Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network (CKAN) Software.
See :mod:`ckan.__long_description__` for more information.
These are quick instructions to get developing. For fuller instructions see :doc:`deployment`.
Get the code and install it:
We recommend installing using pip and virtualenv:
# grab the install requirements from the ckan mercurial repo # Or checkout the mercurial repo directly! wget # create a virtualenv to install into virtualenv pyenv-ckan # install using pip-requirements pip -E pyenv-ckan install -r pip-requirements.txt
Make a config file as follows:
# NB: you need to activate the virtualenv paster --plugin ckan make-config ckan {your-config.ini}
Tweak the config file as appropriate and then setup the application:
paster --plugin ckan setup-app {your-config.ini}
NB: you'll need to setup a database -- see sqlalchemy.url config option. We support only PostgreSQL at this time. You'll need to install the relevant python library (eg. On debian/ubuntu: python-psycopg2)
NB: You may also need to create the Pylon's cache directory specified by cache_dir in the config file.
Run the webserver:
paster serve {your-config.ini}
Point your browser at: http://localhost:5000/ (or a different port, depending on the one given in your config file)
Make sure you've created a config called development.ini, then:
nosetests ckan/tests
The home page for the CKAN project is:
This file is part of the developer docs. The complete developer docs are built from the ckan repository using Sphinx and uploaded by an admin to KnowledgeForge. To build the developer docs:
python build_sphinx
- Rufus Pollock <rufus [at] rufuspollock [dot] org>
- David Read
- John Bywater
- Nick Stenning (css and js)
Also especial thanks to the following projects without whom this would not have been possible:
- CKAN logo: "angry hamster" and
- for silk icons <>
- Pylons: <>
- Python: <>
This material is copyright (c) 2006-2010 Open Knowledge Foundation.
It is open and licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) v3.0 whose full text may be found at: