This crate implements various algorithms described in E. Myers paper: An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and Its Variations.
The main entrypoint is diff
, which allows to compute the longest
common subsequence between two sequences of byte slices.
Note that the current API is not stabilized yet.
Add this to your Cargo.toml
use diffr_lib::{diff, DiffInput, HashedSpan, Tokenization};
use std::collections::HashSet;
fn main() {
fn line(lo: usize, hi: usize) -> HashedSpan {
HashedSpan { lo, hi, hash: 0 }
let old_data = b"I need to buy apples.\n\
I need to run the laundry.\n\
I need to wash the dog.\n\
I need to get the car detailed.";
let old_tokens = vec![line(0, 21), line(22, 48), line(49, 72), line(73, 104)];
let new_data = b"I need to buy apples.\n\
I need to do the laundry.\n\
I need to wash the car.\n\
I need to get the dog detailed.";
let new_tokens = vec![line(0, 21), line(22, 47), line(48, 71), line(72, 103)];
let input = DiffInput {
added: Tokenization::new(old_data, &old_tokens),
removed: Tokenization::new(new_data, &new_tokens),
let mut namespace = vec![]; // memory used during the diff algorithm
let mut shared_blocks = vec![]; // results
diff(&input, &mut namespace, &mut shared_blocks);
let mut old_shared = HashSet::new();
let mut new_shared = HashSet::new();
for shared_block in &shared_blocks {
for line_idx in 0..shared_block.len as usize {
let old_line_index = shared_block.x0 as usize + line_idx;
let old_line = old_tokens[old_line_index];
let new_line_index = shared_block.y0 as usize + line_idx;
println!("unique to old data: ");
for i in 0..old_tokens.len() {
if !old_shared.contains(&i) {
let old_line = old_tokens[i];
println!("unique to new data: ");
for i in 0..new_tokens.len() {
if !new_shared.contains(&i) {
let new_line = new_tokens[i];