This repository contains examples of using BrainPy to implement various models about neurons, synapse, networks, etc. We welcome your implementation, which can be post through our github page.
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Example categories:
- Neuron Models
- Attractor Networks
- Decision Making Model
- E/I Balanced Network
- Brain-inspired Computing
- Reservoir Computing
- Gap Junction Network
- Oscillation and Synchronization
- Large-Scale Modeling
- Recurrent Neural Network
- Working Memory Model
- Dynamics Analysis
- Classical Dynamical Systems
- Unclassified Models
- (Izhikevich, 2003): Izhikevich Model
- (Brette, Romain. 2004): LIF phase locking
- (Gerstner, 2005): Adaptive Exponential Integrate-and-Fire model
- (Niebur, et. al, 2009): Generalized integrate-and-fire model
- (Jansen & Rit, 1995): Jansen-Rit Model
- (Teka, et. al, 2018): Fractional-order Izhikevich neuron model
- (Mondal, et. al, 2019): Fractional-order FitzHugh-Rinzel bursting neuron model
- CANN 1D Oscillatory Tracking
- (Si Wu, 2008): Continuous-attractor Neural Network 1D
- (Si Wu, 2008): Continuous-attractor Neural Network 2D
- Discrete Hopfield Network
- Discrete Hopfield Network Demo for Image Reconstruction
- (Vreeswijk & Sompolinsky, 1996): E/I balanced network
- (Brette, et, al., 2007): COBA
- (Brette, et, al., 2007): CUBA
- (Brette, et, al., 2007): COBA-HH
- (Tian, et al., 2020): E/I Net for fast response
- Classify MNIST dataset by a fully connected LIF layer
- Convolutional SNN to Classify Fashion-MNIST
- (2022, NeurIPS): Online Training Through Time for Spiking Neural Networks
- (2019, Zenke, F.): SNN Surrogate Gradient Learning
- (2019, Zenke, F.): SNN Surrogate Gradient Learning to Classify Fashion-MNIST
- (2021, Raminmh): Liquid time-constant Networks
- Predicting Mackey-Glass timeseries
- (Sussillo & Abbott, 2009): FORCE Learning
- (Gauthier, et. al, 2021): Next generation reservoir computing
- (Fazli and Richard, 2022): Electrically Coupled Bursting Pituitary Cells
- (Sherman & Rinzel, 1992): Gap junction leads to anti-synchronization
- (Wang & Buzsáki, 1996): Gamma Oscillation
- (Brunel & Hakim, 1999): Fast Global Oscillation
- (Diesmann, et, al., 1999): Synfire Chains
- (Li, et. al, 2017): Unified Thalamus Oscillation Model
- (Susin & Destexhe, 2021): Asynchronous Network
- (Susin & Destexhe, 2021): CHING Network for Generating Gamma Oscillation
- (Susin & Destexhe, 2021): ING Network for Generating Gamma Oscillation
- (Susin & Destexhe, 2021): PING Network for Generating Gamma Oscillation
- (Joglekar, et. al, 2018): Inter-areal Balanced Amplification Figure 1
- (Joglekar, et. al, 2018): Inter-areal Balanced Amplification Figure 2
- (Joglekar, et. al, 2018): Inter-areal Balanced Amplification Figure 5
- (Joglekar, et. al, 2018): Inter-areal Balanced Amplification Taichi customized operators
- Simulating 1-million-neuron networks with 1GB GPU memory
- (Sussillo & Abbott, 2009): FORCE Learning
- Integrator RNN Model
- Train RNN to Solve Parametric Working Memory
- (Song, et al., 2016): Training excitatory-inhibitory recurrent network
- (Masse, et al., 2019): RNN with STP for Working Memory
- (Yang, 2020): Dynamical system analysis for RNN
- (Bellec, et. al, 2020): eprop for Evidence Accumulation Task
- (Bouchacourt & Buschman, 2019): Flexible Working Memory Model
- (Mi, et. al., 2017): STP for Working Memory Capacity
- (Masse, et al., 2019): RNN with STP for Working Memory
- [1D] Simple systems
- [2D] NaK model analysis
- [2D] Wilson-Cowan model
- [2D] Decision Making Model with SlowPointFinder
- [2D] Decision Making Model with Low-dimensional Analyzer
- [3D] Hindmarsh Rose Model
- Continuous-attractor Neural Network
- Gap junction-coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo Model
- (Yang, 2020): Dynamical system analysis for RNN
- Hénon map
- Logistic map
- Lorenz system
- Mackey-Glass equation
- Multiscroll chaotic attractor (多卷波混沌吸引子)
- Rabinovich-Fabrikant equations
- Fractional-order Chaos Gallery