The code in this repository is used to reproduce the figures of the paper
Exploring the ARM Coherent Mesh Network Topology (2024, under review)
The following sections illustrate how to reproduce all figures.
Note: Please execute all Python scripts below from the root directory and set the
variable to it. This can be done for example by usingPYTHONPATH=$(pwd) python3 visualisation/<file>
The visualisation scripts in this repository have a few requirements, as listed in requirements.txt
All scripts have been developed and tested using Python 3.11 on a Linux system.
Other operating systems are expected to work, older versions of Python however not.
Create an appropriate virtual environment using python3 -m venv $venv_name
, and activate it.
Then install the requirements using pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Self-made, find the .pdf in figures/MXP.pdf
, the corresponding Affinity Design 2 file in figures/MXP.afdesign
, and an SVG version in figures/MXP.svg
for compatibility. Note that the SVG version might not be exactly equivalent to the original due to export constraints.
To reproduce this figure, run:
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) python3 visualisation/
This should place (or update if already present) a file in visualisation/figures/raw_runs/i10se19_2024_02-09T1643.pdf
containing the visualisation.
Please consult
for more information. The main()
file controls the visualisation.
Figure 2 requires the result of a core-to-core latency measurement between cores 60,42, monitored using the CMN Topology Tool.
You can measure this yourself on an ARM CMN system using the following command:
cd <path/to/cmn_topology_tool/path/to/binary>
./measurement \
--events "mxp_n_dat_txflit_valid,mxp_e_dat_txflit_valid,mxp_s_dat_txflit_valid,mxp_w_dat_txflit_valid,mxp_p0_dat_txflit_valid,mxp_p1_dat_txflit_valid,hnf_txdat_stall,hnf_snp_sent" \
launch \
--binary <path/to/cmn_topology_tool/path/to/binary> \
--args "-c 60,42 50000 5000"
Consult the README of the CMN Topology tool for more information.
This will place the corresponding measurement folder with format $hostname_$date/
in path/to/cmn_topology_tool/data/launch/
, point name
to this folder and basepath_measurements
to this folder and directory respectively.
To reproduce Figures 3,4, run:
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) python3 visualisation/
This should place (or update if already present) three file in visualisation/figures/topology/
(Figure 3)aam1_monolithic_cache.pdf
(Figure 4a)aam1_monolithic_memory.pdf
(Figure 4b)
Please consult
for more information. The main()
file controls the visualisation.
The code requires the result the CMN topology tool.
You can measure this yourself on an ARM CMN system using the following command:
cd path/to/cmn_topology_tool/path/to/binary
./measurement determine-topology \
--numa-config "monolithic" \
--benchmark-binary-path ./benchmark \
--benchmark-binary-args "--num-iterations 10000 --num-samples 2000"
This will place the corresponding measurement folder with format $hostname_$date/
in path/to/cmn_topology_tool/data/determine_topology/
, point name
to this folder and basepath_measurements
to this folder and directory respectively.
To reproduce Figures 5-10:
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) python3 visualisation/benchmarks/
This should place (or update if already present) several files in figures/benchmarks/
(Figure 5)BARRIER_4.pdf
(Figure 6)STREAM_2.pdf
(Figure 7)STREAM_4.pdf
(Figure 8)LULESH_2.pdf
(Figure 9)LULESH_32_48_64.pdf
(Figure 10)
Please consult visualisation/benchmarks/
for more information. The main()
file controls the visualisation.
Data for these measurements are not gathered using the CMN topology tool, but instead using another simple launcher script. This is because the CMN topology tool is responsible for gathering and processing perf-related information, which is not necessary nor desired here.
The launcher script is located at $root/software/launcher/
Please consult the README of that script!
Find an example invocation for the barrier benchmark with two cores shown in Figure 5:
bash --iterations 25 --cores '60,61' --binary path/to/syncbench --binary-args "--measureonly BARRIER --outer-repetitions 500 --test-time 5000" && \
bash --iterations 25 --cores '2,3' --binary path/to/syncbench --binary-args "--measureonly BARRIER --outer-repetitions 500 --test-time 5000" && \
bash --iterations 25 --cores '60,124' --binary path/to/syncbench --binary-args "--measureonly BARRIER --outer-repetitions 500 --test-time 5000" && \
bash --iterations 25 --cores '2,66' --binary path/to/syncbench --binary-args "--measureonly BARRIER --outer-repetitions 500 --test-time 5000" && \
bash --iterations 25 --cores '60,52' --binary path/to/syncbench --binary-args "--measureonly BARRIER --outer-repetitions 500 --test-time 5000" && \
bash --iterations 25 --cores '2,18' --binary path/to/syncbench --binary-args "--measureonly BARRIER --outer-repetitions 500 --test-time 5000"
Note: The --cores
argument does not support abbreviations like 0-3
, you have to specify the whole list 0,1,2,3
This script internally determines and sets the correct OpenMP-related variables OMP_NUM_THREADS
and writes the
For all run folders both generated using the instructions outlined above and included in this repository,
file is included. This file contains information on the benchmark parameters, like the binary path, arguments,
added environment variables, etc. Example: visualisation/data/benchmarks/[measurements_i10se19_lulesh2.0_24-01-12T2143/
Code under MIT, images under CC-BY 4.0.