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queue_classic is a PostgreSQL-backed queueing library that is focused on concurrent job locking, minimizing database load & providing a simple & intuitive user experience.

queue_classic features:

  • Support for multiple queues with heterogeneous workers
  • Utilization of Postgres' PUB/SUB
  • JSON encoding for jobs
  • Forking workers
  • Postgres' rock-solid locking mechanism
  • Fuzzy-FIFO support academic paper
  • Instrumentation via log output
  • Long term support


Queue_classic was designed out of necessity. I needed a message queue that was fast, reliable, and low maintenance. It was built upon PostgreSQL out of a motivation of not wanting to add a redis or 0MQ service to my network of services. It boasts a small API and very few features. It was designed to be simple. Thus, if you need advanced queueing features, queue_classic is not for you; try 0MQ, rabbitmq, or redis. But if you are already running a PostgreSQL database, and you need a simple mechanism to distribute jobs to worker processes, then queue_classic is exactly what you need to be using.

Heroku Postgres

The Heroku Postgres team uses queue_classic to monitor the health of customer databases. They process 200 jobs per second using a fugu database. They chose queue_classic because of its simplicity and reliability.


Larry uses queue_classic to deliver cloudapp's push notifications and to collect file meta-data from S3. Cloudapp processes nearly 14 jobs per second.

I haven't even touched QC since setting it up.
The best queue is the one you don't have to hand hold.

-- Larry Marburger


In addition to installing the rubygem, you will need to prepare your database. Database preperation includes creating a table and loading PL/pgSQL functions. You can issue the database preperation commands using PSQL(1) or place them in a database migration.

Quick Start

$ createdb queue_classic_test
$ psql queue_classic_test -c "CREATE TABLE queue_classic_jobs (id serial, q_name varchar(255), method varchar(255), args text, locked_at timestamp);"
$ export QC_DATABASE_URL="postgres://username:password@localhost/queue_classic_test"
$ gem install queue_classic
$ ruby -r queue_classic -e "QC::Queries.load_functions"
$ ruby -r queue_classic -e "QC.enqueue('Kernel.puts', 'hello world')"
$ ruby -r queue_classic -e ""

Ruby on Rails Setup


source :rubygems
gem "queue_classic", "2.0.0rc1"


require "queue_classic"
require "queue_classic/tasks"


# Optional if you have this set in your shell environment or use Heroku.
ENV["DATABASE_URL"] = "postgres://username:password@localhost/database_name"


class CreateJobsTable < ActiveRecord::Migration

  def self.up
    create_table :queue_classic_jobs do |t|
      t.string :q_name
      t.string :method
      t.text :args
      t.timestamp :locked_at
    add_index :queue_classic_jobs, :id
    require "queue_classic"

  def self.down
    drop_table :queue_classic_jobs
    require "queue_classic"


Sequel Setup


Sequel.migration do
  up do
    create_table :queue_classic_jobs do
      primary_key :id
      String :q_name
      String :details
      Time   :locked_at
    require "queue_classic"

  down do
    drop_table :queue_classic_jobs
    require "queue_classic"


All configuration takes place in the form of environment vars. See queue_classic.rb for a list of options.


Users of queue_classic will be producing jobs (enqueue) or consuming jobs (lock then delete).


You certainly don't need the queue_classic rubygem to put a job in the queue.

$ psql queue_classic_test -c "INSERT INTO queue_classic_jobs (q_name, method, args) VALUES ('default', 'Kernel.puts', '[\"hello world\"]');"

However, the rubygem will take care of converting your args to JSON and it will also dispatch PUB/SUB notifications if the feature is enabled. It will also manage a connection to the database that is independent of any other connection you may have in your application. Note: If your queue table is in your application's database then your application's process will have 2 connections to the database; one for your application and another for queue_classic.

The Ruby API for producing jobs is pretty simple:

# This method has no arguments.

# This method has 1 argument.
QC.enqueue("Kernel.puts", "hello world")

# This method has 2 arguments.
QC.enqueue("Kernel.printf", "hello %s", "world")

# This method has a hash argument.
QC.enqueue("Kernel.puts", {"hello" => "world"})

# This method has a array argument.
QC.enqueue("Kernel.puts", ["hello", "world"])

The basic idea is that all arguments should be easily encoded to json. OkJson is used to encode the arguments, so the arguments can be anything that OkJson can encode.

# Won't work!
OkJson.encode({:test => "test"})

# OK
OkJson.encode({"test" => "test"})

To see more information on usage, take a look at the test files in the source code. Also, read up on OkJson

Multiple Queues

The table containing the jobs has a column named q_name. This column is the abstraction queue_classic uses to represent multiple queues. This allows the programmer to place triggers and indecies on distinct queues.

