Notice: All 1.7.x changes are present in 2.0.x aswell
- [FEATURE] covers more advanced include cases with limiting and filtering (specifically cases where a include would be in the subquery but its child include wouldnt be, for cases where a 1:1 association had a 1:M association as a nested include)
- [BUG] fixes issue where connection would timeout before calling COMMIT resulting in data never reaching the database #1429
- [PERFORMANCE] fixes performance regression introduced in rc7
- [FEATURE] include all relations for a model #1421
- [BUG] N:M adder/getter with through model and custom primary keys now work
- [BUG] fixes bug with required includes without wheres with subqueries
- [BUG] ORDER BY statements when using includes should now be places in the appropriate sub/main query more intelligently.
- [BUG] using include.attributes with primary key attributes specified should no longer result in multiple primary key attributes being selected #1410
- [DEPENDENCIES] all dependencies, including Validator have been updated to the latest versions.
- .set() will no longer set values that are not a dynamic setter or defined in the model. This only breaks BC since .set() was introduced but restores original .updateAttributes functionality where it was possible to 'trust' user input.
- [BUG] Encode binary strings as bytea in postgres, and fix a case where using a binary as key in an association would produce an error 1364. Thanks to @SohumB
- [FEATURE] sync() now correctly returns with an error when foreign key constraints reference unknown tables
- [BUG] sync() no longer fails with foreign key constraints references own table (toposort self-dependency error)
- [FEATURE] makes it possible to specify exactly what timestamp attributes you want to utilize #1334
- [FEATURE] Support coffee script files in migrations. #1357
- [FEATURE] include.where now supports Sequelize.and()/.or(). #1361
- [BUG] fixes issue with postgres sync and enums #1020
- [BUG] fixes various issues with limit and includes #1322
- [BUG] fixes issues with migrations/queryInterface createTable and enums
- [BUG] migration/queryInterface.addIndex() no longer fails on reserved keywords like 'from'
- [FEATURE] bulkCreate now supports a
option for MySQL, SQLite and MariaDB that will useINSERT IGNORE
- [BUG] fixes regression bug with 1:M self associations
- [FEATURE] significant performance improvements for 1:1 and single primary key includes for 500+ rows #1333
- find/findAll will now always return primary keys regardless of
settings. (Motivation was to fix various issues with eager loading)
- [FEATURE] dropAllTables now takes an option parameter with
as an option #1280 - [FEATURE] implements .spread for eventemitters #1277
- [BUG] fixes some of the mysql connection error bugs #1282
- [Feature] Support for OR queries.
- [Feature] Support for HAVING queries. #1286
- [FEATURE] bulkUpdate and bulkDestroy now returns affected rows. #1293
- [BUG] fixes transaction memory leak issue
- [BUG] fixes security issue where it was possible to overwrite the id attribute when defined by sequelize (screwup - and fix - by mickhansen)
- [BUG] fixes unixSocket connections for mariadb #1248
- [BUG] fixes a hangup issue for mysql #1244
- [BUG] improves handling of uncaught errors in eventemitter #1245
- [BUG] fixes bug with mysql replication and pool settings #1251
- [BUG] fixes bug where through models created by N:M associations would inherit hooks #1263
- [FEATURE] .col()/.literal()/etc now works with findAll #1249
- [BUG] now currectly handles connection timeouts as errors #1207
- [FEATURE] instance.createAssociationInstance functionality added #1213
- [BUG] fixes a few bugs with transactions in regards to associations
- [FEATURE] add error handling for transaction creation
sequelize --undo
will now actually undo migrations. Its basically an alias forsequelize --migrate --undo
. #1059 - [BUG] fix bug where
{where: {ne: null}}
would result in!= NULL
instead ofIS NOT NULL
#1231 - [BUG] fixes a bug with validation skipping using the
options. #1233 - [BUG] fixes a bug with postgres and setters #1234
- [BUG] fixes it so
field: {type: Sequelize.ENUM(value1, value2)}
- Hooks are no longer passing value hashes. Instead, they are now passing instances of the model.
- Hook callbacks no longer take two arguments (previously:
err, newValues
). They only take the error argument since values can be changed directly on the model instance.
