This file is generated by Do not edit.
- 10065 code
- 10313 code Insufficient bytes to calculate element size
- 10314 code Insufficient bytes to calculate element size
- 10315 code Insufficient bytes to calculate element size
- 10316 code Insufficient bytes to calculate element size
- 10317 code Insufficient bytes to calculate element size
- 10318 code Invalid regex string
- 10319 code Invalid regex options string
- 10320 code
- 10327 code Object does not end with EOO
- 10328 code Invalid element size
- 10329 code Element too large
- 10330 code Element extends past end of object
- 10331 code EOO Before end of object
- 10334 code
- 13655 code
- 16150 code
- 10062 code not code
- 10063 code not a dbref
- 10064 code not a dbref
- 10333 code Invalid field name
- 13111 code
- 13118 code unexpected or missing type value in BSON object
- 16177 code not codeWScope
- 16178 code not codeWScope
- 10335 code builder does not own memory
- 10336 code No subobject started
- 13048 code can't append to array using std::string field name:
- 15891 code can't backfill array to larger than 1,500,000 elements
- 16234 code Invalid call to appendNull in BSONObj Builder.
- 16446 code BSONElement has bad size
- 13103 code too many compound keys
- 10000 code out of memory BufBuilder
- 13548 code
- 15912 code out of memory StackAllocator::Realloc
- 15913 code out of memory BufBuilder::reset
- 16070 code out of memory BufBuilder::grow_reallocate
- 10256 code no createDirectClient in clientOnly
- 13071 code invalid hostname []
- 13328 code : connect failed :
- 17382 code Can't use connection pool during shutdown
- 11004 code connection was returned to the pool already
- 11005 code connection was returned to the pool already
- 13102 code connection was returned to the pool already
- 10005 code listdatabases failed
- 10006 code listDatabases.databases not array
- 10007 code dropIndex failed
- 10008 code dropIndexes failed
- 10276 code DBClientBase::findN: transport error: ns: query:
- 10278 code dbclient error communicating with server:
- 10337 code object not valid
- 11010 code count fails:
- 13386 code socket error for mapping query
- 13421 code trying to connect to invalid ConnectionString
- 16090 code socket error for mapping query
- 16335 code custom connection to specified with no connection hook
- 17232 code You cannot specify both 'db' and 'userSource'. Please use only 'db'.
- 13639 code can't connect to new replica set master []
- 16340 code No replica set monitor active and no cached seed found for set:
- 16369 code No good nodes available for set:
- 16370 code
- 16379 code
- 16380 code
- 16381 code $readPreference should be an object
- 16382 code mode not specified for read preference
- 16383 code Unknown read preference mode:
- 16384 code Only empty tags are allowed with primary read preference
- 16385 code tags for read preference should be an array
- 16532 code Failed to connect to
- 13127 code getMore: cursor didn't exist on server, possible restart or timeout?
- 13422 code DBClientCursor next() called but more() is false
- 14821 code No client or lazy client specified, cannot store multi-host connection.
- 15875 code DBClientCursor::initLazy called on a client that doesn't support lazy
- 16465 code recv failed while exhausting cursor
- 10012 code file doesn't exist
- 10013 code error opening file
- 10014 code chunk is empty!
- 10015 code doesn't exists
- 13296 code invalid chunk size is specified
- 13325 code couldn't open file:
- 16428 code Error storing GridFS chunk for file: , error:
- 9008 code filemd5 failed
- 10019 code no more elements
- 13431 code have to have sort key in projection and removing it
- 14812 code Error running command on server:
- 14813 code Command returned nothing
- 15986 code too many retries in total
- 15987 code could not fully initialize cursor on shard , current connection state is
- 15988 code error querying server
- 15989 code database not found for parallel cursor request
- 17306 code have to have all text meta sort keys in projection
- 10009 code ReplicaSetMonitor no master found for set:
- 13610 code ConfigChangeHook already specified
- 13642 code Replica set seed list can't be empty
- 16337 code Unknown read preference
- 16358 code Tags should be a BSON object
- 16807 code
- 10022 code SyncClusterConnection::getMore not supported yet
- 13053 code help failed: 1help
- 13054 code write $cmd not supported in SyncClusterConnection::query for:
- 13105 code
- 13119 code SyncClusterConnection::insert obj has to have an _id:
- 13120 code SyncClusterConnection::update upsert query needs _id
- 13397 code SyncClusterConnection::say prepare failed:
- 15848 code sync cluster of sync clusters?
- 16743 code
- 16744 code
- 8001 code SyncClusterConnection write op failed:
- 8002 code all servers down/unreachable when querying:
- 8003 code SyncClusterConnection::insert prepare failed:
- 8004 code SyncClusterConnection needs 3 servers
- 8005 code SyncClusterConnection::update prepare failed:
- 8006 code SyncClusterConnection::call can only be used directly for dbQuery
- 8007 code SyncClusterConnection::call can't handle $cmd
- 8008 code all servers down/unreachable:
- 8020 code SyncClusterConnection::remove prepare failed:
- 16914 code
- 17003 code
- 17008 code
- 17190 code
- 17191 code
- 17192 code
- 17222 code
- 17223 code
- 17231 code
- 17265 code
- 17266 code
- 17153 code
- 17154 code
- 17155 code
- 17156 code
- 17157 code
- 17158 code
- 17159 code
- 17160 code
- 17161 code
- 17162 code
- 17163 code
- 17164 code
- 17165 code
- 17166 code
- 17167 code
- 17183 code
- 17267 code isBuiltin
- 17323 code
- 17506 code
- 16825 code
- 16826 code
- 16827 code
- 17168 code
- 17169 code
- 17170 code
- 17171 code
- 17172 code
- 17173 code
- 17277 code
- 17145 code
- 17501 code Invalid or missing SCRAM iteration count
- 17502 code Missing SCRAM salt
- 17503 code Missing SCRAM serverKey
- 17504 code Missing SCRAM storedKey
- 17431 code
- 12051 code clientcursor already in use? driver problem?
- 16089 code Cannot kill active cursor
- 17359 code
- 17360 code
- 10028 code
- 14037 code can't create user databases on a --configsvr instance
- 17316 code cannot create a blank collection
- 17320 code cannot do on namespace with a $ in it:
- 17381 code fully qualified namespace is too long (max is bytes)
- 17399 code collection already exists
- 15927 code can't open database in a read lock. if db was just closed, consider retrying the query. might otherwise indicate an internal error
- 17507 code Can't take a write lock while out of disk space
- 14803 code this version of mongod cannot build new indexes of version number
- 17197 code Invalid index type '' in index
- 17198 code
- 17204 code
- 17206 code
- 17207 code
- 17324 code
- 17325 code
- 17326 code
- 17327 code
- 17328 code
- 17330 code
- 17331 code
- 17334 code cannot find index entry
- 17336 code
- 17337 code
- 17340 code
- 17345 code
- 17348 code cannot dropAllIndexes when index builds in progress
- 17357 code cannot find index entry
- 13130 code can't start bg index b/c in recursive lock (db.eval?)
