OHDSI WebAPI contains all OHDSI RESTful services that can be called from OHDSI applications.
- Provides a centralized API for working with 1 or more databases converted to the Common Data Model (CDM) v5.
- Searching the OMOP standardized vocabularies for medical concepts and constructing concept sets.
- Defining cohort definitions for use in identifying patient populations.
- Characterizing cohorts
- Computing incidence rates
- Retrieve patient profiles
- Design population level estimation and patient level prediction studies
OHDSI WebAPI is a Java 8 web application that utilizes a database (PostgreSQL, SQL Server or Oracle) for storage.
Documentation can be found a the Web API Installation Guide which covers the system requirements and installation instructions.
The following parameters are used: security.saml.idpMetadataLocation=classpath:saml/dev/idp-metadata.xml- path to metadata used by identity provider security.saml.metadataLocation=saml/dev/sp-metadata.xml - service provider metedata path security.saml.keyManager.keyStoreFile=classpath:saml/samlKeystore.jks - path to keystore security.saml.keyManager.storePassword=nalle123 - keystore password security.saml.keyManager.passwords.arachnenetwork=nalle123 - private key password security.saml.keyManager.defaultKey=apollo - keystore alias security.saml.sloUrl=https://localhost:8443/cas/logout - identity provider logout URL security.saml.callbackUrl=http://localhost:8080/WebAPI/user/saml/callback - URL called from identity provider after login
It was chosen to use embedded PG instead of H2 for unit tests since H2 doesn't support window functions, md5
function, HEX to BIT conversion, setval
, set datestyle
- Developer questions/comments/feedback: OHDSI forum
- We use the GitHub issue tracker for all bugs/issues/enhancements.
- WebAPI follows Semantic versioning;
- Only Non-SNAPSHOT dependencies should be presented in POM.xml on release branches/tags.
OHDSI WebAPI is licensed under Apache License 2.0