + xShift + /* labelWidth - 1 */ +1 + labelMargin, - loY: screenCoords.y - labelHeight / 2 - labelMargin, - hiY: screenCoords.y + labelHeight / 2 + labelMargin - }; - - if (grid.insert(textBoundingBox, true)) { - let dataSet = this.dataSet; - let text = this.labelAccessor(index); - let labelWidth = this.gc.measureText(text).width; - - // Now, check with properly computed width. - textBoundingBox.hiX += labelWidth - 1; - if (grid.insert(textBoundingBox) && - this.isLabelInBounds(labelWidth, screenCoords)) { - let lenToCamera = this.dist3D(point, this.perspCamera.position); - // Opacity is scaled between 0.2 and 1, based on how far a label is - // from the camera (Unless we are in 2d mode, in which case opacity is - // just 1!) - let opacity = this.zAccessor ? - 1.2 - (lenToCamera - dists.shortestDist) / opacityRange : - 1; - this.formatLabel(text, screenCoords, opacity); - numRenderedLabels++; - } - } - } - - if (this.highlightedPoints.length > 0) { - // Force-draw the first favored point with increased font size. - let index = this.highlightedPoints[0]; - let point = this.dataSet.points[index]; - this.gc.font = (FONT_SIZE * this.dpr * 1.7).toString() + 'px roboto'; - let coords = new THREE.Vector3( - point.projectedPoint.x, point.projectedPoint.y, - point.projectedPoint.z); - let screenCoords = this.vector3DToScreenCoords(coords); - let text = this.labelAccessor(index); - this.formatLabel(text, screenCoords, 255); - } - } - - /** Returns the distance between two points in 3d space */ - private dist3D(a: Point3D, b: Point3D): number { - let dx = a.x - b.x; - let dy = a.y - b.y; - let dz = a.z - b.z; - return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); - } - - private dist2D(a: [number, number], b: [number, number]): number { - let dX = a[0] - b[0]; - let dY = a[1] - b[1]; - return Math.sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY); - } - - /** Cancels current animation */ - private cancelAnimation() { - if (this.animationID) { - cancelAnimationFrame(this.animationID); - } - } - - private startLazySusanAnimation() { - this.cameraControls.autoRotate = true; - this.cameraControls.update(); - this.lazySusanAnimation = - requestAnimationFrame(() => this.startLazySusanAnimation()); - } - - /** - * Animates the camera between one location and another. - * If callback is specified, it gets called when the animation is done. - */ - private animate( - pos: THREE.Vector3, target: THREE.Vector3, callback?: () => void) { - this.cameraControls.autoRotate = false; - cancelAnimationFrame(this.lazySusanAnimation); - - let currPos = this.perspCamera.position; - let currTarget = this.cameraControls.target; - let speed = 3; - this.animating = true; - let interp = (a: THREE.Vector3, b: THREE.Vector3) => { - let x = (a.x - b.x) / speed + b.x; - let y = (a.y - b.y) / speed + b.y; - let z = (a.z - b.z) / speed + b.z; - return {x: x, y: y, z: z}; - }; - // If we're still relatively far away from the target, go closer - if (this.dist3D(currPos, pos) > .03) { - let newTar = interp(target, currTarget); - this.cameraControls.target.set(newTar.x, newTar.y, newTar.z); - - let newPos = interp(pos, currPos); - this.perspCamera.position.set(newPos.x, newPos.y, newPos.z); - this.cameraControls.update(); - this.render(); - this.animationID = - requestAnimationFrame(() => this.animate(pos, target, callback)); - } else { - // Once we get close enough, update flags and stop moving - this.animating = false; - this.cameraControls.target.set(target.x, target.y, target.z); - this.cameraControls.update(); - this.makeLabels(); - this.render(); - if (callback) { - callback(); - } - } - } - - /** Removes all points geometry from the scene. */ - private removeAll() { - this.scene.remove(this.points); - this.removeOldAxes(); - this.removeAllLabels(); - this.removeAllTraces(); - } - - /** Removes all traces from the scene. */ - private removeAllTraces() { - if (!this.traces) { - return; - } - - for (let i = 0; i < this.traces.length; i++) { - this.scene.remove(this.traces[i]); - } - this.traces = []; - } - - /** Removes all the labels. */ - private removeAllLabels() { - // If labels are already removed, do not spend compute power to clear the - // canvas. - if (!this.labelCanvasIsCleared) { - this.gc.clearRect(0, 0, this.width * this.dpr, this.height * this.dpr); - this.labelCanvasIsCleared = true; - } - } - - private colorSprites(highlightStroke: ((index: number) => string)) { - // Update attributes to change colors - let colors = this.geometry.getAttribute('color') as THREE.BufferAttribute; - let highlights = - this.geometry.getAttribute('isHighlight') as THREE.BufferAttribute; - for (let i = 0; i < this.dataSet.points.length; i++) { - let unhighlightedColor = this.image ? - new THREE.Color() : - new THREE.Color( - this.colorAccessor ? this.colorAccessor(i) : - (this.defaultPointColor as any)); - colors.setXYZ( - i, unhighlightedColor.r, unhighlightedColor.g, unhighlightedColor.b); - highlights.setX(i, 0.0); - } - if (highlightStroke) { - // Traverse in reverse so that the point we are hovering over - // (highlightedPoints[0]) is painted last. - for (let i = this.highlightedPoints.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - let assocPoint = this.highlightedPoints[i]; - let color = new THREE.Color(highlightStroke(i)); - // Fill colors array (single array of numPoints*3 elements, - // triples of which refer to the rgb values of a single vertex). - colors.setXYZ(assocPoint, color.r, color.g, color.b); - highlights.setX(assocPoint, 1.0); - } - } - colors.needsUpdate = true; - highlights.needsUpdate = true; - } - - /** - * This is called when we update the data to make sure we don't have stale - * data lying around. - */ - private cleanVariables() { - this.removeAll(); - if (this.geometry) { - this.geometry.dispose(); - } - this.geometry = null; - this.points = null; - this.labeledPoints = []; - this.highlightedPoints = []; - } - - /** Select the points inside the sphere of radius dist */ - private selectPoints(dist: number) { - let selectedPoints: Array = new Array(); - this.dataSet.points.forEach(point => { - let pt = point.projectedPoint; - let pointVect = new THREE.Vector3(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z); - let distPointToSphereOrigin = new THREE.Vector3() - .copy(this.selectionSphere.position) - .sub(pointVect) - .length(); - if (distPointToSphereOrigin < dist) { - selectedPoints.push(this.dataSet.points.indexOf(point)); - } - }); - this.labeledPoints = selectedPoints; - // Whenever anything is selected, we want to set the corect point color. - this.defaultPointColor = POINT_COLOR_GRAYED; - this.onSelectionListeners.forEach(l => l(selectedPoints)); - } - - private createSelectionSphere() { - let geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(1, 300, 100); - let material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ - color: 0x000000, - specular: (this.zAccessor && 0xffffff), // In 2d, make sphere look flat. - emissive: 0x000000, - shininess: 10, - shading: THREE.SmoothShading, - opacity: 0.125, - transparent: true, - }); - this.selectionSphere = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); - this.selectionSphere.scale.set(0, 0, 0); - let pos = this.dataSet.points[this.nearestPoint].projectedPoint; - this.scene.add(this.selectionSphere); - this.selectionSphere.position.set(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); - } - - private getLayoutValues() { - this.width = this.containerNode.offsetWidth; - this.height = Math.max(1, this.containerNode.offsetHeight); - this.dpr = window.devicePixelRatio; - } - - // PUBLIC API - - /** Sets the data for the scatter plot. */ - setDataSet(dataSet: DataSet, spriteImage: HTMLImageElement) { - this.dataSet = dataSet; - this.calibratePointSize(); - let positions = - new Float32Array(this.dataSet.points.length * XYZ_NUM_BYTES); - this.positionBufferArray = - new THREE.BufferAttribute(positions, XYZ_NUM_BYTES); - this.image = spriteImage; - this.shuffledData = new Array(this.dataSet.points.length); - for (let i = 0; i < this.dataSet.points.length; i++) { - this.shuffledData[i] = i; - } - shuffle(this.shuffledData); - this.cleanVariables(); - } - - setColorAccessor(colorAccessor: (index: number) => string) { - this.colorAccessor = colorAccessor; - // Render only if there is a geometry. - if (this.geometry) { - this.colorSprites(this.highlightStroke); - this.render(); - } - } - - setXAccessor(xAccessor: (index: number) => number) { - this.xAccessor = xAccessor; - } - - setYAccessor(yAccessor: (index: number) => number) { - this.yAccessor = yAccessor; - } - - setZAccessor(zAccessor: (index: number) => number) { - this.zAccessor = zAccessor; - } - - setLabelAccessor(labelAccessor: (index: number) => string) { - this.labelAccessor = labelAccessor; - this.render(); - } - - setMode(mode: Mode) { - this.mode = mode; - if (mode === Mode.SELECT) { - this.selecting = true; - this.containerNode.style.cursor = 'crosshair'; - } else { - this.selecting = false; - this.containerNode.style.cursor = 'default'; - } - } - - getMode(): Mode { return this.mode; } - - resetZoom() { - if (this.animating) { - return; - } - let resetPos = this.cameraControls.position0; - let resetTarget = this.cameraControls.target0; - this.removeAllLabels(); - this.animate(resetPos, resetTarget, () => { - // Start rotating when the animation is done, if we are in 3D mode. - if (this.zAccessor) { - this.startLazySusanAnimation(); - } - }); - } - - /** Zoom by moving the camera toward the target. */ - zoomStep(multiplier: number) { - let additiveZoom = Math.log(multiplier); - if (this.animating) { - return; - } - - // Zoomvect is the vector along which we want to move the camera - // It is the (normalized) vector from the camera to its target - let zoomVect = new THREE.Vector3() - .copy(this.cameraControls.target) - .sub(this.perspCamera.position) - .multiplyScalar(additiveZoom); - let position = - new THREE.Vector3().copy(this.perspCamera.position).add(zoomVect); - - // Make sure that we're not too far zoomed in. If not, zoom! - if ((this.dist3D(position, this.cameraControls.target) > MIN_ZOOM) && - (this.dist3D(position, this.cameraControls.target) < MAX_ZOOM)) { - this.removeAllLabels(); - this.animate(position, this.cameraControls.target); - } - } - - highlightPoints( - pointIndexes: number[], highlightStroke: (i: number) => string, - favorLabels: (i: number) => boolean): void { - this.favorLabels = favorLabels; - this.highlightedPoints = pointIndexes; - this.labeledPoints = pointIndexes; - this.highlightStroke = highlightStroke; - this.colorSprites(highlightStroke); - this.render(); - this.makeLabels(); - } - - getHighlightedPoints(): number[] { return this.highlightedPoints; } - - showLabels(show: boolean) { - this.labelsAreOn = show; - if (this.labelsAreOn) { - this.makeLabels(); - } else { - this.removeAllLabels(); - } - } - - /** - * Toggles between day and night mode (resets corresponding variables for - * color, etc.) - */ - setDayNightMode(isNight: boolean) { - this.isNight = isNight; - this.labelColor = (isNight ? LABEL_COLOR_NIGHT : LABEL_COLOR_DAY); - this.labelStroke = (isNight ? LABEL_STROKE_NIGHT : LABEL_STROKE_DAY); - this.backgroundColor = - (isNight ? BACKGROUND_COLOR_NIGHT : BACKGROUND_COLOR_DAY); - this.blending = (isNight ? BLENDING_NIGHT : BLENDING_DAY); - this.renderer.setClearColor(this.backgroundColor); - } - - showAxes(show: boolean) { - // TODO(ereif): implement - } - - setAxisLabels(xLabel: string, yLabel: string) { - // TODO(ereif): implement - } - /** - * Recreates the scene in its entirety, not only resetting the point - * locations but also demolishing and recreating the THREEjs structures. - */ - recreateScene() { - this.removeAll(); - this.cancelAnimation(); - this.fog = this.zAccessor ? - new THREE.Fog(this.backgroundColor) : - new THREE.Fog(this.backgroundColor, Infinity, Infinity); - this.scene.fog = this.fog; - this.addSprites(); - this.addTraces(); - if (this.zAccessor) { - this.addAxis3D(); - this.makeCamera3D(); - } else { - this.addAxis2D(); - this.makeCamera2D(); - } - this.render(); - } - - /** - * Redraws the data. Should be called anytime the accessor method - * for x and y coordinates changes, which means a new projection - * exists and the scatter plot should repaint the points. - */ - update() { - this.cancelAnimation(); - this.getPointsCoordinates(); - this.updatePositionsArray(); - if (this.geometry) { - this.makeLabels(); - this.render(); - } - } - - resize(render = true) { - this.getLayoutValues(); - this.perspCamera.aspect = this.width / this.height; - this.perspCamera.updateProjectionMatrix(); - d3.select(this.canvas) - .attr('width', this.width * this.dpr) - .attr('height', this.height * this.dpr) - .style({width: this.width + 'px', height: this.height + 'px'}); - this.renderer.setSize(this.width, this.height); - this.pickingTexture = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget(this.width, this.height); - this.pickingTexture.texture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; - if (render) { - this.render(); - }; - } - - showTickLabels(show: boolean) { - // TODO(ereif): implement - } - - onSelection(listener: OnSelectionListener) { - this.onSelectionListeners.push(listener); - } - - onHover(listener: OnHoverListener) { this.onHoverListeners.push(listener); } - - clickOnPoint(pointIndex: number) { - this.nearestPoint = pointIndex; - this.onClick(); - } -} diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/sptree.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/sptree.ts deleted file mode 100644 index f9310d2f1e77fe..00000000000000 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/sptree.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,189 +0,0 @@ -/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - -http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -==============================================================================*/ - -/** How many elements can be stored in each node of the tree. */ -const NODE_CAPACITY = 4; - -/** N-dimensional point. Usually 2D or 3D. */ -export type Point = number[]; - -export interface BBox { - center: Point; - halfDim: number; -} - -/** A node in a space-partitioning tree. */ -export interface SPNode { - /** The children of this node. */ - children?: SPNode[]; - /** The bounding box of the region this node occupies. */ - box: BBox; - /** One or more points this node has. */ - points?: Point[]; -} - -/** - * A Space-partitioning tree (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_partitioning) - * that recursively divides the space into regions of equal sizes. This data - * structure can act both as a Quad tree and an Octree when the data is 2 or - * 3 dimensional respectively. One usage is in t-SNE in order to do Barnes-Hut - * approximation. - */ -export class SPTree { - root: SPNode; - - private masks: number[]; - private capacity: number; - private dim: number; - - /** - * Constructs a new tree with the provided data. - * - * @param data List of n-dimensional data points. - * @param capacity Number of data points to store in a single node. - */ - constructor(data: Point[], capacity = NODE_CAPACITY) { - if (data.length < 1) { - throw new Error('There should be at least 1 data point'); - } - this.capacity = capacity; - // Make a bounding box based on the extent of the data. - this.dim = data[0].length; - // Each node has 2^d children, where d is the dimension of the space. - // Binary masks (e.g. 000, 001, ... 111 in 3D) are used to determine in - // which child (e.g. quadron in 2D) the new point is going to be assigned. - // For more details, see the insert() method and its comments. - this.masks = new Array(Math.pow(2, this.dim)); - for (let d = 0; d < this.masks.length; ++d) { - this.masks[d] = (1 << d); - } - let min: Point = new Array(this.dim); - fillArray(min, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); - let max: Point = new Array(this.dim); - fillArray(max, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); - - for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { - // For each dim get the min and max. - // E.g. For 2-D, get the x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max. - for (let d = 0; d < this.dim; ++d) { - min[d] = Math.min(min[d], data[i][d]); - max[d] = Math.max(max[d], data[i][d]); - } - } - // Create a bounding box with the center of the largest span. - let center: Point = new Array(this.dim); - let halfDim = 0; - for (let d = 0; d < this.dim; ++d) { - let span = max[d] - min[d]; - center[d] = min[d] + span / 2; - halfDim = Math.max(halfDim, span / 2); - } - this.root = {box: {center: center, halfDim: halfDim}}; - for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { - this.insert(this.root, data[i]); - } - } - - /** - * Visits every node in the tree. Each node can store 1 or more points, - * depending on the node capacity provided in the constructor. - * - * @param accessor Method that takes the currently visited node, and the - * low and high point of the region that this node occupies. E.g. in 2D, - * the low and high points will be the lower-left corner and the upper-right - * corner. - */ - visit( - accessor: (node: SPNode, lowPoint: Point, highPoint: Point) => boolean, - noBox = false) { - this.visitNode(this.root, accessor, noBox); - } - - private visitNode( - node: SPNode, - accessor: (node: SPNode, lowPoint?: Point, highPoint?: Point) => boolean, - noBox: boolean) { - let skipChildren: boolean; - if (noBox) { - skipChildren = accessor(node); - } else { - let lowPoint = new Array(this.dim); - let highPoint = new Array(this.dim); - for (let d = 0; d < this.dim; ++d) { - lowPoint[d] = node.box.center[d] - node.box.halfDim; - highPoint[d] = node.box.center[d] + node.box.halfDim; - } - skipChildren = accessor(node, lowPoint, highPoint); - } - if (!node.children || skipChildren) { - return; - } - for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; ++i) { - let child = node.children[i]; - if (child) { - this.visitNode(child, accessor, noBox); - } - } - } - - private insert(node: SPNode, p: Point): boolean { - if (node.points == null) { - node.points = []; - } - // If there is space in this node, add the object here. - if (node.points.length < this.capacity) { - node.points.push(p); - return true; - } - // Otherwise, subdivide and then add the point to whichever node will - // accept it. - if (node.children == null) { - node.children = new Array(this.masks.length); - } - - // Decide which child will get the new point by constructing a D-bits binary - // signature (D=3 for 3D) where the k-th bit is 1 if the point's k-th - // coordinate is greater than the node's k-th coordinate, 0 otherwise. - // Then the binary signature in decimal system gives us the index of the - // child where the new point should be. - let index = 0; - for (let d = 0; d < this.dim; ++d) { - if (p[d] > node.box.center[d]) { - index |= this.masks[d]; - } - } - if (node.children[index] == null) { - this.makeChild(node, index); - } - this.insert(node.children[index], p); - return true; - } - - private makeChild(node: SPNode, index: number): void { - let oldC = node.box.center; - let h = node.box.halfDim / 2; - let newC: Point = new Array(this.dim); - for (let d = 0; d < this.dim; ++d) { - newC[d] = (index & (1 << d)) ? oldC[d] + h : oldC[d] - h; - } - node.children[index] = {box: {center: newC, halfDim: h}}; - } -} - -function fillArray(arr: T[], value: T): void { - for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { - arr[i] = value; - } -} diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/sptree_test.