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File metadata and controls

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Advanced Functionality

Localization With Flask-Babelex

Flask-Admin comes with translations built-in for several languages. Enabling localization is simple:

  1. Install Flask-BabelEx to do the heavy lifting. It's a fork of the Flask-Babel package:

    pip install flask-babelex
  2. Initialize Flask-BabelEx by creating instance of Babel class:

    from flask import app
    from flask_babelex import Babel
    app = Flask(__name__)
    babel = Babel(app)
  3. Create a locale selector function:

    def get_locale():
        if request.args.get('lang'):
            session['lang'] = request.args.get('lang')
        return session.get('lang', 'en')

    Now, you could try out a French version of the application at: http://localhost:5000/admin/?lang=fr.

Go ahead and add your own logic to the locale selector function. The application could store locale in a user profile, cookie, session, etc. And it could interrogate the Accept-Language header for making the selection automatically.

If the builtin translations are not enough, look at the Flask-BabelEx documentation to see how you can add your own.

Managing Files & Folders

To manage static files, that are not tied to your db model, Flask-Admin comes with the FileAdmin plugin. It gives you the ability to upload, delete, rename, etc. You can use it by adding a FileAdmin view to your app:

from flask_admin.contrib.fileadmin import FileAdmin

import os.path as op

# Flask setup here

admin = Admin(app, name='microblog', template_mode='bootstrap3')

path = op.join(op.dirname(__file__), 'static')
admin.add_view(FileAdmin(path, '/static/', name='Static Files'))

You can disable uploads, disable file deletion, restrict file uploads to certain types, etc. Check :mod:`flask_admin.contrib.fileadmin` in the API documentation for more details.

Adding A Redis Console

Another plugin that's available, is the Redis Console. If you have a Redis instance running on the same machine as your app, you can:

from redis import Redis
from flask_admin.contrib import rediscli

# Flask setup here

admin = Admin(app, name='microblog', template_mode='bootstrap3')

path = op.join(op.dirname(__file__), 'static')

Replacing Individual Form Fields

The form_overrides attribute allows you to replace individual fields within a form. A common use-case for this would be to add a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWIG) editor, or to handle file / image uploads that need to be tied to a field in your model.

WYSIWIG Text Fields

To handle complicated text content, you can use CKEditor by subclassing some of the builtin WTForms classes as follows:

from wtforms import TextAreaField
from wtforms.widgets import TextArea

class CKTextAreaWidget(TextArea):
    def __call__(self, field, **kwargs):
        if kwargs.get('class'):
            kwargs['class'] += ' ckeditor'
            kwargs.setdefault('class', 'ckeditor')
        return super(CKTextAreaWidget, self).__call__(field, **kwargs)

class CKTextAreaField(TextAreaField):
    widget = CKTextAreaWidget()

class MessageAdmin(ModelView):
    form_overrides = {
        'body': CKTextAreaField
    create_template = 'ckeditor.html'
    edit_template = 'ckeditor.html'

For this to work, you would also need to create a template that extends the default functionality by including the necessary CKEditor javascript on the create and edit pages. Save this in templates/ckeditor.html:

{% extends 'admin/model/edit.html' %}

{% block tail %}
  {{ super() }}
  <script src="//"></script>
{% endblock %}

File & Image Fields

Flask-Admin comes with a builtin :meth:`~flask_admin.form.upload.FileUploadField` and :meth:`~flask_admin.form.upload.ImageUploadField`. To make use of them, you'll need to specify an upload directory, and add them to the forms in question. Image handling also requires you to have Pillow installed if you need to do any processing on the image files.

Have a look at the example at

If you are using the MongoEngine backend, Flask-Admin supports GridFS-backed image- and file uploads, done through WTForms fields. Documentation can be found at :mod:`flask_admin.contrib.mongoengine.fields`.

If you just want to manage static files in a directory, without tying them to a database model, then rather use the handy :ref:`File-Admin<file-admin>` plugin.

