本工程是基于FFmpeg 6.0,在工程里面也有一个3.3.2, 3.4.8, 4.2.3, 5.1.1版本,有需要的可以自己去Git库里面checkout
- 在allprojects下面添加: maven { url "https://nexus.raoyunsoft.com/repository/maven-releases/" }
- implementation 'com.guaishou.bzlib:bzffmpegcmd:1.0.26@aar'
- FFmpegCMDUtil.executeFFmpegCommand(String command, OnActionListener onActionListener)
English documentation:
This project is based on FFmpeg 6.0. There is also a version 3.3.2, 3.4.8 4.2.3 and 5.1.1 in the project. If you need it, you can checkout it in the Git library.
- Add below allprojects: maven { url "https://nexus.raoyunsoft.com/repository/maven-releases/" }
- implementation 'com.guaishou.bzlib:bzffmpegcmd:1.0.26@aar'
- FFmpegCMDUtil.executeFFmpegCommand(String command, OnActionListener onActionListener)