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/sptree_test.ts deleted file mode 100644 index e48ae761e15f6b..00000000000000 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/sptree_test.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ -/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - -http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -==============================================================================*/ - -import {SPTree} from './sptree'; - -const assert = chai.assert; - -it('simple 2D data', () => { - let data = [ - [0, 1], - [1, 0], - [1, 1], - [0, 0], - ]; - let tree = new SPTree(data, 1); - // Check that each point is within the bound. - tree.visit((node, low, high) => { - assert.equal(low.length, 2); - assert.equal(high.length, 2); - node.points.forEach(point => { - assert.equal(point.length, 2); - // Each point should be in the node's bounding box. - assert.equal( - point[0] >= low[0] && point[0] <= high[0] && point[1] >= low[1] && - point[1] <= high[1], - true); - }); - return false; - }); -}); - -it('simple 3D data', () => { - let data = [ - [0, 1, 0], - [1, 0.4, 2], - [1, 1, 3], - [0, 0, 5], - ]; - let tree = new SPTree(data, 1); - // Check that each point is within the bound. - tree.visit((node, low, high) => { - assert.equal(low.length, 3); - assert.equal(high.length, 3); - node.points.forEach(point => { - assert.equal(point.length, 3); - // Each point should be in the node's bounding box. - assert.equal( - point[0] >= low[0] && point[0] <= high[0] && point[1] >= low[1] && - point[1] <= high[1] && point[2] >= low[2] && point[2] <= high[2], - true); - }); - return false; - }); -}); - -it('Only visit root', () => { - let data = [ - [0, 1, 0], - [1, 0.4, 2], - [1, 1, 3], - [0, 0, 5], - ]; - let tree = new SPTree(data, 1); - let numVisits = 0; - tree.visit((node, low, high) => { - numVisits++; - return true; - }); - assert.equal(numVisits, 1); -}); - -it('Search in random data', () => { - let N = 10000; - let data = new Array(N); - for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) { - data[i] = [Math.random(), Math.random()]; - } - let tree = new SPTree(data, 1); - let numVisits = 0; - let query = data[Math.floor(Math.random() * N)]; - let found = false; - tree.visit((node, low, high) => { - numVisits++; - if (node.points.length > 0 && node.points[0] === query) { - found = true; - return true; - } - let outOfBounds = query[0] < low[0] || query[0] > high[0] || - query[1] < low[1] || query[1] > high[1]; - return outOfBounds; - }); - assert.equal(found, true); - assert.isBelow(numVisits, N / 4); -}); diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/util.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/util.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 975f7e122cb8c2..00000000000000 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/util.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - -http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -==============================================================================*/ - -/** Shuffles the array in-place in O(n) time using Fisher-Yates algorithm. */ -export function shuffle(array: T[]): T[] { - let m = array.length; - let t: T; - let i: number; - - // While there remain elements to shuffle. - while (m) { - // Pick a remaining element - i = Math.floor(Math.random() * m--); - // And swap it with the current element. - t = array[m]; - array[m] = array[i]; - array[i] = t; - } - return array; -} - -/** - * Assert that the condition is satisfied; if not, log user-specified message - * to the console. - */ -export function assert(condition: boolean, message?: string) { - if (!condition) { - message = message || 'Assertion failed'; - throw new Error(message); - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/vector.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/vector.ts deleted file mode 100644 index edb6e9bdd03004..00000000000000 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/vector.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,270 +0,0 @@ -/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - -http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -==============================================================================*/ - -import {assert} from './util'; - - -/** - * @fileoverview Useful vector utilities. - */ - -export type Vector = number[]; -export type Point2D = [number, number]; - -/** Returns the dot product of two vectors. */ -export function dot(a: Vector, b: Vector): number { - assert(a.length == b.length, 'Vectors a and b must be of same length'); - let result = 0; - for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { - result += a[i] * b[i]; - } - return result; -} - -/** Sums all the elements in the vector */ -export function sum(a: Vector): number { - let result = 0; - for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { - result += a[i]; - } - return result; -} - -/** Returns the sum of two vectors, i.e. a + b */ -export function add(a: Vector, b: Vector): Vector { - assert(a.length == b.length, 'Vectors a and b must be of same length'); - let result = new Array(a.length); - for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { - result[i] = a[i] + b[i]; - } - return result; -} - -/** Subtracts vector b from vector a, i.e. returns a - b */ -export function sub(a: Vector, b: Vector): Vector { - assert(a.length == b.length, 'Vectors a and b must be of same length'); - let result = new Array(a.length); - for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { - result[i] = a[i] - b[i]; - } - return result; -} - -/** Returns the square norm of the vector */ -export function norm2(a: Vector): number { - let result = 0; - for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { - result += a[i] * a[i]; - } - return result; -} - -/** Returns the euclidean distance between two vectors. */ -export function dist(a: Vector, b: Vector): number { - return Math.sqrt(dist2(a, b)); -} - -/** Returns the square euclidean distance between two vectors. */ -export function dist2(a: Vector, b: Vector): number { - assert(a.length == b.length, 'Vectors a and b must be of same length'); - let result = 0; - for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { - let diff = a[i] - b[i]; - result += diff * diff; - } - return result; -} - -/** Returns the square euclidean distance between two 2D points. */ -export function dist2_2D(a: Vector, b: Vector): number { - let dX = a[0] - b[0]; - let dY = a[1] - b[1]; - return dX * dX + dY * dY; -} - -/** Returns the square euclidean distance between two 3D points. */ -export function dist2_3D(a: Vector, b: Vector): number { - let dX = a[0] - b[0]; - let dY = a[1] - b[1]; - let dZ = a[2] - b[2]; - return dX * dX + dY * dY + dZ * dZ; -} - -/** - * Returns the square euclidean distance between two vectors, with an early - * exit (returns -1) if the distance is >= to the provided limit. - */ -export function dist2WithLimit(a: Vector, b: Vector, limit: number): number { - assert(a.length == b.length, 'Vectors a and b must be of same length'); - let result = 0; - for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { - let diff = a[i] - b[i]; - result += diff * diff; - if (result >= limit) { - return -1; - } - } - return result; -} - -/** Returns the square euclidean distance between two 2D points. */ -export function dist22D(a: Point2D, b: Point2D): number { - let dX = a[0] - b[0]; - let dY = a[1] - b[1]; - return dX * dX + dY * dY; -} - -/** Modifies the vector in-place to have unit norm. */ -export function unit(a: Vector): void { - let norm = Math.sqrt(norm2(a)); - assert(norm >= 0, 'Norm of the vector must be > 0'); - for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { - a[i] /= norm; - } -} - -/** - * Projects the vectors to a lower dimension - * - * @param vectors Array of vectors to be projected. - * @param newDim The resulting dimension of the vectors. - */ -export function projectRandom(vectors: number[][], newDim: number): number[][] { - let dim = vectors[0].length; - let N = vectors.length; - let newVectors: number[][] = new Array(N); - for (let i = 0; i < N; ++i) { - newVectors[i] = new Array(newDim); - } - // Make nDim projections. - for (let k = 0; k < newDim; ++k) { - let randomVector = rn(dim); - for (let i = 0; i < N; ++i) { - newVectors[i][k] = dot(vectors[i], randomVector); - } - } - return newVectors; -} - -/** - * Projects a vector onto a 2D plane specified by the two direction vectors. - */ -export function project2d(a: Vector, dir1: Vector, dir2: Vector): Point2D { - return [dot(a, dir1), dot(a, dir2)]; -} - -/** Returns a vector filled with zeros */ -export function zeros(length: number): Vector { - let result = new Array(length); - for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { - result[i] = 0; - } - return result; -} - -export type Predicate = (a: T) => boolean; - -/** - * Computes the centroid of the data points that pass the specified predicate. - * If the provided data points are not vectors, an accessor function needs - * to be provided. - */ -export function centroid( - dataPoints: T[], predicate: Predicate, - accessor?: (a: T) => Vector): {centroid: Vector, numMatches: number} { - if (accessor == null) { - accessor = (a: T) => a; - } - assert(dataPoints.length >= 0, '`vectors` must be of length >= 1'); - let n = 0; - let centroid = zeros(accessor(dataPoints[0]).length); - for (let i = 0; i < dataPoints.length; ++i) { - let dataPoint = dataPoints[i]; - if (!predicate(dataPoint)) { - continue; - } - ++n; - let vector = accessor(dataPoint); - for (let j = 0; j < centroid.length; ++j) { - centroid[j] += vector[j]; - } - } - if (n == 0) { - return {centroid: null, numMatches: 0}; - } - for (let j = 0; j < centroid.length; ++j) { - centroid[j] /= n; - } - return {centroid: centroid, numMatches: n}; -} - -/** - * Generates a vector of the specified size where each component is drawn from - * a random (0, 1) gaussian distribution. - */ -export function rn(size: number): Vector { - let normal = d3.random.normal(); - let result = new Array(size); - for (let i = 0; i < size; ++i) { - result[i] = normal(); - } - return result; -} - -/** - * Returns the cosine distance ([0, 2]) between two vectors - * that have been normalized to unit norm. - */ -export function cosDistNorm(a: Vector, b: Vector): number { - return 1 - dot(a, b); -} - -/** Returns the cosine similarity ([-1, 1]) between two vectors. */ -export function cosSim(a: Vector, b: Vector): number { - return dot(a, b) / Math.sqrt(norm2(a) * norm2(b)); -} - -/** - * Converts list of vectors (matrix) into a 1-dimensional - * typed array with row-first order. - */ -export function toTypedArray( - dataPoints: T[], accessor: (dataPoint: T) => number[]): Float32Array { - let N = dataPoints.length; - let dim = accessor(dataPoints[0]).length; - let result = new Float32Array(N * dim); - for (let i = 0; i < N; ++i) { - let vector = accessor(dataPoints[i]); - for (let d = 0; d < dim; ++d) { - result[i * dim + d] = vector[d]; - } - } - return result; -} - -/** - * Transposes an RxC matrix represented as a flat typed array - * into a CxR matrix, again represented as a flat typed array. - */ -export function transposeTypedArray( - r: number, c: number, typedArray: Float32Array) { - let result = new Float32Array(r * c); - for (let i = 0; i < r; ++i) { - for (let j = 0; j < c; ++j) { - result[j * r + i] = typedArray[i * c + j]; - } - } - return result; -} diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/vz-projector-data-loader.html b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/vz-projector-data-loader.html deleted file mode 100644 index e6beaa837e77f5..00000000000000 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/vz-projector-data-loader.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,144 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/vz-projector-data-loader.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/vz-projector-data-loader.ts deleted file mode 100644 index f44bb6bbe97059..00000000000000 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/vz-projector-data-loader.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,500 +0,0 @@ -/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - -http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -==============================================================================*/ - -import {runAsyncTask, updateMessage} from './async'; -import {DataPoint, DataSet, DatasetMetadata, DataSource} from './data'; -import {PolymerElement} from './vz-projector-util'; - - -/** Prefix added to the http requests when asking the server for data. */ -const DATA_URL = 'data'; - -type DemoDataset = { - fpath: string; metadata_path?: string; metadata?: DatasetMetadata; -}; - -type Metadata = { - [key: string]: (number|string); -}; - -/** List of compiled demo datasets for showing the capabilities of the tool. */ -const DEMO_DATASETS: {[name: string]: DemoDataset} = { - 'wiki_5k': { - fpath: 'wiki_5000_50d_tensors.ssv', - metadata_path: 'wiki_5000_50d_labels.ssv' - }, - 'wiki_10k': { - fpath: 'wiki_10000_100d_tensors.ssv', - metadata_path: 'wiki_10000_100d_labels.ssv' - }, - 'wiki_40k': { - fpath: 'wiki_40000_100d_tensors.ssv', - metadata_path: 'wiki_40000_100d_labels.ssv' - }, - 'smartreply_5k': { - fpath: 'smartreply_5000_256d_tensors.tsv', - metadata_path: 'smartreply_5000_256d_labels.tsv' - }, - 'smartreply_full': { - fpath: 'smartreply_full_256d_tensors.tsv', - metadata_path: 'smartreply_full_256d_labels.tsv' - }, - 'mnist_10k': { - fpath: 'mnist_10k_784d_tensors.tsv', - metadata_path: 'mnist_10k_784d_labels.tsv', - metadata: { - image: - {sprite_fpath: 'mnist_10k_sprite.png', single_image_dim: [28, 28]} - }, - }, - 'iris': {fpath: 'iris_tensors.tsv', metadata_path: 'iris_labels.tsv'} -}; - -/** Maximum number of colors supported in the color map. */ -const NUM_COLORS_COLOR_MAP = 20; - -interface ServerInfo { - tensors: {[name: string]: [number, number]}; - tensors_file: string; - checkpoint_file: string; - checkpoint_dir: string; - metadata_file: string; -} - -let DataLoaderPolymer = PolymerElement({ - is: 'vz-projector-data-loader', - properties: { - dataSource: { - type: Object, // DataSource - notify: true - }, - selectedDemo: {type: String, value: 'wiki_5k', notify: true}, - selectedTensor: {type: String, notify: true}, - labelOption: {type: String, notify: true}, - colorOption: {type: Object, notify: true}, - // Private. - tensorNames: Array - } -}); - -export type ColorOption = { - name: string; desc?: string; map?: (value: string | number) => string; - isSeparator?: boolean; -}; - -class DataLoader extends DataLoaderPolymer { - dataSource: DataSource; - selectedDemo: string; - labelOption: string; - labelOptions: string[]; - colorOption: ColorOption; - colorOptions: ColorOption[]; - selectedTensor: string; - tensorNames: {name: string, shape: number[]}[]; - - private dom: d3.Selection; - - ready() { - this.dom = d3.select(this); - if (this.dataSource) { - // There is data already. - return; - } - // Check to see if there is a server. - d3.json(`${DATA_URL}/info`, (err, serverInfo) => { - if (err) { - // No server was found, thus operate in standalone mode. - this.setupStandaloneMode(); - return; - } - // Server was found, thus show the checkpoint dir and the tensors. - this.setupServerMode(serverInfo); - }); - } - - getSeparatorClass(isSeparator: boolean): string { - return isSeparator ? 'separator' : null; - } - - private setupServerMode(info: ServerInfo) { - // Display the server-mode controls. - this.dom.select('.server-controls').style('display', null); - this.dom.select('#checkpoint-file') - .text(info.checkpoint_file) - .attr('title', info.checkpoint_file); - this.dom.select('#metadata-file') - .text(info.metadata_file) - .attr('title', info.metadata_file); - - // Handle the list of checkpoint tensors. - this.dom.on('selected-tensor-changed', () => { - this.selectedTensorChanged(this.selectedTensor); - }); - let names = Object.keys(info.tensors) - .filter(name => { - let shape = info.tensors[name]; - return shape.length == 2 && shape[0] > 1 && shape[1] > 1; - }) - .sort((a, b) => info.tensors[b][0] - info.tensors[a][0]); - this.tensorNames = - names.map(name => { return {name, shape: info.tensors[name]}; }); - } - - private updateMetadataUI(columnStats: ColumnStats[]) { - // Label by options. - let labelIndex = -1; - this.labelOptions = columnStats.length > 1 ? columnStats.map((stats, i) => { - // Make the default label by the first non-numeric column. - if (!stats.isNumeric && labelIndex == -1) { - labelIndex = i; - } - return stats.name; - }) : - ['label']; - this.labelOption = this.labelOptions[Math.max(0, labelIndex)]; - - // Color by options. - let standardColorOption: ColorOption[] = [ - {name: 'No color map'}, - // TODO(smilkov): Implement this. - //{name: 'Distance of neighbors', - // desc: 'How far is each point from its neighbors'} - ]; - let metadataColorOption: ColorOption[] = - columnStats - .filter(stats => { - return !stats.tooManyUniqueValues || stats.isNumeric; - }) - .map(stats => { - let map: (v: string|number) => string; - if (!stats.tooManyUniqueValues) { - let scale = d3.scale.category20(); - let range = scale.range(); - // Re-order the range. - let newRange = range.map((color, i) => { - let index = (i * 2) % (range.length - 1); - if (index == 0) { - index = range.length - 1; - } - return range[index]; - }); - scale.range(newRange).domain(stats.uniqueValues); - map = scale; - } else { - map = d3.scale.linear() - .domain([stats.min, stats.max]) - .range(['white', 'black']); - } - let desc = stats.tooManyUniqueValues ? - 'gradient' : - stats.uniqueValues.length + ' colors'; - return {name: stats.name, desc: desc, map: map}; - }); - if (metadataColorOption.length > 0) { - // Add a separator line between built-in color maps - // and those based on metadata columns. - standardColorOption.push({name: 'Metadata', isSeparator: true}); - } - this.colorOptions = standardColorOption.concat(metadataColorOption); - this.colorOption = this.colorOptions[0]; - } - - private setupStandaloneMode() { - // Display the standalone UI controls. - this.dom.select('.standalone-controls').style('display', null); - - // Demo dataset dropdown - let demoDatasetChanged = (demoDataSet: DemoDataset) => { - if (demoDataSet == null) { - return; - } - - this.dom.selectAll('.file-name').style('display', 'none'); - let separator = demoDataSet.fpath.substr(-3) == 'tsv' ? '\t' : ' '; - fetchDemoData(`${DATA_URL}/${demoDataSet.fpath}`, separator) - .then(points => { - - let p1 = demoDataSet.metadata_path ? - new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - updateMessage('Fetching metadata...'); - d3.text( - `${DATA_URL}/${demoDataSet.metadata_path}`, - (err: Error, rawMetadata: string) => { - if (err) { - console.error(err); - reject(err); - return; - } - resolve(parseAndMergeMetadata(rawMetadata, points)); - }); - }) : - null; - - let p2 = demoDataSet.metadata && demoDataSet.metadata.image ? - fetchImage( - `${DATA_URL}/${demoDataSet.metadata.image.sprite_fpath}`) : - null; - - Promise.all([p1, p2]).then(values => { - this.updateMetadataUI(values[0]); - let dataSource = new DataSource(); - dataSource.originalDataSet = new DataSet(points); - dataSource.spriteImage = values[1]; - dataSource.metadata = demoDataSet.metadata; - this.dataSource = dataSource; - }); - }); - }; - - this.dom.on('selected-demo-changed', () => { - demoDatasetChanged(DEMO_DATASETS[this.selectedDemo]); - }); - demoDatasetChanged(DEMO_DATASETS[this.selectedDemo]); - - // Show and setup the upload button. - let fileInput = this.dom.select('#file'); - fileInput.on('change', () => { - let file: File = (d3.event).target.files[0]; - this.dom.select('#file-name') - .style('display', null) - .text(file.name) - .attr('title', file.name); - // Clear out the value of the file chooser. This ensures that if the user - // selects the same file, we'll re-read it. - (d3.event).target.value = ''; - // Clear the value of the datasets dropdown. - this.selectedDemo = null; - let fileReader = new FileReader(); - fileReader.onload = evt => { - let str: string = (evt.target as any).result; - parseTensors(str).then(data => { - let dataSource = new DataSource(); - dataSource.originalDataSet = new DataSet(data); - this.dataSource = dataSource; - }); - }; - fileReader.readAsText(file); - }); - - let uploadButton = this.dom.select('#upload'); - uploadButton.on( - 'click', () => { (fileInput.node()).click(); }); - - // Show and setup the upload metadata button. - let fileMetadataInput = this.dom.select('#file-metadata'); - fileMetadataInput.on('change', () => { - let file: File = (d3.event).target.files[0]; - this.dom.select('#file-metadata-name') - .style('display', null) - .text(file.name) - .attr('title', file.name); - // Clear out the value of the file chooser. This ensures that if the user - // selects the same file, we'll re-read it. - (d3.event).target.value = ''; - // Clear the value of the datasets dropdown. - this.selectedDemo = null; - let fileReader = new FileReader(); - fileReader.onload = evt => { - let str: string = (evt.target as any).result; - parseAndMergeMetadata(str, this.dataSource.originalDataSet.points) - .then(columnStats => { - this.updateMetadataUI(columnStats); - // Must make a shallow copy, otherwise polymer will not - // fire the 'data-changed' event, even if we explicitly - // call this.fire(). - this.dataSource = this.dataSource.makeShallowCopy(); - }); - }; - fileReader.readAsText(file); - }); - - let uploadMetadataButton = this.dom.select('#upload-metadata'); - uploadMetadataButton.on('click', () => { - (fileMetadataInput.node()).click(); - }); - } - - private selectedTensorChanged(name: string) { - // Get the tensor. - updateMessage('Fetching tensor values...'); - d3.text(`${DATA_URL}/tensor?name=${name}`, (err: Error, tsv: string) => { - if (err) { - console.error(err); - return; - } - parseTensors(tsv).then(dataPoints => { - updateMessage('Fetching metadata...'); - d3.text(`${DATA_URL}/metadata`, (err: Error, rawMetadata: string) => { - if (err) { - console.error(err); - return; - } - parseAndMergeMetadata(rawMetadata, dataPoints).then(columnStats => { - this.updateMetadataUI(columnStats); - let dataSource = new DataSource(); - dataSource.originalDataSet = new DataSet(dataPoints); - this.dataSource = dataSource; - }); - }); - }); - }); - } - - private getNumTensorsLabel(tensorNames: string[]) { - return tensorNames.length === 1 ? '1 tensor' : - tensorNames.length + ' tensors'; - } -} - -function fetchImage(url: string): Promise { - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - let image = new Image(); - image.onload = () => resolve(image); - image.onerror = (err) => reject(err); - image.src = url; - }); -} - -/** Makes a network request for a delimited text file. */ -function fetchDemoData(url: string, separator: string): Promise { - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - updateMessage('Fetching tensors...'); - d3.text(url, (error: Error, dataString: string) => { - if (error) { - console.error(error); - updateMessage('Error loading data.'); - reject(error); - } else { - parseTensors(dataString, separator).then(data => resolve(data)); - } - }); - }); -} - -/** Parses a tsv text file. */ -function parseTensors(content: string, delim = '\t'): Promise { - let data: DataPoint[] = []; - let numDim: number; - return runAsyncTask('Parsing tensors...', () => { - let lines = content.split('\n'); - lines.forEach(line => { - line = line.trim(); - if (line == '') { - return; - } - let row = line.split(delim); - let dataPoint: DataPoint = { - metadata: {}, - vector: null, - dataSourceIndex: data.length, - projections: null, - projectedPoint: null - }; - // If the first label is not a number, take it as the label. - if (isNaN(row[0] as any) || numDim == row.length - 1) { - dataPoint.metadata['label'] = row[0]; - dataPoint.vector = row.slice(1).map(Number); - } else { - dataPoint.vector = row.map(Number); - } - data.push(dataPoint); - if (numDim == null) { - numDim = dataPoint.vector.length; - } - if (numDim != dataPoint.vector.length) { - updateMessage('Parsing failed. Vector dimensions do not match'); - throw Error('Parsing failed'); - } - if (numDim <= 1) { - updateMessage( - 'Parsing failed. Found a vector with only one dimension?'); - throw Error('Parsing failed'); - } - }); - return data; - }); -} - -/** Statistics for a metadata column. */ -type ColumnStats = { - name: string; isNumeric: boolean; tooManyUniqueValues: boolean; - uniqueValues?: string[]; - min: number; - max: number; -}; - -function parseAndMergeMetadata( - content: string, data: DataPoint[]): Promise { - return runAsyncTask('Parsing metadata...', () => { - let lines = content.split('\n').filter(line => line.trim().length > 0); - let hasHeader = (lines.length - 1 == data.length); - - // Dimension mismatch. - if (lines.length != data.length && !hasHeader) { - throw Error('Dimensions do not match'); - } - - // If the first row doesn't contain metadata keys, we assume that the values - // are labels. - let columnNames: string[] = ['label']; - if (hasHeader) { - columnNames = lines[0].split('\t'); - lines = lines.slice(1); - } - let columnStats: ColumnStats[] = columnNames.map(name => { - return { - name: name, - isNumeric: true, - tooManyUniqueValues: false, - min: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, - max: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY - }; - }); - let setOfValues = columnNames.map(() => d3.set()); - lines.forEach((line: string, i: number) => { - let rowValues = line.split('\t'); - data[i].metadata = {}; - columnNames.forEach((name: string, colIndex: number) => { - let value = rowValues[colIndex]; - let set = setOfValues[colIndex]; - let stats = columnStats[colIndex]; - data[i].metadata[name] = value; - - // Update stats. - if (!stats.tooManyUniqueValues) { - set.add(value); - if (set.size() > NUM_COLORS_COLOR_MAP) { - stats.tooManyUniqueValues = true; - } - } - if (isNaN(value as any)) { - stats.isNumeric = false; - } else { - stats.min = Math.min(stats.min, +value); - stats.max = Math.max(stats.max, +value); - } - }); - }); - columnStats.forEach((stats, colIndex) => { - let set = setOfValues[colIndex]; - if (!stats.tooManyUniqueValues) { - stats.uniqueValues = set.values(); - } - }); - return columnStats; - }); -} - -document.registerElement(DataLoader.prototype.is, DataLoader); diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/vz-projector-util.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/vz-projector-util.ts deleted file mode 100644 index cca1ea3988e4a7..00000000000000 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/vz-projector-util.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - -http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -==============================================================================*/ - -export type Spec = { - is: string; properties: { - [key: string]: - (Function | - { - type: Function, value?: any; - readonly?: boolean; - notify?: boolean; - observer?: string; - }) - }; -}; - -export function PolymerElement(spec: Spec) { - return Polymer.Class(spec as any) as{new (): PolymerHTMLElement}; -} - -export interface PolymerHTMLElement extends HTMLElement, polymer.Base {} diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/vz-projector.html b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/vz-projector.html deleted file mode 100644 index 25a90bb3d81aed..00000000000000 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/vz-projector.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,628 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/vz-projector.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/vz-projector.ts deleted file mode 100644 index e8b1a882ec84c9..00000000000000 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/vz-projector/vz-projector.