Managing Geographical Models

If you want to store spatial information in a GIS database, Flask-Admin has you covered. The GeoAlchemy backend extends the SQLAlchemy backend (just as GeoAlchemy extends SQLAlchemy) to give you a pretty and functional map-based editor for your admin pages.

Some notable features include:

  • Maps are displayed using the amazing Leaflet Javascript library, with map data from Mapbox.
  • Geographic information, including points, lines and polygons, can be edited interactively using Leaflet.Draw.
  • Graceful fallback: GeoJSON data can be edited in a <textarea>, if the user has turned off Javascript.
  • Works with a Geometry SQL field that is integrated with Shapely objects.

To get started, define some fields on your model using GeoAlchemy's Geometry field. An then, add model views to your interface using the ModelView class from the GeoAlchemy backend, rather than the usual SQLAlchemy backend:

from geoalchemy2 import Geometry
from flask_admin.contrib.geoa import ModelView

# .. flask initialization
db = SQLAlchemy(app)

class Location(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String(64), unique=True)
    point = db.Column(Geometry("POINT"))

Some of the Geometry field types that are available include: "POINT", "MULTIPOINT", "POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON", "LINESTRING" and "MULTILINESTRING".

Have a look at to get started.

Loading Tiles From Mapbox

To have map data display correctly, you'll have to sign up for an account at and include some credentials in your application's config:

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['MAPBOX_MAP_ID'] = "example.abc123"
app.config['MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN'] = "pk.def456"

Leaflet supports loading map tiles from any arbitrary map tile provider, but at the moment, Flask-Admin only supports Mapbox. If you want to use other providers, make a pull request!


There's currently no way to sort, filter, or search on geometric fields in the admin. It's not clear that there's a good way to do so. If you have any ideas or suggestions, make a pull request!

Customising Builtin Forms Via Rendering Rules

Before version 1.0.7, all model backends were rendering the create and edit forms using a special Jinja2 macro, which was looping over the fields of a WTForms form object and displaying them one by one. This works well, but it is difficult to customize.

Starting from version 1.0.7, Flask-Admin supports form rendering rules, to give you fine grained control of how the forms for your modules should be displayed.

The basic idea is pretty simple: the customizable rendering rules replace a static macro, so that you can tell Flask-Admin how each form should be rendered. As an extension, however, the rendering rules also let you do a bit more: You can use them to output HTML, call Jinja2 macros, render fields and so on.

Essentially, form rendering rules abstract the rendering, so that it becomes separate from the form definition. So, for example, it no longer matters in which sequence your form fields are defined.

To start using the form rendering rules, put a list of form field names into the form_create_rules property one of your admin views:

class RuleView(sqla.ModelView):
    form_create_rules = ('email', 'first_name', 'last_name')

In this example, only three fields will be rendered and email field will be above other two fields.

Whenever Flask-Admin sees a string value in form_create_rules, it automatically assumes that it is a form field reference and creates a :class:`flask_admin.form.rules.Field` class instance for that field.

Lets say we want to display some text between the email and first_name fields. This can be accomplished by using the :class:`flask_admin.form.rules.Text` class:

from flask_admin.form import rules

class RuleView(sqla.ModelView):
    form_create_rules = ('email', rules.Text('Foobar'), 'first_name', 'last_name')

Built-in Rules

Flask-Admin comes with few built-in rules that can be found in the :mod:`flask_admin.form.rules` module:

Form Rendering Rule Description
:class:`flask_admin.form.rules.BaseRule` All rules derive from this class
:class:`flask_admin.form.rules.NestedRule` Allows rule nesting, useful for HTML containers
:class:`flask_admin.form.rules.Text` Simple text rendering rule
:class:`flask_admin.form.rules.HTML` Same as Text rule, but does not escape the text
:class:`flask_admin.form.rules.Macro` Calls macro from current Jinja2 context
:class:`flask_admin.form.rules.Container` Wraps child rules into container rendered by macro
:class:`flask_admin.form.rules.Field` Renders single form field
:class:`flask_admin.form.rules.Header` Renders form header
:class:`flask_admin.form.rules.FieldSet` Renders form header and child rules

Using Different Database Backends

Other than SQLAlchemy... There are five different backends for you to choose from, depending on which database you would like to use for your application. If, however, you need to implement your own database backend, have a look at :ref:`adding-model-backend`.