- 17342 code IndexAccessMethod::initializeAsEmpty failed
- 17343 code IndexAccessMethod::initializeAsEmpty failed
- 17398 code commitBulk failed:
- 15928 code can't open a database from a nested read lock
- 16477 code An AuthorizationManager has already been set up for this connection
- 16481 code No AuthorizationManager has been set up for this connection
- 10024 code bad ns field for index during dbcopy
- 10025 code bad ns field for index during dbcopy [2]
- 10289 code useReplAuth is not written to replication log
- 10290 code
- 17321 code collection dropped during clone []
- 17005 code Main argument to must be a fully qualified namespace string. Found:
- 16940 code
- 16708 code bad 'toCollection' value
- 13008 code must call copydbgetnonce first
- 17216 code Can't get runner for query :
- 17217 code distinct too big, 16mb cap
- 18510 code The first argument to the distinct command must be a string but was a
- 18511 code The query for the distinct command must be a document but was a
- 12515 code can't remove and update
- 12516 code must specify remove or update
- 13329 code upsert mode requires update field
- 13330 code upsert mode requires query field
- 17383 code Could not canonicalize
- 17384 code Could not get runner for query
- 17137 code Invalid target namespace
- 17296 code distanceMultiplier must be a number
- 17297 code distanceMultiplier must be non-negative
- 17298 code minDistance doesn't work on 2d index
- 17299 code maxDistance must be a number
- 17300 code minDistance must be a number
- 17301 code 2dsphere index must have spherical: true
- 17302 code limit must be >=0
- 17303 code limit must be number
- 17304 code 'near' field must be point
- 10041 code invoke failed in $keyf:
- 10042 code return of $key has to be an object
- 17203 code group() can't handle more than 20000 unique keys
- 17211 code ns has to be set
- 17212 code Can't canonicalize query
- 17213 code Can't get runner for query
- 17214 code reduce invoke failed:
- 10074 code need values
- 10075 code reduce -> multiple not supported yet
- 10076 code rename failed:
- 10077 code fast_emit takes 2 args
- 13069 code an emit can't be more than half max bson size
- 13070 code value too large to reduce
- 13598 code couldn't compile code for:
- 13602 code outType is no longer a valid option
- 13604 code too much data for in memory map/reduce
- 13608 code query has to be blank or an Object
- 13609 code sort has to be blank or an Object
- 13630 code attempted to insert into nonexistent collection during a mr operation. collection expected:
- 13631 code attempted to insert into nonexistent collection during a mr operation. collection expected:
- 15921 code splitVector failed:
- 16054 code shardedFirstPass should only use replace outType
- 16149 code cannot run map reduce without the js engine
- 16717 code error initializing JavaScript reduceAll function
- 16718 code error initializing JavaScript reduce/emit function
- 16719 code error creating JavaScript reduce/finalize function
- 16720 code error initializing JavaScript functions
- 17238 code Can't canonicalize query
- 17239 code Can't get runner for query
- 17305 code createIndex failed for mr incLong ns: err:
- 9014 code map invoke failed:
- 13522 code unknown out specifier []
- 13606 code 'out' has to be a string or an object
- 15895 code nonAtomic option cannot be used with this output type
- 17142 code Invalid input resource
- 17143 code Invalid target namespace
- 16954 code cursor field must be missing or an object
- 16955 code cursor object can't contain fields other than batchSize
- 16956 code cursor.batchSize must be a number
- 16957 code Cursor batchSize must not be negative
- 17391 code Aggregation has more results than fit in initial batch, but can't create cursor since collection doesn't exist
- 16461 code
- 13049 code godinsert must specify a collection
- 13416 code captrunc must specify a collection
- 13417 code captrunc collection not found or empty
- 13418 code captrunc invalid n
- 13428 code emptycapped must specify a collection
- 13429 code emptycapped no such collection
- 17251 code
- 12601 code CurOp not marked done yet
- 16098 code can't dblock: when local or admin is already locked
- 16099 code internal error tried to lock two databases at the same time. old: new:
- 16100 code can't dblock: when local or admin is already locked
- 16103 code can't lock_R, threadState=
- 16106 code internal error tried to lock two databases at the same time. old: new:
- 16114 code
- 16116 code
- 16117 code
- 16118 code
- 16119 code
- 16120 code
- 16121 code
- 16122 code
- 16123 code
- 16125 code
- 16126 code
- 16127 code
- 16128 code
- 16129 code
- 16130 code
- 16131 code
- 16132 code
- 16133 code
- 16134 code
- 16135 code
- 16171 code
- 16186 code can't get a DBWrite while having a read lock
- 16187 code
- 16188 code
- 16189 code
- 16252 code
- 16253 code
- 16254 code
- 16255 code
- 10040 code chunks out of order
- 13455 code dbexit timed out getting lock
- 14832 code specify size: when capped is true
- 15888 code must pass name of collection to create
- 16247 code md5 state not correct size
- 17240 code Can't canonicalize query
- 17241 code Can't get runner for query
- 17317 code impersonation unexpectedly active
- 10038 code forced error
- 10046 code eval needs Code
- 10304 code Client Error: Remaining data too small for BSON object
- 10307 code Client Error: bad object in message:
- 13066 code Message contains no documents
- 13453 code server not started with --jsonp
- 17051 code
- 17090 code External users don't have a password
- 16890 code Can't find index:
- 16910 code Unknown fieldname in query node
- 16911 code Couldn't parse plan from
- 16921 code Nodes argument must be provided to AND
- 16922 code node of AND isn't an obj?:
- 16923 code Can't parse sub-node of AND:
- 16924 code Nodes argument must be provided to AND
- 16925 code node of AND isn't an obj?:
- 16926 code Can't parse sub-node of AND:
- 16927 code AND requires more than one child
- 16928 code AND requires more than one child
- 16929 code Node argument must be provided to fetch
- 16930 code Node argument must be provided to limit
- 16931 code Num argument must be provided to limit
- 16932 code Node argument must be provided to skip
- 16933 code Num argument must be provided to skip
- 16934 code Nodes argument must be provided to AND
- 16935 code Dedup argument must be provided to OR
- 16936 code Can't parse sub-node of OR:
- 16937 code Limit stage doesn't have a filter (put it on the child)
- 16938 code Skip stage doesn't have a filter (put it on the child)
- 16963 code Direction argument must be specified and be a number
- 16969 code Node argument must be provided to sort
