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Starred repositories
Software to automate the management and configuration of any infrastructure or application at scale. Install Salt from the Salt package repositories here:
For the latest version of boto, see https://github.com/boto/boto3 -- Python interface to Amazon Web Services
This is **DEPRECATED**! Please go to https://github.com/docker/distribution
Project Management: Meeting notes and agenda items
zk-smoketest.py provides a simple smoketest client for a ZooKeeper ensemble
an auto-update framework for frozen python apps
Google Mirror API's Quickstart for Python
Full stack SaltStack configuration for Django with the help of Vagrant.
LaTeX mappings for Font Awesome, the icons font
Create python web applications for Google Glass
A library and stand-alone CLI tools to access a salt-api instance
A log visualizer for MongoDB - This Repository is NOT a supported MongoDB product
Rewind is a (CQRS) event store server written in Python.
An example of a salt state tree for Django deployment
The AMI takes a set of input parameters via the EC2 user-data to install, RAID, ring, and launch a DataStax Enterprise/Community cluster.
This is a mirror for http://gerrit.ovirt.org, for issues use http://bugzilla.redhat.com
An application to show server accesses over time via a map-based display.
An example saltstack running Django on Nginx and uWSGI, pulling from a git repo.