The ultimate CLI tool for TiKV, for human being :).
(Only support Transaction KV API now)
.stores list tikv stores in cluster
backup dumps kv pairs to a csv file
bench bench [type], type: ycsb
clear clear the screen
count count keys or keys with specific prefix
del delete a single kv pair
delall remove all key-value pairs, DANGEROUS
delp delete kv pairs with specific prefix
echo echo $<varname>
env print env variables
exit exit the program
get get [key]
head scan keys from $head, equals to "scan $head limit=N", usage: head <limit>
help display help
hexdump hexdump <string>
loadcsv load csv file, use "loadcsv --help" for more details
put put [key] [value]
scan Scan keys from start key, use "scan --help" for more details
scanp scan keys with prefix, equals to "scan [key prefix] strict-prefix=true"
sysenv print system env variables
sysvar set system variables, usage:
sysvar <varname>=<string value>, variable name and value are both string
example: scan $varname or get $varname
var set variables, usage:
var <varname>=<string value>, variable name and value are both string
example: scan $varname or get $varname
Have a try:
- Install
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
- Deploy TiKV using
tiup playground --mode tikv-slim
- Launch
$ tcli -pd localhost:2379
2021/10/24 14:57:19 main.go:98: I | pd instance info: name:"pd-0" member_id:3474484975246189105 peer_urls:"" client_urls:""
2021/10/24 14:57:19 main.go:105: I | tikv instance info: store_id:"1" version:"5.2.1" addr:"" state:"Up" status_addr:""
- Have a try:
>>> put hello world
Input: put hello world
Success, Elapse: 33 ms
>>> get hello
Input: get hello
| hello | world |
1 Record Found
Success, Elapse: 8 ms
>>> put hello_world world
Input: put hello_world world
Success, Elapse: 7 ms
>>> scanp hello
Input: scanp hello
| hello | world |
| hello_world | world |
2 Records Found
Success, Elapse: 5 ms
- Play With LLama
Build tcli with LLama
make build-with-llama
Then you can start tcli
and then use ask
command to ask questions to LLama
LLAMA_PATH=/data/models/llama-2-7b.ggmlv3.q4_0.bin bin/tcli
>>> ask who are you?
environment variable is tell tcli
where to load LLama2 model.
And you can also use embedding
function in query