Web push requires that push messages triggered from a backend be done via the Web Push Protocol and if you want to send data with your push message, you must also encrypt that data according to the Message Encryption for Web Push spec.
This module makes it easy to send messages and will also handle legacy support for browsers relying on GCM for message sending / delivery.
Installation is simple, just install via npm.
npm install web-push --save
The common use case for this library is an application server using a GCM API key and VAPID keys.
const webpush = require('web-push');
// VAPID keys should only be generated only once.
const vapidKeys = webpush.generateVAPIDKeys();
webpush.setGCMAPIKey('<Your GCM API Key Here>');
'mailto:[email protected]',
// This is the same output of calling JSON.stringify on a PushSubscription
const pushSubscription = {
endpoint: '.....',
keys: {
auth: '.....',
p256dh: '.....'
webpush.sendNotification(pushSubscription, 'Your Push Payload Text');
When using your VAPID key in your web app, you'll need to convert the URL safe base64 string to a Uint8Array to pass into the subscribe call, which you can do like so:
function urlBase64ToUint8Array(base64String) {
const padding = '='.repeat((4 - base64String.length % 4) % 4);
const base64 = (base64String + padding)
.replace(/\-/g, '+')
.replace(/_/g, '/');
const rawData = window.atob(base64);
const outputArray = new Uint8Array(rawData.length);
for (let i = 0; i < rawData.length; ++i) {
outputArray[i] = rawData.charCodeAt(i);
return outputArray;
const vapidPublicKey = '<Your Public Key from generateVAPIDKeys()>';
const convertedVapidKey = urlBase64ToUint8Array(vapidPublicKey);
userVisibleOnly: true,
applicationServerKey: convertedVapidKey
You can install web-push
globally and use it for sending notifications
and / or generating VAPID keys.
Install like so:
npm install web-push -g
Then you can run the following commands:
web-push send-notification --endpoint=<url> [--key=<browser key>] [--auth=<auth secret>] [--payload=<message>] [--ttl=<seconds>] [--vapid-subject=<vapid subject>] [--vapid-pubkey=<public key url base64>] [--vapid-pvtkey=<private key url base64>] [--gcm-api-key=<api key>]
web-push generate-vapid-keys [--json]
const pushSubscription = {
endpoint: '< Push Subscription URL >',
keys: {
p256dh: '< User Public Encryption Key >',
auth: '< User Auth Secret >'
const payload = '< Push Payload String >';
const options = {
gcmAPIKey: '< GCM API Key >',
vapidDetails: {
subject: '< \'mailto\' Address or URL >',
publicKey: '< URL Safe Base64 Encoded Public Key >',
privateKey: '< URL Safe Base64 Encoded Private Key >'
TTL: <Number>
you don't need to define a payload, and this method will work without a GCM API Key and / or VAPID keys if the push service supports it.
Push Subscription
The first argument must be an object containing the details for a push subscription.
The expected format is the same output as JSON.stringify'ing a PushSubscription in the browser.
The payload is optional, but if set, will be the data sent with a push message.
This must be either a string or a node Buffer.
Note: In order to encrypt the payload, the pushSubscription must have a keys object with p256dh and auth values.
Options is an optional argument that if defined should be an object containing any of the following values defined, although none of them are required.
- gcmAPIKey can be a GCM API key to be used for this request and this
request only. This overrides any API key set via
. - vapidDetails should be an object with subject, publicKey and privateKey values defined. These values should follow the VAPID Spec.
- TTL is a value in seconds that describes how long a push message is retained by the push service (by default, four weeks);
A promise that resolves if the notification was sent successfully with details of the request, otherwise it rejects.
In both cases, resolving or rejecting, you'll be able to access the following values on the returned object or error.
- statusCode, the status code of the response from the push service;
- headers, the headers of the response from the push service;
- body, the body of the response from the push service.
const vapidKeys = webpush.generateVAPIDKeys();
// Prints 2 URL Safe Base64 Encoded Strings
console.log(vapidKeys.publicKey, vapidKeys.privateKey);
Returns an object with publicKey and privateKey values which are URL Safe Base64 encoded strings.
Note: You should create these keys once, store them and use them for all future messages you send.
webpush.setGCMAPIKey('Your GCM API Key');
This method expects the GCM API key that is linked to the gcm_sender_id
your web app manifest.
You can use a GCM API Key from the Google Developer Console or the Cloud Messaging tab under a Firebase Project.
const pushSubscription = {
endpoint: 'https://....',
keys: {
p256dh: '.....',
auth: '.....'
