Zeebe provides visibility into and control over business processes that span multiple microservices. It is the engine that powers Camunda Platform 8.
Why Zeebe?
- Define processes visually in BPMN 2.0
- Choose your programming language
- Deploy with Docker and Kubernetes
- Build processes that react to messages from Kafka and other message queues
- Scale horizontally to handle very high throughput
- Fault tolerance (no relational database required)
- Export process data for monitoring and analysis
- Engage with an active community
Our release cadence within major releases is a minor release every six months, with an alpha release on each of the five months between minor releases. Releases happen on the second Tuesday of the month, Berlin time (CET).
Minor releases are supported with patches for twelve months after their release.
Here is a diagram illustrating the lifecycle of minor releases over a 20-month period:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Here is a diagram illustrating the release schedule of the five alpha releases prior to an upcoming minor release over a 7-month period:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x.1 x.2-alpha1 x.2-alpha2 x.2-alpha3 x.2-alpha4 x.2-alpha5 x.2
To learn more about what we're currently working on, check the GitHub issues and the latest commits.
- Releases
- Pre-built Docker images
- Building Docker images for other platforms
- Blog
- Documentation Home
- Issue Tracker
- User Forum
- Slack Channel
- Contribution Guidelines
- What is Camunda Platform 8?
- Getting Started Tutorial
- Technical Concepts
- BPMN Processes
- Installation and Configuration
- Java Client
- Go Client
- Spring Integration
Read the Contributions Guide.
This project adheres to the Camunda Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior as soon as possible.
Zeebe source files are made available under the Zeebe Community License Version 1.1 except for the parts listed below, which are made available under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See individual source files for details.
Available under the Apache License, Version 2.0:
- Java Client (clients/java)
- Go Client (clients/go)
- Exporter API (exporter-api)
- Protocol (protocol)
- Gateway Protocol Implementation (gateway-protocol-impl)
- BPMN Model API (bpmn-model)
The Zeebe Gateway Protocol (API) as published in the gateway-protocol is licensed under the Zeebe Community License 1.1. Using gRPC tooling to generate stubs for the protocol does not constitute creating a derivative work under the Zeebe Community License 1.1 and no licensing restrictions are imposed on the resulting stub code by the Zeebe Community License 1.1.