- [FEATURE] max()/min() now supports dates #1200
- [FEATURE] findAndCountAll now supports the include option
- You will now need to include the relevant subtables to query on them in finders (find/findAll)
- Subquery logic no longer depends on where objects with keys containing '.', instead where options on the include options #1199
- [FEATURE] Nested eager loading / prefetching is now supported. Docs
- [FEATURE] Eager loading / prefetching now supports inner joins and extending the ON statement #1199
- [FEATURE] Eager loading / prefetching now returns the attributes of through models aswell #1198
- [FEATURE] New set/get/changed/previous feature #1182
- Various bug fixes
- [DEPENDENCIES] Upgraded validator for IPv6 support. #603. thanks to durango
- [DEPENDENCIES] replaced underscore by lodash. #954. thanks to durango
- [DEPENDENCIES] Upgraded pg to 2.0.0. #711. thanks to durango
- [DEPENDENCIES] Upgraded command to 2.0.0 and generic-pool to 2.0.4. thanks to durango
- [DEPENDENCIES] No longer require semver. thanks to durango
- [BUG] Fix string escape with postgresql on raw SQL queries. #586. thanks to zanamixx
- [BUG] "order by" is now after "group by". #585. thanks to mekanics
- [BUG] Added decimal support for min/max. #583. thanks to durango
- [BUG] Null dates don't break SQLite anymore. #572. thanks to mweibel
- [BUG] Correctly handle booleans in MySQL. #608. Thanks to terraflubb
- [BUG] Fixed empty where conditions in MySQL. #619. Thanks to terraflubb
- [BUG] Allow overriding of default columns. #635. Thanks to sevastos
- [BUG] Fix where params for belongsTo #658. Thanks to mweibel
- [BUG] Default ports are now declared in the connector manager, which means the default port for PG correctly becomes 5432. #633. durango
- [BUG] Columns with type BOOLEAN were always added to toJSON output, even if they were not selected see. janmeier
- [BUG] Hstore is now fully supported #695. thanks to tadman
- [BUG] Correct join table name for tables with custom names #698. thanks to jjclark1982
- [BUG] PostgreSQL should now be able to insert empty arrays with typecasting. #718. thanks to durango
- [BUG] Fields should be escaped by quoteIdentifier for max/min functions which allows SQL reserved keywords to be used. #719. thanks to durango
- [BUG] Fixed bug when trying to save objects with eagerly loaded attributes #716. thanks to iamjochen
- [BUG] Strings for .find() should be fixed. Also added support for string primary keys to be found easily. #737. thanks to durango
- [BUG] bulkCreate would have problems with a disparate field list #738. thanks to durango
- [BUG] Fixed problems with quoteIdentifiers and {raw: false} option on raw queries #751. thanks to janmeier
- [BUG] Fixed SQL escaping with sqlite and unified escaping #700. thanks to PiPeep
- [BUG] Fixed Postgres' pools ff57af63
- [BUG] Fixed BLOB/TEXT columns having a default value declared in MySQL #793. thanks to durango
- [BUG] You can now use .find() on any single integer primary key when throwing just a number as an argument #796. thanks to durango
- [BUG] Adding unique to a column for Postgres in the migrator should be fixed #795. thanks to durango
- [BUG] For MySQL users, if their collation allows case insensitivity then allow enums to be case insensitive as well #794. thanks to durango
- [BUG] Custom primary key (not keys, just singular) should no longer be a problem for models when using any of the data retrievals with just a number or through associations #771. thanks to sdephold & durango
- [BUG] Default schemas should now be utilized when describing tables #812. thanks to durango
- [BUG] Fixed eager loading for many-to-many associations. #834. thanks to lemon-tree
- [BUG] allowNull: true enums can now be null #857. thanks to durango
- [BUG] Fixes Postgres' ability to search within arrays. #879. thanks to durango
- [BUG] Find and finAll would modify the options objects, now the objects are cloned at the start of the method #884 thanks to janmeier. Improved in #899 thanks to hackwaly
- [BUG] Add support for typed arrays in SqlString.escape and SqlString.arrayToList #891. thanks to LJ1102
- [BUG] Postgres requires empty array to be explicitly cast on update #890. thanks to robraux
- [BUG] Added tests & bugfixes for DAO-Factory.update and array of values in where clause #880. thanks to domasx2
- [BUG] sqlite no longer leaks a global