'My Payload'
.then(encryptionDetails => {
Encrypts the payload according to the Message Encryption for Web Push standard.
(sendNotification will automatically encrypt the payload for you, so if you use sendNotification you don't need to worry about it).
The encrypt()
method expects the following input:
- userPublicKey: the public key of the receiver (from the browser).
- userAuth: the auth secret of the receiver (from the browser).
- payload: the message to attach to the notification.
This method returns an object with the following fields:
- localPublicKey: The public key matched the private key used during encryption.
- salt: A string representing the salt used to encrypt the payload.
- cipherText: The encrypted payload as a Buffer.
const parsedUrl = url.parse(subscription.endpoint);
const audience = parsedUrl.protocol + '//' +
const vapidHeaders = vapidHelper.getVapidHeaders(
'mailto: [email protected]',
The getVapidHeaders() method will take in the values needed to create a an Authorization and Crypto-Key header.
The getVapidHeaders()
method expects the following input:
- audience: the origin of the push service.
- subject: the mailto or URL for your application.
- publicKey: the VAPID public key.
- privateKey: the VAPID private key.
This method returns an object with the following fields:
- localPublicKey: The public key matched the private key used during encryption.
- salt: A string representing the salt used to encrypt the payload.
- cipherText: The encrypted payload as a Buffer.
const pushSubscription = {
endpoint: '< Push Subscription URL >';
keys: {
p256dh: '< User Public Encryption Key >',
auth: '< User Auth Secret >'
const payload = '< Push Payload String >';
const options = {
gcmAPIKey: '< GCM API Key >',
vapidDetails: {
subject: '< \'mailto\' Address or URL >',
publicKey: '< URL Safe Base64 Encoded Public Key >',
privateKey: '< URL Safe Base64 Encoded Private Key >',
TTL: <Number>
try {
const details = webpush.generateRequestDetails(
} catch (err) {
Note: When calling
the payload argument does not need to be defined, passing in null will return no body and exclude any unnesscary headers. Headers related to the GCM API Key and / or VAPID keys will be included if supplied and required.
Push Subscription
The first argument must be an object containing the details for a push subscription.
The expected format is the same output as JSON.stringify'ing a PushSubscription in the browser.
The payload is optional, but if set, will be encrypted and a Buffer
will be returned via the payload
This argument must be either a string or a node Buffer.
Note: In order to encrypt the payload, the pushSubscription must have a keys object with p256dh and auth values.
Options is an optional argument that if defined should be an object containing any of the following values defined, although none of them are required.
- gcmAPIKey can be a GCM API key to be used for this request and this
request only. This overrides any API key set via
. - vapidDetails should be an object with subject, publicKey and privateKey values defined. These values should follow the VAPID Spec.
- TTL is a value in seconds that describes how long a push message is retained by the push service (by default, four weeks);
An object containing all the details needed to make a network request, the object will contain:
- endpoint, the URL to send the request to;
- method, this will be 'POST';
- headers, the headers to add to the request;
- body, the body of the request (As a Node Buffer).
<!-- Push without payloads support-->
<td>✓ v42+</td>
<!-- Push with payload support -->
<td>✓ v50+</td>
<!-- VAPID Support -->
<td>✓ v52+</td>
<td>In v51 and less, the `gcm_sender_id` is needed to get a push subscription.</td>
<!-- Push without payloads support-->
<!-- Push with payload support -->
<!-- VAPID Support -->
<!-- Push without payloads support-->
<td>✓ v44+</td>
<!-- Push with payload support -->
<td>✓ v44+</td>
<!-- VAPID Support -->
<td>✓ v46+</td>
<!-- Push without payloads support-->
<td>✓ v39+ <strong>*</strong></td>
<!-- Push with payload support -->
<td>✓ v39+ <strong>*</strong></td>
<!-- VAPID Support -->
<strong>*</strong> Opera supports push Android but no on desktop.
<br />
<br />
The `gcm_sender_id` is needed to get a push subscription.
<!-- Push without payloads support-->
<!-- Push with payload support -->
<!-- VAPID Support -->
<td>Samsung Internet Browser</td>
<!-- Push without payloads support-->
<td>✓ v4.0.10-53+</td>
<!-- Push with payload support -->
<!-- VAPID Support -->
<td>The `gcm_sender_id` is needed to get a push subscription.</td>
Browser | Push without Payload | Push with Payload | VAPID | Notes |
Chrome |
Service Worker Cookbook
The Service Worker Cookbook is full of Web Push examples using this library.
- Java JDK or JRE (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html)
To run tests:
npm test