- Added license and switched to MIT
- d3ddefa: Changed the exports map so "types" appears top
- Another fix for deploy process.
- Fixed an issue where dist folder was not deployed.
- Fixed a bug where 0n was not being filtered out by filter-boolean
- Removed the ability to use Set.has as a type predicate. This ensures that Set.has never sets the checked element to never.
- Fixed a bug where Array.includes was returning a predicate, which gave false positives.
- ed9edc1: Added improved typings for Set.has
- d27e819: Fixed issue where webpack wasn't recognizing the exports map
- Readme tweak
- e5a33c9: Added support for array.includes
- 8fe8e29: Improved filter-boolean to handle falsy values, not just NonNullable values
- Fixed exports (finally)
- bb3f2d1: Attempted fix for exports maps
- 4cfb07e: Fixed build process and moved to .d.ts files
- 0360275: Fixed type imports
- e62b05a: Added .npmignore
- 51628fc: Initial commit