You Know, For WEB Fuzzing ! 日站用的字典。
Rewrite of the popular wireless network auditor, "wifite"
🤖 史上最强云手机远程桌面逆向抓包HOOK自动化取证能力集一体的安卓 RPA 框架,下一代移动数据自动化机器人。
Python port of ShadowsocksR
Responder is a LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoner, with built-in HTTP/SMB/MSSQL/FTP/LDAP rogue authentication server supporting NTLMv1/NTLMv2/LMv2, Extended Security NTLMSSP and Basic HTTP authenticat…
Email OSINT & Password breach hunting tool, locally or using premium services. Supports chasing down related email
Continuously jam all wifi clients/routers
Python library & console tool for controlling Xiaomi smart appliances
A python script that finds endpoints in JavaScript files
A DNS meta-query spider that enumerates DNS records, and subdomains.
Patch PE, ELF, Mach-O binaries with shellcode new version in development, available only to sponsors
A collection of custom security tools for quick needs.
DEPRECATED, wifipumpkin3 ->
JSFinder is a tool for quickly extracting URLs and subdomains from JS files on a website.
SSRF (Server Side Request Forgery) testing resources
KunLun-M是一个完全开源的静态白盒扫描工具,支持PHP、JavaScript的语义扫描,基础安全、组件安全扫描,Chrome Ext\Solidity的基础扫描。
A fast vulnerability scanner helps pentesters pinpoint possibly vulnerable targets from a large number of web servers
Generates millions of keyword-based password mutations in seconds.
The Prime Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Audit and Exploitation Toolkit.