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//============================================================================//----------------------------------------------------------------------------// HouseIO.c//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//============================================================================#include <Aliases.h>#include <Movies.h>#include <Resources.h>#include <StringCompare.h>#include <TextUtils.h>#include "Externs.h"#include "Environ.h"#include "House.h"#include "ObjectEdit.h"#define kSaveChangesAlert 1002#define kSaveChanges 1#define kDiscardChanges 2void LoopMovie (void);void OpenHouseMovie (void);void CloseHouseMovie (void);Boolean IsFileReadOnly (FSSpec *);Movie theMovie;Rect movieRect;short houseRefNum, houseResFork, wasHouseVersion;Boolean houseOpen, fileDirty, gameDirty;Boolean changeLockStateOfHouse, saveHouseLocked, houseIsReadOnly;Boolean hasMovie, tvInRoom;extern FSSpecPtr theHousesSpecs;extern short thisHouseIndex, tvWithMovieNumber;extern short numberRooms, housesFound;extern Boolean noRoomAtAll, quitting, wardBitSet;extern Boolean phoneBitSet, bannerStarCountOn;//============================================================== Functions//-------------------------------------------------------------- LoopMovievoid LoopMovie (void){ Handle theLoop; UserData theUserData; short theCount; theLoop = NewHandle(sizeof(long)); (** (long **) theLoop) = 0; theUserData = GetMovieUserData(theMovie); theCount = CountUserDataType(theUserData, 'LOOP'); while (theCount--) { RemoveUserData(theUserData, 'LOOP', 1); } AddUserData(theUserData, theLoop, 'LOOP');}//-------------------------------------------------------------- OpenHouseMovievoid OpenHouseMovie (void){#ifdef COMPILEQT TimeBase theTime; FSSpec theSpec; FInfo finderInfo; Handle spaceSaver; OSErr theErr; short movieRefNum; Boolean dataRefWasChanged; if (thisMac.hasQT) { theSpec = theHousesSpecs[thisHouseIndex]; PasStringConcat(, "\"); theErr = FSpGetFInfo(&theSpec, &finderInfo); if (theErr != noErr) return; theErr = OpenMovieFile(&theSpec, &movieRefNum, fsCurPerm); if (theErr != noErr) { YellowAlert(kYellowQTMovieNotLoaded, theErr); return; } theErr = NewMovieFromFile(&theMovie, movieRefNum, nil,, newMovieActive, &dataRefWasChanged); if (theErr != noErr) { YellowAlert(kYellowQTMovieNotLoaded, theErr); theErr = CloseMovieFile(movieRefNum); return; } theErr = CloseMovieFile(movieRefNum); spaceSaver = NewHandle(307200L); if (spaceSaver == nil) { YellowAlert(kYellowQTMovieNotLoaded, 749); CloseHouseMovie(); return; } GoToBeginningOfMovie(theMovie); theErr = LoadMovieIntoRam(theMovie, GetMovieTime(theMovie, 0L), GetMovieDuration(theMovie), 0); if (theErr != noErr) { YellowAlert(kYellowQTMovieNotLoaded, theErr); DisposeHandle(spaceSaver); CloseHouseMovie(); return; } DisposeHandle(spaceSaver); theErr = PrerollMovie(theMovie, 0, 0x000F0000); if (theErr != noErr) { YellowAlert(kYellowQTMovieNotLoaded, theErr); CloseHouseMovie(); return; } theTime = GetMovieTimeBase(theMovie); SetTimeBaseFlags(theTime, loopTimeBase); SetMovieMasterTimeBase(theMovie, theTime, nil); LoopMovie(); GetMovieBox(theMovie, &movieRect); hasMovie = true; }#endif}//-------------------------------------------------------------- CloseHouseMovievoid CloseHouseMovie (void){#ifdef COMPILEQT OSErr theErr; if ((thisMac.hasQT) && (hasMovie)) { theErr = LoadMovieIntoRam(theMovie, GetMovieTime(theMovie, 0L), GetMovieDuration(theMovie), flushFromRam); DisposeMovie(theMovie); }#endif hasMovie = false;}//-------------------------------------------------------------- OpenHouse// Opens