The ultimate CLI tool for TiKV
>>> help
.config edit tikv config
.connect connect to a tikv cluster, usage: [.connect|.conn|.c] [pd addr], example: .c
.stores list tikv stores in cluster
bench bench [type] config1=value1 config2=value2 ...
type: ycsb
clear clear the screen
del delete a single kv pair, usage: del(delete/rm/remove) [key or keyPrefix] [opts]
delp delete kv pairs with specific prefix, usage: delp(deletep/rmp) keyPrefix [opts]
echo echo $<varname>
env print env variables
exit exit the program
get get [string lit]
help display help
loadfile loadfile [filename] [key prefix] [opts], only supports CSV now, when "key prefix" is set, will automatically add prefix to the original key,
batch-size: int, how many records in one tikv transaction, default: 1000
put put [key] [value]
scan Scan key-value pairs in range, usage: scan [start key] [opts]
opt format: key1=value1,key2=value2,key3=value3,
scan options:
limit: integer, default:100
key-only: true(1)|false(0)
strict-prefix: true(1)|false(0)
count-only: true(1)|false(0)
var set variables, usage:
let <varname>=<string value>, variable name and value are both string
Example: scan $varname / get $varname