- 16970 code Pattern argument must be provided to sort
- 16971 code Nodes argument must be provided to sort
- 16972 code Pattern argument must be provided to sort
- 16973 code node of mergeSort isn't an obj?:
- 16974 code Can't parse sub-node of mergeSort:
- 17194 code Expected exactly one text index
- 17446 code Couldn't find the collection
- 16675 code cannot have a multi-key as a prefix to a text index
- 16732 code too many unique keys for a single document to have a text index, max is
- 16733 code trying to index text where term list is too big, max is mb
- 16674 code score for word too high
- 16730 code bad textIndexVersion:
- 16739 code found invalid spec for text index
- 17136 code language_override is not valid
- 17261 code found language override field in document with non-string type
- 17262 code language override unsupported:
- 17263 code default_language needs a string type
- 17264 code default_language is not valid
- 17271 code expecting _fts:text
- 17272 code expecting _ftsx:1
- 17273 code expected value 1 or -1 for non-text key in compound index
- 17274 code expected _ftsx after _fts
- 17283 code weight for text index needs numeric type
- 17284 code text index option 'weights' must be an object
- 17288 code expected _ftsx after _fts
- 17289 code text index with reserved fields _fts/_ftsx not allowed
- 17291 code weight cannot have empty path component
- 17292 code weight cannot have path component with $ prefix
- 17293 code text index option 'textIndexVersion' must be a number
- 17294 code weight cannot be on an empty field
- 17364 code attempt to use unsupported textIndexVersion ; versions supported:
- 17367 code found invalid spec for text index, expected number for textIndexVersion
- 17389 code 'text' fields in index must all be adjacent
- 17125 code
- 16672 code $within not supported with provided geometry:
- 16681 code $near requires geojson point, given
- 16885 code $near requires a point, given
- 16893 code $minDistance must be a number
- 16894 code $minDistance must be non-negative
- 16895 code $maxDistance must be a number
- 16896 code $maxDistance must be non-negative
- 16897 code $minDistance must be a number
- 16898 code $minDistance must be non-negative
- 16899 code $maxDistance must be a number
- 16900 code $maxDistance must be non-negative
- 17444 code Legacy point is out of bounds for spherical query
- 13026 code geo values must be 'legacy coordinate pairs' for 2d indexes
- 13027 code point not in interval of [ , ]
- 13047 code wrong type for geo index. if you're using a pre-release version, need to rebuild index
- 13067 code geo field is empty
- 13068 code geo field only has 1 element
- 16433 code point not in interval of [ , ]
- 16457 code initFromString passed a too-long string
- 16458 code initFromString passed an odd length string
- 13318 code near needs to be an array
- 13319 code maxDistance needs a number
- 13320 code search needs to be an object
- 14808 code point must be in earth-like bounds of long : [-180, 180], lat : [-90, 90]
- 17449 code
- 16745 code Invalid index version for key generation.
- 16746 code Ambiguous field name found in array (do not use numeric field names in embedded elements in an array), field: '' for array:
- 16754 code Can't parse geometry from element:
- 16755 code Can't extract geo keys from object, malformed geometry?:
- 16756 code Unable to generate keys for (likely malformed) geometry:
- 16766 code Error: hashed indexes do not currently support array values
- 16767 code Only HashVersion 0 has been defined
- 16775 code latlng not an array
- 16776 code geo field is not a number
- 16804 code location object expected, location array not in correct format
- 16747 code coarsestIndexedLevel must be >= 0
- 16748 code finestIndexedLevel must be <= 30
- 16749 code finestIndexedLevel must be >= coarsestIndexedLevel
- 16765 code error: no hashed index field
- 16769 code bucketSize cannot be zero
- 16770 code can't have more than one geo field
- 16771 code the geo field has to be first in index
- 16772 code geoSearch can only have 1 non-geo field for now
- 16777 code need bucketSize
- 16800 code can't have 2 geo fields
- 16801 code 2d has to be first in index
- 16802 code no geo field specified
- 17395 code unsupported geo index version { : }, only support versions: [,]
- 16763 code Currently only single field hashed index supported.
- 16764 code Currently hashed indexes cannot guarantee uniqueness. Use a regular index.
- 16750 code Expect at least one geo field, spec=
- 16823 code Cannot use index with other special index types:
- 17394 code unsupported geo index version { : }, only support versions: [,]
- 10055 code update object too large
- 10058 code not master
- 10309 code Unable to create/open lock file:
- 10310 code Unable to lock file: . Is a mongod instance already running?
- 12596 code old lock file
- 13004 code sent negative cursors to kill:
- 13073 code shutting down
- 13342 code Unable to truncate lock file
- 13597 code can't start without --journal enabled when journal/ files are present
- 13618 code can't start without --journal enabled when journal/ files are present
- 13625 code Unable to truncate lock file
- 13627 code Unable to create/open lock file:
- 13658 code bad kill cursors size:
- 13659 code sent 0 cursors to kill
- 16257 code Invalid ns []
- 16258 code Invalid ns []
- 16372 code
- 10060 code woSortOrder needs a non-empty sortKey
- 10061 code type not supported for appendMinElementForType
- 10311 code
- 10312 code
- 12579 code unhandled cases in BSONObj okForStorage
- 14853 code type not supported for appendMaxElementForType
- 16634 code field names of bound do not match those of keyPattern
- 16649 code keyPattern shorter than bound
- 17439 code combinatorial limit of $in partitioning of results exceeded
- 13649 code no operation yet
- 16810 code bad query:
- 17235 code '.' is an invalid character in a database name
- 17246 code Collection names cannot start with '.'
- 17295 code namespaces cannot have embedded null characters
- 10078 code nsToDatabase: db too long
- 10088 code nsToDatabase: db too long
- 16886 code nsToCollectionSubstring: no .
- 11601 code operation was interrupted
- 10100 code cannot delete from collection with reserved $ in name
- 10101 code cannot remove from a capped collection:
- 12050 code cannot delete from system namespace
- 17417 code DeleteExecutor::prepare() failed to parse query
- 10155 code cannot update reserved $ collection
- 10156 code cannot update system collection: q: u:
- 16836 code
- 16837 code
- 16838 code
- 16839 code
- 17243 code could not get runner ;
- 17278 code Update could not restore runner state after updating a document.