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,762 +0,0 @@ -/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - -http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -==============================================================================*/ - -import {DataPoint, DataSet, DataSource} from './data'; -import * as knn from './knn'; -import {Mode, Scatter} from './scatter'; -import {ScatterWebGL} from './scatterWebGL'; -import * as vector from './vector'; -import {ColorOption} from './vz-projector-data-loader'; -import {PolymerElement} from './vz-projector-util'; - - -/** T-SNE perplexity. Roughly how many neighbors each point influences. */ -let perplexity: number = 30; -/** T-SNE learning rate. */ -let learningRate: number = 10; -/** Number of dimensions for the scatter plot. */ -let dimension = 3; -/** Number of nearest neighbors to highlight around the selected point. */ -let numNN = 100; - -/** Highlight stroke color for the nearest neighbors. */ -const NN_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = '#6666FA'; - -/** Highlight stroke color for the selected point */ -const POINT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_DAY = 'black'; -const POINT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_NIGHT = new THREE.Color(0xFFE11F).getStyle(); - -/** Color scale for nearest neighbors. */ -const NN_COLOR_SCALE = - d3.scale.linear() - .domain([1, 0.7, 0.4]) - .range(['hsl(285, 80%, 40%)', 'hsl(0, 80%, 65%)', 'hsl(40, 70%, 60%)']) - .clamp(true); - -/** Text color used for error/important messages. */ -const CALLOUT_COLOR = '#880E4F'; - -type Centroids = { - [key: string]: number[]; xLeft: number[]; xRight: number[]; yUp: number[]; - yDown: number[]; -}; - -let ProjectorPolymer = PolymerElement({ - is: 'vz-projector', - properties: { - // A data source. - dataSource: { - type: Object, // DataSource - observer: 'dataSourceChanged' - }, - - // Private. - pcaComponents: {type: Array, value: d3.range(1, 11)}, - pcaX: { - type: Number, - value: 0, - notify: true, - }, - pcaY: { - type: Number, - value: 1, - notify: true, - }, - pcaZ: { - type: Number, - value: 2, - notify: true, - }, - hasPcaZ: {type: Boolean, value: true, notify: true}, - labelOption: {type: String, observer: 'labelOptionChanged'}, - colorOption: {type: Object, observer: 'colorOptionChanged'}, - } -}); - -class Projector extends ProjectorPolymer { - // Public API. - dataSource: DataSource; - - private dom: d3.Selection; - private pcaX: number; - private pcaY: number; - private pcaZ: number; - private hasPcaZ: boolean; - // The working subset of the data source's original data set. - private currentDataSet: DataSet; - private scatter: Scatter; - private dim: number; - private selectedDistance: (a: number[], b: number[]) => number; - private highlightedPoints: {index: number, color: string}[]; - private selectedPoints: number[]; - private centroidValues: any; - private centroids: Centroids; - /** The centroid across all points. */ - private allCentroid: number[]; - private labelOption: string; - private colorOption: ColorOption; - - ready() { - this.hasPcaZ = true; - this.selectedDistance = vector.cosDistNorm; - this.highlightedPoints = []; - this.selectedPoints = []; - this.centroidValues = {xLeft: null, xRight: null, yUp: null, yDown: null}; - this.centroids = {xLeft: null, xRight: null, yUp: null, yDown: null}; - // Dynamically creating elements inside .nn-list. - this.scopeSubtree(this.$$('.nn-list'), true); - this.dom = d3.select(this); - // Sets up all the UI. - this.setupUIControls(); - if (this.dataSource) { - this.dataSourceChanged(); - } - } - - labelOptionChanged() { - let labelAccessor = (i: number): string => { - return this.points[i].metadata[this.labelOption] as string; - }; - this.scatter.setLabelAccessor(labelAccessor); - } - - colorOptionChanged() { - let colorMap = this.colorOption.map; - if (colorMap == null) { - this.scatter.setColorAccessor(null); - return; - }; - let colors = (i: number) => { - return colorMap(this.points[i].metadata[this.colorOption.name]); - }; - this.scatter.setColorAccessor(colors); - } - - dataSourceChanged() { - if (this.scatter == null || this.dataSource == null) { - // We are not ready yet. - return; - } - this.initFromSource(this.dataSource); - // Set the container to a fixed height, otherwise in Colab the - // height can grow indefinitely. - let container = this.dom.select('#container'); - container.style('height', container.property('clientHeight') + 'px'); - } - - /** - * Normalizes the distance so it can be visually encoded with color. - * The normalization depends on the distance metric (cosine vs euclidean). - */ - private normalizeDist(d: number, minDist: number): number { - return this.selectedDistance === vector.cosDistNorm ? 1 - d : minDist / d; - } - - /** Normalizes and encodes the provided distance with color. */ - private dist2color(d: number, minDist: number): string { - return NN_COLOR_SCALE(this.normalizeDist(d, minDist)); - } - - private initFromSource(source: DataSource) { - this.dataSource = source; - this.setDataSet(this.dataSource.getDataSet()); - this.dom.select('.reset-filter').style('display', 'none'); - // Regexp inputs. - this.setupInput('xLeft'); - this.setupInput('xRight'); - this.setupInput('yUp'); - this.setupInput('yDown'); - } - - private setDataSet(ds: DataSet) { - this.currentDataSet = ds; - this.scatter.setDataSet(this.currentDataSet, this.dataSource.spriteImage); - this.updateMenuButtons(); - this.dim = this.currentDataSet.dim[1]; - this.dom.select('span.numDataPoints').text(this.currentDataSet.dim[0]); - this.dom.select('span.dim').text(this.currentDataSet.dim[1]); - this.showTab('pca'); - } - - private setupInput(name: string) { - let control = this.dom.select('.control.' + name); - let info = control.select('.info'); - - let updateInput = (value: string) => { - if (value.trim() === '') { - info.style('color', CALLOUT_COLOR).text('Enter a regex.'); - return; - } - let result = this.getCentroid(value); - if (result.error) { - info.style('color', CALLOUT_COLOR) - .text('Invalid regex. Using a random vector.'); - result.centroid = vector.rn(this.dim); - } else if (result.numMatches === 0) { - info.style('color', CALLOUT_COLOR) - .text('0 matches. Using a random vector.'); - result.centroid = vector.rn(this.dim); - } else { - info.style('color', null).text(`${result.numMatches} matches.`); - } - this.centroids[name] = result.centroid; - this.centroidValues[name] = value; - }; - let self = this; - - let input = control.select('input').on('input', function() { - updateInput(this.value); - self.showCustom(); - }); - this.allCentroid = null; - // Init the control with the current input. - updateInput((input.node() as HTMLInputElement).value); - } - - private setupUIControls() { - let self = this; - // Global tabs - d3.selectAll('.ink-tab').on('click', function() { - let id = this.getAttribute('data-tab'); - self.showTab(id); - }); - - // Unknown why, but the polymer toggle button stops working - // as soon as you do d3.select() on it. - let tsneToggle = this.querySelector('#tsne-toggle') as HTMLInputElement; - let zCheckbox = this.querySelector('#z-checkbox') as HTMLInputElement; - - // PCA controls. - zCheckbox.addEventListener('change', () => { - // Make sure tsne stays in the same dimension as PCA. - dimension = this.hasPcaZ ? 3 : 2; - tsneToggle.checked = this.hasPcaZ; - this.showPCA(() => { this.scatter.recreateScene(); }); - }); - this.dom.on('pca-x-changed', () => this.showPCA()); - this.dom.on('pca-y-changed', () => this.showPCA()); - this.dom.on('pca-z-changed', () => this.showPCA()); - - // TSNE controls. - - tsneToggle.addEventListener('change', () => { - // Make sure PCA stays in the same dimension as tsne. - this.hasPcaZ = tsneToggle.checked; - dimension = tsneToggle.checked ? 3 : 2; - if (this.scatter) { - this.showTSNE(); - this.scatter.recreateScene(); - } - }); - - this.dom.select('.run-tsne').on('click', () => this.runTSNE()); - this.dom.select('.stop-tsne').on('click', () => { - this.currentDataSet.stopTSNE(); - }); - - let updatePerplexity = () => { - perplexity = +perplexityInput.property('value'); - this.dom.select('.tsne-perplexity span').text(perplexity); - }; - let perplexityInput = this.dom.select('.tsne-perplexity input') - .property('value', perplexity) - .on('input', updatePerplexity); - updatePerplexity(); - - let updateLearningRate = () => { - let val = +learningRateInput.property('value'); - learningRate = Math.pow(10, val); - this.dom.select('.tsne-learning-rate span').text(learningRate); - }; - let learningRateInput = this.dom.select('.tsne-learning-rate input') - .property('value', 1) - .on('input', updateLearningRate); - updateLearningRate(); - - // Nearest neighbors controls. - let updateNumNN = () => { - numNN = +numNNInput.property('value'); - this.dom.select('.num-nn span').text(numNN); - }; - let numNNInput = this.dom.select('.num-nn input') - .property('value', numNN) - .on('input', updateNumNN); - updateNumNN(); - - // View controls - this.dom.select('.reset-zoom').on('click', () => { - this.scatter.resetZoom(); - }); - this.dom.select('.zoom-in').on('click', () => { - this.scatter.zoomStep(2); - }); - this.dom.select('.zoom-out').on('click', () => { - this.scatter.zoomStep(0.5); - }); - - // Toolbar controls - let searchBox = this.dom.select('.control.search-box'); - let searchBoxInfo = searchBox.select('.info'); - - let searchByRegEx = - (pattern: string): {error?: Error, indices: number[]} => { - let regEx: RegExp; - try { - regEx = new RegExp(pattern, 'i'); - } catch (e) { - return {error: e.message, indices: null}; - } - let indices: number[] = []; - for (let id = 0; id < this.points.length; ++id) { - if (regEx.test('' + this.points[id].metadata['label'])) { - indices.push(id); - } - } - return {indices: indices}; - }; - - // Called whenever the search text input changes. - let searchInputChanged = (value: string) => { - if (value.trim() === '') { - searchBoxInfo.style('color', CALLOUT_COLOR).text('Enter a regex.'); - if (this.scatter != null) { - this.selectedPoints = []; - this.selectionWasUpdated(); - } - return; - } - let result = searchByRegEx(value); - let indices = result.indices; - if (result.error) { - searchBoxInfo.style('color', CALLOUT_COLOR).text('Invalid regex.'); - } - if (indices) { - if (indices.length === 0) { - searchBoxInfo.style('color', CALLOUT_COLOR).text(`0 matches.