This is the companion code for the paper: 'Fuzzing Embedded Systems using Debugger Interfaces'. A preprint of the paper can be found here The code allows the users to reproduce and extend the results reported in the paper. Please cite the above paper when reporting, reproducing or extending the results.
├── benchmark # Scripts to build Google's fuzzer test suite and run experiments
├── dependencies # Contains a Makefile to install dependencies for GDBFuzz
├── evaluation # Raw exeriment data, presented in the paper
├── example_firmware # Embedded example applications, used for the evaluation
├── example_programs # Contains a compiled example program and configs to test GDBFuzz
├── src # Contains the implementation of GDBFuzz
├── Dockerfile # For creating a Docker image with all GDBFuzz dependencies installed
├── LICENSE # License
├── Makefile # Makefile for creating the docker image or install GDBFuzz locally
└── # This README file
The idea of GDBFuzz is to leverage hardware breakpoints from microcontrollers as feedback for coverage-guided fuzzing. Therefore, GDB is used as a generic interface to enable broad applicability. For binary analysis of the firmware, Ghidra is used. The code contains a benchmark setup for evaluating the method. Additionally, an example firmware is included.
GDBFuzz enable coverage-guided fuzzing for embedded systems, but - for evaluation purposes - can also fuzz arbitrary user applications. All steps have been tested on Ubuntu 20.04
GDBFuzz has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and Raspberry Pie OS 32-bit Prerequisites are java and python3. Check the Dockerfile for specific requirements. First, create a new virtual environment and install all dependencies.
virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
chmod a+x ./src/GDBFuzz/
chmod a+x ./example_programs/json-2017-02-12
./src/GDBFuzz/ --config ./example_programs/fuzz_json.cfg
All config options are explained in the config file.
The general effectiveness of the approach is shown in a large scale benchmark deployed as docker containers.
make dockerimage
GDBFuzz needs a config file and the software under test (SUT) binary. You can use a Docker volume to make these accessible inside the Docker container:
chmod a+x ./example_programs/json-2017-02-12
docker run -it --env CONFIG_FILE=/example_programs/fuzz_json_docker_qemu.cfg -v $(pwd)/example_programs:/example_programs -v $(pwd)/output:/output gdbfuzz:1.0
GDBFuzz requires access to a GDB Server. In this case the B-L4S5I-IOT01A and its on-board debugger are used. This on-board debugger sets up a GDB server via the 'st-util' program, and enables access to this GDB server via localhost:4242.
- Install the STLINK driver link
- Connect MCU board and PC via USB (on MCU board, connect to the USB connector that is labeled as 'USB STLINK')
sudo apt-get install stlink-tools gdb-multiarch
Build and flash a firmware for the STM32 B-L4S5I-IOT01A, for example the arduinojson project.
Prerequisite: Install platformio (pio)
cd ./example_firmware/stm32_disco_arduinojson/
pio run --target upload
For your info: platformio stored an .elf file of the SUT here: ./example_firmware/stm32_disco_arduinojson/.pio/build/disco_l4s5i_iot01a/firmware.elf This .elf file is also later used in the user configuration for Ghidra.
Start a new terminal, and run the following to start the a GDB Server:
Run GDBFuzz with a user configuration for arduinojson. We can send data over the usb port to the microcontroller. The microcontroller forwards this data via serial to the SUT'. In our case /dev/ttyACM0
is the USB device to the microcontroller board. If your system assigned another device to the microcontroller board, change /dev/ttyACM0
in the config file to your device.
./src/GDBFuzz/ --config ./example_firmware/stm32_disco_arduinojson/jsonHW.cfg
Fuzzer statistics and logs are in the ./output/... directory.