variable #900. thanks to xming - [BUG] Fix for counts queries with no result #906. thanks to iamjochem
- [BUG] Allow include when the same table is referenced multiple times using hasMany #913. thanks to janmeier
- [BUG] Allow definition of defaultValue for the timestamp columns (createdAt, updatedAt, deletedAt) #930. Thank to durango
- [BUG] Don't delete foreign keys of many-to-many associations, if still needed. #961. thanks to sdepold
- [BUG] Update timestamps when incrementing and decrementing #1023. durango
- [FEATURE] Validate a model before it gets saved. #601. thanks to durango
- [FEATURE] Schematics. #564. thanks to durango
- [FEATURE] Foreign key constraints. #595. thanks to optilude
- [FEATURE] Support for bulk insert (
, update (<DAOFactory>.update()
) and delete (<DAOFactory>.destroy()
) #569. thanks to optilude - [FEATURE] Add an extra
parameter toDAOFactory.find
. This allows a user to specify{ raw: true }
, meaning that the raw result should be returned, instead of built DAOs. Usefull for queries returning large datasets, see #611 janmeier - [FEATURE] Added convenient data types. #616. Thanks to Costent
- [FEATURE] Binary is more verbose now. #612. Thanks to terraflubb
- [FEATURE] Promises/A support. #626. Thanks to kevinbeaty
- [FEATURE] Added Getters/Setters method for DAO. #538. Thanks to iamjochem
- [FEATURE] Added model wide validations. #640. Thanks to tremby
now returns an additional flag (created
), that is true if a model was created, and false if it was found #648. janmeier - [FEATURE] Field and table comments for MySQL and PG. #523. MySQL by iamjochen. PG by janmeier
- [FEATURE] BigInts can now be used for autoincrement/serial columns. #673. thanks to sevastos
- [FEATURE] Use moment for better postgres timestamp strings. #710. Thanks to seth-admittedly
- [FEATURE] Keep milliseconds in timestamps for postgres. #712. Thanks to seth-admittedly
- [FEATURE] You can now set lingo's language through Sequelize. #713. Thanks to durango
- [FEATURE] Added a
, useful for pagination. #533. Thanks to iamjochen - [FEATURE] Made explicit migrations possible. #728. Thanks to freezy
- [FEATURE] Added support for where clauses containing !=, < etc. and support for date ranges #727. Thanks to durango
- [FEATURE] Added support for model instances being referenced #761 thanks to sdepold
- [FEATURE] Added support for specifying the path to load a module for a dialect. #766 thanks to sonnym.
- [FEATURE] Drop index if exists has been added to sqlite #766 thanks to coderbuzz
- [FEATURE] bulkCreate() now has a third argument which gives you the ability to validate each row before attempting to bulkInsert #797. thanks to durango
- [FEATURE] Added
to model instances. #798. Thanks to mstorgaard - [FEATURE] Added possibility to use env variable for the database connection. #784. Thanks to sykopomp.
- [FEATURE] Blob support. janmeier
- [FEATURE] We can now define our own custom timestamp columns #856. thanks to durango
- [FEATURE] Scopes. #748. durango
- [FEATURE] Model#find() / Model#findAll() is now working with strings. #855. Thanks to whito.
- [FEATURE] Shortcut method for getting a defined model. #868. Thanks to jwilm.
- [FEATURE] Added Sequelize.fn() and Sequelize.col() to properly call columns and functions within Sequelize. #882. thanks to janmeier
- [FEATURE] Sequelize.import supports relative paths. #901. thanks to accerqueira.
- [FEATURE] Sequelize.import can now handle functions. #911. Thanks to davidrivera.
- [FEATURE] Uses sequelize.fn and sequelize.col functionality to allow you to use the value of another column or a function when updating. It also allows you to use a function as a default value when supported (in sqlite and postgres). #928. thanks to janmeier
- [FEATURE] Added possibility to pass options to node-mysql. #929. thanks to poying
- [FEATURE] Triggers for Postgres. #915. Thanks to jonathana.
- [FEATURE] Support for join tables. #877. Thanks to janmeier.
- [FEATURE] Support for hooks. #894. Thanks to durango.
- [FEATURE] Support for literals and casts. #950. Thanks to durango.
- [FEATURE] Model#findOrBuild. #960. Thanks to durango.
- [FEATURE] Support for MariaDB. #948. Thanks to reedog117 and janmeier.
- [FEATURE] Filter through associations. #991. Thanks to snit-ram.
- [FEATURE] Possibility to disable loging for .sync #937. Thanks to durango
- [FEATURE] Support for transactions. 1062.