- 17352 code
- 17354 code
- 17419 code Resulting document after update is larger than
- 17420 code Document to upsert is larger than
- 16980 code Multi-update operations require all documents to have an '_id' field.
- 16000 code $sum resulted in a non-numeric type
- 16486 code
- 16487 code
- 16488 code
- 16489 code
- 16490 code Tried to make oversized document
- 16491 code Tried to make oversized document
- 16601 code
- 16028 code collection or index disappeared when cursor yielded
- 17285 code cursor encountered an error:
- 17286 code Unexpected return from Runner::getNext:
- 17392 code No _runner. Were we disposed before explained?
- 16602 code $geoNear is only allowed as the first pipeline stage
- 16603 code Already ran geoNearCommand
- 16604 code geoNear command failed:
- 16605 code $geoNear requires a 'near' option as an Array
- 16606 code $geoNear requires a 'distanceField' option as a String
- 16607 code $geoNear requires that 'includeLocs' option is a String
- 15947 code a group's fields must be specified in an object
- 15948 code a group's _id may only be specified once
- 15950 code the group aggregate field name '' cannot be an operator name
- 15951 code the group aggregate field '' must be defined as an expression inside an object
- 15952 code unknown group operator ''
- 15953 code aggregating group operators are unary ()
- 15954 code the computed aggregate '' must specify exactly one operator
- 15955 code a group specification must include an _id
- 16414 code the group aggregate field name '' cannot be used because $group's field names cannot contain '.'
- 16945 code Exceeded memory limit for $group, but didn't allow external sort. Pass allowDiskUse:true to opt in.
- 17030 code $doingMerge should be true if present
- 17390 code $group does not support inclusion-style expressions
- 15959 code the match filter must be an expression in an object
- 16395 code $where is not allowed inside of a $match aggregation expression
- 16424 code $near is not allowed inside of a $match aggregation expression
- 16426 code $nearSphere is not allowed inside of a $match aggregation expression
- 17309 code Should never call getNext on a $match stage with $text clause
- 17313 code $match with $text is only allowed as the first pipeline stage
- 17026 code Expected an Array, but got a
- 17027 code Expected an Object, but got a
- 17028 code error reading response from
- 16990 code $out only supports a string argument, not
- 16994 code failed to create temporary $out collection '':
- 16995 code copying index for $out failed. index: error:
- 16996 code insert for $out failed:
- 16997 code renameCollection for $out failed:
- 17000 code $out shouldn't have different db than input
- 17017 code namespace '' is sharded so it can't be used for $out'
- 17018 code namespace '' became sharded so it can't be used for $out'
- 17152 code namespace '' is capped so it can't be used for $out
- 17385 code Can't $out to special collection:
- 15969 code specification must be an object
- 16402 code parseObject() returned wrong type of Expression
- 16403 code $projection requires at least one output field
- 17053 code
$redact's expression should not return anything aside from the variables $ $KEEP, $$DESCEND, and $$PRUNE, but returned
- 15973 code the key specification must be an object
- 15974 code $sort key ordering must be specified using a number or {$meta: 'text'}
- 15975 code $sort key ordering must be 1 (for ascending) or -1 (for descending)
- 15976 code must have at least one sort key
- 17196 code can only mergePresorted from MergeCursors and CommandShards
- 17312 code the only expression supported by $sort right now is {$meta: 'textScore'}
- 15978 code Value at end of $unwind field path '' must be an Array, but is a
- 15979 code can't unwind more than one path
- 15981 code the field path must be specified as a string
- 15982 code field path references must be prefixed with a '$' (''
- 15983 code the operator must be the only field in a pipeline object (at ''
- 15990 code this object is already an operator expression, and can't be used as a document expression (at '')
- 15992 code disallowed field type in object expression (at '')
- 15999 code invalid operator ''
- 16034 code : starting index must be a numeric type (is BSON type )
- 16035 code : length must be a numeric type (is BSON type )
- 16400 code can't add an expression for field because there is already an expression for that field or one of its sub-fields.
- 16401 code can't add an expression for a subfield of because there is already an expression that applies to the whole field
- 16404 code $expressions are not allowed at the top-level of $project
- 16405 code dotted field names are only allowed at the top level
- 16406 code The top-level _id field is the only field currently supported for exclusion
- 16407 code inclusion not supported in objects nested in $expressions
- 16417 code $add resulted in a non-numeric type
- 16418 code $multiply resulted in a non-numeric type
- 16419 code field path must not contain embedded null characters,
- 16420 code field inclusion is not allowed inside of $expressions
- 16554 code $add only supports numeric or date types, not
- 16555 code $multiply only supports numeric types, not
- 16556 code cant $subtract a from a
- 16608 code can't $divide by zero
- 16609 code $divide only supports numeric types, not and
- 16610 code can't $mod by 0
- 16611 code $mod only supports numeric types, not and
- 16612 code only one Date allowed in an $add expression
- 16613 code cant $subtract a from a Date
- 16702 code $concat only supports strings, not
- 16866 code empty variable names are not allowed
- 16867 code '' starts with an invalid character for a user variable name
- 16868 code '' contains an invalid character for a variable name: ''
- 16869 code empty variable names are not allowed
- 16870 code '' starts with an invalid character for a variable name
- 16871 code '' contains an invalid character for a variable name: ''
- 16872 code '$' by itself is not a valid FieldPath
- 16873 code FieldPath '' doesn't start with $
- 16874 code $let only supports an object as it's argument
- 16875 code Unrecognized parameter to $let:
- 16876 code Missing 'vars' parameter to $let
- 16877 code Missing 'in' parameter to $let
- 16878 code $map only supports an object as it's argument
- 16879 code Unrecognized parameter to $map:
- 16880 code Missing 'input' parameter to $map
- 16881 code Missing 'as' parameter to $map
- 16882 code Missing 'in' parameter to $map
- 16883 code input to $map must be an Array not
- 17040 code 's argument must be an array, but is
- 17041 code 's argument must be an array, but is
- 17042 code both operands of $setIsSubset must be arrays. Second argument is of type:
- 17043 code All operands of $setUnion must be arrays. One argument is of type:
- 17044 code All operands of $setEquals must be arrays. One argument is of type:
- 17045 code $setEquals needs at least two arguments had:
- 17046 code both operands of $setIsSubset must be arrays. First argument is of type:
- 17047 code All operands of $setIntersection must be arrays. One argument is of type:
- 17048 code both operands of $setDifference must be arrays. First argument is of type:
- 17049 code both operands of $setDifference must be arrays. Second argument is of type:
- 17064 code Duplicate expression () detected at
- 17080 code Missing 'if' parameter to $cond
- 17081 code Missing 'then' parameter to $cond
- 17082 code Missing 'else' parameter to $cond
- 17083 code Unrecognized parameter to $cond:
- 17124 code The argument to $size must be an Array, but was of type:
- 17199 code can't use Variables::setValue to set ROOT
- 17275 code Can't redefine ROOT
- 17276 code Use of undefined variable:
- 17307 code $meta only supports String arguments
- 17308 code Unsupported argument to $meta:
- 17310 code both operands of $setIsSubset must be arrays. First argument is of type:
- 17311 code both operands of $setIsSubset must be arrays. Second argument is of type:
- 16020 code Expression takes exactly arguments. were passed in.
