This is a rosserial client implementation for the mbed platform.
Note: This has been tested and currently supports building using the gcc4mbed ofline compiler for the LPC1768, KL25Z and NUCLEO F401RE.
- No support for the mbed online compiler (WIP)
- Make sure you have the gcc4mbed installed on your system
- Install the library somewhere in your system
rosrun rosserial_mbed <ros-lib-dir>
- Move to the project's folder and set the env var for the gcc4mbed and the ros-lib paths
- Example:
$ export GCC4MBED_DIR=/home/gary/devel/mbed/gcc4mbed
- Example:
$ export ROS_LIB_DIR=/home/gary/devel/ros-lib
- Example:
make all && make deploy
Please see the rosserial Tutorials on the ROS wiki to get started.