- [REFACTORING] hasMany now uses a single SQL statement when creating and destroying associations, instead of removing each association seperately 690. Inspired by #104. janmeier
- [REFACTORING] Consistent handling of offset across dialects. Offset is now always applied, and limit is set to max table size of not limit is given #725. janmeier
- [REFACTORING] Moved Jasmine to Buster and then Buster to Mocha + Chai. sdepold and durango
- [DEPENDENCIES] upgrade mysql to alpha7. You MUST use this version or newer for DATETIMEs to work
- [DEPENDENCIES] upgraded most dependencies. most important: mysql was upgraded to 2.0.0-alpha-3
- [DEPENDENCIES] mysql is now an optional dependency. #355 (thanks to clkao)
- [REFACTORING] separated tests for dialects
- [REFACTORING] reduced number of sql queries used for adding an element to a N:M association. #449 (thanks to innofluence/janmeier)
- [REFACTORING] dropped support for synchronous migrations. added third parameter which needs to get called once the migration has been finished. also this adds support for asynchronous actions in migrations.
- [OTHERS] code was formatted to fit the latest code style guidelines (thanks to durango)
- [OTHERS] Explicitly target ./docs folder for generate-docs script. #444 (thanks to carsondarling)
- [OTHERS] Overwrite existing daoFactoryDefinition if there already has been one. (thanks to robraux)
- [BUG] fixed wrong version in sequelize binary
- [BUG] local options have higher priority than global options (thanks to guersam)
- [BUG] fixed where clause when passing an empty array (thanks to kbackowski)
- [BUG] fixed updateAttributes for models/tables without primary key (thanks to durango)
- [BUG] fixed the location of the foreign key when using belongsTo (thanks to ricardograca)
- [BUG] don't return timestamps if only specific attributes have been seleceted (thanks to ricardograca)
- [BUG] fixed removeColumn for sqlite
- [BUG] fixed date equality check for instances. (thanks to solotimes)
- [FEATURE] added association prefetching /eager loading for find and findAll. #465
- [FEATURE] it's now possible to use callbacks of async functions inside migrations (thanks to mphilpot)
- [FEATURE] improved comfort of sequelize.query. just pass an sql string to it and wait for the result
- [FEATURE] Migrations now understand NODE_ENV (thanks to gavri)
- [FEATURE] Performance improvements (thanks to Mick-Hansen and janmeier from innofluence)
- [FEATURE] Model.find and Model.findAll can now take a String with an ID. (thanks to ghernandez345)
- [FEATURE] Compatibility for JSON-like strings in Postgres (thanks to aslakhellesoy)
- [FEATURE] honor maxConcurrentQueries option (thanks to dchester)
- [FEATURE] added support for stored procedures (inspired by wuyuntao)
- [FEATURE] added possibility to use pg lib's native api (thanks to denysonique)
- [FEATURE] added possibility to define the attributes of received associations (thanks to joshm)
- [FEATURE] added findOrCreate, which returns a the already existing instance or creates one (thanks to eveiga)
- [FEATURE] minConnections option for MySQL pooling (thanks to dominiklessel)
- [FEATURE] added BIGINT data type which is treated like a string (thanks to adamsch1)
- [FEATURE] experimental support for read replication for mysql (thanks to Janzeh)
- [FEATURE] allow definition of a models table name (thanks to slamkajs)
- [FEATURE] allow usage of enums. #440 (thanks to KevinMartin)
- [FEATURE] allows updateAttributes to target specific fields only (thanks to Pasvaz)
- [FEATURE] timestamps are now stored as UTC. #461 (thanks to innofluence/janmeier)
- [FEATURE] results of raw queries are parsed with dottie. #468 (thanks to kozze89)
- [FEATURE] support for array serialization. pg only. #443 (thanks to clkao)
- [FEATURE] add increment and decrement methods on dao. #408 (thanks to janmeier/innofluence)
- [FEATURE] unified the result of describeTable
- [FEATURE] add support for decimals (thanks to alexyoung)
- [FEATURE] added DAO.reload(), which updates the attributes of the DAO in-place (as opposed to doing having to do a find() and returning a new model)
- [REFACTORING] use underscore functions for Utils.isHash (thanks to Mick-Hansen/innofluence)