# attach to the priority_queue. this will insert
# jobs with the column q_name = 'priority_queue'
p_queue ="priority_queue")

# This method has no arguments.

# This method has 1 argument.
p_queue.enqueue("Kernel.puts", "hello world")

# This method has 2 arguments.
p_queue.enqueue("Kernel.printf", "hello %s", "world")

# This method has a hash argument.
p_queue.enqueue("Kernel.puts", {"hello" => "world"})

# This method has a array argument.
p_queue.enqueue("Kernel.puts", ["hello", "world"])

This code example shows how to produce jobs into a custom queue, to consume jobs from the custome queue be sure and set the $QUEUE var to the q_name in the worker's UNIX environment.


There are several approaches to working jobs. The first is to include a task file provided by queue_classic and the other approach is to write a custom bin file.

Rake Task

Be sure to include queue_classic and queue_classic/tasks in your primary Rakefile.

To work jobs from the default queue:

$ bundle exec rake qc:work

To work jobs from a custom queue:

$ QUEUE="p_queue" bundle exec rake qc:work

Bin File

Start by making a bin directory in your project's root directory. Then add an executable file called worker.


#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8

trap('INT')  {exit}
trap('TERM') {exit}

require "your_app"
require "queue_classic"
worker =, top_bound, fork_worker, listening_worker, max_attempts)

Sublcass QC::Worker

Now that we have seen how to run a worker process, let's take a look at how to customize a worker. The class QC::Worker will probably suit most of your needs; however, there are some mechanisms that you will want to override. For instance, if you are using a forking worker, you will need to open a new database connection in the child process that is doing your work. Also, you may want to define how a failed job should behave. The default failed handler will simply print the job to stdout. You can define a failure method that will enqueue the job again, or move it to another table, etc....

require "queue_classic"

class MyWorker < QC::Worker

  # retry the job
  def handle_failure(job, exception)
    @queue.enque(job[:method], job[:args])

  # the forked proc needs a new db connection
  def setup_child


Notice that we have access to the @queue instance variable. Read the tests and the worker class for more information on what you can do inside of the worker.


#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8

trap('INT')  {exit}
trap('TERM') {exit}

require "your_app"
require "queue_classic"
require "my_worker"

worker =, top_bound, fork_worker, listening_worker, max_attempts)

QC::Worker Details

General Idea

The worker class (QC::Worker) is designed to be extended via inheritance. Any of its methods should be considered for extension. There are a few in particular that act as stubs in hopes that the user will override them. Such methods include: handle_failure() and setup_child(). See the section near the bottom for a detailed descriptor of how to subclass the worker.


When we ask the worker to start, it will enter a loop with a stop condition dependent upon a method named running? . While in the method, the worker will attempt to select and lock a job. If it can not on its first attempt, it will use an exponential back-off technique to try again.


INT, TERM Both of these signals will ensure that the running? method returns false. If the worker is waiting -- as it does per the exponential backoff technique; then a second signal must be sent.


There are many reasons why you would and would not want your worker to fork. An argument against forking may be that you want low latency in your job execution. An argument in favor of forking is that your jobs leak memory and do all sorts of crazy things, thus warranting the cleanup that fork allows. Nevertheless, forking is not enabled by default. To instruct your worker to fork, ensure the following shell variable is set:

$ export QC_FORK_WORKER='true'

One last note on forking. It is often the case that after Ruby forks a process, some sort of setup needs to be done. For instance, you may want to re-establish a database connection, or get a new file descriptor. queue_classic's worker provides a hook that is called immediately after Kernel.fork. To use this hook subclass the worker and override setup_child().


The exponential back-off algorithm will require our worker to wait if it does not succeed in locking a job. How we wait is something that can vary. PostgreSQL has a wonderful feature that we can use to wait intelligently. Processes can LISTEN on a channel and be alerted to notifications. queue_classic uses this feature to block until a notification is received. If this feature is disabled, the worker will call Kernel.sleep(t) where t is set by our exponential back-off algorithm. However, if we are using LISTEN/NOTIFY then we can enter a type of sleep that can be interrupted by a NOTIFY. For example, say we just started to wait for 2 seconds. After the first millisecond of waiting, a job was enqueued. With LISTEN/NOTIFY enabled, our worker would immediately preempt the wait and attempt to lock the job. This allows our worker to be much more responsive. In the case there is no notification, the worker will quit waiting after the timeout has expired.

LISTEN/NOTIFY is disabled by default but can be enabled by setting the following shell variable:

$ export QC_LISTENING_WORKER='true'

I bet your worker will encounter a job that raises an exception. Queue_classic thinks that you should know about this exception by means of you established exception tracker. (i.e. Hoptoad, Exceptional) To that end, Queue_classic offers a method that you can override. This method will be passed 2 arguments: the exception instance and the job. Here are a few examples of things you might want to do inside handle_failure().


