qBreakpad is Qt library to use google-breakpad crash reporting facilities (and using it conviniently). Supports
- Windows (but crash dump decoding will not work with MinGW compiler)
- Linux
- MacOS X
- Build qBreakpad static library (qBreakpad/handler/)
- Include "qBreakpad-handler.pri" to your target Qt project
- Setup linking with "qBreakpad-handler" library
QMAKE_LIBDIR += $$OUT_PWD/submodules/breakpad/handler
LIBS += -lqBreakpad-handler
- Use
singleton class to enable automatic crash dumps generation on any failure; example:
#include <QBreakpadHandler.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
- Read Google Breakpad documentation to know further workflow
- Build dump_syms
Mac example:
#check SDK versions
$> xcodebuild -sdk -version
$ ...
$ MacOSX10.10.sdk - OS X 10.10(macosx10.10)
$ SDKVersion: 10.10
$ ...
#use proper SDKVersion = 10.10
$> xcodebuild -sdk macosx10.10 -project src/tools/mac/dump_syms/dump_syms.xcodeproj -configuration Release -target dump_syms ARCHS=x86_64 ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.10 GCC_VERSION=com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0
Generate symbol file for your app
Mac example:
First generate applocation version binary with proper function names with source file line numbers.
Go to non-stripped binary (e.g. application
) and use dsymutil util
$> dsymutil ./application.app/Content/MacOS/application
now you have a DWARF debugging format version of you application
at "application.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/application" near original binary
Next generate symbol file:
#generate .sym file
$> dump_syms ./application.app/Content/MacOS/application.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/application > ./application.app/Content/MacOS/application.sym
#store sym file in the correct location
#this step is necessary. Without that minidump_stackwalk tool doesn't work
$> head -n1 application.sym
$ MODULE mac x86_64 C5CAE9D1E51536DF95C4F0CB5CCDAB270 application
$> mkdir -p ./symbols/application/C5CAE9D1E51536DF95C4F0CB5CCDAB270
$> mv application.sym ./symbols/application/C5CAE9D1E51536DF95C4F0CB5CCDAB270
- Show stack trace
Use minidump_stackwalk tool with symbol file for show stack with full convinience
$> minidump_stackwalk ./crash.dmp ./symbols 2>&1 | grep my_symbols