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This is backend server of painter blog project. Which can help you to easily build a blog your self.
Based on golang, you can easily start without golang environment if you have docker environment.

What can you use this for

  1. Build a blog for yourself.
  2. Change font-end if you don't like without writing any back-end code.

Quick Start

To start this backend you have to prepare something. And make it accessible.

  1. Mysql
  2. Redis

With go environment

git clone -b Server
cd Painter-Blog
go mod download
go build -o painter-server-new .


git clone -b Server
cd Painter-Blog
docker build -t painter-server .
docker run -p 3003:3003 painter-server
Environment Option Description
SERVER_PORT The port on which the server should listen for incoming connections.
SERVER_MODEL The model used by the server: debug, release, test.
REDIS_HOST The host where the Redis server is running.
REDIS_PORT The port on which the Redis server is listening for connections.
REDIS_PASSWORD The password required to authenticate with the Redis server, if applicable.
REDIS_DB The Redis database number to use.
MYSQL_USER The username used to authenticate with the MySQL server.
MYSQL_PASS The password used to authenticate with the MySQL server.
MYSQL_HOST The host where the MySQL server is running.
MYSQL_PORT The port on which the MySQL server is listening for connections.
MYSQL_DB The name of the MySQL database to use.

Directory structure

├── Dockerfile                         # Dockerfile for containerization
├──                          # Main README file in English
├──                       # README file in Chinese
├── api                                # API related files
│   ├── Article.go                     # API for articles
│   ├── Category.go                    # API for categories
│   ├── Collection.go                  # API for collections
│   ├── Comment.go                     # API for comments
│   ├── Follow.go                      # API for following
│   ├── History.go                     # API for history
│   ├── Tag.go                         # API for tags
│   └── User.go                        # API for users
├── cache                              # Cache related files
│   ├── Cache.go                       # Cache interface
│   ├── PortCache.go                   # Not complete yet.
│   └── User.go                        # Cache implementation for users
├── conf                               # Configuration files
│   ├── Conf.go                        # Configuration interface
│   └── conf.json                      # Sample configuration file
├── database                           # Database related files
│   ├── Article.go                     # Database model and function for articles
│   ├── Category.go                    # Database model and function for categories
│   ├── Collection.go                  # Database model and function for collections
│   ├── Comment.go                     # Database model and function for comments
│   ├── DB.go                          # Database interface
│   ├── Follow.go                      # Database model and function for follow relationships
│   ├── History.go                     # Database model and function for history
│   ├── Migrate.go                     # Database migration
│   ├── Tag.go                         # Database model and function for tags
│   └── User.go                        # Database model and function for users
├── go.mod                             # Go module file
├── go.sum                             # Go dependencies checksum file
├── main.go                            # Main entry point of the application
├── models                             # Model related files
│   ├── APIs                           # API models include request and response
│   │   ├── Article.go                 # Model for articles
│   │   ├── Category.go                # Model for categories
│   │   ├── Collection.go              # Model for collections
│   │   ├── Comment.go                 # Model for comments
│   │   ├── Follow.go                  # Model for following
│   │   ├── History.go                 # Model for history
│   │   ├── Tags.go                    # Model for tags
│   │   └── User.go                    # Model for users
│   ├── Cache.go                       # Cache model
│   ├── Models.go                      # Generic models
│   └── Mysql.go                       # MySQL specific models
├── server                             # Server related files
│   ├── Cros.go                        # CORS related functionality
│   ├── GinMode.go                     # Gin server mode configuration
│   ├── Link.go                        # Link related functionality
│   └── Server.go                      # Server initialization
├── tolog                              # Logging related files
│   ├── logs                           # Folder for log files
│   └── tolog.go                       # Logging interface
└── utils                              # Utility files
    ├── CheckJsonMissing.go            # Utility for checking missing JSON keys
    ├── CreateUserSession.go           # Utility for creating user sessions
    ├── EncryptionPassword.go          # Utility for password encryption
    └── JSONReader.go                  # Utility for reading JSON data


You can change some config in /conf/conf.json before start.
There is three part of config file.You can change some config of server. And also you can set redis and mysql connection config.

    "server" : {
      "name" : "GoServer-QuickStart",
      "version" : "1.0.1",
      "port" : "3003",
      "model" : "debug",
      "author" : "Taota"
    "redis" : {
        "host": "localhost",
        "DB": "0",
        "password": ""
    "mysql": {
      "user": "root",
      "password": "Mysqlroot",
      "port": "3306",
      "host": "localhost",
      "database": "painter-blog-new"


If you are using docker to build server, you can set the environment instead of using config file. The priority of environment variables is higher than that of configuration files.


Full APIs

The table below not contain every api. You can find full api at here.

Endpoint Method Description
/user/create POST Creates a new user account
/user/login POST Logs in a user
/user/self GET Get user it self's data
/tag/suggest GET Retrieves suggested tags
/tag/list GET Retrieves list of tags
/history/list GET Retrieves user's history
/follow/followers GET Retrieves user's followers
/follow/followings GET Retrieves user's followings
/comment/list GET Retrieves comments by article
/comment/list/l GET Retrieves comments by article with liked status
/collection/list POST Retrieves user's collections
/collection/check POST Checks if an article is in a collection
/category/list GET Retrieves list of categories
/category/get GET Retrieves category
/article/get/author GET Retrieves articles by author
/article/get/title GET Retrieves articles by title
/article/get/content GET Retrieves articles by content
/article/get/collection GET Retrieves articles by collection
/article/get/category GET Retrieves articles by category
/article/get/tag GET Retrieves articles by tag
/article/get GET Retrieves full article
/article/like POST Likes an article
/article/like/check POST Checks if a user liked an article
/article/collection POST Adds an article to collection
/article/tag/create POST Creates a tag for an article
/article/tag/delete POST Deletes a tag from an article


  1. Find some bug?
  2. Add plug-in support.
  3. Add comment.
  4. Add more cache support.
  5. Add test.
  6. Add suggest system.
  7. Add file upload download support.
  8. Add search support.

Build project better

Create some issues let me know, or join me the complete code.
You can find me at my website.