- [REFACTORING] removed the 'failure' event and replaced it with 'error'
- [BUG] fixed booleans for sqlite (thanks to vlmonk)
- [BUG] obsolete reference attribute for many-to-many associations are removed correctly
- [BUG] associations can be cleared via passing null to the set method
- [BUG] "fixed" quota handling (thanks to dgf)
- [BUG] fixed destroy in postgresql (thanks to robraux)
- [FEATURE] added possibility to set protocol and to remove port from postgresql connection uri (thanks to danielschwartz)
- [FEATURE] added possibility to not use a junction table for many-to-many associations on the same table (thanks to janmeier/innofluence)
- [FEATURE] results of the
method is now cached (thanks to janmeier/innofluence) - [FEATURE] added possibility to check if a specific object or a whole bunch of objects is currently associated with another object (thanks to janmeier/innofluence)
- [FEATURE] added possibility to globally disable adding of NULL values to sql queries (thanks to janmeier/innofluence)
- [FEATURE] Model.create can now also be used to specify values for mass assignment (thanks to janmeier/innofluence)
- [FEATURE] QueryChainer will now provide the results of the added emitters in the order the emitters have been added (thanks to LaurentZuijdwijk and me ;))
- [FEATURE] QueryChainer can now be initialized with serial items
- [FEATURE] node 0.8 compatibility
- [FEATURE] added options to hasMany getters (thanks to janmeier/innofluence)
- [FEATURE] pooling option is now correctly passed to postgres (thanks to megshark)
- [DEPRECATION] Added deprecation warning for node < v0.6.
- [FEATURE] added selective saving of instances (thanks to kioopi)
- [FEATURE] added command to binary for creating a migration skeleton with current timestamp
- [FEATURE] added
function for each finder method (thanks to sstoiana) - [BUG] fixed quotation for sqlite statements (thanks to vlmonk)
- [BUG] fixed timestamp parsing in migratios (thanks to grn)
- [FEATURE] added consistent logging behaviour to postgres (thanks to reacuna)
- [BUG] fixed booleans in sqlite (thanks to alexstrat)
- [BUG] fixed forced sync of many-to-many associations (thanks to SirUli)
- [FEATURE] objects are now compatible to JSON.stringify. (thanks to grayt0r)
- [FEATURE] When instantiating the sequelize object, you can now pass a function to logging. This allows you to customize the logging behavior. Default is now: console.log (thanks to kenperkins)
- [BUG] The default logging is still console.log but is wrapped after initialization as it crashes node < 0.6.x.
- [FEATURE] postgresql support. (thanks to swoodtke)
- [FEATURE] connection-pooling for mysql. (thanks to megshark)
- [FEATURE] added possibility to define NOW as default value for date data-types. Use Sequelize.NOW as defaultValue
- [BUG] Fixed date handling in sqlite (thanks to iizukanao)
- [BUG] fixed issue where multiple belongsTo or hasOne associations to the same table overwrite each other
- [BUG] fixed memory leaks (thanks to megshark)
- [BUG] don't update an existing updatedAt-attribute if timestamps option for a DAO is false
- [BUG] fixed missed DAO renaming in migrations (thanks to nov)
- [REFACTORING] renamed Model/ModelFactory/ModelFactoryManager to DAO/DAOFactory/DAOFactoryManager
npm test
will run the test suite (thanks to gabrielfalcao) - [IMPROVEMENT] documentation about setting up local development environment (thanks to gabrielfalcao)
- [REFACTORING] removed updatedAt + createdAt from SequelizeMeta
- [BUG] fixed sql-event emitter in all possible locations (thanks to megshark)
- [FEATURE] sqlite is now emitting the 'sql'-event as well (thanks to megshark)
- [REFACTORING] renamed ModelManager to ModelFactoryManager
- [IMPROVEMENT] decreased delay of CustomEventEmitter execution from 5ms to 1ms
- [IMPROVEMENT] improved performance of association handling (many-to-many) (thanks to magshark)
- [FEATURE] added possibility to specify name of the join table (thanks to magshark)
- [FEATURE] mysql is emitting a 'sql'-event when executing a query
- [BUG] correctly delete existing SequelizeMeta entry from database after undoing migration
- [BUG] fix path of migration files in executable (thanks to bcg)
- [REFACTORING] Model#all is now a function and not a getter.
