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Blogging Like a Hacker |
17 Nov 2008 – San Francisco
Back in 2000, when I thought I was going to be a professional writer, I spent hours a day on LiveJournal doing writing practice with other aspiring poets and authors. Since then I’ve blogged at three different domains about web standards, print design, photography, Flash, illustration, information architecture, ColdFusion, package management, PHP, CSS, advertising, Ruby, Rails, and Erlang.
I love writing. I get a kick out of sharing my thoughts with others. The act of transforming ideas into words is an amazingly efficient way to solidify and refine your thoughts about a given topic. But as much as I enjoy blogging, I seem to be stuck in a cycle of quitting and starting over. Before starting the current iteration, I resolved to do some introspection to determine the factors that were leading to this destructive pattern.
I already knew a lot about what I didn’t want. I was tired of complicated blogging engines like WordPress and Mephisto. I wanted to write great posts, not style a zillion template pages, moderate comments all day long, and constantly lag behind the latest software release. Something like Posterous looked attractive, but I wanted to style my blog, and it needed to be hosted at the domain of my choosing. For the same reason, other hosted sites (, were disqualified. There are a few people directly using GitHub as a blog (which is very cool), but that’s a bit too much of an impedance mismatch for my tastes.
On Sunday, October 19th, I sat down in my San Francisco apartment with a glass of apple cider and a clear mind. After a period of reflection, I had an idea. While I’m not specifically trained as an author of prose, I am trained as an author of code. What would happen if I approached blogging from a software development perspective? What would that look like?
First, all my writing would be stored in a Git repository. This would ensure that I could try out different ideas and explore a variety of posts all from the comfort of my preferred editor and the command line. I’d be able to publish a post via a simple deploy script or post-commit hook. Complexity would be kept to an absolute minimum, so a static site would be preferable to a dynamic site that required ongoing maintenance. My blog would need to be easily customizable; coming from a graphic design background means I’ll always be tweaking the site’s appearance and layout.
Over the last month I’ve brought these concepts to fruition and I’m pleased to announce Jekyll. Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator. It takes a template directory (representing the raw form of a website), runs it through Textile and Liquid converters, and spits out a complete, static website suitable for serving with Apache or your favorite web server. If you’re reading this on the website (, you’re seeing a Jekyll generated blog!
To understand how this all works, open up my TPW repo in a new browser window. I’ll be referencing the code there.
Take a look at index.html. This file represents the homepage of the site. At the top of the file is a chunk of YAML that contains metadata about the file. This data tells Jekyll what layout to give the file, what the page’s title should be, etc. In this case, I specify that the “default” template should be used. You can find the layout files in the _layouts directory. If you open default.html you can see that the homepage is constructed by wrapping index.html with this layout.
You’ll also notice Liquid templating code in these files. Liquid is a simple, extensible templating language that makes it easy to embed data in your templates. For my homepage I wanted to have a list of all my blog posts. Jekyll hands me a Hash containing various data about my site. A reverse chronological list of all my blog posts can be found in site.posts
. Each post, in turn, contains various fields such as title
and date
Jekyll gets the list of blog posts by parsing the files in the _posts directory. Each post’s filename contains the publishing date and slug (what shows up in the URL) that the final HTML file should have. Open up the file corresponding to this blog post: 2008-11-17-blogging-like-a-hacker.textile. GitHub renders textile files by default, so to better understand the file, click on the raw view to see the original file. Here I’ve specified the post
layout. If you look at that file you’ll see an example of a nested layout. Layouts can contain other layouts allowing you a great deal of flexibility in how pages are assembled. In my case I use a nested layout in order to show related posts for each blog entry. The YAML also specifies the post’s title which is then embedded in the post’s body via Liquid.
Posts are handled in a special way by Jekyll. The date you specify in the filename is used to construct the URL in the generated site. This post, for instance, ends up at
Files that do not reside in directories prefixed with an underscore are mirrored into a corresponding directory structure in the generated site. If a file does not have a YAML preface, it is not run through the Liquid interpreter. Binary files are copied over unmodified.
In order to convert your raw site into the finished version, you simply run:
$ jekyll /path/to/raw/site /path/to/place/generated/site
Jekyll is still a very young project. I’ve only developed the exact functionality that I’ve needed. As time goes on I’d like to see the project mature and support additional features. If you end up using Jekyll for your own blog, drop me a line and let me know what you’d like to see in future versions. Better yet, fork the project over at GitHub and hack in the features yourself!
I’ve been living with Jekyll for just over a month now. I love it. Driving the development of Jekyll based on the needs of my blog has been very rewarding. I can edit my posts in TextMate, giving me automatic and competent spell checking. I have immediate and first class access to the CSS and page templates. Everything is backed up on GitHub. I feel a lightness now when I’m writing a post. The system is simple enough that I can keep the entire conversion process in my head. The distance from my brain to my blog has shrunk, and, in the end, I think that will make me a better author.