QC will log elapsed time, errors and general usage in the form of data. To customize the output of the log data, override QC.log and QC.log_yield. By default, QC uses a simple wrapper around $stdout to put the log data in k=v format. For instance:

lib=queue_classic level=info action=insert_job elapsed=16

Tips and Tricks

Running Synchronously for tests

Author: @em_csquared

I was tesing some code that started out handling some work in a web request and wanted to move that work over to a queue. After completing a red-green-refactor I did not want my tests to have to worry about workers or even hit the database.

Turns out its easy to get QueueClassic to just work in a synchronous way with:

def QC.enqueue(function_call, *args)
  eval("#{function_call} *args")

Now you can test QueueClassic as if it was calling your method directly!

Dispatching new jobs to workers without new code

Author: @ryandotsmith (ace hacker)

The other day I found myself in a position in which I needed to delete a few thousand records. The tough part of this situation is that I needed to ensure the ActiveRecord callbacks were made on these objects thus making a simple SQL statement unfeasible. Also, I didn't want to wait all day to select and destroy these objects. queue_classic to the rescue! (no pun intended)

The API of queue_classic enables you to quickly dispatch jobs to workers. In my case I wanted to call Invoice.destroy(id) a few thousand times. I fired up a heroku console session and executed this line:

Invoice.find(:all, :select => "id", :conditions => "some condition").map {|i| QC.enqueue("Invoice.destroy", }

With the help of 20 workers I was able to destroy all of these records (preserving their callbacks) in a few minutes.

Enqueueing batches of jobs

Author: @ryandotsmith (ace hacker)

I have seen several cases where the application will enqueue jobs in batches. For instance, you may be sending 1,000 emails out. In this case, it would be foolish to do 1,000 individual transaction. Instead, you want to open a new transaction, enqueue all of your jobs and then commit the transaction. This will save tons of time in the database.

To achieve this we will create a helper method:

def qc_txn
  rescue Exception

Now in your application code you can do something like:

qc_txn do
  Account.all.each do |act|

Scheduling Jobs

Author: @ryandotsmith (ace hacker)

Many popular queueing solution provide support for scheduling. Features like Redis-Scheduler and the run_at column in DJ are very important to the web application developer. While queue_classic does not offer any sort of scheduling features, I do not discount the importance of the concept. However, it is my belief that a scheduler has no place in a queueing library, to that end I will show you how to schedule jobs using queue_classic and the clockwork gem.


In this example, we are working with a system that needs to compute a sales summary at the end of each day. Lets say that we need to compute a summary for each sales employee in the system.

Instead of enqueueing jobs with run_at set to 24hour intervals, we will define a clock process to enqueue the jobs at a specified time on each day. Let us create a file and call it clock.rb:

handler {|job| QC.enqueue(job)}
every(, "SalesSummaryGenerator.build_daily_report", :at => "01:00")

To start our scheduler, we will use the clockwork bin:

$ clockwork clock.rb

Now each day at 01:00 we will be sending the build_daily_report message to our SalesSummaryGenerator class.

I found this abstraction quite powerful and easy to understand. Like queue_classic, the clockwork gem is simple to understand and has 0 dependencies. In production, I create a heroku process type called clock. This is typically what my Procfile looks like:

worker: rake jobs:work
clock: clockwork clock.rb

Upgrading From Older Versions

1.X to 2.X

Database Schema Changes

  • all queues are in 1 table with a q_name column
  • table includes a method column and an args column

Producer Changes

  • initializing a Queue instance takes a column name instead of a table name

Consumer Changes

  • all of the worker configuratoin is passed in through the initializer
  • rake task uses data from env vars to initialize a worker

0.2.X to 0.3.X

  • Deprecated QC.queue_length in favor of QC.length
  • Locking functions need to be loaded into database via $ rake qc:load_functions

Also, the default queue is no longer named jobs, it is named queue_classic_jobs. Renaming the table is the only change that needs to be made.

$ psql your_database -c "ALTER TABLE jobs RENAME TO queue_classic_jobs;"

Or if you are using Rails' Migrations:

class RenameJobsTable < ActiveRecord::Migration

  def self.up
    rename_table :jobs, :queue_classic_jobs
    remove_index :jobs, :id
    add_index :queue_classic_jobs, :id

  def self.down
    rename_table :queue_classic_jobs, :jobs
    remove_index :queue_classic_jobs, :id
    add_index :jobs, :id


Hacking on queue_classic


  • Ruby 1.9.2 (tests work in 1.8.7 but compatibility is not guaranteed or supported)
  • Postgres ~> 9.0
  • Rubygem: pg ~> 0.11.0

Running Tests

$ bundle
$ createdb queue_classic_test
$ export QC_DATABASE_URL="postgres://username:pass@localhost/queue_classic_test"
$ rake