A little tool to play with Windows security
Nmap - the Network Mapper. Github mirror of official SVN repository.
Thefatrat a massive exploiting tool : Easy tool to generate backdoor and easy tool to post exploitation attack like browser attack and etc . This tool compiles a malware with popular payload and th…
ZMap is a fast single packet network scanner designed for Internet-wide network surveys.
RealTek RTL8188eus WiFi driver with monitor mode & frame injection support
Linux Kernel for Motorola devices using MSM-based chipset
collection of articles/books about programing
Wireless Tools for Android. README not meant for Android port. Binaries in /bin. Building based on, described in kriswebdev/android_aircrack.
Decommonized source for vayu. Use base branch for inline builds. (caf for latest)
Overclocked NoGravityKernel for Pocophone F1 [FORCE-PUSH-ALERT]
Kernel source code (LawRun Kernel) for xiaomi sdm845 | Pocophone f1 (beryllium), Mi 8 (dipper), Mi Mix 2s (polaris) | You can fork and enjoy.
Kernel Source for Moto G5(Cedric)
ICS busybox based on 1.20 with blkid and ext4 support added
The purpose of this kernel is to provide a custom, feature rich, and stable kernel with decent battery conservation gains. Forked from…
Kernel for Moto G5S (montana)
Kernel that is based on LawRun and is modified for nethunter. For Beryllium, Dipper, Polaris.
An automated webapp vulnerability scanner and exploiter written in C and held together by python
Linux Kernel for Moto G5S montana MSM8937
Here is the kernel repository (based on Optimus_Drunk_Beryllium).