- [REFACTORING] Renamed ModelDefinition to ModelFactory
- [REFACTORING] Private method scoping; Attributes are still public
- [REFACTORING] Use the new util module for node 0.6.2
- [FEATURE] QueryChainer can now run serially
- [FEATURE] Association definition is chainable: Person.hasOne(House).hasMany(Address)
- [FEATURE] Validations (Thanks to hiddentao)
- [FEATURE] jQuery-like event listeners: .success(callback) and .error(callback)
- [FEATURE] aliasing for select queries: Model.find({ where: 'id = 1', attributes: ['id', ['name', 'username']] }) ==> will return the user's name as username
- [FEATURE] cross-database support. currently supported: mysql, sqlite
- [FEATURE] migrations
- [TEST] removed all expresso tests and converted them to jasmine
- [REFACTORING] renamed the global options for sync, query and define on sequelize; before: options.queryOptions; now: options.query
- [FEATURE] allow definition of charset via global define option in sequelize or via charset option in sequelize.define
- [FEATURE] allow definition of mysql engine via global define option in sequelize or via engine option in sequelize.define; default is InnoDB now
- [FEATURE] find and findAll will now search in a list of values via: Model.findAll({where: { id: [1,2,3] }}); will return all models with id 1, 2 and 3
- [TEST] force latin1 charset for travis
- [FEATURE] min/max function for models, which return the min/max value in a column
- [FEATURE] getModel for modelManager for getting a model without storing it in a variable; use it via sequelize.modelManager.getModel('User')
- [TEST] test suite refactoring for jasmine
- [BUG] tables with identical prefix (e.g. wp_) can now be used in many-to-many associations
- [BUG] scoped options in model => a model can now have the attribute options
- [FEATURE] added drop method for sequelize, that drops all currently registered tables
- [BUG] prevent malfunction after being idle
- [BUG] fixed memory leaks
- [FEATURE] added query queueing (adjustable via maxConcurrentQueries in config; default: 50)
- [BUG] defaultValue 0 is now working
- [REMOVED] mysql-pool usage (will give it a new try later)
- [CHORE] updated node-mysql to 0.9.4
- [BUG] Fixed where clause generation for models with explicit primary keys (allanca)
- [BUG] Set insertId for non-default auto increment fields (allanca)
- [FEATURE] Added Model.count(callback), which returns the number of elements saved in the database
- [BUG] Fixed self associations
- complete rewrite
- added new emitter syntax
- sql injection protection
- select now supports hash usage of where
- select now supports array usage of where
- added a lot of options to find/findAll
- Wrapped queries correctly using
- using expresso 0.7.2
- moved config for test database into seperated config file
- Added method for adding and deleting single associations
- renamed loadAssociatedData to fetchAssociations
- renamed Model#associatedData to fetchedAssociations
- added fetchAssociations to finder methods
- store data found by finder method in the associatedData hash + grep them from there if reload is not forced
- added option to sequelize constructor for disabling the pluralization of tablenames: disableTableNameModification
- allow array as value for chainQueries => Sequelize.chainQueries([save: [a,b,c]], callback)
- remove the usage of an array => Sequelize.chainQueries({save: a}, {destroy: b}, callback)
- fixed bugs from 0.4.1
- added the model instance method loadAssociatedData which adds the hash Model#associatedData to an instance which contains all associated data
names of many-to-many-association-tables are chosen from passed association names
foreign keys are chosen from passed association name
added many-to-many association on the same model
added hasManyAndBelongsTo
added hasOneAndBelongsTo
nodejs-mysql-native 0.4.2
- added error handling when defining invalid database credentials
- Sequelize#sync, Sequelize#drop, model#sync, model#drop returns errors via callback
- code is now located under lib/sequelize to use it with nDistro
- added possibility to use non default mysql database (host/port)
- added error handling when defining invalid database port/host
- schema definitions can now contain default values and null allowance
- database credentials can now also contain an empty / no password
- added possibility to define class and instance methods for models
- added import method for loading model definition from a file
- refactored Sequelize to fit CommonJS module conventions
- added BOOLEAN type
- added FLOAT type
- fixed DATE type issue
- fixed npm package
- fixed bug when using cross associated tables (many to many associations)
- added latest mysql connection library
- fixed id handling on save
- fixed text handling (varchar > 255; text)
- using the inflection library for naming tables more convenient
- Sequelize.TEXT is now using MySQL datatype TEXT instead of varchar(4000)
- released project as npm package
- fixed date bug
- added methods for setting associations
- added method for chaining an arbitraty amount of queries
- first stable version
- implemented all basic functions
- associations are working