- 15998 code FieldPath field names may not be empty strings.
- 16409 code FieldPath cannot be constructed from an empty vector.
- 16410 code FieldPath field names may not start with '$'.
- 16411 code FieldPath field names may not contain '\0'.
- 16412 code FieldPath field names may not contain '.'.
- 15942 code pipeline element is not an object
- 16389 code aggregation result exceeds maximum document size (MB)
- 16435 code A pipeline stage specification object must contain exactly one field.
- 16436 code Unrecognized pipeline stage name: ''
- 16600 code should not have an empty pipeline
- 16949 code allowDiskUse must be a bool, not a
- 16991 code $out can only be the final stage in the pipeline
- 17138 code Invalid input resource,
- 17139 code Invalid $out target namespace,
- 16003 code can't convert from BSON type to int
- 16004 code can't convert from BSON type to long
- 16005 code can't convert from BSON type to double
- 16006 code can't convert from BSON type to Date
- 16007 code can't convert from BSON type to String
- 16378 code can't convert from BSON type to timestamp
- 16421 code Can't handle date values outside of time_t range
- 16422 code gmtime failed - your system doesn't support dates before 1970
- 16423 code gmtime failed to convert time_t of
- 16485 code
- 16557 code can't compare CodeWScope values containing a NUL byte in the code.
- 16427 code
- 10053 code You cannot currently mix including and excluding fields. Contact us if this is an issue.
- 10371 code can only add to Projection once
- 13097 code Unsupported projection option:
- 13098 code $slice only supports numbers and [skip, limit] arrays
- 13099 code $slice array wrong size
- 13100 code $slice limit must be positive
- 16342 code elemMatch: invalid argument. object required.
- 16343 code Cannot specify positional operator and $elemMatch (currently unsupported).
- 16344 code Cannot use $elemMatch projection on a nested field (currently unsupported).
- 16345 code Cannot exclude array elements with the positional operator (currently unsupported).
- 16346 code Cannot specify more than one positional array element per query (currently unsupported).
- 16347 code Cannot specify positional operator and $elemMatch (currently unsupported).
- 16348 code matchers are only supported for $elemMatch
- 16349 code $elemMatch specified, but projection field not found.
- 16350 code $elemMatch called on document element with eoo
- 16351 code $elemMatch called on array element with eoo
- 16352 code positional operator (.$) requires corresponding field in query specifier
- 16353 code positional operator element mismatch
- 16354 code Positional operator does not match the query specifier.
- 13530 code bad or malformed command request?
- 16256 code Invalid ns []
- 16332 code can't have an empty ns
- 16979 code bad numberToReturn () for $cmd type ns - can only be 1 or -1
- 17007 code Unable to execute query:
- 17011 code auth error
- 17144 code Runner error:
- 17287 code Can't canonicalize query:
- 17356 code collection dropped between getMore calls
- 17406 code getMore runner error:
- 17510 code Explain error:
- 1000 code replSet source for syncing doesn't seem to be await capable -- is it an older version of mongodb?
- 16235 code going to start syncing, but buffer is not empty
- 10002 code local.sources collection corrupt?
- 10118 code 'host' field not set in sources collection object
- 10119 code only source='main' allowed for now with replication
- 10120 code bad sources 'syncedTo' field value
- 10123 code replication error last applied optime at slave >= nextOpTime from master
- 10384 code --only requires use of --source
- 10385 code Unable to get database list
- 10386 code non Date ts found:
- 10389 code Unable to get database list
- 10390 code got $err reading remote oplog
- 10391 code repl: bad object read from remote oplog
- 13344 code trying to slave off of a non-master
- 14032 code Invalid 'ts' in remote log
- 14033 code Unable to get database list
- 14034 code Duplicate database names present after attempting to delete duplicates
- 15914 code Failure retrying initial sync update
- 17065 code Internal error reading from local.sources
- 17066 code Internal error reading from local.sources
- 13257 code
- 13288 code replSet error write op to db before replSet initialized
- 13347 code missing. did you drop it? if so restart server
- 13389 code missing. did you drop it? if so restart server
- 14825 code error in applyOperation : unknown opType
- 17322 code write to oplog failed:
- 17405 code
- 18508 code
- 13290 code bad replSet oplog entry?
- 13302 code replSet error self appears twice in the repl set configuration
- 16844 code
- 17347 code Problem reading earliest entry from oplog
- 13093 code bad --replSet config string format is: [/,,...]
- 13096 code bad --replSet command line config string - dups?
- 13101 code can't use localhost in replset host list
- 13114 code bad --replSet seed hostname
- 16888 code optimes field should be an array with an object for each secondary
- 13107 code
- 13108 code bad replset config -- duplicate hosts in the config object?
- 13109 code multiple rows in not supported host:
- 13115 code bad config: version
- 13117 code bad config
- 13122 code bad repl set config?
- 13126 code bad Member config
- 13131 code replSet error parsing (or missing) 'members' field in config object
- 13132 code nonmatching repl set name in _id field: vs.
- 13133 code replSet bad config no members
- 13135 code
- 13260 code
- 13308 code replSet bad config version #
- 13309 code replSet bad config maximum number of members is 12
- 13393 code can't use localhost in repl set member names except when using it for all members
- 13419 code priorities must be between 0.0 and 1000
- 13432 code _id may not change for members
- 13433 code can't find self in new replset config
- 13434 code unexpected field '' in object
- 13437 code slaveDelay requires priority be zero
- 13438 code bad slaveDelay value
- 13439 code priority must be 0 when hidden=true
- 13476 code buildIndexes may not change for members
- 13477 code priority must be 0 when buildIndexes=false
- 13510 code arbiterOnly may not change for members
- 13612 code replSet bad config maximum number of voting members is 7
- 13613 code replSet bad config no voting members
- 13645 code hosts cannot switch between localhost and hostname
- 14046 code getLastErrorMode rules must be objects
- 14827 code arbiters cannot have tags
- 14828 code getLastErrorMode criteria must be greater than 0:
- 14829 code getLastErrorMode criteria must be numeric
- 14831 code mode requires tagged with , but only with this tag were found
- 16438 code Heartbeat timeout must be non-negative
- 17492 code arbiter must vote (cannot have 0 votes)
- 17505 code replSet illegal config: getLastErrorDefaults w:0
- 13144 code
- 13145 code set name does not match the set name host expects
- 13256 code member is already initiated
- 13259 code
- 13278 code bad config: isSelf is true for multiple hosts:
- 13279 code
- 13311 code member has data already, cannot initiate set. All members except initiator must be empty.
