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Philadelphia Network

A large-scale network for the Delaware Valley Region.


Provided by Dr. W. Thomas Walker, Manager, Office of Corridor/Systems Planning, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, Philadelphia, PA, and are released with his permission. David Boyce compiled most of this metadata. Via:


The year of the estimated/predicted flows is unknown.

The origin-destination data file (Philadelphia.trips) contains 24 hour flows (vehicles/day) between the 1525 zones in the DVRPC region. All entries are integer.


  • Philadelphia_net.tntp Network
  • Philadelphia_trips.tntp Demand
  • Philadelphia_node.tntp Node coordinates
  • Philadelphia_toll.tntp Link tolls


Zones: 1,525 Nodes: 13,389 Links: 40,003 Trips: 18,503,872 total; 14,336,062 interzonal


Time: Minutes Distance: Miles Speed: Cost: Cents Coordinates: Node coordinates are given in units of 0.01 miles (i.e. divide by 100 to get the values in miles).

Generalized Cost Weights

Toll: 0.055 minutes/cent Distance: 0


Known Issues

FIXME translate to Github Issues

Link Attributes

The fields of each link record are as follows:

  1. from node
  2. to node
  3. capacity (24 hour)
  4. length (miles)
  5. free flow travel time (minutes)
  6. speed (entries do not correspond to free flow speeds, and meaning is unknown)
  7. toll
  8. link type

The link types are as follows:

  1. freeway, including freeway to freeway ramps
  2. parkway
  3. principal arterial
  4. secondary arterial
  5. unused
  6. collector/local
  7. approach link, including centroid connectors
  8. ramp
  9. dummy link

Because of software capacity limitations, some links are coded with an implicit assumption of no U-turns.


The network was applied in a Build vs. No-Build comparison of the effects of a pair of freeway-to-freeway ramps. These ramps are included in as follows:

link description from to capacity length free-flow time
I-295 EB to NJ 42 SB 18177 13346 16,575 veh/day 0.80 miles 1.48 minutes
NJ 42 NB to I-295 WB 1334 13388 16,575 veh/day 0.82 miles 1.48 minutes

To solve the traffic assignment problem without these ramps, it is advised to set the free-flow travel time to a large number, such as 99.99 minutes. In this way, the effect of the network coding on the solution is maintained in both solutions.