To infinity and beyond
The game adinfinitvm is an easy and never ending puzzle game. You try to connect ropes to a loop without end by rotating. An alternate game mode is inspired by MacMahon squares and reveals the nature of this game: a two-color edge-matching puzzle without displacing pieces.
Go here to read my blog post about the game (german).
The game is written in CoffeScript without any additional libraries.
To compile the CoffeScript files in src/
to Javascript, first install:
npm install -g watchify
npm install coffeeify minifyify
Then run:
watchify \
src/ \
-t coffeeify --extension=".coffee" \
-d -p [minifyify --map --output] \
-v -o script.min.js
This will continuously watch the files for changes and recompile.
To test install:
npm install -g mocha
npm install chai
Then run:
mocha -w --compilers coffee:coffee-script/register