- 13341 code member has a config version >= to the new cfg version; cannot change config
- 13420 code initiation and reconfiguration of a replica set must be sent to a node that can become primary
- 13410 code replSet too much data to roll back
- 13423 code replSet error in rollback can't find
- 15908 code
- 15909 code replSet rollback error resyncing collection
- 17447 code upstream updater is not supported by the member from which we are syncing, please update all nodes to 2.6 or later.
- 12000 code rs slaveDelay differential too big check clocks and systems
- 15915 code
- 16359 code
- 16360 code
- 16361 code
- 16397 code
- 16620 code there are ops to sync, but I'm primary
- 18505 code
- 16250 code w has to be a string or a number
- 13085 code query failed for dbwebserver
- 16814 code error opening file :
- 16815 code unexpected empty file:
- 16816 code file too short?
- 16817 code error reading file :
- 16818 code error opening file :
- 16819 code Sort exceeded memory limit of bytes, but did not opt in to external sorting. Aborting operation. Pass allowDiskUse:true to opt in.
- 16820 code Sort exceeded memory limit of bytes, but did not opt in to external sorting. Aborting operation. Pass allowDiskUse:true to opt in.
- 16821 code error writing to file :
- 16946 code Attempting to use external sort from mongos. This is not allowed.
- 16947 code Attempting to use external sort from mongos. This is not allowed.
- 17061 code couldn't get uncompressed length
- 17062 code decompression failed
- 17148 code Attempting to use external sort without setting SortOptions::tempDir
- 17149 code Attempting to use external sort without setting SortOptions::tempDir
- 10084 code can't map file memory - mongo requires 64 bit build for larger datasets
- 10085 code can't map file memory
- 10357 code shutdown in progress
- 10359 code header==0 on new extent: 32 bit mmap space exceeded?
- 13440 code bad offset: accessing file: . See
- 13441 code bad offset: accessing file: . See
- 13640 code DataFileHeader looks corrupt at file open filelength: fileno:
- 13599 code Written data does not match in-memory view. Missing WriteIntent?
- 13616 code can't disable durability with pending writes
- 16434 code
- 18507 code File is closing while there are unwritten changes.
- 13611 code can't read lsn file in journal directory :
- 13614 code unexpected version number of lsn file in journal/ directory got:
- 15926 code Insufficient free space for journals
- 17388 code
- 13531 code unexpected files in journal directory :
- 13532 code unexpected file in journal directory : : can't find its preceding file
- 13533 code problem processing journal file during recovery
- 13535 code recover abrupt journal file end
- 13536 code journal version number mismatch
- 13537 code journal file header invalid. This could indicate corruption in a journal file, or perhaps a crash where sectors in file header were in flight written out of order at time of crash (unlikely but possible).
- 13544 code recover error couldn't open
- 13545 code --durOptions (scan only) specified
- 13594 code journal checksum doesn't match
- 13622 code Trying to write past end of file in WRITETODATAFILES
- 15874 code couldn't uncompress journal section
- 13520 code DurableMappedFile only supports filenames in a certain format
- 13636 code file open/create failed in createPrivateMap (look in log for more information)
- 16112 code
- 13546 code journal recover: unrecognized opcode in journal
- 13547 code recover couldn't create file
- 13628 code recover failure writing file
- 10295 code getFile(): bad file number value (corrupt db?). See
- 10358 code bad new extent size
- 12501 code quota exceeded
- 14026 code
- 14810 code couldn't allocate space for a new extent
- 17402 code
- 17433 code _insert: reuse key but lchild is not null
- 17434 code _insert: reuse key but rchild is not null
- 17435 code n==0 in btree popBack()
- 17436 code rchild not null in btree popBack()
- 10080 code ns name too long, max size is 127 bytes
- 10348 code $extra: ns name too long
- 17380 code ns name can't contain embedded '\0' byte
- 10350 code allocExtra: base ns missing?
- 10351 code allocExtra: extra already exists
- 13283 code Missing Extra
- 14045 code missing Extra
- 14823 code missing extra
- 14824 code missing Extra
- 16499 code max in a capped collection has to be < 2^31 or -1
- 17421 code Missing Extra
- 17422 code missing Extra
- 17423 code missing extra
- 17424 code missing Extra
- 16631 code index does not have an 'expireAfterSeconds' field
- 16632 code current 'expireAfterSeconds' is not a number
- 17202 code
- 10079 code bad .ns file length, cannot open database
- 10081 code too many namespaces/collections
- 10343 code bad storageGlobalParams.lenForNewNsFiles
- 17315 code no . in ns
- 16430 code no reply for cmd:
- 10163 code can only handle numbers here - which i think is correct
- 10165 code can't split as shard doesn't have a manager
- 10167 code can't move shard to its current location!
- 10169 code datasize failed!
- 10170 code Chunk needs a ns
- 10171 code Chunk needs a server
- 10172 code Chunk needs a min
- 10173 code Chunk needs a max
- 10174 code config servers not all up
- 10412 code moveAndCommit failed:
- 13003 code can't split a chunk with only one distinct value
- 13141 code Chunk map pointed to incorrect chunk
- 13282 code Couldn't load a valid config for after 3 attempts. Please try again.
- 13327 code Chunk ns must match server ns
- 13331 code collection's metadata is undergoing changes. Please try again.
- 13332 code need a split key to split chunk
- 13333 code can't split a chunk in that many parts
- 13345 code
- 13449 code collection already sharded with chunks
- 13501 code use geoNear command rather than $near query
- 13503 code
- 13507 code no chunks found between bounds and
- 14022 code Error locking distributed lock for chunk drop.
- 15903 code
- 16068 code no chunk ranges available
- 16338 code
- 17001 code could not drop chunks for :
- 8070 code couldn't find a chunk intersecting: for ns: at version: , number of chunks:
- 8071 code cleaning up after drop failed:
- 13134 code
- 16472 code A ClientInfo already exists for this thread
- 16483 code AbstractMessagingPort was provided to ClientInfo::get but differs from the one stored in the current ClientInfo object. Current ClientInfo messaging port NULL
- 10420 code how could chunk manager be null!
- 12594 code how could chunk manager be null!
- 13002 code shard internal error chunk manager should never be null
- 13091 code how could chunk manager be null!
- 13137 code Source and destination collections must be on same shard
- 13138 code You can't rename a sharded collection
- 13139 code You can't rename to a sharded collection
- 13140 code Don't recognize source or target DB
- 13343 code query for sharded findAndModify must have shardkey
- 13398 code cant copy to sharded DB
- 13399 code need a fromdb argument
- 13400 code don't know where source DB is
- 13401 code cant copy from sharded DB
- 13402 code need a todb argument
- 13405 code min value does not have shard key
- 13406 code max value does not have shard key
- 13407 code how could chunk manager be null!
- 13408 code keyPattern must equal shard key
- 13500 code how could chunk manager be null!
- 15920 code Cannot output to a non-sharded collection, a sharded collection exists
- 16246 code Shard is too old to support GridFS sharded by {files_id:1, n:1}
- 16618 code Illegal attempt to run a command against a namespace other than $cmd.
- 17014 code aggregate command didn't return results on host:
- 17015 code getDBConfig shouldn't return NULL
- 17016 code should only be running an aggregate command here
- 17020 code All shards must support cursors to get a cursor back from aggregation
- 17021 code All shards must support cursors to support new features in aggregation
- 17023 code shard returned non-empty first batch
- 17024 code shard returned cursorId 0
- 17025 code shard returned different ns:
- 17403 code Shard failed:
- 17404 code Shard does not support $explain
- 10178 code no primary!
- 10181 code not sharded:
- 10184 code _dropShardedCollections too many collections - bailing
- 10187 code need configdbs
- 10189 code should only have 1 thing in config.version
- 13396 code DBConfig save failed:
- 13473 code failed to save collection ():
- 13509 code can't migrate from 1.5.x release to the current one; need to upgrade to 1.6.x first
- 13648 code can't shard collection because not all config servers are up
- 14822 code state changed in the middle:
- 15883 code not sharded after chunk manager reset :
- 15885 code not sharded after reloading from chunks :
- 8042 code db doesn't have sharding enabled
- 8043 code collection already sharded
- 10191 code cursor already done
- 13286 code sent 0 cursors to kill
- 13287 code too many cursors to kill
- 10422 code write with bad shard config and no server id!
- 16437 code data size of operation is too large to queue for writeback
- 9517 code cannot queue a writeback operation to the writeback queue
- 13593 code
- 13298 code
- 16855 code
- 16857 code
- 17004 code
- 18509 code Unable to obtain host name during sharding initialization.
- 17255 code error receiving write command response, possible socket exception - see logs
- 14023 code remote time in cluster is now skewed, cannot force lock.
- 16060 code cannot query locks collection on config server
- 13678 code Could not communicate with server in cluster to change skew by
- 10185 code can't find a shard to put new db on
- 10186 code removeDB expects db name
- 15918 code invalid database name:
- 13644 code can't use 'local' database through mongos
- 16978 code bad numberToReturn () for $cmd type ns - can only be 1 or -1
- 10197 code createDirectClient not implemented for sharding yet
- 13128 code can't find shard for:
- 13129 code can't find shard for:
- 13136 code
- 13632 code couldn't get updated shard list from config server
- 15847 code can't authenticate to server
- 15907 code could not initialize sharding on connection
- 17363 code
- 13334 code Shard Key must be less than 512 bytes
- 10200 code mongos: error calling db
- 10204 code dbgrid: getmore: error calling db
- 17012 code duplicate sharded and unsharded cursor id detected for , duplicated on host
- 17233 code
- 8010 code something is wrong, shouldn't see a command here
- 10428 code need_authoritative set but in authoritative mode already
- 10429 code
- 15904 code cannot set version on invalid connection
- 15905 code cannot set version or shard on pair connection
- 15906 code cannot set version or shard on sync connection
- 16334 code cannot set version or shard on custom connection
- 13641 code can't parse host []
- 15931 code Authenticating to connection for _benchThread failed:
- 15932 code Authenticating to connection for benchThread failed:
- 16147 code Already finished.
- 16152 code Cannot wait for state
- 16157 code
- 16158 code
- 16164 code loopCommands config not supported
- 16704 code User could not authenticate to admin db; admin db access is
- 16705 code User could not authenticate to admin db; admin db access is
- 10206 code can't append type from:
- 10207 code compile failed
- 10208 code need to have locallyConnected already
- 10209 code name has to be a string:
- 10210 code value has to be set
- 10430 code invalid object id: not hex
- 10448 code invalid object id: length
- 16669 code unable to get db client cursor from query
- 10230 code can't handle external yet
- 10231 code not an object
- 10232 code not a function
- 12509 code unable to get type of field
- 12510 code externalSetup already called, can't call localConnect
- 12511 code localConnect previously called with name
- 12512 code localConnect already called, can't call externalSetup
- 13475 code
- 16496 code V8: NULL Object template instantiated.
- 16661 code can't handle type:
- 16662 code unable to convert JavaScript property to mongo element
- 16711 code
- 16712 code
- 16716 code cannot convert native function to BSON
- 16721 code
- 16862 code Too many arguments. Max is 24
- 16863 code Error converting in field to a JS RegExp object:
- 16864 code ObjectID.str must be exactly 24 chars long
- 16865 code ObjectID.str must only have hex characters [0-1a-fA-F]
- 16985 code JavaScript property (name) contains a null char which is not allowed in BSON.
- 17260 code Converting from JavaScript to BSON failed: Object size exceeds limit of bytes.
- 17279 code Exceeded depth limit of when converting js object to BSON. Do you have a cycle?