`); - } else { - searchBoxInfo.style('color', null).text(`${indices.length} matches.`); - this.showTab('inspector'); - let neighbors = this.findNeighbors(indices[0]); - if (indices.length === 1) { - this.scatter.clickOnPoint(indices[0]); - } - this.selectedPoints = indices; - this.updateNNList(neighbors); - } - this.selectionWasUpdated(); - } - }; - - searchBox.select('input').on( - 'input', function() { searchInputChanged(this.value); }); - let searchButton = this.dom.select('.search'); - - searchButton.on('click', () => { - let mode = this.scatter.getMode(); - this.scatter.setMode(mode === Mode.SEARCH ? Mode.HOVER : Mode.SEARCH); - if (this.scatter.getMode() == Mode.HOVER) { - this.selectedPoints = []; - this.selectionWasUpdated(); - } else { - searchInputChanged(searchBox.select('input').property('value')); - } - this.updateMenuButtons(); - }); - // Init the control with an empty input. - searchInputChanged(''); - - this.dom.select('.distance a.euclidean').on('click', function() { - d3.selectAll('.distance a').classed('selected', false); - d3.select(this).classed('selected', true); - self.selectedDistance = vector.dist; - if (self.selectedPoints.length > 0) { - let neighbors = self.findNeighbors(self.selectedPoints[0]); - self.updateNNList(neighbors); - } - }); - - this.dom.select('.distance a.cosine').on('click', function() { - d3.selectAll('.distance a').classed('selected', false); - d3.select(this).classed('selected', true); - self.selectedDistance = vector.cosDistNorm; - if (self.selectedPoints.length > 0) { - let neighbors = self.findNeighbors(self.selectedPoints[0]); - self.updateNNList(neighbors); - } - }); - - let selectModeButton = this.dom.select('.selectMode'); - - selectModeButton.on('click', () => { - let mode = this.scatter.getMode(); - this.scatter.setMode(mode === Mode.SELECT ? Mode.HOVER : Mode.SELECT); - this.updateMenuButtons(); - }); - - let showLabels = true; - let showLabelsButton = this.dom.select('.show-labels'); - showLabelsButton.on('click', () => { - showLabels = !showLabels; - this.scatter.showLabels(showLabels); - showLabelsButton.classed('selected', showLabels); - }); - - let dayNightModeButton = this.dom.select('.nightDayMode'); - let modeIsNight = dayNightModeButton.classed('selected'); - dayNightModeButton.on('click', () => { - modeIsNight = !modeIsNight; - this.scatter.setDayNightMode(modeIsNight); - this.scatter.update(); - dayNightModeButton.classed('selected', modeIsNight); - }); - - // Resize - window.addEventListener('resize', () => { this.scatter.resize(); }); - - // Canvas - this.scatter = new ScatterWebGL( - this.dom.select('#scatter'), - i => '' + this.points[i].metadata['label']); - this.scatter.onHover(hoveredIndex => { - if (hoveredIndex == null) { - this.highlightedPoints = []; - } else { - let point = this.points[hoveredIndex]; - this.dom.select('#hoverInfo').text(point.metadata['label']); - let neighbors = this.findNeighbors(hoveredIndex); - let minDist = neighbors[0].dist; - let pointIndices = [hoveredIndex].concat(neighbors.map(d => d.index)); - let pointHighlightColor = modeIsNight ? POINT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_NIGHT : - POINT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_DAY; - this.highlightedPoints = pointIndices.map((index, i) => { - let color = i == 0 ? pointHighlightColor : - this.dist2color(neighbors[i - 1].dist, minDist); - return {index: index, color: color}; - }); - } - this.selectionWasUpdated(); - }); - - this.scatter.onSelection( - selectedPoints => this.updateSelection(selectedPoints)); - - // Selection controls - this.dom.select('.set-filter').on('click', () => { - let highlighted = this.selectedPoints; - let highlightedOrig: number[] = - highlighted.map(d => { return this.points[d].dataSourceIndex; }); - let subset = this.dataSource.getDataSet(highlightedOrig); - this.setDataSet(subset); - this.dom.select('.reset-filter').style('display', null); - this.selectedPoints = []; - this.scatter.recreateScene(); - this.selectionWasUpdated(); - this.updateIsolateButton(); - }); - - this.dom.select('.reset-filter').on('click', () => { - let subset = this.dataSource.getDataSet(); - this.setDataSet(subset); - this.dom.select('.reset-filter').style('display', 'none'); - }); - - this.dom.select('.clear-selection').on('click', () => { - this.selectedPoints = []; - this.scatter.setMode(Mode.HOVER); - this.scatter.clickOnPoint(null); - this.updateMenuButtons(); - this.selectionWasUpdated(); - }); - } - - private updateSelection(selectedPoints: number[]) { - // If no points are selected, unselect everything. - if (!selectedPoints.length) { - this.selectedPoints = []; - this.updateNNList([]); - } - // If only one point is selected, we want to get its nearest neighbors - // and change the UI accordingly. - else if (selectedPoints.length === 1) { - let selectedPoint = selectedPoints[0]; - this.showTab('inspector'); - let neighbors = this.findNeighbors(selectedPoint); - this.selectedPoints = [selectedPoint].concat(neighbors.map(n => n.index)); - this.updateNNList(neighbors); - } - // Otherwise, select all points and hide nearest neighbors list. - else { - this.selectedPoints = selectedPoints as number[]; - this.highlightedPoints = []; - this.updateNNList([]); - } - this.updateMetadata(); - this.selectionWasUpdated(); - } - - private showPCA(callback?: () => void) { - this.currentDataSet.projectPCA().then(() => { - this.scatter.showTickLabels(false); - let x = this.pcaX; - let y = this.pcaY; - let z = this.pcaZ; - let hasZ = dimension == 3; - this.scatter.setXAccessor(i => this.points[i].projections['pca-' + x]); - this.scatter.setYAccessor(i => this.points[i].projections['pca-' + y]); - this.scatter.setZAccessor( - hasZ ? (i => this.points[i].projections['pca-' + z]) : null); - this.scatter.setAxisLabels('pca-' + x, 'pca-' + y); - this.scatter.update(); - if (callback) { - callback(); - } - }); - } - - private showTab(id: string) { - let tab = this.dom.select('.ink-tab[data-tab="' + id + '"]'); - let pane = - d3.select((tab.node() as HTMLElement).parentNode.parentNode.parentNode); - pane.selectAll('.ink-tab').classed('active', false); - tab.classed('active', true); - pane.selectAll('.ink-panel-content').classed('active', false); - pane.select('.ink-panel-content[data-panel="' + id + '"]') - .classed('active', true); - if (id === 'pca') { - this.showPCA(() => this.scatter.recreateScene()); - } else if (id === 'tsne') { - this.showTSNE(); - } else if (id === 'custom') { - this.showCustom(); - } - } - - private showCustom() { - this.scatter.showTickLabels(true); - let xDir = vector.sub(this.centroids.xRight, this.centroids.xLeft); - this.currentDataSet.projectLinear(xDir, 'linear-x'); - this.scatter.setXAccessor(i => this.points[i].projections['linear-x']); - - let yDir = vector.sub(this.centroids.yUp, this.centroids.yDown); - this.currentDataSet.projectLinear(yDir, 'linear-y'); - this.scatter.setYAccessor(i => this.points[i].projections['linear-y']); - - // Scatter is only in 2D in projection mode. - this.scatter.setZAccessor(null); - - let xLabel = this.centroidValues.xLeft + ' → ' + this.centroidValues.xRight; - let yLabel = this.centroidValues.yUp + ' → ' + this.centroidValues.yDown; - this.scatter.setAxisLabels(xLabel, yLabel); - this.scatter.update(); - this.scatter.recreateScene(); - } - - private get points() { return this.currentDataSet.points; } - - private showTSNE() { - this.scatter.showTickLabels(false); - this.scatter.setXAccessor(i => this.points[i].projections['tsne-0']); - this.scatter.setYAccessor(i => this.points[i].projections['tsne-1']); - this.scatter.setZAccessor( - dimension === 3 ? (i => this.points[i].projections['tsne-2']) : null); - this.scatter.setAxisLabels('tsne-0', 'tsne-1'); - } - - private runTSNE() { - this.currentDataSet.projectTSNE( - perplexity, learningRate, dimension, (iteration: number) => { - if (iteration != null) { - this.dom.select('.run-tsne-iter').text(iteration); - this.scatter.update(); - } - }); - } - - // Updates the displayed metadata for the selected point. - private updateMetadata() { - let metadataContainerElement = this.dom.select('.ink-panel-metadata'); - metadataContainerElement.selectAll('*').remove(); - - let display = false; - if (this.selectedPoints.length >= 1) { - let selectedPoint = this.points[this.selectedPoints[0]]; - - for (let metadataKey in selectedPoint.metadata) { - let rowElement = document.createElement('div'); - rowElement.className = 'ink-panel-metadata-row vz-projector'; - - let keyElement = document.createElement('div'); - keyElement.className = 'ink-panel-metadata-key vz-projector'; - keyElement.textContent = metadataKey; - - let valueElement = document.createElement('div'); - valueElement.className = 'ink-panel-metadata-value vz-projector'; - valueElement.textContent = '' + selectedPoint.metadata[metadataKey]; - - rowElement.appendChild(keyElement); - rowElement.appendChild(valueElement); - - metadataContainerElement.append(function() { - return