Releases: cdgriffith/FastFlix
Releases · cdgriffith/FastFlix
Version 2.5.0
- Adding settings dialog
- Fixing no bitrate should be specified for lossless audio
Version 2.4.1
- Fixing HEVC custom CRF issue
Version 2.4.0
- Adding larger command line view to see entire command at once
- Changing to using qtpy which supports dynamic linking of either PySide2 or pyqt5, instead of only PySide2
- Fixing #4 Error Message Box when someone other than video file is dropped onto fastflix
- Fixing #44 Remove metadata from original file (thanks to HannesJo0139)
- Fixing #20 Adding hoverhelp for most converter options
Version 2.3.4
- Fixing audio downmixing only taking last downmixing setting
Version 2.3.3
Version 2.3.2
- Fixing #39 HEVC two pass bitrate does not work (thanks to schlotkins)
Version 2.3.1
- Fixing #35 custom CRF / bitrate values not updating in the command panel (thanks to schlotkins)
Version 2.3.0
- Adding to pypi
- Changing package to "fastflix"
- Changing that custom mode fields are blocked unless "Custom" is selected
- Changing always allowing pass-through for audio
- Fixing HDR details not being parsed due to not quoting path to ffprobe (thanks to schlotkins)
- Fixing killing child processes on *nix
Version 2.2.0
- Adding custom extra ffmpeg args for HEVC
- Adding max mux queue size change for HEVC
- Fixing issue with codec not being set as copy (thanks to schlotkins)
- Fixing quotes around parens on linux
Version 2.1.1
- Fixing parse_hdr_details throwing error (thanks to Jan Temešinko and schlotkins)
Known issue that this cannot parse all types of HDR yet, ongoing in issue #30