- 17355 code Error converting in field to a JS Timestamp object:
- 10261 code hex_md5 takes a single string argument -- hex_md5(string)
- 16259 code sleep takes a single numeric argument -- sleep(milliseconds)
- 16467 code
- 16468 code
- 16660 code arrayAccess is not a function
- 16666 code string argument too long
- 16667 code Unable to get db client connection
- 16858 code Too many arguments. Max is 24
- 16859 code Mongo function is only usable as a constructor
- 16860 code Mongo function is only usable as a constructor
- 16861 code getCollection returned something other than a collection
- 16696 code error converting js type to Utf8Value
- 17396 code Unknown writeMode option:
- 10258 code processinfo not supported
- 12513 code connect failed
- 12514 code login failed
- 12518 code srand requires a single numeric argument
- 12519 code rand accepts no arguments
- 12597 code need to specify 1 argument
- 13006 code isWindows accepts no arguments
- 16453 code interpreterVersion accepts no arguments
- 16822 code getBuildInfo accepts no arguments
- 17134 code replMonitorStats requires a single string argument (the ReplSet name)
- 17428 code keyTooLarge takes exactly 2 arguments
- 10257 code need to specify 1 argument to listFiles
- 12581 code
- 13301 code cat() : file to big to load as a variable
- 13411 code getHostName accepts no arguments
- 13619 code fuzzFile takes 2 arguments
- 13620 code couldn't open file to fuzz
- 16830 code cd requires one argument -- cd(directory)
- 16831 code cd requires a string argument -- cd(directory)
- 16832 code cd command failed:
- 16833 code mkdir requires one argument -- mkdir(directory)
- 16834 code mkdir requires a string argument -- mkdir(directory)
- 10262 code couldn't open file
- 14035 code couldn't write to file
- 15933 code Couldn't open file:
- 17368 code
- 17369 code Backing up users and roles is only supported for clusters with auth schema versions 1 or 3, found:
- 10263 code unknown error reading file
- 13289 code Invalid UTF8 character detected
- 13293 code Invalid JSON passed to mongoimport:
- 13504 code BSON representation of supplied JSON is too large:
- 15854 code CSV file ends while inside quoted field
- 16329 code read error, or input line too long (max length: )
- 16808 code read error:
- 16809 code read error:
- 9998 code You need to specify fields or have a headerline to import this file type
- 15936 code Creating collection failed. Errmsg:
- 16441 code Error calling getLastError:
- 17370 code Restoring users and roles is only supported for clusters with auth schema versions or , found:
- 17371 code Server's authorization data schema version does not match that of the data in the dump file. Server's schema version: , schema version in dump:
- 17372 code $admin.system.users.bson file found, which implies that the dump was taken from a system with schema version users, but server has authorization schema version
- 17373 code $admin.system.roles.bson file found, which implies that the dump was taken from a system with schema version authorization data, but server has authorization schema version
- 17407 code Server has authorization schema version , but found a schema version user:
- 17408 code Server has authorization schema version , but found a schema version user:
- 17410 code collection already exists, but is needed to restore user data. Drop this collection or specify a different collection (via --tempUsersColl) to use to temporarily hold user data during the restore process
- 17411 code collection already exists, but is needed to restore role data. Drop this collection or specify a different collection (via --tempRolesColl) to use to temporarily hold role data during the restore process
- 17412 code Cannot restore users because the _mergeAuthzCollections command failed:
- 17413 code Cannot restore roles because the _mergeAuthzCollections command failed:
- 17414 code Found a schema version user when restoring to a non-admin db system.users collection:
- 17415 code Cannot restore users with schema version to a system with server version 2.5.4 or greater
- 17416 code Cannot modify user data on a server with version greater than or equal to 2.5.4 that has not yet updated the authorization data to schema version . Found server version with authorization schema version
- 10107 code
- 10437 code unknown exception
- 123 code blah
- 13104 code
- 13294 code
- 13297 code
- 13388 code
- 13435 code
- 13436 code
- 14043 code
- 14044 code unknown exception
- 16199 code
- 9996 code
- 17234 code backgroundJob already running:
- 10270 code invalid base64
- 14050 code List1: item to orphan not in list
- 16137 code
- 16138 code
- 16139 code
- 16140 code
- 16200 code
- 16201 code
- 16202 code
- 16203 code
- 16204 code
- 16205 code
- 16206 code
- 16207 code
- 16208 code
- 16209 code
- 16210 code
- 16211 code
- 16212 code
- 16214 code
- 16215 code
- 16216 code
- 16217 code
- 16219 code
- 16220 code
- 16221 code
- 16222 code
- 16476 code the requested value is out of the range of the computed quantiles
- 10438 code In File::read(), ReadFile for '' read bytes while trying to read bytes starting at offset , truncated file?
- 16569 code In File::read(), ::pread for '' read bytes while trying to read bytes starting at offset , truncated file?
- 10439 code
- 10440 code
- 10441 code Unable to allocate new file of size
- 10442 code Unable to allocate new file of size
- 10443 code FileAllocator: file write failed
- 13653 code
- 16062 code fstatfs failed:
- 16063 code ftruncate failed:
- 16493 code Tried to create string longer than MB
- 13514 code
- 13515 code
- 13516 code couldn't open file for writing
- 13517 code error appending to file
- 13518 code couldn't open file for writing
- 13519 code error 87 appending to file - invalid parameter
- 15871 code Couldn't truncate file:
- 15873 code Couldn't truncate file:
- 16142 code
- 16143 code
- 16144 code
- 13468 code can't create file already exists
- 13617 code MongoFile : multiple opens of same filename
- 15922 code couldn't get file length when opening mapping
- 15923 code couldn't get file length when opening mapping
- 16325 code
- 16326 code
- 16327 code
- 17346 code
- 13056 code Async flushing not supported on windows
- 16148 code
- 16165 code
- 16166 code
- 16167 code
- 16168 code
- 16225 code
- 16362 code
- 16387 code
- 17484 code
- 17132 code SSL handshake received but server is started without SSL support
- 17133 code SSL handshake requested, SSL feature not available in this build
- 17189 code The server is configured to only allow SSL connections
- 13079 code path to unix socket too long
- 13080 code no unix socket support on windows
- 13082 code getnameinfo error
- 16501 code
- 16502 code
- 16503 code
- 16506 code
- 16507 code
- 16508 code
- 17185 code
- 15861 code Error creating new SSL object
- 15864 code can't create SSL Context:
- 16562 code ssl initialization problem
- 16583 code
- 16584 code
- 16703 code
- 16768 code ssl initialization problem
- 16884 code unable to allocate BIO memory
- 16941 code ssl initialization problem
- 16942 code ssl initialization problem
- 16943 code ssl initialization problem
- 16944 code ssl initialization problem
- 17089 code
- 17314 code
- 16454 code
- 17114 code
- 13650 code Couldn't open directory '' for flushing:
- 13651 code Couldn't fsync directory '':
- 13652 code Couldn't find parent dir for file:
- 13646 code stat() failed for file:
- 13538 code
- 16846 code couldn't open /proc/self/psinfo:
- 16847 code couldn't read from /proc/self/psinfo:
- 16848 code couldn't open /proc/self/usage:
- 16849 code couldn't read from /proc/self/usage:
- 17006 code