A minimal Python library to draw customized maps from OpenStreetMap created using the osmnx, matplotlib, shapely and vsketch libraries.
- Because of the recent episodes of plagiarism and refusal to credit this project in the NFT Community (Twitter profiles AeternaCivitas and geoartnft) I have decided to change my license to Creative Commons (CC-BY-4.0) which requires you to credit it everytime you use it.
- The printed message on the figures crediting OpenStreetMap and my repository, included by default, is mandatory.
- I do not authorize people to sell NFTs using prettymaps and ask that you contact me if you know of someone who is doing it.
- You can make and sell prints generated with prettymaps, always with the credit message printed.
As seen on Hacker News:
Read the docs
Install with
$ pip install prettymaps
Usage example (For more examples, see this Jupyter Notebook):
# Init matplotlib figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (12, 12), constrained_layout = True)
backup = plot(
# Address:
'Praça Ferreira do Amaral, Macau',
# Plot geometries in a circle of radius:
radius = 1100,
# Matplotlib axis
ax = ax,
# Which OpenStreetMap layers to plot and their parameters:
layers = {
# Perimeter (in this case, a circle)
'perimeter': {},
# Streets and their widths
'streets': {
'width': {
'motorway': 5,
'trunk': 5,
'primary': 4.5,
'secondary': 4,
'tertiary': 3.5,
'residential': 3,
'service': 2,
'unclassified': 2,
'pedestrian': 2,
'footway': 1,
# Other layers:
# Specify a name (for example, 'building') and which OpenStreetMap tags to fetch
'building': {'tags': {'building': True, 'landuse': 'construction'}, 'union': False},
'water': {'tags': {'natural': ['water', 'bay']}},
'green': {'tags': {'landuse': 'grass', 'natural': ['island', 'wood'], 'leisure': 'park'}},
'forest': {'tags': {'landuse': 'forest'}},
'parking': {'tags': {'amenity': 'parking', 'highway': 'pedestrian', 'man_made': 'pier'}}
# drawing_kwargs:
# Reference a name previously defined in the 'layers' argument and specify matplotlib parameters to draw it
drawing_kwargs = {
'background': {'fc': '#F2F4CB', 'ec': '#dadbc1', 'hatch': 'ooo...', 'zorder': -1},
'perimeter': {'fc': '#F2F4CB', 'ec': '#dadbc1', 'lw': 0, 'hatch': 'ooo...', 'zorder': 0},
'green': {'fc': '#D0F1BF', 'ec': '#2F3737', 'lw': 1, 'zorder': 1},
'forest': {'fc': '#64B96A', 'ec': '#2F3737', 'lw': 1, 'zorder': 1},
'water': {'fc': '#a1e3ff', 'ec': '#2F3737', 'hatch': 'ooo...', 'hatch_c': '#85c9e6', 'lw': 1, 'zorder': 2},
'parking': {'fc': '#F2F4CB', 'ec': '#2F3737', 'lw': 1, 'zorder': 3},
'streets': {'fc': '#2F3737', 'ec': '#475657', 'alpha': 1, 'lw': 0, 'zorder': 3},
'building': {'palette': ['#FFC857', '#E9724C', '#C5283D'], 'ec': '#2F3737', 'lw': .5, 'zorder': 4},