In this example, we will show how to generate federated statistics for data that be represented as Pandas Data Frame
follow the Quick Start Guide to setup virtual environment and install NVFLARE
install required packages.
pip install --upgrade pip pip install -r ./requirements.txt
In this example, we are using UCI (University of California, Irwin) adult dataset The original dataset has already contains "training" and "test" datasets. Here we simply assume that "training" and test data sets are belong to different clients. so we assigned the training data and test data into two clients.
Now we use data utility to download UCI datasets to separate client package directory to /tmp/nvflare/data/ directory
python3 --prepare-data
it should showing something like
wget download to /tmp/nvflare/data/site-1/data.csv
100% [..........................................................................] 3974305 / 3974305
remove existing data at /tmp/nvflare/data/site-2/data.csv
wget download to /tmp/nvflare/data/site-2/data.csv
100% [..........................................................................] 2003153 / 2003153
done with prepare data
With FL simulator, we can just run the example with CLI command
nvflare simulator $NVFLARE_HOME/examples/federated_statistics/df_stats/df_stats_job -w /tmp/nvflare -n 2 -t 2
The results are stored in workspace "/tmp/nvflare"
with json format, the data can be easily visualized via pandas dataframe and plots. A visualization utility tools are showed in in visualization directory You can run jupyter notebook visualization.ipynb
assuming NVFLARE_HOME env variable point tp the github project location (NVFlare) which contains current example.
cp /tmp/nvflare/simulate_job/statistics/adults_stats.json $NVFLARE_HOME/examples/federated_statistics/df_stats/demo/.
cd $NVFLARE_HOME/examples/federated_statistics/df_stats/demo
jupyter notebook visualization.ipynb
you should be able to get the visualization similar to the followings
Alternative way to run job is using POC mode
nvflare poc --prepare
This will create a poc at /tmp/nvflare/poc with n = 2 clients.
If your poc_workspace is in a different location, use the following command
export NVFLARE_POC_WORKSPACE=<new poc workspace location>
then repeat above
nvflare poc --start
once you have done with above command, you are already login to the NVFLARE console (aka Admin Console) if you prefer to have NVFLARE Console in separate terminal, you can do
nvflare poc --start ex admin
Then open a separate terminal to start the NVFLARE console
nvflare poc --start -p admin
Inside the console, submit the job:
submit_job federated_statistics/df_stats/df_stats_job
You should see the server and clients in your first terminal executing the job now.
You can list the running job by using list_jobs
in the admin console.
Your output should be similar to the following.
> list_jobs
| 10a92352-5459-47d2-8886-b85abf70ddd1 | df_stats_job | FINISHED:COMPLETED | 2022-08-05T22:50:40.968771-07:00 | 0:00:29.4493|
If successful, the computed statis can be downloaded using this admin command:
download_job [JOB_ID]
After download, it will be available in the stated download directory under [JOB_ID]/workspace/statistics
as adult_stats.json
then go to section [6. Visualization]
Since Flare has already developed the operators (server side controller and client side executor) for the federated statistics computing, we will only need to provide the followings
- config_fed_server.json ( server side controller configuration)
- config_client_server.json ( client side executor configuration)
- local statistics calculator
"workflows": [
"id": "fed_stats_controller",
"path": "nvflare.app_common.workflows.statistics_controller.StatisticsController",
"args": {
"statistics_configs": {
"count": {},
"mean": {},
"sum": {},
"stddev": {},
"histogram": { "*": {"bins": 10 },
"Age": {"bins": 5, "range":[0,120]}
"writer_id": "stats_writer"
In above configuration, StatisticsController
is controller. We ask the controller to calculate the following statistic
statistics: "count", "mean", "sum", "stddev", "histogram" and "Age". Each statistic may have its own configuration.
For example, Histogram statistic, we specify feature "Age" needs 5 bins and histogram range is within [0, 120), while for
all other features ("*" indicate default feature), the bin is 10, range is not specified, i.e. the ranges will be dynamically estimated.
The StatisticController also takes writer_id = "stats_writer", the writer_id identify the output writer component, defined as
"components": [
"id": "stats_writer",
"path": "nvflare.app_common.statistics.json_stats_file_persistor.JsonStatsFileWriter",
"args": {
"output_path": "statistics/adults_stats.json",
"json_encoder_path": "nvflare.app_common.utils.json_utils.ObjectEncoder"
This configuration shows a JSON file output writer, the result will be saved to the /"statistics/adults_stats.json", in FLARE job store.
First, we specify the built-in client side executor: StatisticsExecutor
, which takes a local stats generator Id
"executor": {
"id": "Executor",
"path": "nvflare.app_common.executors.statistics_executor.StatisticsExecutor",
"args": {
"generator_id": "df_stats_generator",
The local statistics generator is defined as FLComponent: DFStatistics
which implement the Statistics
"components": [
"id": "df_stats_generator",
"path": "df_statistics.DFStatistics",
"args": {
"data_path": "data.csv"
Next, we specify the task_result_filters
. The task_result_filters are the post-process filter that takes the results
of executor and then apply the filter before sending to server.
In this example, task_result_filters is defined as task privacy filter : StatisticsPrivacyFilter
"task_result_filters": [
"tasks": ["fed_stats"],
"name": "StatisticsPrivacyFilter",
"args": {
"result_cleanser_ids": [
is using three separate the StatisticsPrivacyCleanser
, you can find more details in
local privacy policy and in later discussion on privacy.
The privacy cleansers specify policy can be find in
"components": [
"id": "df_stats_generator",
"path": "df_statistics.DFStatistics",
"args": {
"data_path": "data.csv"
"id": "min_max_cleanser",
"path": "nvflare.app_common.statistics.min_max_cleanser.AddNoiseToMinMax",
"args": {
"min_noise_level": 0.1,
"max_noise_level": 0.3
"id": "hist_bins_cleanser",
"path": "nvflare.app_common.statistics.histogram_bins_cleanser.HistogramBinsCleanser",
"args": {
"max_bins_percent": 10
"id": "min_count_cleanser",
"path": "nvflare.app_common.statistics.min_count_cleanser.MinCountCleanser",
"args": {
"min_count": 10
Or in local private policy
The statistics generator DFStatistics
implements Statistics
In current example, the input data in the format of Pandas DataFrame. Although we used csv file, but this can be any
tabular data format that be expressed in pandas dataframe.
class DFStatistics(Statistics):
# rest of code
to calculate the local statistics, we will need to implements few methods
def features(self) -> Dict[str, List[Feature]] -> Dict[str, List[Feature]]:
def count(self, dataset_name: str, feature_name: str) -> int:
def sum(self, dataset_name: str, feature_name: str) -> float:
def mean(self, dataset_name: str, feature_name: str) -> float:
def stddev(self, dataset_name: str, feature_name: str) -> float:
def variance_with_mean(self, dataset_name: str, feature_name: str, global_mean: float, global_count: float) -> float:
def histogram(self, dataset_name: str, feature_name: str, num_of_bins: int, global_min_value: float, global_max_value: float) -> Histogram:
since some of features do not provide histogram bin range, we will need to calculate based on local min/max to estimate the global min/max, and then use the global bin/max as the range for all clients' histogram bin range.
so we need to provide local min/max calculation methods
def max_value(self, dataset_name: str, feature_name: str) -> float:
def min_value(self, dataset_name: str, feature_name: str) -> float:
under df_stats directory
pytest df_stats_job/custom/