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AutoDock CrankPep for peptide and disordered protein docking

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	A Fast Polypeptide Backbone Conformation Sampler

CRANKITE is a suite of programs for simulating backbone conformations of
polypeptides and proteins. The core of the suite is an efficient Metropolis
Monte Carlo sampler of backbone conformations in continuous three-dimensional
space in atomic details. In contrast to other programs relying on local
Metropolis moves in the space of dihedral angles, the sampler utilizes local
crankshaft rotations of rigid peptide bonds in Cartesian case. The sampler
allows fast simulation and analysis of secondary structure formation and
conformational changes for proteins of average length.

1. Compilation and Usage

The package provides Makefile recognized by GNU make (or gmake), which builds
the suite. So fire up "make"! Most programs in the suite are controlled through
various options given on the command line. Invalid options (or the valid option
"-h") trigger the output of usage notes. The following programs are provided in
the suite from most to least important.

	The Metropolis polypeptide backbone conformation sampler. A very short
	simulation can be run by using a command like

		./peptide -r 1000x25 -t 201 d1ctf__.pdb

	This will read the initial conformation from file d1ctf__.pdb, perform
	25,000 Metropolis moves, while recording a contact map and a snapshot
	conformation every 1000 steps. The output will have 25 contact maps and
	25 snapshots. To get help with more options one can use "./peptide -h".

	The same as peptide, but compiled for parallel-tempered simulations
	using MPI.

	Converts dihedrals to a 3D-structure in PDB format. Each input line
	should start from a 1-letter residue id and dihedral angles phi and psi
	separated by spaces, e.g. "Q -57 -47". Optionally, the valence angle
	tau and the cis/trans angle omega can be given in the fourth and fifth
	positions. The sixth optional angle is interpreted as a chi_1 dihedral
	to add an gamma side chain atom. 
	The omitted phi and psi angles are assigned random values appropriate
	for polypeptides to minimize clashes. This feature can be used to
	create a random coil conformation by providing a sole residue id in
	each line of input.

	This program is an approximate inverse of rama and one can pipe rama
	output through lipa to recreate	the original structure. This inversion
	is not ideal, because it assumes reasonable but not precise values for
	ignored and omitted bond lengths angles. This program can be used to
	create an arbitrary initial conformation for "peptide". 

	Calculates backbone dihedrals for a polypeptide in PDB format. In
	addition, valence geometry of each CA atom is characterized in terms of
	an N-CA-C valence angle tau and a normalized solid angle formed by
	three bonds with heavy atoms. The solid angle is positive for L-amino
	acids and negative for D-amino acids. Side-chain dihedral angles
	chi_1 are also reported. Other calculated characteristics of local
	polypeptide conformation include CA-CA and CB-CB distances between
	adjacent residues, pseudo-dihedral angles CB-CA-CA-CB, etc.

	Calculates a contact map for a protein structure in a PDB file.
	Contacts are defined by a cut-off distance between CA or CB atoms. Some
	of this functionality is also integrated in "peptide". The program can
	also produce a distance matrix.

	Produces a mean structure with B-factors for the multiple models in an
	NMR-style PDB file. Calculation of B-factors for a simulation
	trajectory is reliable only if the trajectory is very short (less than
	100 steps per residue).

	Basic statistical pipe tool to calculate means, standard deviations,
	extreme values, and statistical inefficiencies for a stream of data.
	Merges and sorts output files that are produced during a Sun MPI
	parallel-tempered run using "mprun -B". The files to be merged should
	be listed on the command line. The script and the merg executable are
	useful only on Sun clusters.
	An example script to set up Contrastive Divergence learning (see below)
	from a dataset of PDB structures. The script uses 2 parameters: the
	number of available cluster nodes and a file with the list of PDB id's.
	This script distributes tasks over cluster nodes using PBS (Portable
	Batch System). Each node receives a PBS job diverge.pbs.
	PDB viewer produces a stereo pair in a printable PostScript format. It
	uses a PDB file name as a command line parameter. PDB files are parsed
	by the oops executable that is called from the script.

By default, all the programs read data from the standard input (stdin) and
write to the standard output (stdout), so that one can use them in a pipeline.
If a file name is given on the command line, the input is redirected from this
file. The option "-o file_name" allows one to redirect the output to a file.
This is an example of a pipeline that involves most programs in the suite

	./rama d1ctf__.pdb | ./lipa | ./peptide -r 500x10 | ./befa | ./coma

Here, rama calculates dihedral angles for d1ctf__ and passes them to lipa to
recreate a 3d structure, which is passed to peptide for a short simulation
producing 10 snapshots, then befa averages them, and finally coma produces a
contact map for the average structure.

We implemented an alternative way of setting initial conformation for
"peptide". One can enter a sequence of residues directly on the command line,

	./peptide -r 4096x200 ABCDEFGHabcdefgh

This will run simulations on the 16-residue polypeptide, starting from the
first 8 residues in alpha-helical state and the last 8 residues in beta-strand

The default force-field used by peptide includes hard-core van der Waals
repulsions and square-well interpeptide hydrogen bonding. One can also specify
Go-type interactions between side-chains by providing a regularized contact
map. For example,

	./peptide -r 4096x200 -p WHATISMYSMEARARM

where the file (provided in the package) contains the regularized
contact map corresponding to 16-residue beta-hairpin. The above example starts
simulations from alpha-helical conformation and turns it into a beta-hairpin in
less than 15 seconds on a 3.2 GHz Pentium D system.

The peptide's option "-p" is perhaps the most powerful option, which allows one
to control many parameters of the program, including force-field constants.
This option is intended to be customizable and flexible. To learn more about
this option in the current version, we would like to refer the reader to the
source code.

2. Conclusion

CRANKITE was created as an extremely light-weight suite not overburdened with
excessive command line options and configuration files. While usable as is,
to unlock its full power, one will need to familiarize oneself with CRANKITE
internals. CRANKITE source code is available without any warranty under
the terms of GNU General Public License version 2.


AutoDock CrankPep for peptide and disordered protein docking






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