A fairly realistic yet aggregated representation of the Chicago region. The original data is known to provide low levels of congestion, not realistic for the Chicago region. For algorithm testing it is recommended to double the original trip table.
Developed and provided by the Chicago Area Transportation Study. Via: http://www.bgu.ac.il/~bargera/tntp/
Node coordinates in Illinois state plane coordinate system, feetChicagoSketch_flow.tntp
Best known flow solution
Zones: 387 Nodes: 933 Links: 2950 Trips: 1,260,907.4400005303
Time: minutes Distance: miles Speed: Cost: cents Coordinates: Illinois State Plane, feet
Toll: 0.02 minutes/cent Distance: 0.04 minutes/mile
is the best known flow solution with Average Excess Cost of 2.1E-13. Optimal objective function value: 17313018.7387477.
FIXME translate to Github Issues
The preparation of this dataset is described in the following references:
- Eash, R.W., K.S. Chon, Y.J. Lee and D.E. Boyce (1983) Equilibrium Traffic Assignment on an Aggregated Highway Network for Sketch Planning, Transportation Research Record, 994, 30-37.
- Boyce, D.E., K.S. Chon, M.E. Ferris, Y.J. Lee, K-T. Lin and R.W. Eash (1985) Implementation and Evaluation of Combined Models of Urban Travel and Location on a Sketch Planning Network, Chicago Area Transportation Study, xii + 169 pp.