The CHIP is a small, inexpensive ARM based single board computer, with many different IO interfaces available on the pin headers.
For documentation about the CHIP platform click here.
go get -d -u && go install
If you're using Go version earlier than 1.5, you must first configure your Go environment for ARM linux cross compiling.
$ cd $GOROOT/src
$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm ./make.bash --no-clean
The above step is not required for Go >= 1.5
Then compile your Gobot program with
$ GOARM=7 GOARCH=arm GOOS=linux go build examples/chip_button.go
Then you can simply upload your program to the CHIP and execute it with
$ scp chip_button [email protected]:
$ ssh -t [email protected] "./chip_button"
package main
import (
func main() {
gbot := gobot.NewGobot()
chipAdaptor := chip.NewChipAdaptor("chip")
button := gpio.NewButtonDriver(chipAdaptor, "button", "XIO-P0")
work := func() {
gobot.On(button.Event("push"), func(data interface{}) {
fmt.Println("button pressed")
gobot.On(button.Event("release"), func(data interface{}) {
fmt.Println("button released")
robot := gobot.NewRobot("buttonBot",