- Install the ESP32 SDK
Build and flash a firmware for the ESP32, for instance the arduinojson example with platformio.
cd ./example_firmware/esp32_arduinojson/
pio run --target upload
Add following line to the openocd config file for the J-Link debugger: jlink.cfg
adapter speed 10000
Start a new terminal, and run the following to start the GDB Server:
openocd -f interface/jlink.cfg -f target/esp32.cfg -c "telnet_port 7777" -c "gdb_port 8888"
Run GDBFuzz with a user configuration for arduinojson. We can send data over the usb port to the microcontroller. The microcontroller forwards this data via serial to the SUT'. In our case /dev/ttyUSB0
is the USB device to the microcontroller board. If your system assigned another device to the microcontroller board, change /dev/ttyUSB0
in the config file to your device.
./src/GDBFuzz/ --config ./example_firmware/esp32_arduinojson/jsonHW.cfg
Fuzzer statistics and logs are in the ./output/... directory.
Install pyocd
pip install --upgrade pip 'mbed-ls>=1.7.1' 'pyocd>=0.16'
Make sure that 'KitProg v3' is on the device and put Board into 'Arm DAPLink' Mode by pressing the appropriate button. Start the GDB server:
pyocd gdbserver --persist
Install TI MSP430 GCC from
Start GDB Server
or (more stable). Build mspdebug from and use:
until mspdebug --fet-skip-close --force-reset tilib "opt gdb_loop True" gdb ; do sleep 1 ; done
Ghidra fails to analyze binaries for the TI MSP430 controller out of the box. To fix that, we import the file in the Ghidra GUI, choose MSP430X as architecture and skip the auto analysis. Next, we open the 'Symbol Table', sort them by name and delete all symbols with names like $C$L*
. Now the auto analysis can be executed.
To access USB devices as non-root user with pyusb
we add appropriate rules to udev. Paste following lines to /etc/udev/rules.d/50-myusb.rules
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1234", ATTRS{idProduct}=="5678" GROUP="usbusers", MODE="666"
Reload udev:
sudo udevadm control --reload
sudo udevadm trigger
Create a file with valid basic blocks from a control flow graph file
cut -d " " -f1 ./cfg > valid_bbs.txt
Replay coverage against fuzzware result fuzzware genstats --valid-bb-file valid_bbs.txt
- Ghidra must be modified, such that it runs on an 32-Bit OS
In file ./dependencies/ghidra/support/
variable must be hardcoded therefore e.g. to JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/default-java"
- STLink must be at version >= 1.7 to work properly -> Build from sources
First, build the Docker image as described previously. Next adopt the benchmark settings in benchmark/scripts/
to your demands and start the benchmark with:
cd ./benchmark/benchSUTs
chmod a+x
make dockerbenchmarkimage
cd ../scripts
./ $(pwd)/../benchSUTs/SUTs/ SUTs.json
GDBFuzz has an optional feature where it plots the control flow graph of covered nodes. This is disabled by default. You can enable it by following the instructions of this section and setting 'enable_UI' to 'True' in the user configuration.
On the host:
sudo apt-get install graphviz
Install a recent version of node, for example Option 2 from here. Use Option 2 and not option 1. This should install both node and npm. For reference, our version numbers are (but newer versions should work too):
➜ node --version
➜ npm --version
Install web UI dependencies:
cd ./src/webui
npm install
Install mosquitto MQTT broker, e.g. see here
Update the mosquitto broker config: Replace the file /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/mosquitto.conf with the following content:
listener 1883
allow_anonymous true
listener 9001
protocol websockets
Restart the mosquitto broker:
sudo service mosquitto restart
Check that the mosquitto broker is running:
sudo service mosquitto status
The output should include the text 'Active: active (running)'
Start the web UI:
cd ./src/webui
npm start
Your web browser should open automatically on 'http://localhost:3000/'.
Start GDBFuzz and use a user config file where enable_UI is set to True. You can use the Docker container and arduinojson SUT from above. But make sure to set 'enable_UI' to 'True'.
The nodes covered in 'blue' are covered. White nodes are not covered. We only show uncovered nodes if their parent is covered (drawing the complete control flow graph takes too much time if the control flow graph is large).
GDBFuzz is open-sourced under the AGPL-3.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.
For a list of other open source components included in GDBFuzz, see the file 3rd-party-licenses.txt.