id | title |
memo |
Memo |
"tf.tofu" %% "tofu" % tofu-version
or as a standalone dependency:
"tf.tofu" %% "tofu-memo" % tofu-version
- A cache of a single value on access.
- A cache of a values mapping on access.
- TTL. Expired values are discarded on access.
- Forced invalidation based on time.
There are no
- Infinite caching (workaround is ttl
FiniteDuration(Long.MaxValue, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
= 292 days). - Background renewal of cached values.
- Forced invalidation of single key (mapping cache).
import cats._
import cats.effect.Clock
import monix.eval.Task
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import tofu.common.Console
import tofu.concurrent._
import tofu.memo._
import tofu.syntax.console._
import tofu.syntax.monadic._
def effect[F[_] : Console: Functor]: F[Int] = putStrLn("called").as(335)
def f[F[_] : Console : Clock: Monad : Refs] =
for {
kasha <- Cached[F](effect)(10.minutes, CacheControl.empty.pure[F]).ref
v1 <- kasha
v2 <- kasha
v3 <- kasha
} yield List(v1,v2,v3).sum
import cats._
import cats.effect.Clock
import monix.eval.Task
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import tofu.common.Console
import tofu.concurrent._
import tofu.memo._
import tofu.syntax.console._
import tofu.syntax.monadic._
def effect[F[_] : Console: Functor]: Int => F[String] =
x => putStrLn("called").as(s"Number $x")
def f[F[_] : Console : Clock: Monad: Refs] =
for {
kasha <- CachedFunc[F](effect)(10.minutes, CacheControl.empty.pure[F]).refVals.ref
v1 <- kasha(335)
_ <- putStrLn(v1)
v2 <- kasha(335)
_ <- putStrLn(v2)
v3 <- kasha(336)
_ <- putStrLn(v3)
} yield ()
import cats._
import cats.effect.{Clock, Timer}
import monix.eval.Task
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import tofu.common.Console
import tofu.concurrent._
import tofu.memo._
import tofu.syntax.console._
import tofu.syntax.monadic._
import tofu.syntax.timer._
def longEffect[F[_]: Console: Monad: Timer]: Int => F[String] =
x =>
Timer[F].sleep(1.second) >>
putStrLn("called").as(s"Number $x")
def f[F[_]: Console: Refs: Clock: Timer: Monad](ttl : FiniteDuration) =
for {
kasha <- CachedFunc[F](longEffect)(ttl, CacheControl.empty.pure[F]).refVals.ref
v1 <- kasha(335)
_ <- putStrLn(v1)
_ <- sleep(ttl - 2.seconds)
v2 <- kasha(335)
_ <- putStrLn(v2)
_ <- sleep(3.seconds)
v3 <- kasha(335)
_ <- putStrLn(v3)
} yield ()
There is a pitfall with TTL. Cached value keeps time of access to cache and not time when the effect completes. Just keep it in mind. Modification of the last example
def longEffect[F[_]: Console: Monad: Timer]: Int => F[String] =
x =>
sleep(3.seconds) >>
putStrLn("called").as(s"Number $x")
Number 335
Number 335
Number 335
To invalidate cache update CacheControl and set it to current time:
import cats._
import cats.effect.{Clock, Timer}
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import monix.eval.Task
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import tofu.common.Console
import tofu.concurrent._
import tofu.memo._
import tofu.syntax.console._
import tofu.syntax.monadic._
import tofu.syntax.timer._
def effect[F[_]: Functor: Console: Timer]: Int => F[String] =
x => putStrLn("called").as(s"Number $x")
def f[F[_]: Monad :Refs : Clock: Timer: Console](ttl : FiniteDuration) =
for {
ref <- Refs[F].of(CacheControl.empty)
kasha <- CachedFunc[F](effect[F])(ttl, ref.get).refVals.ref
v1 <- kasha(335)
_ <- putStrLn(v1)
_ <- sleep(2.seconds)
v2 <- kasha(335)
_ <- putStrLn(v2)
now <- Clock[F].realTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
_ <- ref.update(_.copy(InvalidationTS(now)))
_ <- sleep(3.seconds)
v3 <- kasha(335)
_ <- putStrLn(v3)
} yield ()
How it works. Cached value remembers time of read access during update (T_update). On any read access tofu selects a time to compare with T_update (update value when T_selected > T_update
). Selection is based on a formula max(T_now - TTL, T_CacheControl)
. If you set T_CacheControl = T_now
then always T_CacheControl is more than T_update. After update of a value, T_update equals T_CacheControl.