a house (whatever current selection is). Returns true if all went well.Boolean OpenHouse (void){ OSErr theErr; Boolean targetIsFolder, wasAliased; if (houseOpen) { if (!CloseHouse()) return(false); } if ((housesFound < 1) || (thisHouseIndex == -1)) return(false); theErr = ResolveAliasFile(&theHousesSpecs[thisHouseIndex], true, &targetIsFolder, &wasAliased); if (!CheckFileError(theErr, thisHouseName)) return (false); #ifdef COMPILEDEMO if (!EqualString(theHousesSpecs[thisHouseIndex].name, "\pDemo House", false, true)) return (false); #endif houseIsReadOnly = IsFileReadOnly(&theHousesSpecs[thisHouseIndex]); theErr = FSpOpenDF(&theHousesSpecs[thisHouseIndex], fsCurPerm, &houseRefNum); if (!CheckFileError(theErr, thisHouseName)) return (false); houseOpen = true; OpenHouseResFork(); hasMovie = false; tvInRoom = false; tvWithMovieNumber = -1; OpenHouseMovie(); return (true);}//-------------------------------------------------------------- OpenSpecificHouse// Opens the specific house passed in.#ifndef COMPILEDEMOBoolean OpenSpecificHouse (FSSpec *specs){ short i; Boolean itOpened; if ((housesFound < 1) || (thisHouseIndex == -1)) return (false); itOpened = true; for (i = 0; i < housesFound; i++) { if ((theHousesSpecs[i].vRefNum == specs->vRefNum) && (theHousesSpecs[i].parID == specs->parID) && (EqualString(theHousesSpecs[i].name, specs->name, false, true))) { thisHouseIndex = i; PasStringCopy(theHousesSpecs[thisHouseIndex].name, thisHouseName); if (OpenHouse()) itOpened = ReadHouse(); else itOpened = false; break; } } return (itOpened);}#endif//-------------------------------------------------------------- SaveHouseAs#ifndef COMPILEDEMOBoolean SaveHouseAs (void){ // TEMP - fix this later -- use NavServices (see House.c)/* StandardFileReply theReply; FSSpec oldHouse; OSErr theErr; Boolean noProblems; Str255 tempStr; noProblems = true; GetLocalizedString(15, tempStr); StandardPutFile(tempStr, thisHouseName, &theReply); if (theReply.sfGood) { oldHouse = theHousesSpecs[thisHouseIndex]; CloseHouseResFork(); // close this house file theErr = FSClose(houseRefNum); if (theErr != noErr) { CheckFileError(theErr, "\pPreferences"); return(false); } // create new house file theErr = FSpCreate(&theReply.sfFile, 'ozm5', 'gliH', theReply.sfScript); if (!CheckFileError(theErr, return (false); HCreateResFile(theReply.sfFile.vRefNum, theReply.sfFile.parID,; if (ResError() != noErr) YellowAlert(kYellowFailedResCreate, ResError()); PasStringCopy(, thisHouseName); // open new house data fork theErr = FSpOpenDF(&theReply.sfFile, fsRdWrPerm, &houseRefNum); if (!CheckFileError(theErr, thisHouseName)) return (false); houseOpen = true; noProblems = WriteHouse(false); // write out house data if (!noProblems) return(false); BuildHouseList(); if (OpenSpecificHouse(&theReply.sfFile)) // open new house again { } else { if (OpenSpecificHouse(&oldHouse)) { YellowAlert(kYellowOpenedOldHouse, 0); } else { YellowAlert(kYellowLostAllHouses, 0); noProblems = false; } } } return (noProblems); */ return false;}#endif//-------------------------------------------------------------- ReadHouse// With a house open, this function reads in the actual bits of dataÉ// into memory.Boolean ReadHouse (void){ long byteCount; OSErr theErr; short whichRoom; if (!houseOpen) { YellowAlert(kYellowUnaccounted, 2); return (false); } if (gameDirty || fileDirty) { if (houseIsReadOnly) { if (!WriteScoresToDisk()) { YellowAlert(kYellowFailedWrite, 0); return(false); } } else if (!WriteHouse(false)) return(false); } theErr = GetEOF(houseRefNum, &byteCount); if (theErr != noErr) { CheckFileError(theErr, thisHouseName); return(false); } #ifdef COMPILEDEMO if (byteCount != 16526L) return (false); #endif if (thisHouse != nil) DisposeHandle((Handle)thisHouse); thisHouse = (houseHand)NewHandle(byteCount); if (thisHouse == nil) { YellowAlert(kYellowNoMemory, 10); return(false); } MoveHHi((Handle)thisHouse); theErr = SetFPos(houseRefNum, fsFromStart, 0L); if (theErr != noErr) { CheckFileError(theErr, thisHouseName); return(false); } HLock((Handle)thisHouse); theErr = FSRead(houseRefNum, &byteCount, *thisHouse); if (theErr != noErr) { CheckFileError(theErr, thisHouseName); HUnlock((Handle)thisHouse); return(false); } numberRooms = (*thisHouse)->nRooms; #ifdef COMPILEDEMO if (numberRooms != 45) return (false); #endif if ((numberRooms < 1) || (byteCount == 0L)) { numberRooms = 0; noRoomAtAll = true; YellowAlert(kYellowNoRooms, 0); HUnlock((Handle)thisHouse); return(false); } wasHouseVersion = (*thisHouse)->version; if (wasHouseVersion >= kNewHouseVersion) { YellowAlert(kYellowNewerVersion, 0); HUnlock((Handle)thisHouse); return(false); } houseUnlocked = (((*thisHouse)->timeStamp & 0x00000001) == 0); #ifdef COMPILEDEMO if (houseUnlocked) return (false); #endif changeLockStateOfHouse = false; saveHouseLocked = false; whichRoom = (*thisHouse)->firstRoom; #ifdef COMPILEDEMO if (whichRoom != 0) return (false); #endif wardBitSet = (((*thisHouse)->flags & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001); phoneBitSet = (((*thisHouse)->flags & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002); bannerStarCountOn = (((*thisHouse)->flags & 0x00000004) == 0x00000000); HUnlock((Handle)thisHouse); noRoomAtAll = (RealRoomNumberCount() == 0); thisRoomNumber = -1; previousRoom = -1; if (!noRoomAtAll) CopyRoomToThisRoom(whichRoom); if (houseIsReadOnly) { houseUnlocked = false; if (ReadScoresFromDisk()) { } } objActive = kNoObjectSelected; ReflectCurrentRoom(true); gameDirty = false; fileDirty = false; UpdateMenus(false); return (true);}//-------------------------------------------------------------- WriteHouse// This function writes out the house data to disk.Boolean WriteHouse (Boolean checkIt){ UInt32 timeStamp; long byteCount; OSErr theErr; if (!houseOpen) { YellowAlert(kYellowUnaccounted, 4); return (false); } theErr = SetFPos(houseRefNum, fsFromStart, 0L); if (theErr != noErr) { CheckFileError(theErr, thisHouseName); return(false); } CopyThisRoomToRoom(); if (checkIt) CheckHouseForProblems(); HLock((Handle)thisHouse); byteCount = GetHandleSize((Handle)thisHouse); if (fileDirty) { GetDateTime(&timeStamp); timeStamp &= 0x7FFFFFFF; if (changeLockStateOfHouse) houseUnlocked = !saveHouseLocked; if (houseUnlocked) // house unlocked timeStamp &= 0x7FFFFFFE; else timeStamp |= 0x00000001; (*thisHouse)->timeStamp = (long)timeStamp; (*thisHouse)->version = wasHouseVersion; } theErr = FSWrite(houseRefNum, &byteCount, *thisHouse); if (theErr != noErr) { CheckFileError(theErr, thisHouseName); HUnlock((Handle)thisHouse); return(false); } theErr = SetEOF(houseRefNum, byteCount); if (theErr != noErr) { CheckFileError(theErr, thisHouseName); HUnlock((Handle)thisHouse); return(false); } HUnlock((Handle)thisHouse); if (changeLockStateOfHouse) { changeLockStateOfHouse = false; ReflectCurrentRoom(true); } gameDirty = false; fileDirty = false; UpdateMenus(false); return (true);}//-------------------------------------------------------------- CloseHouse// This function closes the current house that is open.Boolean CloseHouse (void){ OSErr theErr; if (!houseOpen) return (true); if (gameDirty) { if (houseIsReadOnly) { if (!WriteScoresToDisk()) YellowAlert(kYellowFailedWrite, 0); } else if (!WriteHouse(theMode == kEditMode)) YellowAlert(kYellowFailedWrite, 0); } else if (fileDirty) {#ifndef COMPILEDEMO if (!QuerySaveChanges()) // false signifies user canceled return(false);#endif } CloseHouseResFork(); CloseHouseMovie(); theErr = FSClose(houseRefNum); if (theErr != noErr) { CheckFileError(theErr, thisHouseName); return(false); } houseOpen = false; return (true);}//-------------------------------------------------------------- OpenHouseResFork// Opens the resource fork of the current house that is open.void OpenHouseResFork (void){ if (houseResFork == -1) { houseResFork = FSpOpenResFile(&theHousesSpecs[thisHouseIndex], fsCurPerm); if (houseResFork == -1) YellowAlert(kYellowFailedResOpen, ResError()); else UseResFile(houseResFork); }}//-------------------------------------------------------------- CloseHouseResFork// Closes the resource fork of the current house that is open.void CloseHouseResFork (void){ if (houseResFork != -1) { CloseResFile(houseResFork); houseResFork = -1; }}//-------------------------------------------------------------- QuerySaveChanges// If changes were made, this function will present the user with aÉ// dialog asking them if they would like to save the changes.#ifndef COMPILEDEMOBoolean QuerySaveChanges (void){ short hitWhat; Boolean whoCares; if (!fileDirty) return(true); InitCursor();// CenterAlert(kSaveChangesAlert); ParamText(thisHouseName, "\p", "\p", "\p"); hitWhat = Alert(kSaveChangesAlert, nil); if (hitWhat == kSaveChanges) { if (wasHouseVersion < kHouseVersion) ConvertHouseVer1To2(); wasHouseVersion = kHouseVersion; if (WriteHouse(true)) return (true); else return (false); } else if (hitWhat == kDiscardChanges) { fileDirty = false; if (!quitting) { whoCares = CloseHouse(); if (OpenHouse()) whoCares = ReadHouse(); } UpdateMenus(false); return (true); } else return (false);}#endif//-------------------------------------------------------------- YellowAlert// This is a dialog used to present an error code and explanationÉ// to the user when a non-lethal error has occurred. Ideally, ofÉ// course, this never is called.void YellowAlert (short whichAlert, short identifier){ #define kYellowAlert 1006 Str255 errStr, errNumStr; short whoCares; InitCursor(); GetIndString(errStr, kYellowAlert, whichAlert); NumToString((long)identifier, errNumStr); // CenterAlert(kYellowAlert); ParamText(errStr, errNumStr, "\p", "\p"); whoCares = Alert(kYellowAlert, nil);}//-------------------------------------------------------------- IsFileReadOnlyBoolean IsFileReadOnly (FSSpec *theSpec){#pragma unused (theSpec) return false; /* Str255 tempStr; ParamBlockRec theBlock; HParamBlockRec hBlock; VolumeParam *volPtr; OSErr theErr; volPtr = (VolumeParam *)&theBlock; volPtr->ioCompletion = nil; volPtr->ioVolIndex = 0; volPtr->ioNamePtr = tempStr; volPtr->ioVRefNum = theSpec->vRefNum; theErr = PBGetVInfo(&theBlock, false); if (CheckFileError(theErr, "\pRead/Write")) { if (((volPtr->ioVAtrb & 0x0080) == 0x0080) || ((volPtr->ioVAtrb & 0x8000) == 0x8000)) return (true); // soft/hard locked bits else { hBlock.fileParam.ioCompletion = nil; hBlock.fileParam.ioVRefNum = theSpec->vRefNum; hBlock.fileParam.ioFVersNum = 0; hBlock.fileParam.ioFDirIndex = 0; hBlock.fileParam.ioNamePtr = theSpec->name; hBlock.fileParam.ioDirID = theSpec->parID; theErr = PBHGetFInfo(&hBlock, false); if (CheckFileError(theErr, "\pRead/Write")) { if ((hBlock.fileParam.ioFlAttrib & 0x0001) == 0x0001) return (true); else return (false); } else return (false); } } else return (false); */}