Board of Symbols (BoS) is an application for teaching (learning) programming. Using a set of given functions small code snippets produce patterns on a NxM board. For example the following JS-Code
for( x=1; x<6; x++ ) {
for( y=x; y<6; y++ ) {
farbe2( x, y, BLUE )
if( x == y ) {
form2( x, y, "tlu" )
} else {
form2( x, y, "s" )
- download the file jserver.jar
- if necessary - install java SDK
- run jserver.jar ( double click or via commandline: java -jar jserver.jar )
- then open a code window (menu "Fenster für Code-Eingabe" or ALT-c) to enter some Java code
- if javac is not found: add the sdk to the PATH or set the directory name (bin) in the properties menu in CodeWindow
A short video with the first steps:
See the guide for installing on OS X.
- download the zip-archive
- unzip the archive
- make sure to have the JRE installed
- if necessary - install gcc (GNU C compiler) via MinGW or Microsoft Visual Studio)
- run jserver.jar ( double click or via commandline: java -jar jserver.jar )
- then open a code window (menu "Fenster für Code-Eingabe") to enter some C code
in order to execute the compile and link command cl some environment variables have to be set. The program reads these variables from the file You can build a version for your system as follows:
- open a command window
- go to the Visual Studio directories and run vsvarsall.bat script
- in the command window return to the jserver directory
- type: set >
- open this file in an editor and replace all backslashs \ with double backslashs \\
In the directory applicaton_vs you find all required .cpp and .h files. Copy them into your project folder. Afterwards please add all these files in Visual Studio within your projects header and source folders. Make sure to replace the stdafx.h file with the one you find in the application_vs folder.
In Xcode, create a new CommandLine Application as C++ and simply drop in all necessary files. If asked, please be sure to set the checkbox “Copy files if needed”.
When using MINGW, please add the following files (expecting the installation folder was C:\MinGW) in this given order to your linker objects/files:
- "C:\MinGW\lib\libws2_32.a"
- "C:\MinGW\lib\libmswsock.a"
- "C:\MinGW\lib\libadvapi32.a"
Right click on your project -> Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Settings -> "Tool Settings" -> MinGW C++ Linker -> Miscellaneous -> "Other objects" (lower part) -> Add object
At the moment not possible.
To be done.
To be done.