If you don't know where to start, but you're familiar with relational databases, then you should probably look at using SQLAlchemy. It is a full-featured toolkit, with support for SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle and MS-SQL amongst others. It really comes into its own once you have lots of data, and a fair amount of relations between your data models. If you want to track spatial data like latitude/longitude points, you should look into GeoAlchemy, as well.


Notable features:

  • SQLAlchemy 0.6+ support
  • Paging, sorting, filters
  • Proper model relationship handling
  • Inline editing of related models

Multiple Primary Keys

Flask-Admin has limited support for models with multiple primary keys. It only covers specific case when all but one primary keys are foreign keys to another model. For example, model inheritance following this convention.

Lets Model a car with its tyres:

class Car(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'cars'
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    desc = db.Column(db.String(50))

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.desc

class Tyre(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'tyres'
    car_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True)
    tyre_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    car = db.relationship('Car', backref='tyres')
    desc = db.Column(db.String(50))

A specific tyre is identified by using the two primary key columns of the Tyre class, of which the car_id key is itself a foreign key to the class Car.

To be able to CRUD the Tyre class, you need to enumerate columns when defining the AdminView:

class TyreAdmin(sqla.ModelView):
    form_columns = ['car', 'tyre_id', 'desc']

The form_columns needs to be explicit, as per default only one primary key is displayed.

When having multiple primary keys, no validation for uniqueness prior to saving of the object will be done. Saving a model that violates a unique-constraint leads to an Sqlalchemy-Integrity-Error. In this case, Flask-Admin displays a proper error message and you can change the data in the form. When the application has been started with debug=True the werkzeug debugger will catch the exception and will display the stacktrace.


If you're looking for something simpler than SQLAlchemy, and your data models are reasonably self-contained, then MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, could be a better option.

MongoEngine is a python wrapper for MongoDB. For an example of using MongoEngine with Flask-Admin, see


  • MongoEngine 0.7+ support
  • Paging, sorting, filters, etc
  • Supports complex document structure (lists, subdocuments and so on)
  • GridFS support for file and image uploads

In order to use MongoEngine integration, install the Flask-MongoEngine package. Flask-Admin uses form scaffolding from it.

Known issues:

  • Search functionality can't split query into multiple terms due to MongoEngine query language limitations

For more, check the :class:`~flask_admin.contrib.mongoengine` API documentation.



  • Peewee 2.x+ support;
  • Paging, sorting, filters, etc;
  • Inline editing of related models;

In order to use peewee integration, you need to install two additional Python packages: peewee and wtf-peewee.

Known issues:

  • Many-to-Many model relations are not supported: there's no built-in way to express M2M relation in Peewee

For more, check the :class:`~flask_admin.contrib.peewee` API documentation. Or look at the Peewee example at


The bare minimum you have to provide for Flask-Admin to work with PyMongo:

  1. A list of columns by setting column_list property
  2. Provide form to use by setting form property
  3. When instantiating :class:`flask_admin.contrib.pymongo.ModelView` class, you have to provide PyMongo collection object

This is minimal PyMongo view:

class UserForm(Form):
    name = TextField('Name')
    email = TextField('Email')

class UserView(ModelView):
    column_list = ('name', 'email')
    form = UserForm

if __name__ == '__main__':
    admin = Admin(app)

    # 'db' is PyMongo database object

On top of that you can add sortable columns, filters, text search, etc.

For more, check the :class:`~flask_admin.contrib.pymongoe` API documentation. Or look at the Peewee example at

Migrating From Django

If you are used to Django and the django-admin package, you will find Flask-Admin to work slightly different from what you would expect.

