A large-scale network for the Delaware Valley Region.
Provided by Dr. W. Thomas Walker, Manager, Office of Corridor/Systems Planning, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, Philadelphia, PA, and are released with his permission. David Boyce compiled most of this metadata. Via: http://www.bgu.ac.il/~bargera/tntp/
The year of the estimated/predicted flows is unknown.
The origin-destination data file (Philadelphia.trips) contains 24 hour flows (vehicles/day) between the 1525 zones in the DVRPC region. All entries are integer.
Node coordinatesPhiladelphia_toll.tntp
Link tolls
Zones: 1,525 Nodes: 13,389 Links: 40,003 Trips: 18,503,872 total; 14,336,062 interzonal
Time: Minutes Distance: Miles Speed: Cost: Cents Coordinates: Node coordinates are given in units of 0.01 miles (i.e. divide by 100 to get the values in miles).
Toll: 0.055 minutes/cent Distance: 0
FIXME translate to Github Issues
The fields of each link record are as follows:
- from node
- to node
- capacity (24 hour)
- length (miles)
- free flow travel time (minutes)
- speed (entries do not correspond to free flow speeds, and meaning is unknown)
- toll
- link type
The link types are as follows:
- freeway, including freeway to freeway ramps
- parkway
- principal arterial
- secondary arterial
- unused
- collector/local
- approach link, including centroid connectors
- ramp
- dummy link
Because of software capacity limitations, some links are coded with an implicit assumption of no U-turns.
The network was applied in a Build vs. No-Build comparison of the effects of a pair of freeway-to-freeway ramps. These ramps are included in Philadelphia.net as follows:
link description | from | to | capacity | length | free-flow time |
I-295 EB to NJ 42 SB | 18177 | 13346 | 16,575 veh/day | 0.80 miles | 1.48 minutes |
NJ 42 NB to I-295 WB | 1334 | 13388 | 16,575 veh/day | 0.82 miles | 1.48 minutes |
To solve the traffic assignment problem without these ramps, it is advised to set the free-flow travel time to a large number, such as 99.99 minutes. In this way, the effect of the network coding on the solution is maintained in both solutions.