- Minneapolis, MN
A set of exercises for learning Clojure
ClojureScript's persistent data structures and supporting API from the comfort of vanilla JavaScript
Asynchronous streaming communication for Clojure - web server, web client, and raw TCP/UDP
Leiningen plugin to make ClojureScript development easy.
core.matrix : Multi-dimensional array programming API for Clojure
Enhanced try and throw for Clojure leveraging Clojure's capabilities
Clojure to Scheme to C to the bare metal.
Slamhound rips your namespace form apart and reconstructs it.
Clojure library for symbolic computation
Mímir is an experimental rule engine written in Clojure.
DEPRECATED SEE BELOW Gradual typing for Clojure
Expanding support for constant-space tail calls in the Clojure language.
The code for my Caves of Clojure series of blog posts.
LLVM Clojure Bindings and Toy Language.
Akka wrapper for the Clojure programming language.
Practical unit-of-measure calculator DSL for Clojure / ClojureScript
Clojure implementation of some data structures described in Okasaki's book
A Library of Morphisms: Monoids, Functors, and Monads
A Clojure api for the the Spark project (a fast, open source cluster computing system).
State-of-The-Art Unsupervised Part-Of-Speech Type-Level Tagger in 300 Lines of Clojure