This 2005 dataset was kindly provided by Chi Xie.
FIXME 2005 Peak-Hour
AM Peak hourDemandAustin Flow Map 1 12-15-08.jpg
Zones: 7,388 Nodes: 7,388 Links: 18.961 Trips: 739351
FIXME Time: Distance: Cost:
FIXME Toll: Distance:
FIXME translate to Github Issues
Hong Zheng identified the following duplicate links in the Austin network: [1879, 1884]; [4079, 4080]; [4080, 4079]; [4436, 6583]; [6583, 4436]. Notice that the parameters of the duplicate links are not the same. Any reports using this network until 2012 should be assumed to rely on the network with the duplicated links. Any reports using this network from 2013 onwards should be assumed to rely on the network with the first link in each duplicated pair.