this.appendChild(rowElement); - }); - } - - display = true; - } - - this.dom.select('.ink-panel-metadata-container') - .style('display', display ? '' : 'none'); - } - - private selectionWasUpdated() { - this.dom.select('#hoverInfo') - .text(`Selected ${this.selectedPoints.length} points`); - let allPoints = - this.highlightedPoints.map(x => x.index).concat(this.selectedPoints); - let stroke = (i: number) => { - return i < this.highlightedPoints.length ? - this.highlightedPoints[i].color : - NN_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR; - }; - let favor = (i: number) => { - return i == 0 || (i < this.highlightedPoints.length ? false : true); - }; - this.scatter.highlightPoints(allPoints, stroke, favor); - this.updateIsolateButton(); - } - - private updateMenuButtons() { - let searchBox = this.dom.select('.control.search-box'); - this.dom.select('.search').classed( - 'selected', this.scatter.getMode() === Mode.SEARCH); - let searchMode = this.scatter.getMode() === Mode.SEARCH; - this.dom.select('.control.search-box') - .style('width', searchMode ? '110px' : null) - .style('margin-right', searchMode ? '10px' : null); - (searchBox.select('input').node() as HTMLInputElement).focus(); - this.dom.select('.selectMode') - .classed('selected', this.scatter.getMode() === Mode.SELECT); - } - - /** - * Finds the nearest neighbors of the currently selected point using the - * currently selected distance method. - */ - private findNeighbors(pointIndex: number): knn.NearestEntry[] { - // Find the nearest neighbors of a particular point. - let neighbors = knn.findKNNofPoint( - this.points, pointIndex, numNN, (d => d.vector), this.selectedDistance); - let result = neighbors.slice(0, numNN); - return result; - } - - /** Updates the nearest neighbors list in the inspector. */ - private updateNNList(neighbors: knn.NearestEntry[]) { - let nnlist = this.dom.select('.nn-list'); - nnlist.html(''); - - if (neighbors.length == 0) { - this.dom.select('#nn-title').text(''); - return; - } - - let selectedPoint = this.points[this.selectedPoints[0]]; - this.dom.select('#nn-title') - .text(selectedPoint != null ? selectedPoint.metadata['label'] : ''); - - let minDist = neighbors.length > 0 ? neighbors[0].dist : 0; - let n = nnlist.selectAll('.neighbor') - .data(neighbors) - .enter() - .append('div') - .attr('class', 'neighbor') - .append('a') - .attr('class', 'neighbor-link'); - - n.append('span') - .attr('class', 'label') - .style('color', d => this.dist2color(d.dist, minDist)) - .text(d => this.points[d.index].metadata['label']); - - n.append('span').attr('class', 'value').text(d => d.dist.toFixed(2)); - - let bar = n.append('div').attr('class', 'bar'); - - bar.append('div') - .attr('class', 'fill') - .style('border-top-color', d => this.dist2color(d.dist, minDist)) - .style('width', d => this.normalizeDist(d.dist, minDist) * 100 + '%'); - - bar.selectAll('.tick') - .data(d3.range(1, 4)) - .enter() - .append('div') - .attr('class', 'tick') - .style('left', d => d * 100 / 4 + '%'); - - n.on('click', d => { this.updateSelection([d.index]); }); - } - - private updateIsolateButton() { - let numPoints = this.selectedPoints.length; - let isolateButton = this.dom.select('.set-filter'); - let clearButton = this.dom.select('button.clear-selection'); - if (numPoints > 1) { - isolateButton.text(`Isolate ${numPoints} points`).style('display', null); - clearButton.style('display', null); - } else { - isolateButton.style('display', 'none'); - clearButton.style('display', 'none'); - } - } - - private getCentroid(pattern: string): CentroidResult { - let accessor = (a: DataPoint) => a.vector; - if (pattern == null) { - return {numMatches: 0}; - } - if (pattern == '') { - if (this.allCentroid == null) { - this.allCentroid = - vector.centroid(this.points, () => true, accessor).centroid; - } - return {centroid: this.allCentroid, numMatches: this.points.length}; - } - - let regExp: RegExp; - let predicate: (a: DataPoint) => boolean; - // Check for a regex. - if (pattern.charAt(0) == '/' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) == '/') { - pattern = pattern.slice(1, pattern.length - 1); - try { - regExp = new RegExp(pattern, 'i'); - } catch (e) { - return {error: e.message}; - } - predicate = - (a: DataPoint) => { return regExp.test('' + a.metadata['label']); }; - // else does an exact match - } else { - predicate = (a: DataPoint) => { return a.metadata['label'] == pattern; }; - } - return vector.centroid(this.points, predicate, accessor); - } -} - -type CentroidResult = { - centroid?: number[]; numMatches?: number; error?: string -}; - -document.registerElement(Projector.prototype.is, Projector); diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/gulp_tasks/compile.js b/tensorflow/tensorboard/gulp_tasks/compile.js index 93d3e50c3f9bce..4877468ab38be2 100644 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/gulp_tasks/compile.js +++ b/tensorflow/tensorboard/gulp_tasks/compile.js @@ -19,67 +19,20 @@ var typescript = require('typescript'); var gutil = require('gulp-util'); var filter = require('gulp-filter'); var merge = require('merge2'); -var browserify = require('browserify'); -var tsify = require('tsify'); -var source = require('vinyl-source-stream'); -var glob = require('glob').sync; -var concat = require('gulp-concat'); var tsProject = ts.createProject('./tsconfig.json', { typescript: typescript, noExternalResolve: true, // opt-in for faster compilation! }); -/** List of components (and their external deps) that are using es6 modules. */ -var ES6_COMPONENTS = [{ - name: 'vz-projector', - deps: [ - 'd3/d3.min.js', 'weblas/dist/weblas.js', 'three.js/build/three.min.js', - 'three.js/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js', - 'numericjs/lib/numeric-1.2.6.js' - ] -}]; module.exports = function() { - // Compile all components that are using ES6 modules into a bundle.js - // using browserify. - var entries = ['typings/index.d.ts']; - var deps = {}; - ES6_COMPONENTS.forEach(function(component) { - // Collect all the typescript files across the components. - entries = entries.concat(glob( - 'components/' + component.name + '/**/*.ts', - // Do not include tests. - {ignore: 'components/' + component.name + '/**/*_test.ts'})); - // Collect the unique external deps across all components using es6 modules. - component.deps.forEach(function(dep) { deps['components/' + dep] = true; }); - }); - deps = Object.keys(deps); - - // Compile, bundle all the typescript files and prepend their deps. - browserify(entries) - .plugin(tsify) - .bundle() - .on('error', function(error) { console.error(error.toString()); }) - .pipe(source('app.js')) - .pipe(gulp.dest('components')) - .on('end', function() { - // Typescript was compiled and bundled. Now we need to prepend - // the external dependencies. - gulp.src(deps.concat(['components/app.js'])) - .pipe(concat('bundle.js')) - .pipe(gulp.dest('components')); - }); - - // Compile components that are using global namespaces producing 1 js file - // for each ts file. var isComponent = filter([ - 'components/tf-*/**/*.ts', 'components/vz-*/**/*.ts', 'typings/**/*.ts', + 'components/tf-*/**/*.ts', + 'components/vz-*/**/*.ts', + 'typings/**/*.ts', 'components/plottable/plottable.d.ts' - // Ignore components that use es6 modules. - ].concat(ES6_COMPONENTS.map(function(component) { - return '!components/' + component.name + '/**/*.ts'; - }))); + ]); return tsProject.src() .pipe(isComponent) diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/package.json b/tensorflow/tensorboard/package.json index 8c8f4ac5dc0977..ce104cb2f89f87 100644 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/package.json +++ b/tensorflow/tensorboard/package.json @@ -13,14 +13,9 @@ "author": "Google", "license": "Apache-2.0", "devDependencies": { - "browserify": "^13.1.0", "gulp": "~3.9.0", - "gulp-bower": "0.0.13", "gulp-cli": "^1.1.0", - "gulp-concat": "^2.6.0", "gulp-filter": "~3.0.1", - "gulp-header": "~1.7.1", - "gulp-rename": "~1.2.2", "gulp-replace": "~0.5.4", "gulp-server-livereload": "~1.5.4", "gulp-tslint": "~4.2.2", @@ -29,12 +24,13 @@ "gulp-vulcanize": "~6.1.0", "merge2": "~0.3.6", "minimist": "~1.2.0", - "tsify": "^0.15.6", "tslint": "^3.2.1", - "typescript": "^2.0.0", - "typings": "~1.0.4", - "vinyl-source-stream": "^1.1.0", + "typescript": "1.8.0", "vulcanize": "^1.14.0", - "web-component-tester": "4.2.2" + "web-component-tester": "4.2.2", + "gulp-header": "~1.7.1", + "gulp-rename": "~1.2.2", + "gulp-bower": "0.0.13", + "typings": "~1.0.4" } } diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/tsconfig.json b/tensorflow/tensorboard/tsconfig.json index e51e70f848f934..1ecec4f92269ce 100644 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/tsconfig.json +++ b/tensorflow/tensorboard/tsconfig.json @@ -2,8 +2,7 @@ "compilerOptions": { "noImplicitAny": false, "noEmitOnError": true, - "target": "ES5", - "module": "commonjs" + "target": "ES5" }, "compileOnSave": false, "exclude": [ diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/typings.json b/tensorflow/tensorboard/typings.json index 4679f7acfec91e..7e7e7f9e881a0f 100644 --- a/tensorflow/tensorboard/typings.json +++ b/tensorflow/tensorboard/typings.json @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ "mocha": "registry:dt/mocha#2.2.5+20160317120654", "polymer": "registry:dt/polymer#1.1.6+20160317120654", "sinon": "registry:dt/sinon#1.16.0+20160517064723", - "three": "registry:dt/three#0.0.0+20160802154944", "webcomponents.js": "registry:dt/webcomponents.js#0.6.0+20160317120654" } }