Design Philosophy

In general, Django and django-admin strives to make life easier by implementing sensible defaults. So a developer will be able to get an application up in no time, but it will have to conform to most of the defaults. Of course it is possible to customize things, but this often requires a good understanding of what's going on behind the scenes, and it can be rather tricky and time-consuming.

The design philosophy behind Flask is slightly different. It embraces the diversity that one tends to find in web applications by not forcing design decisions onto the developer. Rather than making it very easy to build an application that almost solves your whole problem, and then letting you figure out the last bit, Flask aims to make it possible for you to build the whole application. It might take a little more effort to get started, but once you've got the hang of it, the sky is the limit... Even when your application is a little different from most other applications out there on the web.

Flask-Admin follows this same design philosophy. So even though it provides you with several tools for getting up & running quickly, it will be up to you, as a developer, to tell Flask-Admin what should be displayed and how. Even though it is easy to get started with a simple CRUD interface for each model in your application, Flask-Admin doesn't fix you to this approach, and you are free to define other ways of interacting with some, or all, of your models.

Due to Flask-Admin supporting more than one ORM (SQLAlchemy, MongoEngine, Peewee, raw pymongo), the developer is even free to mix different model types into one application by instantiating appropriate CRUD classes.

Here is a list of some of the configuration properties that are made available by Flask-Admin and the SQLAlchemy backend. You can also see which django-admin properties they correspond to:

Django Flask-Admin
actions :attr:`~flask_admin.actions`
exclude :attr:`~flask_admin.model.BaseModelView.form_excluded_columns`
fields :attr:`~flask_admin.model.BaseModelView.form_columns`
form :attr:`~flask_admin.model.BaseModelView.form`
formfield_overrides :attr:`~flask_admin.model.BaseModelView.form_args`
inlines :attr:`~flask_admin.contrib.sqla.ModelView.inline_models`
list_display :attr:`~flask_admin.model.BaseModelView.column_list`
list_filter :attr:`~flask_admin.contrib.sqla.ModelView.column_filters`
list_per_page :attr:`~flask_admin.model.BaseModelView.page_size`
search_fields :attr:`~flask_admin.model.BaseModelView.column_searchable_list`
add_form_template :attr:`~flask_admin.model.BaseModelView.create_template`
change_form_template :attr:`~flask_admin.model.BaseModelView.change_form_template`

You might want to check :class:`~flask_admin.model.BaseModelView` for basic model configuration options (reused by all model backends) and specific backend documentation, for example :class:`~flask_admin.contrib.sqla.ModelView`. There's much more than what is displayed in this table.

Overriding The Form Scaffolding

If you don't want to the use the built-in Flask-Admin form scaffolding logic, you are free to roll your own by simply overriding :meth:`~flask_admin.model.base.scaffold_form`. For example, if you use WTForms-Alchemy, you could put your form generation code into a scaffold_form method in your ModelView class.

For SQLAlchemy, if the synonym_property does not return a SQLAlchemy field, then Flask-Admin won't be able to figure out what to do with it, so it won't generate a form field. In this case, you would need to manually contribute your own field:

class MyView(ModelView):
    def scaffold_form(self):
        form_class = super(UserView, self).scaffold_form()
        form_class.extra = TextField('Extra')
        return form_class

Customizing Batch Actions

If you want to have other batch actions in list view besides the delete action, you have to define a new function and wrap it in @action decorator. The action decorator has three parameters: name, text, confirmation. The wrapped function must receive only one parameter - ids:

from flask_admin.actions import action

class UserView(ModelView):
    @action('approve', 'Approve', 'Are you sure you want to approve selected users?')
    def action_approve(self, ids):
            query = User.query.filter(

            count = 0
            for user in query.all():
                if user.approve():
                    count += 1

            flash(ngettext('User was successfully approved.',
                           '%(count)s users were successfully approved.',
        except Exception as ex:
            if not self.handle_view_exception(ex):

            flash(gettext('Failed to approve users. %(error)s', error=str(ex)), 'error')