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  • 3 commits
  • 27 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Dec 11, 2024

  1. SAM 2 Update 12/11/2024 -- full model compilation for a major VOS spe…

    …edup and a new SAM2VideoPredictor to better handle multi-object tracking (facebookresearch#486)
    This PR provides new features and updates for SAM 2:
    - We now support `torch.compile` of the entire SAM 2 model on videos, which can be turned on by setting `vos_optimized=True` in `build_sam2_video_predictor` (it uses the new `SAM2VideoPredictorVOS` predictor class in `sam2/`).
      * Compared to the previous setting (which only compiles the image encoder backbone), the new full model compilation gives a major speedup in inference FPS.
      * In the VOS prediction script `tools/`, you can specify this option in `tools/` via the `--use_vos_optimized_video_predictor` flag.
      * Note that turning on this flag might introduce a small variance in the predictions due to numerical differences caused by `torch.compile` of the full model.
      * **PyTorch 2.5.1 is the minimum version for full support of this feature**. (Earlier PyTorch versions might run into compilation errors in some cases.) Therefore, we have updated the minimum PyTorch version to 2.5.1 accordingly in the installation scripts.
    - We also update the implementation of the `SAM2VideoPredictor` class for the SAM 2 video prediction in `sam2/`, which allows for independent per-object inference. Specifically, in the new `SAM2VideoPredictor`:
      * Now **we handle the inference of each object independently** (as if we are opening a separate session for each object) while sharing their backbone features.
      * This change allows us to relax the assumption of prompting for multi-object tracking. Previously (due to the batching behavior in inference), if a video frame receives clicks for only a subset of objects, the rest of the (non-prompted) objects are assumed to be non-existent in this frame (i.e., in such frames, the user is telling SAM 2 that the rest of the objects don't appear). Now, if a frame receives clicks for only a subset of objects, we do not make any assumptions about the remaining (non-prompted) objects (i.e., now each object is handled independently and is not affected by how other objects are prompted). As a result, **we allow adding new objects after tracking starts** after this change (which was previously a restriction on usage).
      * We believe that the new version is a more natural inference behavior and therefore switched to it as the default behavior. The previous implementation of `SAM2VideoPredictor` is backed up to in `sam2/`. All the VOS inference results using `tools/` should remain the same after this change to the `SAM2VideoPredictor` class.
    ronghanghu authored Dec 11, 2024
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    393ae33 View commit details
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Commits on Dec 12, 2024

  1. patch for the case of offload_state_to_cpu=True in the new `SAM2Vid…

    …eoPredictor` (facebookresearch#490)
    This PR adds a pathc for the case of `offload_state_to_cpu=True` where `pred_masks` might have been offload to CPU device (close facebookresearch#489)
    ronghanghu authored Dec 12, 2024
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    722d1d1 View commit details
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Commits on Dec 16, 2024

  1. remove .pin_memory() in obj_pos of SAM2Base to resolve and erro…

    …r in MPS (facebookresearch#495)
    In this PR, we remove `.pin_memory()` in `obj_pos` of `SAM2Base` to resolve and error in MPS. Investigations show that `.pin_memory()` causes an error of `Attempted to set the storage of a tensor on device "cpu" to a storage on different device "mps:0"`, as originally reported in facebookresearch#487.
    (close facebookresearch#487)
    ronghanghu authored Dec 16, 2024
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    2b90b9f View commit details
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